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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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Mike King: The Evidence About 9/11 No One Knew About, Until NOW - It isn't What You Think! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Mike King shares shocking evidence about the ture horros of 9/11 and thngs you may have not known about it..



This is a must see for everyone!! 


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Total 6 comments
  • DON ROBER>to

    [" These ASBESTOS POLLUTED TOWERS weren't absolutely not recycable. SO, WEEEE need a solution on behalf of thePeople, by a long planned FALSE FLAG OPERATION. REMEMBER 1976, "Breakfast in America" on that LP-COVER the long orange Glas infront of the two grey glasses and the Letters of SUPERTRAMP U P readable as II9...than 1986, Back2theFuter, out of the TWIN PINE MALL the LONE SOME MALL at 6:II when a VVV VOLKSWAGEN VAN T1 with two Arabic looking guys shot down the DOC, and the broken ELECTRIC CABLE DESIGNS 911 on the air and road.....So, it was all an occultist HELLYWOOD-SHOW by the SATANIC-MASONS ZIONISTS and their CLUBS...The TOWERS belonged to SILVERSTEIN: And exactly 3 months before the destruction, a gigantic insurance contract was concluded with MunichRe per tower in case of destruction by an external catastrophe. And didn't extensive shielded internal ‘construction work’ took place purely by chance? So it was all orchestrated with precisely THE aim of generating INSURED CAPITAL LOSSES as a PREFINANCE for the NEW-WORLD TOWER PLUS PROFITS from all the CONSEQUENTIAL BUSINESSES and Suffering innocently involved in this CAPITAL CRIME, right up to the present day. The CAPITAL CRIMINALS drink their ZIONIST ROTHSCHILDS BEST and point their clean fingers at the ‘perpetrators’. This is how their PLANDEMIC OCULTIST POPULAR MURDER BUSINESS has been going on for hundreds of years, and it's still going on- per WARLISTS (since 1907 allowed) for profit...because they exist from it. They call it DEPOPULATION-PLAN.”]

  • Adi Da Samraj

    🌹All of them are Blessed who bring others into a state of non-violence, cooperation, tolerance, and peaceful co-existence. Such people are, truly, born from the Divine domain. Like sons and daughters of the Spiritual Divine, they are the true inheritors of the Divine wealth of Spirit in this world.🌹
    [Matthew 5:9]

  • DON ROBER>to

    [" was a misslie, to destroy exactly those departments who where investigating int TAX-FRAUD and other DEEPStates up and destroy the papers.... and a lot of "constrcutions-containers" wher place days before...but loaded with AIRCRAFT PARTS to make us BELIEVE it was a FLIGHT-ATTACK...and what a conicident that exactly to that times, NO Aircraft obersationsteams espescially of the "ARMY-CORPORATIONS" where at the office...enjoying lunch??? So....the same false flag operation to make us still believe that " Terrorist" did it, we know already, that there are many Aircraft existence a copy of the Original with exactly the same use them for SHOW-BIZZ-nasa-Event-BUSINESSES...nasa? hebrew: to deceive......or let it say in other words, never a straight answer....and thoses who are really responsible for all CAPITAL-CRIME EVENTS are still on the road in their Limousines and Private Jets a.s.o...."]

  • Lendog

    So , she was 10 years old and in 6 grade ? Really . I started school at 5 years old and that was considered early . I’m also 74 years old now but I don’t believe they start school that much earlier now than they did then . I know they teach even more BS now but , that’s pretty much it , as far as I know .

  • Lendog

    Does anyone else see the elephant in the room ? Zionists/jews always are in the mix , then and now .

  • rocket7000

    STRONG Possibility that at least one plabe was an advanced Holographic Image as some regular people who caught it on their cameras show No Plane but rather a very large patterned explosion form (impossibly out the other side of the building as well)??!!

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