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Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Black Tuesday Phase 1 Activated Trump and Starlink FEMA Killing Hurricane Helene Victims in Kamala’s Land Grab - Special Intel Report 0/8/24 (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 8 Oct. 2024

Compiled Tues. 8 Oct. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

Black Tuesday
Phase 1 Activated
Trump, Musk Announce ‘Go Time’ for MARS and STARLINK
FEMA K*****g Hurricane Helene Victims in Kamala’s Land Grab of Victim Properties
Manmade Category 5 Hurricane Milton Plowing Into Florida

Loy Brunson Rule 11 Emergency SCOTUS (
The Highest Court in the Land is the Court of Public Opinion and This Means You.
Be a Part of History: Click and Sign Your Letter to the Supreme Court
Rule 11 SCOTUS Petition Letter – Loy Brunson

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Andrea Bocelli – The Lord’s Prayer (Live From The Kodak Theatre, USA / 2009) (

Judy Note: FEMA K*****g Hurricane Helene Victims in Kamala’s Land Grab of Victim Properties, Byington as published in Before It’s News: FEMA K*****g Hurricane Helene Victims in Kamala’s Land Grab of Victim Properties | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (

Immediately after Hurricane Helene hit North Carolina FEMA showed up in Chimney Rock and told residents at gunpoint that they had to leave their properties. Since roads were destroyed the residents left by walking through a snake infested river. A man who refused to go was shot by FEMA soldiers, while bullet ridden bodies were later seen floating down the river.

Why Chimney Rock? One month before Hurricane Helene the Cabal’s Blackrock acquired 2.2 million shares of stock in Kings Mountain Lithium Mine Albemarle Global. Kamala made sure the US government also gave the mine $250 million in grant money to open the mine known for it’s precious metals needed to make computer chips. A major stockholder in the mine was Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband. Evidently Emhoff set himself and wife up to make a huge profit off of Hurricane Helene.  

Victims in North Carolina were more convinced than ever that Hurricane Helene was manmade and a product of the Biden/Harris US Inc. government land grab of rare mineral mines in the area.

On 8 May 2003 US Patent US 2003/0085296 was granted: The patent verifies that Hurricanes, Tornadoes and heavy rain can be formed and directed toward certain areas of the country through Cloud Seeding and Sound Wave applications. Residents of North Carolina maintain that during Hurricane Helene planes were observed Cloud Seeding over the area. Scientists have admitted injecting Silver Iodide into the Hurricane Wall. Substantial evidence shows the route that aircraft took to manipulate the path of Hurricane Helene. What many want to know is the name of the head person who gives the orders to manipulate the weather.

NC and Georgia state senators and representatives were notified that their states were attacked by the federal government using weather warfare with indisputable evidence.  They were IN TOTAL SHOCK!!!  Climate change hoax was used to cover it up. Col. MacGregor interview with Dane W.:

FEMA Agenda: FEMA was a federal agency which was weaponized during the 2nd term of 0bama – who turned it into an international terrorist operation with the New World Order Agenda 2030 of depopulating the planet. FEMA’s Ultimate Goal—Control, Chaos, and Population Reduction

Right now FEMA Director Deanne Criswell was at GITMO charged for crimes committed in 2023 Maui DEW Attack fires where victims were gunned down by FEMA Agents. Plus, it was found that traditionally FEMA set up covert Human Trafficking bases in disaster zones, using the confusion and desperation of hurricane victims to cover their tracks. 

Most concerning was that the chaos and confusion of disasters created the ideal conditions for Child Traffickers to operate – as happened in Maui. People reported seeing unmarked vans in the disaster areas, taking children away in the dead of night. These are reports coming from the very ground FEMA claimed to be helping. Children were disappearing, and FEMA was doing nothing. 

Why? Because it’s complicity. FEMA was part of the Cabal machinery that allowed these crimes to happen. They’re not just failing to stop it; they’re enabling it. They’ve built underground prisons where trafficked victims are held before being shipped off to their buyers.

FEMA was a fully operational arm of the Deep State, responsible for orchestrating large-scale human trafficking operations under the guise of “disaster response.” In the chaos following Hurricane Helene, hundreds of victims disappeared without a trace. FEMA was systematically rounding up people, particularly women and children, and shipping them off to undisclosed locations. 


During the Hurricane Helene disaster FEMA deployed 3,500 armed personnel to storm-ravaged North Carolina, particularly Asheville, population 94,000. They booked every hotel room in a 150-mile radius so there was no place for displaced victims to go.

FEMA’s massive convoys and flights carried no relief supplies and no medicine, only crates of automatic rifles, steel canisters packed with limitless ammunition to wage a bloody war against storm-torn refugees and their property, and a healthy supply of body bags, ostensibly to eternally house their victims.

FEMA didn’t actually arrive for a week after Hurricane Helene hit in North Carolina, and then not only neglected to begin saving the thousands of stranded victims left without food or water for a week, but confiscated donations, refused delivery of critical supplies, arrested or threatened to arrest people wanting to help and who were making rescues on their own.



A Helene victim told a FEMA Agent she’d lost her home, car, belongings and had neither food nor water and asked where she could go for help. The agent allegedly told her, “Too bad you lost it all. We could’ve made a deal if you had something to trade.”

FEMA has not allowed both Military Helicopters and private planes to fly into North Carolina Disaster Areas with supplies and to rescue victims, plus they have sabotaged Disaster Relief such as enforcing a Federal Blockade on Elon Musk’s Starlink Aid shipments to North Carolina.

Now FEMA has ceased all relief operations and is seizing supplies and donations from citizens trying to assist Hurricane Helene victims across various states, causing growing alarm and unrest.

Why? Let’s take a look at the North Carolina Kings Mountain Lithium Mine Property Grab: On September 27, the majority of Chimney Rock, Rutherford County North Carolina was destroyed by flooding, with the Broad River inundating the village. Two days later, as residents struggled to save what they could, the Biden-Harris regime seized Chimney Rock under the auspices of eminent domain, an archaic, unconstitutional law that allows the federal government to wantonly and irrevocably confiscate private property for public use. Residents of Chimney Rock suddenly found themselves confronting two opponents—the weather and federal forces.

On September 30, FEMA surged upon the tiny 2.8-square-mile village and gave citizens a chilling ultimatum: Get out or else.

Why Chimney Rock? One month before Hurricane Helene the Cabal’s Blackrock acquired 2.2 million shares of stock in Kings Mountain Lithium Mine Albemarle Global. The US government also gave the mine $250 million in grant money to open the mine. A major stockholder in the mine was Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband. Emhoff set himself and wife up to make a huge profit off of Hurricane Helene.

On 24 Sept. 2024 Kamala was successful in getting her husband permits for the Albemarle Lithium Mine to start mining immediately. Emhoff’s retirement accounts were also deeply tied to major Cabal funds like BlackRock and Vanguard. BlackRock owned the Lithium in Chimney Rock/Lake Lure, NC.

Three days before Hurricane Helene an permit to immediately start mining the Albemarle Global Mine was obtained by Kamala Harris. The mine was expected to make $250 billion.

Immediately after Hurricane Helene FEMA showed up in Chimney Rock and told residents at gunpoint that they had to leave their properties. Since roads were destroyed the people had to leave by walking through a snake infested river.

At least one man who refused to leave was seen shot by a FEMA soldier. Bullet ridden bodies were seen floating down the river. FEMA took over all body recovery and a hospital where some bodies were taken. Other bodies were bulldozed and covered up by FEMA.

Local residents who opposed the mine had now had their homes and property destroyed, the government has taken over their land and they have been told they can’t even return to obtain personal items.

The storm had razed the village. Its population—a whopping 140 people—had lost everything, including cell service and any means of leaving Chimney Rock, as the floods had inundated what few roads led in and out. When residents refused to go on foot, FEMA agents pointed rifles at them, demanding they trek out in whatever footwear they were wearing or be shot.

One resident who braved the journey, wading through waist-deep water filled with venomous snakes and biting insects, witnessed FEMA agents gun down a neighbor who refused to vacate his flooded house. The same resident, a 36-year-old lithium miner, said, “There are bodies everywhere; I saw dozens floating in the water, bullet holes in all of them. I’m lucky to have made it out.”

“Chimney Rock has been told that their entire town is federal property now. There are dead bodies that are lying in the water. There are dead bodies that are lying under trees and in debris, and they can’t get to their family members. They can’t even go back to their home.”

The federal government has said that that land and all of those bodies are now federal property. Evidently the federal government didn’t want to identify any of the bodies. They planned to bulldoze over it and not even count how many people were dead because of this so-called “natural disaster,” if you call it that. There was a pastor that was going door to door handing out water, and the request changed from water to body bags. They need body bags, and the feds aren’t picking up the bodies. They’re literally leaving them to rot.” Https://

FEMA’s gunmen have already been accused of murdering people in Florida and Puerto Rico as they tried to evacuate from hurricanes. A year ago in Aug. 2023 FEMA gunned down victims during the DEW attack fires of Maui. The White Hat Military Alliance had an out-and-out shootout with FEMA employees during that disaster.

In North Carolina a heartbroken patriot has lost all faith in his government after being displaced from his home by the recent hurricane. The US Inc. had allocated over $16 billion to support Ukraine and Israel, leaving its own citizens feeling neglected and abandoned. Illegal immigrants (who were being set up to illegally vote Democrat in the next election) were getting free food, cell phones, housing and $3,500 debit cards out of taxpayer monies sent to FEMA. Such depleted the FEMA budget to O so nothing was left for disaster victims.

Meanwhile, the Biden/Harris US Inc. government’s meager $750.00 handout to victims of Hurricane Helene was set up so that if victims don’t pay back the $750 to FEMA within a year, they would lose their homes and properties. It’s a land grab by FEMA and the Biden/Harris Administration.

The scenarios were reminiscent of (manmade?) August 2005 Hurricane Katrina that caused over 1,392 fatalities (the real number is not known), and the August 2023 Maui and 2018 Paradise California Direct Energy Weapon fires that left bodies everywhere, even in vehicles trying to escape. In all four disasters FEMA didn’t appear to be there to supply aid and give help and comfort to the victims, but seemed to have a sole mission to take advantage of victims, clean up their bodies and dispose of them so a real count of the dead couldn’t be made, steal from their ravaged properties and later, take possession of their land.

In Paradise 50,000 died, not the 100 reported by the Mainstream Media. In Maui 2,700+ structures were destroyed, 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, with 3,100 still displaced over a year later. The complicit-to-goals of the Cabal Mainstream Media hasn’t reported on any of that.

The only difference between the 2023 Maui DEW fires and last week’s North Carolina Helene Hurricane disaster was that FEMA arrived in Maui a few days BEFORE the fires started, while FEMA arrived in North Carolina a whole week AFTER Hurricane Helene landed. A little suspicious either way for what was supposed to be a federal disaster relief agency, don’t you think?

White Hats to the Rescue: Walmart has been taken over by the White Hats and sent 60 trucks of supplies to North Carolina under police protection.

The Military Alliance, activated across all 50 states, is preparing to strike at the very heart of FEMA’s corrupt operations. The White Hats have mobilized 5,000 troops in a strategic, coordinated strike aimed at dismantling the elites’ decades-long domination of humanity.

As of Thursday, White Hats were in North Carolina and had engaged federal forces. Col. Kurtz, the enigmatic leader of the Red Hats (a voluntary Citizen’s Militia), who said his men had arrived in Chimney Rock and were fighting a pitched battle against FEMA and FBI agents trying to lay claim to the area’s vast lithium deposits. Kurtz told Gen. Smith he had lost 12 men the night previous, as Red Hats fought to stop marauding FEMA agents from fortifying their position. He said his men “took out” two helicopters that tried to insert more FEMA agents near the now-flooded Great Woodland Adventure Trail.

Thursday evening, US Marines arrived by choppers and ground vehicles in Asheville and Chimney Rock, where, as their helos hovered above clouds of green smoke—the internationally recognized symbol for a safe landing zone—Red Hats had just hosed down a throng of FEMA agents.

At the same time, US Special Forces out of Camp Liberty ambushed FEMA personnel who had blockaded Asheville Regional Airport, destroying 15 FEMA vehicles and k*****g 23 agents equipped with everything from side arms to rifles to squad automatic weapons. Four valiant Special Forces died to gunfire, our source said.

Meanwhile, in Chimney Rock, White Hats and Red Hats fought side-by-side, skirmishing with FEMA/FBI that desperately tried holding the Esmeralda Inn & Restaurant, a three-story bed & breakfast where agents on the upper floor shot from the windows at White Hats and Red Hats. Many good men, whose intrepidity shook FEMA’s resolve, lost their lives, but the White Hat/Red Hat coalition prevailed, destabilizing FEMA’s hold on the area.

White Hats and Red Hats have sent reinforcements, and so has the federal government. Our source said both White Hats and Red Hats will remain in North Carolina until every corrupt federal agent has been driven out—or k****d. The battle rages on.

Rumblings of Militias being formed in various places, one of them NC. A woman who spent the last 8.5 years in the Army who grew up in the Black Mountains [there as a volunteer to help with logistics and communications] said in a conversation that she saw a group of men armed to the teeth with AR’S AND AK’S moving through the mountain towns to protect the food collection sites from looters AND to confront FEMA if need be. She said they were serious guys and not playin around.

FEMA Helicopters are presently blocking the Greenville South Carolina Airport. Private citizens were flying aid to victims and FEMA came and BLOCKED THE RUNWAY to stop them “We’re at the airport today. Yesterday, they ran, like, 30 something planes — And FEMA has flown in, like, 10 or more helicopters and blocked a runway here at Greenville downtown, completely took over or almost took over the operation. FEMA’s gonna come here and try to stop it. And they took over one of the hangars over here too. We’ll show you as much as we can. It’s absolutely ridiculous – all flown in by FEMA helicopter pilots. And they’re just sitting there doing nothing. FEMA came in and halted all that operation when there’s 1,000 of pounds of supplies over there that could be taken, they’re just sitting there doing nothing and blocking the runway with however many helicopters.”

The Chevron Deference Act has been overturned by the Supreme Court. This means that the federal contract agency for disasters FEMA that has been interfering with Helene relief efforts has no authority whatsoever to do so. There is NO ONE more powerful than a County Sheriff in his or her respective County.  Not the illegal FBI, not the US Government, not a governor and not the state police of that state where that county resides.

A FEMA Director who was acting arrogant and denying aid to North Carolina Flood Victims was beaten by residents 20 miles south of Asheville.

On Sun. 6 Oct. 2024 North Carolina State Police warned FEMA that they will arrest any FEMA Agent trying to prevent aid or rescue.

Now Patriots were fighting back. Sheriff Tripp Kester of Davidson County NC was calling for local citizens to form militias to protect the Constitution. “It’s getting real, y’all. Like I’ve been saying: We approach shit a bit different down here. They picked the wrong state to bully.”

The Northern Militia was set up on the back side of a North Carolina mountain with sniper teams. They have already taken out some of the Biden/Harris Administration US Inc. FEMA people. The Texas Militia was on their way.

FEMA government authorities were still grounding both Military Helicopters and private planes and wouldn’t give them an ok to fly into North Carolina Disaster Areas with supplies and to rescue victims.

So the North Carolina Northern Militia set themselves up on the back side of the mountain with sniper teams. They took out some FEMA people. The Texas Militia was on their way for backup.

Sheriff Tripp Kester of Davidson County NC called for local citizens to form militias to protect the Constitution. “It’s getting real, y’all. Like I’ve been saying: We approach shit a bit different down here. [They] picked the wrong state to bully.”

Governors across the country have been warned—those who align with the cabal are going to be removed. Every corrupt official, every Deep State puppet, every bureaucrat involved, every FEMA agent involved, every official who helped cover it up, every Deep State operative who facilitated the abductions is about to face a reckoning, and it won’t be in a courtroom controlled by crooked judges and rigged legal systems. They’re all going to face military tribunals. 

The White Hats have all the evidence. They’ve tracked every stolen dollar, every meeting, and every covert operation FEMA has conducted in the wake of Hurricane Helene. The White Hats have uncovered blueprints for FEMA’s underground trafficking routes—designed to funnel kidnapped victims to hidden facilities both within and outside of the United States. These plans were discovered in the chaos after Hurricane Helene, along with documentation revealing FEMA’s theft of millions of dollars in aid. The White Hats are launching a series of coordinated raids on FEMA’s secret facilities—underground bunkers, hidden warehouses, and disaster relief camps that have been used as fronts for human trafficking. They know where these bases are, they know who’s involved, and they’re preparing to strike.

The White Hats have also uncovered FEMA’s grander plan—one that goes beyond human trafficking and theft. FEMA is a key player in the deep state’s agenda of population control. Disasters like Hurricane Helene aren’t just seen as opportunities for profit—they are chances to enact a much darker strategy. FEMA has been testing methods of population reduction, using the chaos of hurricanes, wildfires, and other disasters to experiment on those deemed “expendable.”


FEMA’s secret files detail a contingency plan, codenamed “Operation Cull,” was designed to reduce the population under the guise of “relief efforts.” Helene’s victims were just the beginning—this plan spans the entire country, and its targets are not just disaster victims, but dissenters, truth-tellers, and anyone who threatens the deep state’s hold on power.

Now mandatory evacuations have been ordered in multiple Gulf Coast counties in Florida, including Hillsborough in the greater Tampa area. A Category 5 HAARP manmade Hurricane Milton was due to devastate the Florida coast on Tues 8 Oct. It will be interesting to see what the White Hats and FEMA do with that one.

White Hats and Red Hats Join Forces Against FEMA-FBI Brigands in NC. (

EBS: Worldwide Martial Law Initiated—White Hats Target FEMA for Human Trafficking and Theft After Stealing Funds and Supplies from Hurricane Helene Victims! – Gazetteller

Adults & Children Burned Alive As FEMA, Maui Cops Blocked Escape Routes | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (

Breaking News! NC People Are Beating Up the Government!!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

BREAKING! Hurricane Helene Cover-Up Exposed: FEMA Camps Operational, Unmarked Vans Kidnapping Kids at Night, Government Refuses Aid While Blocking Volunteers, Leaving Victims to Suffer!— HAARP Triggered the Disaster! – Gazetteller

NEW RichieFromBoston (10/6/2024): Hurricane Helene is 5th Generation Warfare! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

  • Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: Elected officials in South Carolina confirmed that Hurricane Helene was a manmade generated weather bomb.
  • Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: Hurricane Milton, also suspected to be manmade, has strengthened into a Category 4 as it makes a turn to miss Mexico and heads onward to destroy the Florida Coast including Disney World beginning on Tues 8 Oct.
  • Another massive immigrant train is planning to arrive before the next inauguration… they’re going for one final push before its too late and they’re bringing nearly the entire third world with them… estimates are it is between 5 – 10 MILLION people.
  • North Carolina State Highway Patrol on video saying Starlink is the only reason they’re able to communicate after Hurricane Helene

Disaster Help:

List of militia organizations in the US:

We are in crisis. So many stray dogs are coming in. No one is looking for them.  Animal Control is actively trapping cats and dogs. How can you help? Adopt, Foster, Donate and Volunteer. Animal Protection Society of Caswell County

Caswell County North Carolina:

Direct Link to Paypal Donation:

Adoption Application Link:

If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and

Possible Timing:

Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: BQQQQQQQM! It’s Over: Blackout Confirmed, Phase 1 Now Active—Cyber Attack Released! …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • The Blackout is Real: Phase 1 Activated. We’re no longer talking about hypothetical scenarios or temporary inconveniences. The first phase of a coordinated plan has commenced, targeting our digital and financial infrastructure. This isn’t just about losing internet access or experiencing a power outage; it’s a calculated strike designed to dismantle economies and instigate widespread chaos. Imagine waking up to find your bank accounts frozen, your digital wealth erased, and your communication lines severed. This isn’t a dystopian novel; it’s our harsh new reality.
  • The financial systems we rely on are hanging by a thread. The blackout is not a passing storm but the opening salvo in a larger strategy aimed at causing irreparable damage. This cyber onslaught, driven by forces that thrive on disruption, is not just a possibility-it’s an inevitability. It will leave us in the dark, both literally and metaphorically, as the very foundations of our society are shaken to the core.
  • The Gathering Storm has been brewing for some time now. Warnings have echoed from every corner, but the masses have been sleepwalking into the abyss. The clock is ticking, and the countdown to catastrophe has begun. What’s coming is a global reset-an unprecedented financial and societal upheaval. This isn’t just a drill; it’s an all-out assault on the systems we once took for granted.
  • A Modern-Day Black Tuesday looms on the horizon. The specter of a stock market crash, much like the infamous Black Tuesday of 1929, casts a long shadow over our current financial landscape. History’s chilling images of people jumping from windows in desperation during the Great Depression are no longer just historical anecdotes; they’re a potential reality. The question isn’t if the market will collapse, but when-and when it does, it will be swift and devastating.
  • The alarms have been ringing for years: “Get your money out of the banks.” Yet complacency has led us to the edge of this precipice. Now, with the blackout in full swing, the warnings have turned into grim prophecies. The last 48 hours have been a whirlwind of panic, with whispers of impending doom-“s*****e week,” some are calling it-echoing through the halls of power. The parallels to October 29, 1929, are stark and terrifying.
  • The financial collapse won’t be a gradual decline; it will be a sudden, all-consuming inferno. Banks will freeze assets, markets will crash, and the global economy will descend into chaos. For those unprepared, it will be too late to act once the doors are locked and the ATMs are emptied. The time to prepare is now.
  • The Big Spitball has been thrown, and there’s no turning back. This isn’t just a warning shot; it’s the beginning of the end. Those who have ignored the signs and clung to the illusion of digital wealth will find themselves trapped in a system designed to fail them. The blackout is more than a loss of power-it’s a strategic move to reset the global order.
  • The Global Reset is coming. What was once dismissed as conspiracy theory is now unfolding in real-time. This reset isn’t about fixing the broken system; it’s about tearing it down and building a new one from scratch. A black swan event-a catastrophic, game-changing occurrence-will trigger this reset, likely in the form of a massive cyber attack. Digital wealth will be erased, and only tangible assets like cash, gold, and silver will hold value in the new financial order.
  • The Phoenix will rise from the ashes of this collapse, but only a select few will survive. This isn’t about fairness or justice; it’s about survival of the fittest. Those who have prepared, who understood the need for liquidity and physical wealth, will emerge from the chaos. The future belongs to those who foresaw the collapse and acted accordingly.

On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Trump Speech: Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes & Derek Johnson: Decodes From Trump’s Speech and Big Roundtable Intel! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

  • Since Jan. 21 2022 the US has officially been under Military Occupancy in a Continuity of Government.
  • On 18 Oct. 2023 the US Treasury said that they were bankrupt.
  • On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Trump announced that “America’s Comeback begins right now.”

Global Currency Reset:

  • Mon. 7 Oct. 2024 Wolverine: The digital banking system in Iraq has been spreading salaries for three days. Digital banking system is working now in Iraq. The rate can change any moment from now.

Global Financial Crisis:

  • BRICS US Banks Face $500B in Losses as De-Dollarization Grows.While the BRICS alliance is strengthening its banking system, the US seems to be on a downhill. In the last three years alone, 15 US banks collapsed renewing fears of financial instability across the country. The BRICS bloc has pushed de-dollarization efforts especially since it expanded its numbers. Now, the pressure is mounting on the US dollar, as the country’s banks face over $500 billion in unrealized losses, according to a new report.

Mon 7 Oct. 2024 BREAKING NEWS: Thousands of Bank of America Customers Locked Out of Accounts Amid Widespread Outages …Mr. Pool Secrets

  • Thousands of Bank of America customers are facing widespread outages, locked out of their accounts and seeing their balances showing as zero. Panic is setting in as debts remain visible while their funds vanish. Trust is shattered—what’s really going on?
  • Thousands of customers are waking up to a nightmare. They’re unable to access their accounts, and those who can get in are seeing a terrifying sight—their balances have dropped to zero. Meanwhile, their debts remain, staring back at them ominously. Bank of America is scrambling to fix what they’re calling a “glitch,” but the real question is: what’s happening behind the scenes?
  • Outage Chaos: Thousands are cut off from their finances, left refreshing login screens and trying desperately to regain access. This isn’t a minor inconvenience—it’s a full-scale collapse. Imagine attempting to buy groceries or pay your bills and finding out all your money is gone. The extent of this outage raises serious questions about the reliability of Bank of America.
  • Balances Wiped to Zero: For those lucky enough to log in, the sight of zero balances is enough to cause sheer panic. Their life savings vanished, and yet their debts remain fully visible. The bizarre inconsistency of wiped-out assets with remaining debts suggests a deeper technical failure. Customers are left wondering if this is really a glitch or something much worse.
  • Bank’s Weak Response: Bank of America’s official response—a simple acknowledgment of a “glitch”—feels like a slap in the face. People’s life savings are seemingly gone, and the bank’s vague statements only add to the growing fury. There’s no clear timeline for resolution, and the lack of transparency is making customers lose faith.
  • A Crisis of Trust: This is more than a technical error; it’s a crisis of trust. Bank of America markets itself as a reliable institution, but this outage has shattered that image. In a world where digital banking is the norm, customers need to know their money is safe. This incident shows just how vulnerable we are when the systems fail.
  • The Human Toll: Let’s not forget the people affected by this crisis. These aren’t just “outages”; this is about families unable to pay rent, buy food, or cover medical expenses. The stress and fear this incident has caused are very real. Imagine having no access to your own money and receiving no solid answers from the bank.
  • What Happens Next? Customers are stuck in a waiting game. When will the systems be restored? Will their money come back? These are the questions everyone is asking, and the bank’s reassurances are doing little to calm the fear. This situation is a wake-up call for both the bank and its customers—demanding accountability and a robust digital infrastructure to protect our finances.
  • Final Thoughts: Bank of America needs to step up, take full accountability, and make sure this doesn’t happen again. Right now, thousands are left in financial limbo, demanding answers and access to their money. The fallout is far from over, and Bank of America must act to restore trust and ensure their customers’ financial security.

Restored Republic:

Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: Massive preemptive strike on 120 targets by Israeli jets in the last hour in Lebanon.

Mon. 7 Oct. 2024 White Hat Intel: Shocking Stories The Media Buried Today #10 – Glenn Beck exposes how useless FEMA is in Asheville, NC.

  • First, Glenn Beck discovered that the FEMA crew was stationed OFF the main road, making them hard to find. Next, FEMA admitted, “We got here yesterday,” a full week late. Then, a FEMA crew member told Beck that they have a “great” app, but nobody has internet in the area.
  • Beck asked how victims are supposed to find FEMA’s location, and they replied, “That would be the news media’s job.”  The thing is, nobody has functioning TVs. Then FEMA urged residents to listen to the radio in their cars for updates, the same cars that were washed away from the flood.
  • One crew member told Beck, “We actually go door to door.” Beck then asked, “When will that start?” The crew member replied, “That’s way above my head. Do you want to talk to my crew lead?” Finally, the crew leader comes in and admits to Beck, “We don’t necessarily go door to door.”
  • THIS is what failure looks like.
  • Earlier today, Elon Musk said, “FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!”
  • Musk posted this after a SpaceX engineer helping on the ground in North Carolina wrote to him, “The big issue is FEMA is actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state they are their own. It’s very real and scary how much they have taken control to stop people helping.”

The Real News for Mon. 7 Oct. 2024:

  • In North Carolina counties designated as disaster zones due to Helene, 40,000 absentee ballots were mailed out to voters, but fewer than 1,000 were returned.
  • Mon. 7 Oct. 2024 Wyoming: An overlooked story is the wildfires sweeping across Wyoming, particularly the eastern region, which happens to be not only privately owned but also rich in rare earth minerals. Wyoming residents had been opposing any proposals for mining in this area – until a wildfire ignited when lightning struck a fuel-heavy section with strong winds now fueling its spread even further. Certain citizens of Wyoming have been told to evacuate. Sounds like the perfect storm.

J. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: “Evergreen” is Hillary Clinton’s Secret Service code name it is also the name of a shipping company that transports CHILDREN, drugged and boxed up in containers marked “ Live Art” for delivery to elite pedophiles and  pedovores (is someone who eats babies) for possible organ harvesting, rape, torture and sacrifice!
Thurs. 1 April 2021: Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before It’s News

K. Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: BOOOM! Fairbanks Exposes the Dark Underbelly of Utah: Child Sacrifice and Corruption at the Highest Levels! …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram
The revelations coming from Cache Valley, Utah, are shocking! Delta Forces have uncovered a web of child sacrifice and Satanic rituals linked to powerful figures, including judges and sheriffs. While the mainstream media remains silent, the truth is too explosive to ignore!
Tom Fairbanks, an unwavering whistleblower, has been on the front lines, risking everything to expose these heinous crimes. His undercover work with Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) has led to the arrests of over 140 Satanic perpetrators involved in ritualistic child abuse. 
On May 30, 2023, during a Sting Operation on a Satanic holiday, Delta Forces saved a baby from being sacrificed, apprehending 48 members of a Satanic Coven in the process, including a district judge and a county sheriff! This operation reveals a system so corrupt, it protects its own—because the Sheriff was released almost immediately after his arrest.

What does this say about the corruption in Utah’s legal system? Fairbanks had previously sought investigations into these crimes, only to face death threats instead of support from the authorities. The U.S. Attorney General for Utah, John Huber, has been implicated in covering up these atrocities, refusing to investigate allegations against his colleagues.

Adding to the conspiracy, Fairbanks uncovered potential ties between Huber’s family and the nefarious Adrenochrome trade, indicating a deeper connection to the Satanic elite. Just days after exposing this connection, Fairbanks found himself hospitalized under mysterious circumstances, which he believes was an attempt on his life.
The military remains our only hope in this battle against evil! Fairbanks is now under military protection, but with threats still looming, the fight is far from over. The NSA’s involvement in surveilling Fairbanks reveals the extensive reach of this corruption.

As the Cromar couple continues to hide from the very system meant to protect them, we must ask ourselves: How deep does this corruption run? With the truth coming to light, are we finally on the verge of exposing the Satanic rituals and child trafficking that have infiltrated our highest institutions? Stay vigilant, patriots. The storm is brewing, and the time for action is NOW!

P. Diddy sex trafficking ring allegedly involves the hotel, banking, pharmaceutical industries. In a recent press conference detailing a myriad of criminal charges against Sean Combs (P. Diddy), Houston Attorney Tony Buzbee also revealed that the sex trafficking ring goes beyond the music industry and Hollywood and also implicates the hotel, banking and pharmaceutical industries. Buzbee warned that various corporate entities are implicated in the sex trafficking ring, and many high-level defendants are under investigation. He noted that some of these complicit entities are paid off large sums of cash to keep quiet, and others participate by covering up evidence for the sex trafficking ring.

Diddy ‘list’ of accomplices includes ‘powerful hotel execs, bankers and pharmaceutical bosses, says lawyer:

L. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Graphene Oxide (GO) can act as a solo trigger for most Covid symptoms. This is not a Virus or Spike Protein, but a chemical warfare agent. Graphene Oxide (GO) discoveries:

GO fibres are in plastic masks.
GO fibres are on PCR test swabs.
GO is in all Covid-19 vaccines.
GO creates thromboses.
GO causes blood clots.
GO disrupts the immune system.
GO can trigger a cytokine storm.
GO toxicity can instigate pneumonia.
GO creates a metallic taste in the mouth.
GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes.
GO produces a loss in the sense of taste and smell.
GO is magnetic (especially at the injection site.)
GO blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione.
GO may be activated by 5G frequencies.
GO was already included as an adjuvant in the flu shots in 2019.
GO passes thru the blood-brain barrier.

Mon. 7 Oct. 2024 …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • A catastrophic Geomagnetic Storm was set to hit Earth on Sat. 5 Oct, although the affects that may trigger potential earthquakes, widespread blackouts, satellite communication breakdowns and serious damage to our global power infrastructure may not be felt for a couple of weeks. I was rumored that the Storm was another product of the Cabal’s weather manipulation. They were trying to create chaos in line with their 2030 Agenda to take complete control over the population.
  • In line with their agenda, the Cabal has been busy trying to create World War III in the Middle East. Israeli Airstrikes have triggered a Middle East Crisis, as Russia commanded 1.5 million to flee Israel right now.

The Deep State Cabal’s international Child Sex Trafficking ring has also been very busy. Rumor was that one of the main reasons the Port workers went on strike (that has now ended) was that they had been hearing children yelling for help inside containers they were unloading. Having reported it to superiors, they were frustrated at having no response. It was assumed that the White Hats took care of the situation and in the process, ended the strike on Thurs. 3 Oct.

As part of the White Hat Agenda to take down the Cabal they will be destroying 34 Satanic sites around the World. The White House (that has been covering up underground tunnels of a massive Child Sex Trafficking Ring) was one of the first on their agenda to be blown up.


  • The worst goings on (as if there could be any worst) was taking place with victims of Hurricane Helene. A source in North Carolina revealed that, despite 1,000 troops being fully prepared for deployment, they remained sidelined because FEMA Region 4 and Governor Roy Cooper have yet to issue the critical mission orders, delaying a potentially urgent response.
  • Law enforcement in Asheville, North Carolina was warning business owners that they could be arrested for attempting to recover items from their damaged establishments.
  • A tearful woman from Western North Carolina described the horrifying scene of babies’ bodies floating down the river, while mainstream media ignores it. With deep emotion, she urges the nation to see this as a wake-up call and warns people not to trust the news, which she believes is concealing the real death toll.
  • Volunteer rescuers have been threatened with arrest if they tried to help victims. FEMA and the Red Cross have shown up at high schools and confiscated donated funds.
  • To top it off another Tropical Storm named Leslie, has formed in the Atlantic and is currently about 500 miles southwest of the Cabo Verde Islands. Leslie is forecast to strengthen into a hurricane in the coming days. Like the man made Helene Hurricane, Leslie’s path was said set for the same areas as Helene landed on.

Mon. 7 Oct. 2024 BREAKING: Trump and Musk Announce ‘Go Time’ for MARS and STARLINK: The Ultimate Weapon in America’s Arsenal for Military Domination! BOOOM! …Julian Assange

  • BREAKING: Trump and Musk Unleash MARS! Dive into a New Era of Military Communications with Starlink’s Advanced Satellite Technology. This is not just a project; it’s a revolutionary force in America’s defense arsenal. Act Now – The Future of Warfare is Here!
  • Military Revolution is Brewing as Trump Declares Elon Musk Will Propel America into a New World Order through MARS – The Military Auxiliary Radio System.
  • America is charging headfirst into a new age of military dominance with Donald Trump and Elon Musk at the helm. When Trump says, “Elon will soon take us to MARS,” he means business. The Military Auxiliary Radio System is not just a fantasy; it’s a powerhouse that will transform military communications and secure our nation’s future.
  • This isn’t just a corporate meeting; it’s an alliance forged in the fire of strategy. Trump and Musk are aligning forces to establish a bulletproof communication strategy crucial for maintaining America’s dominance. MARS is here, now. It’s not about space; it’s about military superiority.
  • The Military Auxiliary Radio System is embedded in the very fabric of the U.S. Department of Defense. It’s a safeguard against threats – a civilian force ready to ensure that American military messages never get silenced. Imagine cyberattacks, EMPs, and enemy disruptions; MARS stands ready to secure our communication lines.
  • MARS isn’t just a backup; it’s a full-force military program. In times of national emergency, we need an unstoppable network. That’s where Musk’s genius comes in. Starlink is the game-changer, ensuring real-time communication that is resistant to disruption and operates at lightning speed.
  • With thousands of satellites, American forces will have unbroken, encrypted communication wherever they are – on land, sea, or in the skies. This is about total domination, and Trump and Musk are ready to claim it.
  • The Space Force and MARS are the unstoppable duo for America’s future. This is more than an alliance; it’s a commitment to military supremacy. The Command Has Been Given: “Go Time” for MARS and Starlink. The pieces are moving into place, ensuring America is armed and connected like never before.
  • MARS is not just defense; it’s an offensive move, securing our dominance in an ever-dangerous world. America is awake, aware, and armed with the most advanced communication system the world has ever seen.
  • Conclusion: The March Toward Unmatched Military Power. Trump and Musk are not just taking us to Mars; they are taking America to the top, ensuring military superiority that no one else on this planet – or any other – can match.

O. Mon. 7 Oct. 2024 EBS: Worldwide Martial Law Initiated—White Hats Target FEMA for Human Trafficking and Theft After Stealing Funds and Supplies from Hurricane Helene Victims! …NESARA/GESARA on Telegram


Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: Unveiling the Unbelievable: JFK and JFK Jr’s Astonishing Survival and Disappearance …Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • In the pages of history, few names carry the weight of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. But what if I told you both JFK and his son, John F. Kennedy Jr., survived their alleged assassination attempts? This is a tale wrapped in secrecy, a story that defies everything you’ve been taught. And we’re about to blow the lid off what might be one of the biggest cover-ups ever.
  • The Mysterious Body Double: Mr. Tippit. On November 22, 1963, shots rang out in Dallas. JFK was thought to be assassinated, but what if he wasn’t even in the car? Some claim that a body double, Mr. Tippit, was actually the one who died that day. Sound insane? That’s what they want you to think.
  • JFK Jr.’s Ingenious Escape Plan. Fast forward to 1999. JFK Jr. – the golden child of the Kennedy legacy – reportedly died in a plane crash. Or did he? Rumors suggest he knew his plane was sabotaged, so he engineered an escape plan. How? By installing a remote control system on the plane. When the crash happened, he wasn’t even on board. That’s right. No one was. He had outsmarted his enemies and vanished into the shadows.
  • The Elusive Kennedys in Hiding. How could such monumental figures disappear without a trace? It’s simple: they had no choice. JFK, JFK Jr., and others went into hiding because staying in the public eye would’ve meant certain death. With enemies lurking and the stakes higher than ever, they had to vanish.
  • RFK Jr.’s Shocking Revelation. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confirmed what we’ve all suspected. JFK Jr. is alive. This revelation has shocked the world. If RFK Jr. is right, the Kennedy family has been living in secret for decades, dodging assassination attempts and steering clear of the public eye.
  • The Enigma of JFK’s Longevity. As if that wasn’t enough, rumors suggest that JFK lived until 2021. If true, why did he stay hidden for so long? And why come forward now? The answers will rock everything you thought you knew.
  • As these explosive truths come to light, one thing becomes clear: the Kennedy saga isn’t over. It’s a tangled web of mystery, survival, and powerful secrets. The legend of the Kennedys is alive, and it casts a long shadow over American history.
  • Are you ready for the truth? Because it’s coming, and nothing can stop it.

Numbers of illegal Aliens allowed to vote in American elections by state. Source is Social Security Admin. Numbers are growing each week. We are already over 10 million collectively.

  • Alabama 57,272
  • Alaska 3,765
  • Arizona 1,313,742
  • Arkansas 6,141
  • California 188,019
  • Colorado 45,105
  • Connecticut 4,912
  • Delaware 0
  • District of Columbia 0
  • Florida 46,191
  • Georgia 246,698
  • Hawaii 0
  • Idaho 5,093
  • Illinois 373,398
  • Indiana 174,499
  • Iowa 10,043
  • Kansas 25,593
  • Kentucky 0
  • Louisiana 6,192
  • Maine 5,328
  • Maryland 70,041
  • Massachusetts 4,830
  • Michigan 20,196
  • Minnesota 27,768
  • Mississippi 1,587
  • Missouri 1,709,753
  • Montana 23,983
  • Nebraska 7,440
  • Nevada 66,105
  • New Hampshire 0
  • New Jersey 166,558
  • New Mexico 0
  • New York 116,616
  • North Carolina 374,665
  • North Dakota 0
  • Ohio 35,954
  • Oklahoma 0
  • Oregon 22,490
  • Pennsylvania 1,583,781
  • Rhode Island 59,286
  • South Carolina 0
  • South Dakota 15,878
  • Tennessee 0
  • Texas 3,129,627
  • Utah 14,539
  • Vermont 2,982
  • Virginia 0
  • Washington 19,004
  • 2024 TOTAL: 10,000,402

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[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

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Restored Republic via a GCR 10-8-2024


Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

Total 5 comments
  • GilgaMike

    As long as REAL people are killed in droves – long as REAL {children} are disappeared – abused..😵
    ..the “white hats’ control” and “movie” and “plan” are but wishful~thinking! 😢 :arrow: :idea:

    • GilgaMike

      ..and “EBS” & “RV” & “G|TM0″ & “G/N*SARA” are but lofty^ best..
      …or hopium^psyops by the dark side to “show” how ego^focused humans have become!?

      • feral pa paw

        You are being polite to this CIA Stooge. Judy and almost all the other BIN Super Hero’s are bull shit artist of the worst kind. They prey off the uninformed and gullible among us. Which is a diabolical act.

  • truck driver

    Canadians will buy up the real estate for a place to live 6 months a year. Since they are allowed 6 months in the US and 6 months in Canada

  • HypothesisFree

    There is no one in the ENTIRE WORLD who feels more ANTI-WOKE than me; however the question needs to be asked, is Trump REALLY the LESSOR of two evils, in consideration of the FACT that he is encouraging SATANIC Israel to BOMB Iran Nuclear facilities, unlike Biden? Both are pro-vaccine, 5G, Mark of the Beast RFID Chip Tracking System, etc… So why vote for your misguided notion of lessor of two evils, when we could optionally vote for the good Dr. Shiva who is also running for president, even if in some cases only as a write-in?

    See also Dr. Shiva Live: Trump & Biden Both Serve One Master- Israel
    - /u-s-politics/2023/11/dr-shiva-live-trump-biden-both-serve-one-master-israel-2609439.html
    - /new-world-order/2018/11/your-vote-is-a-hate-crime-8235.html

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