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By Les Visible (Reporter)
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Revolution is Inevitable; Heads Wind Up on Pikes or... Bodies Twist in The Wind... Outside The Ruined Palace Gates.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

We are about to see a global shift in the balance of power around The World; a little push here… a little tug there… an overreach with nothing to grab. It only looked like something was there, and then… a long slow tumbling of dominoes or… a much speedier descent. It is hard to tell for sure because when one thing happens… there are several possibilities of reaction, and then something else happens, and… the possibilities expand logarithmically.

There have been a number of well-informed commentators who have held forth on war, government… and the stages of Revolution… before, and… in the aftermath. Sun Tzu comes to mind… Machiavelli… Von Clausewitz… Kautilya… Thucydides, and of course, Lao Tzu. Sometimes war is not the answer, and sometimes… you don’t have a choice. For every measured and circumspect mind that cares only for the welfare of the country… there are madmen… bloodthirsty psychopaths, and wild-eyed revolutionaries.

It seems that counterparts are mysteriously born to contend with one another; by this time… one could say it is a given. Great criminals give rise to the varieties of law enforcement. The rich and the poor counterbalance one another… until there are far more poor than rich. Then revolution becomes inevitable and heads wind up on pikes or… bodies twist in the wind… outside the ruined palace gates; literal? Metaphorical? You can count on all of the above… while the corpses are interned in The Earth below.

It has been a very long time since there was an age with more light and less darkness. Even before our present recorded history… it was the same old tale of kingdoms and realms… rising and falling… probably even before that too, and… before that. The Yugas are long indeed.

Oh! We’ve had those mini-golden ages. There was a period in ancient Greece. Then there were the post-World War decades in America, which were more about material excess and convenience than anything else. Every government in prosperous lands… in prosperous times… sails on a river of darkness… that flows by the subterranean factories… where the sausage makers fashion their wares. Certain things go on in secret. It has always been the case.

Similarly… there are secret orders of initiated souls that serve… in some cases, The Darkness, and… in some cases, The Light. These days there are all kinds of people who don’t know shit from ice cream… who will hold forth on the evil of every arcane society no matter what the claims may be otherwise.

The Invisible Rosicrucian Fellowship had its reasons for being invisible. Certainly, The Templars and others would have profited by paying more attention to not calling attention to themselves. The Templars had another… even greater misfortune… that indicated some lack of wisdom in their area of enterprise. They were rich.

The Rosicrucians have no uniforms and no rituals that are known to the carnal realm. They have one power and that is the power to heal. They stay under the radar and you never know if you have met one unless they inform you. Most of the time it is something you realize after they have gone They avoid the temporal attractions that draw so many into ignominy and an earlier grave; though… I suspect… you have only the time you have on the meter, and… that’s it; tick… tick… tick.

I began this post to illustrate specific conditions of the moment, and how twisted little plots are at work… below the surface and intensifying by the hour. It is like spoiled children… playing with a chemistry set… who do not know what they are doing and there are several times several groups of children… playing in different rooms.

They know about The Awakening. Evil… is as aware of the presence of Good… as Good is aware of Evil.

So… what do you think you are seeing? We have forced migrations (for the most part) of young male immigrants. This is the province of George Soros… who is a bagman for Satan-Rothschild Inc. We have manipulated weather and manufactured disasters, and if that were not true then… why does everything done in the aftermath confirm it? We have the sexual nature in a state of frenetic disturbance… with perversity as the objective. We have a concerted effort on the part of the government and state… with business and academe both… involved in an observable conspiracy to destroy The Family Unit.

What does it look like? It looks like someone wants to destroy the present civilization and culture and replace them with chaos and mob rule. Communism seems to be the emerging template to replace them, and who does Communism benefit? Who created it and to what purposes has it been directed since it first appeared?

It should be evident… unless you are intimidated and afraid or… complicit… or obsessed by some permutation of appetite or… some compelling fetish or… as is more and more the case… Possessed by entities from The Dark Side.

We are living in a time where the all-pervasive media… which has become an arm of government… which is a subdivision of The International Bankers… has been shaping The Hive Mind perspective… relentlessly asking; who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

Okay… we can see the various pincer movements… the herding tactics… that are employed through The Kiss and The Lash, BUT why? Why would they be destroying the village in order to save it (for their own purposes) when they also happen to live there? Well… madness is no respecter of person. Crazy is crazy… whether you are rich or poor… stupid or smart. So… to be simple and direct here, they… are… being… driven… to… it.

On the one hand… the few who know what is actually happening from The Dark Side perspective are aware that they are running on borrowed time. What they try to mask with their climate change fantasies and environmental fanaticism is a natural changing of the guard. A new age is upon us, and it is not the new age that new-age hucksters are making bank on. It is an age of Brotherhood Coming. You probably can’t see that very well at the moment, (grin) but… it’s coming.

If you are not on board with this or… willing to get on board… you will be plowed under and your role will be… compost… or that of a scurrying PA… working your way back up The Ranks (again) to make up for the disorder you were a part of (again). Everything is in order and everything is under control. I don’t care what your lying eyes are telling you because The Invisible Order… which serves The Spiritual Hierarchy… which serves The One (and only one)… is who is… ever was…and ever shall be… in charge.

I don’t care what religious artifacts you swing about… like a dead cat… in an ever smaller room; the walls closing in on you? I don’t care what folded, spindle, and mutilated scriptures you carry to beat The World into submission with. I don’t care what gaudy ceremonial outfits you dress up in… like The World’s Biggest Drag Queen in Rome. Your time is OFFICIALLY over. You are living in the echo of your own departure at… this… moment.

So… the ones on The Dark Side… who know that The Game is over, are trying to take as many of the rest of you down with them as they can. They think this is going to give them credit and cachet with The Prince of Darkness… who also happens to work for God, and who will be The District Attorney… when court convenes in mid-air.

Don’t pay any attention to the noise and confusion… from that chorus of uninformed voices… trying to sing Hell’s Unfinished Symphony… when it hasn’t even been finished.

They are toast. Does it matter which side your bread is buttered on when the toast is incinerated? Mr. Apocalypse is The Ringmaster. Usually… in a stage production… the director presents something… that is arranged to have a specific impact on the audience. In this case… The Director… Mr. Apocalypse will be revealing things that were already present but… hidden. He will be lifting the skirts of concealment to show you what was buried there.

Mr. Do-Wah Diddy is part of this, as was Epstein and so many yet to come. What many have not gotten is that The Apocalypse has only just begun… as far as any sense of intensity goes. Some of you need to be strapped in… some of you are reaching for a strap-on, and some of you are going to be getting The Strap. Some of you (given how twisted you are) are going to be liking that, so… other arrangements have been made, and…

one last thing.

End Transmission…….

Links will be in the usual section over at GAB=

As some of you might know, I am in the process of recording 3 new albums. I have been including the lyrics here, and there have been two or three so far, so… the next 27 (or so) are going to follow. I may… inadvertently… post one or two twice. I can’t remember what I’ve already put up, so… please bear with me. After today’s entry, I will place them in alphabetical order. Heh? I’m almost getting organized.

Patanjali’s Sutras will appear with each Visible Origami, and once these lyrics have come and gone… we’ll come up with something new.

Pray… Pray… Pray…

The streets are taken hostage

By the knuckle-dragging beasts

They’re waiting in the alleys

And the subways underneath

High in the uptown towers

The robber barons sleep

They think they’re safe and sound

But the drama’s not complete

cannibals have come for lunch

The music box intrigues their ears

like a hammer the night comes down

We have achieved our fears

You’d better pray to God for help

Pray hard to get away

Pray that you go eeeeasy

Pray, pray pray

Someone chummed the ocean

The sunscreen’s taste is sweet

They’re crying in the tombs below

Crying out for meat

but bide with me a while while

we waken from our sleep

and scan the panorama

as we move among the sheep

it’s a world of discontentment

in a winter of the same

when someone sets the world in order

You won’t even know his name

You’d better pray to God for help

Pray hard to get away

Pray that you go eeeeasy

Pray, pray pray

mystery and forces move

in the shadows and the light

but no one can see the one

who sets it all aright.

Yes there’s bitter tea to come for some

who brewed it up themselves

some are served by demons

and they only serve themselves

There’s bullshit in the boardrooms

but the meadow’s fresh and clean

some are pure as driven snow and

some are quite obscene

You’d better pray to God for help

Pray hard to get away

Pray that you go eeeeasy

Pray, pray pray

You’ve seen the crime lords plotting

in the towers and the streets

but evil will destroy itself

that’s how it earns its keep

don’t let the red-eyed specters

in the darkness bring you fear

It’s only for a little longer

then they’re out of here

Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall

fortunes come and go

all things pass they always do

in the end, you’ll know-


You’d better pray to God for help

Pray hard to get away

Pray that you go eeeeasy

Pray, pray pray

There is a love so great and true

that’s sleeping in the heart of you

rest in peace and go your way

I have nothing more to say.

rest in peace and go your way

I have nothing more to say.

See more at Smoking Mirrors


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  • Anonymous

    Nuremberg 2.0 is needed but I’m afraid we have far too many cowards who roll over do the Cult’s bidding.

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