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Sex at The Lowest Level... Sex at The Highest Level. It is All Stages of Love through The Evolution of Consciousnes.

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 God Poet Transmitting

Now they are blaming vaccine deaths on Climate Change. They would not be in such a state of desperation if they weren’t desperate. What astonishes me is what a large body of the public is under the sway of the messaging of The Forces of Darkness.

I have wondered for some time how so many people can be under the influence of The World to such an extent that they can watch their world collapsing in front of them… observe their leaders bold-faced lying to them… and see the disorder increase by the day, and still remain loyal to the people selling them down The River of No Return. It is astounding.

That many people can’t be that stupid or… can they? So… I thought and thought about it… because I am unable to let anything go until I have understood it… even if it means to the point that I understand I will never understand it. It used to drive me nuts… now I consider it one of my most priceless possessions. It is an extension of the principle of detached observation, and one hardly ever understands anything entirely without it, because the personal preference filter remains down over the eyes.

It’s kind of like seeing The World through rose-colored glasses, and there was a period where I wore a pair for just that reason, but you don’t need external props to see The World… in the best of all possible ways… unless you are Dr. Pangloss, and you let your mind do it for you. All you need is to see it without attraction for any part of it, and it reveals itself as a marvelous… never-ending tapestry… that continuously reveals the truth about all visible things… through the medium of Time unfolding.

Sometimes I think it is a matter of people seeing things right side up, but their mind interprets it backwards; like the idea that gravity presses down on you from above, when it actually pulls you down from below.

I read The Bhagavad Gita and The Sutras of Patanjali every single day without fail, so… there is nothing that I see… encounter… or ruminate about… that is not explained in either of them at some point. This is not to take anything away from The Christian Perspective. I treasure the teachings of Jesus The Christ, but that is a matter of the heart and the others are relevant to the mind. In the final stages… the heart is supposed to swallow the mind, but… most people are not there yet.

Now… the Christian teaching seen through the Gnostic lens raises it to the same level, and is the teachings that were given to the disciples, and which are still given to those in search of greater understanding in that tradition, but… I digress.

As I said, I read these two books every morning without fail, and both of them… at different points… discuss the problem of pervasive human ignorance, and its persistent presence through time and change… regardless of the advances of technology and civilization. I have finally distilled it down past the relentless and eternal forces of The Gunas… and the consistent presence of Dreaming Maya… to the simple impact of Desire. Desire is a pair of glasses that are worn by nearly everybody.

There are glasses that represent common desires, and you see them everywhere. Then there are those glasses you don’t see every day and you are grateful for that. In the Indian Tradition, these glasses are referred to as Samskaras; scarves or veils of varying degrees of translucency or opacity. You might say with the glasses that they go from clear lenses to a blind man’s glasses.

Everywhere you go… people are wearing these glasses and they are coming and going in an atmosphere… a mind-state… that travels with them wherever they go. The glasses reveal the object of desire, and the atmosphere… the mind-state… gives it a personal meaning.

People want things, and… that compromises their judgment, not to mention… their character. So it is that you see so many people with this sense of urgency about them… their minds are in a restless state because what they are after is not yet in their hands. It’s best not to get in their way. If someone offers them a false security in exchange for their liberty, well…

People also have a deep aversion to hearing the truth… most especially the truth about themselves, so… it’s not all that hard to lead them around by the nose… or the stomach… or the genitals… the lower regions of the heart’s wanting or… the fantasies of the mind; ♫that’s just the way it is, some things will never change. That’s just the way it is♫ (Ha, but don’t you believe them) There’s a lot of ways you could take that, but the truth is, EVERYTHING that the senses tell you exists, will not only change but also disappear… and then consistently reappear in another form or permutation.

Only what you cannot see does not change, and a lot of what you cannot see will also change, but you won’t see it. You might feel it, though.

So… you could say that a whole lot of people are stupid, and you would not be wrong… to an extent, but that’s not the whole story because some of those people are very smart, and many of them are too smart for their own good, but they are fascinated, and… until they have slaked their thirst… they will continue to be fascinated, and then… the thirst will come back. There is no end to that… unless you get thirsty for something you can’t see, and that is where Faith enters the equation.

Except for a fortunate incident, which made all my thirsting unsatisfying, and my persistence to find out why that was, I’d still be running around wearing some version of those glasses. I’ll tell you something that I know to be a fact; give up the whole world… sincerely and without regret, and you will get the whole world delivered to your door by The Supreme Enjoyer.

The only thing people accomplish in chasing their own tails is… Suffering. Suffering ends when wanting ends, and wanting is the source of all suffering. It is wanting that provides you with a tail to chase. Now… there is a profound conundrum that this creates because desire… wanting… cannot be destroyed. It is eternal. So… one has found the answer when one falls in love with God.

Now I can provide… inasmuch as I am able through the medium of words… the most powerful secret that there is… because I have not been sworn to conceal it… because I did not discover it through any process of initiation where secrecy is demanded, but I will tell it and it will still mean very little to most people; everything is sex… it is sex at the lowest level and sex at the highest level. It is all the gradations of love through the evolution of consciousness.

People are not told this in detail because it would freak them out. They would not understand the idea of having sex with God, and EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is female to God. When you experience it… at the lower levels… it leads to depravity, as we are witnessing in The World at this time, with the emergence of the influence of The Divine Feminine. Because Materialism is so powerful at present, many men are being turned into perverse facsimiles.

I’m not going to discuss this in any further detail because… anyone who desires to, can trace the idea as as far as they like… by simply putting their attention on what’s been said. I experience what I am talking about. I experience it directly, and so does anyone who has reached the point where it happens to them. I am not experiencing it at levels I have not arrived at yet, but there is no force in all the universe that can stop my continuing passage deeper and higher into it… except for me, and… there is not enough of me left to accomplish that.

This is the reason that The Serpent is key to the mysteries of every tradition… in any place and time, and that force… runs the gamut between the snake in the grass… the snake in the tree, and the serpent rising… into The Sanctuary Hood over the head of the illumined lover.

Sex is an irreplaceable dynamic… at every stage of human awareness. It is also the key to every technology we have yet to discover and every technology we presently employ. It is the unity of mind in shadow and light. It is the benevolent protector of those who are vehicles of The Movable Feast, and also the force that consumes them if they leave it, and…

…one last thing.

End Transmission…….

Links will be awaiting your consideration at the usual location, which is GAB=

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali;

1. OM: Here follows Instruction in Union.


Union, here as always in the Scriptures of India, means

union of the individual soul with the Oversoul; of the personal

consciousness with the Divine Consciousness, whereby the

mortal becomes immortal, and enters the Eternal. Therefore,

salvation is, first, freedom from sin and the sorrow which comes

from sin, and then a divine and eternal well-being, wherein the

soul partakes of the being, the wisdom and glory of God.

2. Union, spiritual consciousness, is gained through control

of the versatile psychic nature.


The goal is the full consciousness of the spiritual man,

illumined by the Divine Light. Nothing except the obdurate

resistance of the psychic nature keeps us back from the goal.

The psychical powers are spiritual powers run wild, perverted,

drawn from their proper channel. Therefore our first task is,

to regain control of this perverted nature, to chasten, purify

and restore the misplaced powers.

3. Then the Seer comes to consciousness in his proper



Egotism is but the perversion of spiritual being. Ambition

is the inversion of spiritual power. Passion is the distortion of love.

The mortal is the limitation of the immortal.

When these false images give place to true, then the spiritual

man stands forth luminous, as the sun, when the clouds disperse

4. Heretofore the Seer has been enmeshed in the activities

off the psychic nature.


The power and life which are the heritage of the spiritual

man have been caught and enmeshed in psychical activities.

Instead of pure being in the Divine, there has been fretful,

combative egotism, its hand against every man. Instead of the

light of pure vision, there have been restless senses and imaginings.

Instead of spiritual joy, the undivided joy of pure being,

there has been self-indulgence of body and mind. These are

all real forces, but distorted from their true nature and goal.

They must be extricated, like gems from the matrix, like the

pith from the reed, steadily, without destructive violence.

Spiritual powers are to be drawn forth from the psychic


5. The psychic activities are five; they are attended by

pleasure or pain.


The psychic nature is built up through the image-making

power, the power which lies behind and dwells in mind-pic-

tures. These pictures do not remain quiescent in the mind;

they are kinetic, restless, stimulating to new acts. Thus the

mind-image of an indulgence suggests and invites to a new


the picture of past joy is framed in regrets or hopes.

And there is the ceaseless play of the desire to know, to penetrate

to the essence of things, to classify. This, too, busies it-

self ceaselessly with the mind-images. So that we may classify

the activities of the psychic nature thus

  1. These activities are; Sound intellection, unsound intellection,

  2. phantasy, dream, memory.


We have here a list of mental and emotional powers; of

powers that picture and observe, and of powers that picture

and feel. But the power to know and feel is spiritual and immortal.

What is needed is, not to destroy but to raise it from

the psychical to the spiritual realm.


See more at Smoking Mirrors


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