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You Decide Not To Over-Vaccinate Your Pet - What Happens Next?

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Article posted with permission from the author, Suzanne Hamner.

If you have not read the series “Vaccinating Your Pets – What You Should Know” Parts 1 through 5 and have not seen the Sons Of Liberty Media morning show concerning the same, you should read the series and watch the show before continuing.

Trigger Warning: If you are a veterinarian, veterinary technician, or anyone working with animals, what you are about to read may produce intense feelings. You are urged to consider the research done, do your own research, and digest the information presented with an open mind. If, after doing this, you still disagree, then feel free to reach out to me through Sons of Liberty Media to engage in healthy debate on live radio regarding this issue.

So, you have decided to forego over-vaccination of your pet based on your own research, the research done by Dr. Ronald Schultz – the definitive expert on pet vaccinations, and research printed on Sons of Liberty Media. What happens next?

Well, if you are like many pet parents, you may face difficulty receiving further healthcare for your pet because your pet’s healthcare chart at the veterinarian’s office shows “overdue” where vaccinations are concerned. Let’s recap briefly Dr. Schultz’s research.

  • In 1978, Dr. Schultz published his initial research findings indicating that pet vaccinations (rabies and core vaccinations) can be done every three years.
  • Later research by Dr. Schultz proved pet vaccinations timed properly (rabies and core vaccinations) provided lifetime protection for your pet against the diseases targeted.
  • Through his research, Dr. Schultz discovered certain pet diseases that are targeted by vaccines were actually “unvaccinatable” diseases (non-core vaccinations).

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has stated the elimination of the canine rabies virus variant (CRVV) was one of the most important public health successes of the 20th century. And, it was announced by the CDC as well as Reuters, CRVV was eventually eliminated in 2004.

Granted, the CDC is not the most reliable source on anything after what has been exposed about the agency and vaccines, the CONvid-1984 debacle, and fraudulent testing regarding masks. However, if those who put stock into what the CDC reports won’t heed the reports on rabies, why follow anything the CDC reports or recommends? This means local animal control agencies and State and local governments that enact laws concerning animal rabies vaccinations. They pick and choose what serves them the best and leave the rest – like a Chinese buffet, with many of these “laws” being pushed and supported by veterinarians and uneducated pet parents. Plus, veterinarian associations such as the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) are still behind in their vaccine recommendations based on the work of Dr. Ronald Schultz. And, vets don’t have to follow the AVMA or AAHA recommendations. Over-vaccination becomes the norm providing a 15 to 30 percent boost to veterinarian income since pet medications may have up to a 200% markup. , the veterinarian-pharmaceutical industrial complex plays a significant role in over-vaccination and over-medication of our furry family members.

According to the documents previously cited, the most common source for rabies was bats, but skunks, raccoons, foxes, and rodent-type animals have also been found to be a source of rabies. And, an interesting statement from the CDC indicates that 94% of bats submitted for rabies testing DO NOT have rabies.

This does mean that dogs might still acquire rabies from wildlife; however, it is the full assessment of the lifestyle of the dog that is important in determining their risk. But, remember, research indicated that properly timed vaccinations would protect your furry family member for a lifetime. The problematic issue is over-vaccination.

You are probably wondering what this has to do with receiving additional healthcare services for your dog once you choose to cease over-vaccination. The allopathic veterinarian, who has treated Abby since her adoption, refuses to provide her dental services unless she receives a current vaccination for rabies.

Two years ago, Abby started having severe bloody diarrhea 3 months after receiving a rabies vaccine and multivalent core vaccine containing two “non-core” excipients at the same time. The issue continued despite repeated visits to the allopathic veterinarian for treatment for the next two years while this writer conducted research into animal vaccines. The results of the research pointed to the vaccines being the culprit of her severe gastrointestinal issue. She now suffers from a chronic illness requiring a daily natural regime, along with a home-prepared food regimen to manage her condition. At this point, Abby is considered an “unhealthy” dog due to the development of a chronic health issue and should not be vaccinated again. It has been a well-known mantra of veterinarians and even the pharmaceutical companies place the statement on vaccine vials that only healthy animals should receive vaccinations.

The allopathic veterinarian even remarked on Abby being a “pampered dog” at one point. In Part 5 of the series, “Vaccinating Your Pets – What You Should Know”, Abby’s lifestyle was thoroughly documented. He is very well aware the one-year and three-year vaccines for rabies are an identical formula, even admitting it on two different office visits. With that being the case, his over-vaccination of Abby for four years, and knowing the formulas are the same and only the labeling is different, why refuse to provide further treatment and care for Abby? He is also aware of her lifestyle.

The veterinary office staff claim they “cannot” schedule dental care services without a current rabies vaccine on record. In all honesty, it is not that they could not; it was that they would not. Moreover, the allopathic veterinarian will not even do a titer to determine immunity. Performing a titer would settle the issue. No package insert for any vaccine given to Abby has ever been provided by ANY veterinarian even after repeated requests. The only conclusion that can be drawn is package inserts do not exist for animal vaccines, meaning proper informed permission/consent cannot be obtained from pet parents for this medical treatment. It also means that veterinarians are not educated enough on the vaccine adverse events to provide guidance to pet parents.

The holistic veterinarian has yet to respond regarding dental service for Abby.

Just like in humans, the medical industrial complex for animals has turned into a Nazi-Stasi type of profession where informed consent is non-existent, refusal results in punitive consequences, unethical, unprofessional, and immoral conduct are rampant, and the pet parent is denied dignity and respect. Animals are frequently injured from over-vaccinations and veterinarians turn a blind eye to the problem. Repeatedly, it has been stated to this pet parent by veterinarians, “I became a vet to help animals.” This statement has to be questioned at this point, particularly when a vet refuses to acknowledge statements by authorities like the CDC (which is not the most honest or trustworthy), verifiable research conducted by a veterinarian known as the expert on pet vaccinations, and negates performing titers and the lifestyle of the pet in determining the repeated administration of vaccines beyond the initial administration schedule that results in lifetime immunity.

The simple answer is money.

Pharmaceutical companies are investing billions of dollars into pet medicines.

And why wouldn’t they? It’s faster and easier (and ultimately cheaper) for pet medicines to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). [The US Department of Agriculture is involved with animal medications and vaccines as well.]

But that abbreviated review comes with a cost,” says Russell.” There is a greater risk of pet drugs entering the market with unforeseen side effects.”

I recruited the General Manager of animal product in Scandinavia and we had frequent conversations,” says Virapen. “He warned me of the many issues with the animal products. For example, while the company was still trying to get approval for human growth hormone (HGH) for animals, they were already injecting it into pigs and cows. They didn’t care that the HGH was contaminated: they were mostly waste from the human market although humans would be consuming these animals in the end.”

Moreover, Virapen says that pet medicines can be a dumping ground for expired human medicines.

The pharmaceutical companies use vaccinations and drugs they can’t dispense for humans on dogs. This includes expired lots as well as products not approved for human use.” [Emphasis mine]

Do veterinarians know this? If so, do they care? Remember, veterinarians are not required to follow any recommendations by the American Veterinarian Medical Association or any other entity, including the State boards for veterinarians. They basically get to do what they think and want because there is no fear of malpractice as animals are considered property and “their value is insufficient to be much of a threat”. Pharmaceutical companies care little, if anything, for human consumers of their products. It’s worse when it comes to our furry family members. For pet parents, their fur babies are much more than property – they are valued family members. Their value can be incalculable.

Veterinarians, like human medical doctors, are negating the fact that God endowed animals with wonderfully created immune systems. If vaccines are effective and provide immunity, there is no need to continue to vaccinate needlessly. With the markup on pet medications – vaccines are medication treatments, veterinarians get a boost to their income from over-vaccination of our furry family members. After all, research has shown animals gain lifetime immunity from these vaccinations. The only reason to continue to vaccinate is money – not animal health or preventing rabies in humans.

At this point, pet parents have a choice – submit to the veterinarian tyranny, forego certain treatments, like dental services, for your pet, or search for a veterinarian that will perform the additional services without a “current” rabies vaccine. There has not been one veterinarian contacted that will provide Abby with dental services without a “current” rabies vaccine. According to the allopathic veterinarian, the rabies vaccine can be given during the dental service procedure when it is overdue, meaning there is no lead time for effectiveness. What would prevent any veterinarian from agreeing to perform dental service on a pet who has not received a “current” rabies vaccine from administering the vaccine during the procedure, increasing the cost of the service to cover the vaccine, and not informing the pet parent until after it was done? Nothing since most veterinarians are on “auto-pilot” and do not obtain proper informed consent anyway. We know human medical doctors have falsified many legal documents and healthcare records. It would not be too far of a jump to think veterinarians would do the same considering there is no risk to them by doing so.

Veterinarians have no fear of malpractice, and legally, animals are property. Since compensation from a malpractice lawsuit against a veterinarian would be limited to the cost of the animal, the legal costs make holding veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies accountable prohibitive. None will sign a statement they will be personally liable for any injury to your fur baby from a vaccine as they follow the same mantra as human medical doctors – “vaccines are safe and effective”. And, with virtually no risk of malpractice, why accept liability when you have zero? Just like their human doctor counterparts, veterinarians are reluctant to recognize, document, and declare an animal has suffered a vaccine injury. Neither the allopathic veterinarian or the holistic veterinarian will confirm or deny Abby has suffered a vaccine injury, meaning both are ignoring the possible cause of her chronic health condition.

Veterinarians are more than happy to “respect” your decision to not vaccinate your furry family member because they know if your fur baby needs additional services, they can hold the “got to have the rabies vaccine” over your head as leverage later. Even after stating, “Rabies is the vaccine Abby needs the least”, the allopathic veterinarian refuses to provide dental service to Abby without a current one.

As stated earlier, Abby’s holistic veterinarian has not yet responded.

One has to question if we truly live in a free society when punitive consequences occur when exercising choice and informed consent. When the mantra that has been repeated ad nauseum is “we follow the science”, no one is following the science where pet vaccinations are concerned. What we are witnessing in the human medical pharmaceutical industrial complex and the veterinarian pharmaceutical industrial complex suggests we are not truly free – we are “subjects” to these complexes. We are “ruled” by a vicious money-train tyrants. Veterinarians, in conjunction with the pharmaceutical industrial complex, have made over-vaccination of our furry family members a habit and profitable. They are unwilling to give it up despite the validated research findings. Uneducated pet parents are not helping the situation and may have a vaccine-injured furry family member who is repeatedly being harmed by over-vaccination. The fear of rabies is as bad as the fear of the CONvid-1984.

At this point, Abby will not be receiving any dental services unless a veterinarian agrees to provide the service without updating her vaccines. Because of the seriousness of Abby’s gastrointestinal problems, she will not be receiving any further vaccines or treatments that could complicate her issue. It is a difficult decision to make, but is a necessary one. Even with the natural regimen Abby is on to manage her chronic health condition, she will occasionally suffer gastrointestinal upset. Based on past experiences, her current upsets would be considered mild.

Difficult decision-making lies ahead for pet parents who choose to cease the over-vaccination of their furry family members. However, pet parents have to continue to advocate for their fur babies, challenge the money train surrounding pet vaccinations, and counter the arrogance and narcissism of some veterinarians. It is up to us to educate ourselves, other pet parents, and those who enact legislation and local ordinances. With the joy and value that our furry family members bring to our lives, aren’t they worth it?

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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