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By Les Visible (Reporter)
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There's a Time in The Decline of Empire, Due to Mr. Apocalypse, Where Things go Wrong, and then... Get Much Worse.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

I’m going to take you through a timeline (of sorts) of events that follow a predictable pattern, and because they are predictable… because they are nicks on a dial that keeps turning round and round… you can expect certain events and conditions at specific nicks, which are determined by the state of conditions… which attract the dynamic forces that attend to them; for good or ill… as that might be, BUT… ultimately for Good, regardless.

The privileged and temporally powerful of our times, may not have believed in The Awakening as a thing… to begin with, BUT… once it started to show up. Once it could be registered… as an event in the time continuum… they set off… to do something about… it.

The situation of the moment is no different than it was in Rome long ago. Sure the appearances and the tech are different, but The Principles are ALWAYS the same. The Moral Climate was in steep decline; there was Tiberius… Caligula… Claudius… and then Nero. Claudius was an anomaly here, and those who considered him a retard and incompetent are… as is usually the case with historians… seriously self-deceived; never trust an academic… they are the whores of the genre.

I mention Claudius because… despite all the good things he did do, and the bad things he did not do (not expanding the empire being one of them) he did increase The Games; The Bread and Circuses Trend, so that when The Fiddler showed up, that shit was in full swing.

Whenever Bread and Circuses show up, it is an indication that the culture… in which it appears… is in sad decline. This means that most of the significant cultures of our time are in serious decline.

People with their Trivia-Cliff Notes understanding of history think Caligula was simply crazy. If so, he was crazy like a fox. The smart money… the informed money… says that he was just mean. He was a psychopath. Most of them were, BUT… there are degrees of psychopathy. I doubt many people have read Livy or Tacitus. Those that did… had their whoring professors telling them what these historians really meant to say.

None of this is important now. I’m just setting the stage.

The whole thing with Taylor Swift… and Travis- The Mouth-breathing Knuckle-dragger- Kelce, and football… is that she is the psychic hotline cheerleader for Bread and Circuses as a distraction. They are all in on it. They are arranging the furniture in your head… ahead of time… for what’s scheduled and scripted to come, but this plan is not going to survive their first punch in the mouth, and… that is coming.

There is a period in the decline of empire, probably due to Mr. Apocalypse, where things just go wrong and then much worse for the planners and architects of operating policy. We are there… now. You can expect EVERYTHING that these Nimrods get up to… to go South on a bullet train. In fact… you can count on it.

I did not watch last night’s game. Now that Tom is gone… it holds no interest for me. I don’t care about what Tom’s life is off the field. I just liked the way he played the game. It was the same thing with Michael Jordan, and certain baseball players in earlier years. It accounts for my massive appreciation for Muhammad Ali… who I liked in and out of the ring.

I have heroes… for the various stages… of my arrested multiple personalities. Some of them are achievers in this world. The… by far… larger numbers of my heroes are not temporal or even human. I model myself after these heroes BECAUSE I KNOW that when you do that… you grow to be like them. I recommend this for anyone looking for a way out of the pedestrian nonsense that is The World at most times, and especially in these times.

Over the last couple of years, I have noticed that the games… the important games… are choreographed. It’s fixed. It’s what happens with bread and circuses, whether it is Rome or… anywhere else. Money accounts for it; the more money there is to be made… the more fixed it is.

They made Taylor Swift to be what Taylor Swift is. Her writing is self-indulgent crap and a direct parallel to the name-dropping in Rap. It’s all arranged by the people who… since they are multitaskers… are digging their own graves at the same time.

Porn is also an aspect of Bread and Circuses. Video games are deeply integrated with The Military Industrial Complex. Everything that can be used to capture or sway public attention, IS BEING USED by the people… who are being directed… by Mr. Apocalypse (who is an angel of The Divine) to their own destruction.

Now… I know there are people who will not agree with me on this, AND… there are people who do not agree with me because… they dislike me intensely… for personal reasons because… I share their private view of themselves… OR I stepped on one of their frogs… or I did not take them as seriously as they take themselves. I don’t do quid pro quo. I am a take-it-or-leave-it guy, and I’m already down (or up) the road… by the time anyone’s commentary is trailing away into the distance behind.

Hmm… Now I can hear the rattling of cages but… I can’t make out the words. Well… it’s always something.

My point then… is that what is coming is… in certain areas… predictable because it has happened many times before, and we have all kinds of revised and altered accounts of it. However… they can’t really hide anything from someone who is determined to keep looking. I know this first hand.

Given that certain events are certain to happen… because they have happened every time before… in one permutation or another, I’d like to add something I heard from one of my invisible friends, recently, who was delivering a message.

There is a reason there are so many people here at this time. A lot of them came to get their ya-yas out. Material Culture… when it is in one of its big upswings… always attracts a crowd. Many others came because of what is coming, and what is coming is a very big deal.

Everyone who is predicting outcomes… the specific direction that will be taken by Trends and Patterns… is going to be proved dead wrong. Nobody knows what is coming… except for very few who aren’t talking. People should seek out the calm center of their being. People should try to connect with what is coming in an interior fashion. What is coming is going to sweep the human hearts and minds around The World. Good and Evil people will all be getting a taste of it, and many will be converted accordingly. Others will seal their fate… accordingly.

Yes… The Games are fixed, BUT… so is The Cosmos, and… when The Celestial Clock alarm goes off… there are going to be many diverse reactions to it. Make peace now. Rely on the source of all good things to attend to your needs.

The Awakening… which is only in its beginning stages… is going to intensify dramatically. No one will be left untouched. All of humanity has a common connection to a world it cannot see… and to a power, it is… in many cases… completely unaware of. That power is going to be broadcasting in every tongue at a certain point, BUT… not everyone is going to be hearing the same thing. The message is adjusted to the level of your humanity.

Everyone needs to pay more attention. The distractions are going to increase, and they exist for a specific reason, and that is to keep your attention off of something else. You are meant to be watching one hand while the other is doing something else. However… meanwhile there is a greater hand, and that is the only one that matters.

No matter what temporal forces may attempt to do to humanity… they will not succeed. Many unfortunate events are going to take place, BUT they will be drowned out and rendered insignificant by comparison with what The Invisible Hand is doing. NEVER has there been a better time to seek out The Indwelling. The purpose of all the agencies of darkness is to take one’s attention off of what is happening within, and…

one last thing.

End Transmission…….

Links are sunbathing over at GAB=

Probably not everyone saw the links I placed here yesterday. So… I am going to put the same thing up again; especially due to a Fire-breathing… scripture wailing… Fundie over at another site… who objected to my mentioning this… when there are all those begats, Jehovah and Jebediah jumping jacks… and therefore and wherefore unto’s… that you could be reading. Absolutely thrilling stuff! When I’m not reading this I am generally listening to that riveting tune; Faith of Our Fathers. Nothing makes me sit up ramrod straight… like those archaic Protestant hymns that I have on a speed dial loop. You think watching paint dry is fun? This beats that all to Hell.

Anyway… back to this other thing… at least please read the introduction that is to be found here.

The whole book can be found here.

I am not now… or at any time… recommending that one study Ceremonial or applied magic. I recommend Light Magic, which is taught by angels, but only if it is in your dharma. You’ll get all of that anyway, simply by aspiring to Higher Love and sticking with it.

However… Eliphas Levi was a really wise and informed fellow, and… without a doubt… an initiate of high order. You can learn things. You don’t have to get into playing The Sorcerer’s Apprentice… just listen to what he has to say.

See more at Smoking Mirrors


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