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Satanism in Hollywood, Chemtrails, Cloning and Bill Gates – Jessie Czebotar

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First take a look at one of the most shocking videos in the world! This video actually shows us what the secret of the Trump family is related to their expressive health!!! –FULL VIDEO HERE

ER Editor: This is Part 3, the final part of a 2020 interview Jessie Czebotar did with Sarah Westall. It’s especially interesting in light of what we know about the P.Diddy revelations. Here are the previous 2 parts —

Jessie Czebotar with Sarah Westall – Deep Inside the Satanic Cult, Part 1 [VIDEO]

Jessie Czebotar, part 2 of Deep Inside the Satanic Cult [VIDEO]


What is the Most Powerful Force on the Planet?


ER: A reminder that this interview was done in October 2020, which was about six months into the Covid psyop, and a couple of months before medical professionals would receive the first toxic Covid injections. The general public starting with seniors would begin receiving them in January 2021.


  • Is that true for the mainstream Hollywood actors as well, that they’ve been through the Luciferian programs? Yes, it’s true for all of them, and it just depends on their position and what they’re needed for as to whether they’re CONSCIOUS of both their cover life and Satanic life, or not. Jessie has seen a lot of the famous ones going through these programs. And yes, they will have been abused because it’s all part of the program. (ER: Check out this 2019 clip of Christian Bale thanking Satan in relation to his playing Dick Cheney. 2019. A comm?)
  • How do we tie in chemtrails to this agenda, as we’re all getting sprayed? Jessie knows military veterans from her childhood, and she claims they focus the spraying (in the US) over where whistleblowers are, to cause health issues and take those people out. // Children recruited in these programs may go to school in the morning and then be bussed to underground bases (DUMBS) where she as a child would see what she knew to be Poseidon missiles. These decommissioned missiles would then be re-equipped for biochemical warfare. It’s all man-made; special hybrid diseases have been created. When journalist Timothy Holmseth claimed there had been rescues from tunnels in California, homeless people around San Francisco came down with the bubonic plague within a period of time afterwards. Jessie had been told that if the tunnels were in danger of being found out, the Poseidon missiles would be released. She says it’s possible that they’re spraying in two stages, where the 2nd sprayed chemical that people come into contact with would then be able to ‘ignite’ a health problem, where the two sprayed substances would interact. She says that COULD be happening; it’s speculative. Regarding the fires that have been happening, Jessie was told that fire is an accelerator of these processes, where the smoke that would inevitably spread would also spread the disease with it. She was told this as a child and doesn’t have independent verification of this. But it’s possible that the spraying and the fires work together to spread diseases of biochemical origins. The fires are also destroying above-ground indicators (markers, structures in a configuration) which map the entrances and exits to the underground tunnel systems. There have also been reports of fires underground in the tunnel systems, but Jessie believes that is the work of the ‘good guys’, removing tunnel systems so they can no longer be used. She thinks both methods are in play.
  • It feels like we’re in a war. Jessie: That’s because we are. On Oct 5 (or two days before) (this is 2020), the Illuminati families called huge meetings, which Trump was part of she had heard. Trump apparently told them what he was going to do. It isn’t clear what Trump proposed to them, but the families came back and rejected his proposals. They basically threatened him by saying that if he wanted another good term in office and if he wanted Americans to survive, he would have to ‘make a good choice’. Or else weapons would be released creating mass casualties. Trump was due to make a public announcement on the day Jessie was giving this interview. Jessie confirms that Trump speaks in code and that she understands the code.
  • Jessie doesn’t bother with Q to decode intel because she goes straight to Trump as the source although she will listen to others who help to decode what he’s saying. Some sources she uses are connected to The System/cabal itself, people who perform jobs for the elites, doing their dirty work. Basically, The System is not happy with what Trump is doing. They’re being brought down; they will fight to the death. That’s what they do; it’s impossible for them to react differently.
  • Do they still believe the Anti-Christ is coming? Yes, they do. It’s a question of who will help out this agenda. It won’t be the older generation of Satanic elites but the younger who will help fulfil it. So they are just replacing people, but the plan they have will still carry on with others doing it.
  • The Deagel website has predicted dramatic declines in populations of various countries. Jessie: Depopulation is a major part of the planSomebody has been chosen as the Anti-Christ, who is being prepared for the End Times (she won’t specify who this is). Israel is getting ready to rebuild the Temple Mount, where the Anti-Christ will stand to declare himself god(ER: Remember what Q said? ‘We’re saving Israel for last’. Recall the ‘invasion’ of Israel on Oct 7, 2023 that looked oddly staged right from the start. After a year of this, the world is now turning against Zionism and Israel.)
  • Jessie’s update: People should be aware that there are major things going on with our military and veterans. These people have been used in wars and warfare to create trauma in them. They come back and many commit suicide. 22 people per day kill themselves (2020 statistics; 36 days of reporting). The project Jessie is working on is to show the connections back to the Nazi programs (she names them), Project Paperclip, Aerodynamic and the Phoenix Project, and how it’s all connected to Tavistock, MIT and other universities, etc. And how they’re hiding the crimes they’re committing against people involved in these programs. For example, adrenochrome in powdered form is being added to the military diet, which puts soldiers in constant fighting mode while they’re deployed. Once they’re back, they’re not weaned off that. Soldiers can go crazy, which is part of the withdrawal from adrenochrome, and become totally dysfunctional within their families. Children have also been included in these sorts of projects, and the govt will only ever release fake documentation about all of this. Jessie is helping to get real documentation released. She’s also trying to get exposure on the drugs and chemicals they’ve used on soldiers and children. The big thing here is that they’re trying to hide their use of children as weapons. They’re also using witchcraft and black magic with children, which means that these children are able to access higher spiritual planes. This in turn allows them to become assassins, actions which are untraceable because it they don’t happen in the physical world. Frequencies can also be used for this. This was the technique used at Hiroshima to destroy part of the population, where frequencies destroyed people from the inside out.
  • On cloningJohn Brennan was heavily into this. The masses get told a complete lie about this. Dolly the sheep was never cloned. What they did was to take two eggs with sperm attached, so the babies were already beginning to grow, from which came Dolly. The DNA from both was taken and simply implanted in another sheep. This is called DNA manipulation or transplantation. Brennan was working a lot on this, even experimenting with children in the womb where they would remove fetal body parts in the womb, such as the nose, and surgically transplant say a pig’s nose onto the child, or a pig’s feet. When the child was born, they would then claim that they had succeeded in creating a human-animal hybridWhatever your worst imaginings are, this is what they’re doing to children in utero. These are children not born into loving homes, but into labs where they will continue to be experimented on throughout their lives. There is a lot of sexual abuse done to these modified humans, and they’re sold for higher sums because of their special features. Is money the motivation here? Sometimes, but sometimes it is to accentuate people’s spiritual gifts. Elevating people’s spiritual gifts is often related to the demonic spirits and angels. The spirits she worked with were very blood-lusty and graphic. They would demand to work with children who had these rarities because it would give the entities more control in the rituals, creating negative emotional energy/frequency in the children that would give access to the lower ‘gates’.
  • They value the lower gates: since 1984, the upper gates have been closed. So the upper gates are what they’re trying to open for the End Times agenda. (She goes onto explain why there is so much darkness in the world, so much negative energy.) And their programming of us helps with this, where fewer people have access to positive emotions and higher frequency states. Which explains the push against anything that is spiritual and positive in us.
  • Antarctica: this is connected to the spiritual gates and the experiments. There is an underground lab / DUMB base there where Brennan was doing a lot of experiments. There are 7 ancient gates and this is one of them. This gate goes to both upper and lower realms. The gates were created back in biblical times (she explains this). Would a normal person be able to see this? It’s usually only perceptible in the spiritual world. A lot of military bases and underground DUMBS, plus some Luciferian areas where there are rock formations (she mentions ‘Headstone’), operate as markers of spiritual gates.
  • John Brennan: he was one of Jessie’s main abusers. He’s not the most evil one, no. What was done to Jessie, since she wasn’t sexually abused? Brennan would make her watch the abuse and rituals, without being able to intervene or oppose it. They would use sex magic in front of her and force her to watch. Brennan featured prominently for her in this. Michael Karkoff, the Nazi with power over Brennan – both would hold her down and force adrenochrome or other chemicals and hormones into her to heighten her spiritual gifts. They would hold her down and perhaps put her in a strait jacket to test how much adrenochrome the body can take; otherwise a person can go psychotic, becoming very violent to the point of ripping people apart. It creates the worst feeling in someone. So they would test her and other children, putting them into a psychotic state to test drug levels. She would have to interface with the spiritual gates, to go through them and come back and make a report. Other military generals were involved, as well as Brennan.
  • South Africa and Netherlands: these are 2 other projects Jessie is working on, including New Zealand. In NZ, SA and Australia, waterways are being used in a major way to traffic children. Jessie and her colleagues are working on exposing leaders, etc. there, who have been made to look good in the public eye, awarded with peace prizes, etc. And yet they’ve been heavily abusing children, selling them to the Luciferians, providing ‘assets’ for the business side of the company. In the Netherlands, the govt has really supported the perpetrators. Women have come forward with evidence of abuse and Satanic practice to law enforcement, but the govt always protects the perpetrators. The survivors and advocates had a meeting with the Dutch govt on the 6th (October, 2020), to which the govt then ruled that no SRA cases are going to be heard going forward. So then they implemented a lockdown to shut down further meetings.
  • Vaccines and Bill Gates: They’re genius villains! Gates’ real job is to be the ‘clean-up crew‘. The things they were planning for mass destruction and control aren’t working out. The Covid vaccine can only be bad, bringing about death or controlling people’s minds, to return control to them. Jessie confirms that people in the government are working to ensure that the rebellious people, those who support Trump and Q, etc. will be the ones to get injected (ER: This comment DOES anticipate the bad batches of vaccines, that would uniquely kill far more people in Republican states).
  • Why is Trump supporting the vaccine? Trump is using code words, implying that the military is the vaccine. He’s coding about the arrests and military coming through to do them. But Jessie has seen some things where they were mass-producing the vaccines, so she doesn’t know if Trump is having a vaccine produced against biochemical warfare (if such weapons were to be released). She doesn’t believe it’s the same vaccine as the Illuminati is pushing. (ER: This is still a hot question re. Trump.)
  • She saw the Obamas personally involved in all this. They relate to activity in the Chicago area. There are many acting females out there who are males. There are a lot of homosexual relationships among these political relationships. She will comment no further on Michelle / Michael Obama for the moment except to say ‘she knows what’s in her pants’.

FEMA’s Coming for Your Guns and Stockpiles! It’s Time to Fight Back Against the Government’s Outrageous Overreach! (video)


Go to GoodDog shows (Rumble channel) where she presents her evidence against these people, including the Obamas, McCain, and others.


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