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Shocking Secret Exposed! Trump Is Hinting at the Musicians and Entertainers That We Loved and Who We Think Are Dead but Are Actually Alive and Part of the Great Awakening

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President Trump: “Very exciting night, some races that are hot and heavy, we are all watching them here, some of you like the music and I understand that very well, so we are doing a combination of both.”

My take on this is Trump is hinting at the musicians and entertainers that we loved and who we think are dead but are actually alive and part of the Great Awakening in addition to the electoral process to unveil voter fraud to the people. Q may not have captured so many people’s attention without combining the hope of some of our favourite stars and entertainers being alive working with white hats and Trump to help expose the truth. We humans enjoy hope.

Trump welcomes the fake news media, “There are a lot of people back there that’s incredible, that’s a big group, I’m sure.

“So um, the numbers have been amazing, up until this point, but as of this moment in terms of endorsements with the nominations we had a total of 330 endorsements on nominations. This is only nominations, this isn’t for tonight.”

330 = 33 = Deep State is obsessed with this number, the age Christ died and 33 degree Masonry. 330 also = JFK Jr in Gematria as does 55 (loud and clear). I have included Q drop 33, 330 and 55.

“And of the 330 we won 200, we won 300 and 24 and if you think 224, and some of those were a long shots in all fairness, they were down in 5th place, we had a lot of people in 5th place that went to first. But it was 224 out of 330, that’s a pretty GOOD number and then tonight because they said “well, he’s GOOD on nominations, but is he GOOD on the general election?”

I have included Q post 200, 300, 24 and 224. Trump mentions candidates in 5th place that went to first, this is based on the fake news polls to give you the illusion your candidate is losing but they all manage to become number one. Funny that.

Rizvi Traverse & Other Clown Operated Companies

Even Donald Trump has sounded the alarm, saying this potential economic shift would be worse than losing a war. Under Biden’s watch, BRICS has grown into an even more formidable enemy, now including nations like Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the UAE. Together, this mega-coalition represents over 35.6% of global GDP and controls 45% of the world’s population. The numbers speak for themselves: BRICS is not just a threat—it’s a juggernaut ready to crush the West’s economic supremacy.



“Crime of the Century”: What Big Pharma Isn’t Telling You About Its Benefits Against Major Diseases: How Coffee Can Combat Parkinson’s, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Liver Cancer, and Obesity — Secrets Big Pharma Keeps Quiet

Blackwater founder Erik Prince wants Trump to revive the CIA’s Phoenix assassination program.

The Phoenix Program was designed and initially coordinated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency during the Vietnam War, involving the American, Australian, and South Vietnamese militaries. In 1969, CIA responsibility was phased out, and the program was put under the authority of the Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support. Wikipedia

ERIK PRINCE, AMERICA’S most notorious mercenary, is lurking in the shadows of the incoming Trump administration. A former senior U.S. official who has advised the Trump transition told The Intercept that Prince has been advising the team on matters related to intelligence and defense, including weighing in on candidates for the Defense and State departments. The official asked not to be identified because of a transition policy prohibiting discussion of confidential deliberations.

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Watch this video below to find out the great secrets hidden by the government.

All Q Drops – Part 18: General Flynn Knows Where the Bodies are Buried

“So as of this moment, we have some out there, we are 80 wins and 3 losses. Is that GOOD?”

8+3 = 11 = JJ

Set of Ace’s = 11 = JJ = John John = Trump Card

“People often tell that I could be a great man. I’d rather be a GOOD man.” John F. Kennedy Jr.

I’ve included Q post 80 and 3.

Alice In The Bloody Wonderland by Paul Serran

Uranium One Articles By Breitbart

FBI completely ignored Russia corruption in 2010 Uranium One Deal

Full text of “Huma Abedin, Giustra, Hillary Clinton Racketeering Indictment”

Viral Content! Trump’s favorite All Day Slimming Tea!

“Wouldn’t that be funny if we were better on the general election than the nominations themselves?”

North Carolina Ted Bud is leading, now he is leading, 51 – 47 = 17

In Missouri Eric Schmidt very good guy is now leading up 55 – 43 = 17

Later in his speech he brings up Katie Britts “I want to congratulate Katie Britt we endorse Katie and she did fantastically 68 – 30″ = 17

That is 3 candidates that totalled 17 (at that time) – 17 x 3 = 51 Area 51

These people are mathematical geniuses. Trump used the word GOOD 10 times in his speech = 5.5 = Loud and Clear = Who is a GOOD man?

Back to the very good guy Eric Schmidt numbers 55 – 43

55 = JFK Jr and 43 mirrored 34 = Q Clearance Patriot

Trump speech was 4:30 – drop the zero = 43 = 34

“He’s against a BUSH, but a different Bush, it’s called an Anheuser-Busch that’s a different Bush, Trump looks directly at the press and says “you tell be which is the real Bush.”

Anheuser-Busch- American brewing company headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, notable Budweiser.

Anheuser Busch Burnin Hells Devil Flames Rare Draft Beer Keg Bar Tap Note: Freemason Masonic Compass and Star of Satan.


New York, NY (November 3, 2022)

Anheuser-Busch is proud to announce its renewed commitment to U.S. Soccer as the official beer sponsor. The extension continues the longest strategic partnership in U.S. Soccer history, which began in 1987.With the refreshed multi-year marketing partnership, Anheuser-Busch will bring unparalleled experiences for fans to support the U.S. Men’s and Women’s National Teams throughout the United States.

After all that nonsense – the only bush I trust is my own.

“In Ohio JD Vance is now leading 50 to 47.”

5+4+7 = 16 mirror 19 POTUS.

“We had an incredible rally last night in OHIO and you saw that in Florida Marco Rubio, we had an unbelievable rally for Marco the night before with the heaviest rain I’ve ever been involved in. We gutted it out …

Q Post 247 = GUTTED!

Melissa Hodgman Named Acting Director of Division of Enforcement

45 = POTUS = 9 Highest Power = power to the people – Q post 4127 teleprompter

“I was up there it was beautiful and everything, this is the tropics right Florida, it was so beautiful the most beautiful night and then all of a sudden it turned deadly dark and it was like you had massive pails of water that just fell on top of me, we went through the worst storm, but we gutted it out.” I had no teleprompters, we had 45,000 people out there, we had no teleprompters, I said I wonder what Biden would do right now? But we gutted it out.”

Trump Delivers Speech in Pouring Rain During Rally in Miami, FL

NOT ONE PERSON LEFT! They all weathered the storm with POTUS.

President Donald Trump whipped up enthusiasm from Republicans amid a downpour at a rally for Senator Marco Rubio in Miami on Sunday, November 6th. #TheStormIsUponUs

Dan Scavino on Trump in Miami videos

Watch all 3 in a row.

“And it was amazing, but Marco had a fantastic evening at 58 – 41 that’s really tremendous, as of this moment.”

58 – 41 = 5+8+4+1 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

“Katie Britt, I want to congratulate Katie Britt we endorse Katie and she did fantastically 68 – 30 = 17 = Q. That means she has a future, young and just a fantastic women with a husband who’s great, he may be the largest human being I’ve ever seen, he is an offensive lineman in the NFL for a long time and a great football player he actually played for Alabama but Katie congratulations to you.”

NFL = 66 = 99 = 18 = R = JFK JR. NFL = 23 = PAIN.

Who is Katie Britt’s husband, Wesley Britt?

Katie Britt is not the only famous face in her family. Before she was known as a political candidate, she was known as the wife of former-NFL player Wesley Britt. Wesley first joined the NFL in 2005 after being drafted by the San Diego Chargers in the fifth round.

He went on to play for the New England Patriots.

“And we have a lot of other GOOD ones out there, Hershel’s leading right now. So we have a lot of big races going on right now so enjoy that, enjoy the food and enjoy everything. And really in all fair, it is a great honour to have the media with us, we hope you enjoy yourself and um, this wonderful group of people.”

There is plenty going on behind the scenes – enjoy the show and the media sucks! At the 3.50 mark of the speech, Trump does the hand gesture OK Symbol to the press – or 666 or White Supremacy – to get the normies to call him out for using this symbol, it’s to teach the normies about symbolism. #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall

35 = JFK – video duration is 4.:30 = 43 – think mirror = 34 = Q Post – Q clearance Patriot = JFK Jr = A good man.

“And really in all fair, it is a great honour to have the media with us and we hope you enjoy yourself and uh this wonderful group of people these are the people you read about they are not the nicest people in the world but they are brilliant financially. We are not going to see any great football stars in here, but we do see brilliant people (as he points to his temple) but ah no but they are great people and very very successful people they want what is GOOD for the country and that is why they are here and I want to thank you all for being here, and again to the media thank you very much, have a GOOD time. Thank you.”

Trump uses the word fair, instead of fairness. Check out the word matches!!

“What’s this Q thing?” RSBN Host bringing up a Q drop during their segment last night on live TV

“I am going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, November 15th, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, FL.” -President @realDonaldTrump

NOTE 8:01 = 18 = R = JFK Jr.

Nov 15 = 17 = Q

With hold misspelling

missing (H) 🤔

Drop 3355 (H) also mentions Blackmail and

Welcome Back Q

What happens when those who held positions of POWER (& INFLUENCE) no longer pull the strings? What happens when ‘BLACKMAIL’ no longer works? Do you become a LIABILITY?

(H)> C, D, I

Welcome back Q

So GOOD to see you

Are you returning publicly again now

The time has come to re enter the public domain.

Trump said +++ in a recent rally, he has said it before. Here he is referring to it with Brexit.

👀The head Rothschild just died 👀

Evelyn Rothschild, now deceased, had some interesting friends. Clintons, Prince Charles, he was also the personal financial advisor to the late Queen Elizabeth II. The Old Guard is fading away. Jordan Sather

Evelyn De Rothschild, London Head of Banking Dynasty, Dies at 91

  • Helped unite his family’s British and French finance arms

  • Friend of Margaret Thatcher, financial adviser to the queen

What is 11.11? 11.11 Criminal Law in Occupied Territory (Law of War Manual) 🧐

The[Y] are going try and cheat so pre 11.11 based on law of war manual

Distracting from pointing out that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged could put some in a really precarious situation! Who has the People’s back and who[M] doesn’t?

I pray Judgement Day is coming for the Cabal! 🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅🙏🇺🇸🦅

On the left is from General Flynn this morning @TrueGenFlynn

He starts and ends with “Steady”

Q 4211 is the only Q that mentions “Steady”

“Slow and Steady wins the race”

Let’s see how these Midterms actually finalize

Let’s see what Recovery & Accountability looks like

Vincent Kennedy responds to ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter with one dot. This is Mores code and one dot represents E or 5 or Roman numeral V as in victory or V = 22 = 11:11 or V = 123 = Q Post 123 Nothing is random, everything has meaning. BOOM!

Watch Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch on suing!

Instead of conspiracy theorist, we prefer connect the dots specialist with outstanding pattern recognition skills and the ability to ask questions, do research and change our original programming. The biggest gift from awakening is checking your ego at the door and knowing you do not have all the answers and the learning never stops. That’s it.

I’m very excited to finally be on Truth Social. I have 13 followers so please go follow me. Truth Social has some work to do – they need to add direct messaging, and the ability to create threads, easily move photos and attach long form information. BUT I’m loving freedom of speech. #FREEDOM


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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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Total 2 comments
  • Anonymous

    Trump said nothing like your clickbait title, liar.

    • CA:tch22

      Good you looked at it so I did not have to; I would just have called it bullshit by the bull slayer (Willard something that calls himself Juan o 6Y …sure o (for anal) 7 (Saturn is the seventh Planet if you count the Lunar/Moon as they did in ancient times.))

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