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Imagine Vitality For All

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Easily verifiable practices to rapidly improve the health of carbon based life forms known as human beings and all animals alike.

Pleasant greetings.

It is becoming increasingly more important as we grow in awareness and also age, to remember to do the necessary work to remain strong of mind and body. In doing so these efforts will not only be of great use to ourselves but also, even more importantly, the example we lead with will impact so positively our loved ones and that of society itself.

Most all people ought be aware by now that something, or somethings do not want the elevation or elucidation of our species. All one has to do to discover this is thoroughly examine the controversial subjects they think so certainly cannot possibly be true. There is an older saying that comes to mind possibly from Mark Twain which attests, it is not the things that we do not yet know that harm us, it is the things we are so absolutely sure of. The writing is on the wall it is also said, and this dark energy is not hiding itself any longer, nor should we. Our internal and external atmospheres are changing to something far less oxygenated and lifelike, becoming more synthetic and acidic—all by malevolent design. I am here now conveying to you how to reverse, or at the very least slow down this program. You can do it, we can do it, all we have to do is change our minds and open our hearts more to uncomfortable information regarding such matters which are now so pervasive, that one would have to be simply refusing to look into the material to not realize this is all manufactured mayhem.

To grow stronger in this archontic construct we know as reality, we must work.

Vitality is not something that will be granted to us without continuous conscious efforts to this end. As a matter of truth it is quite the opposite, whereby massive efforts will be required to become stronger during these prophesized times. Remembering also to continue to assist in the collective strengthening of those around us, because as they grow so to do we. As the now, almost defunct controllers of society continuously attempt to conquer us through systematic division, whether it be through intention or ignorance, we must do the direct opposite and become closer to one another. Each and every friendship mended, be that of human to human, or even of equal value, human to animal strikes at the very heart of the dark entities of this world that choose to do us harm. Knowing this, it proves wise to remain and become even more unified in service to each other. Further unification of virtuous loving souls is paramount for our approaching victory in returning peace to this earth.

This message will entail very simple, yet effective beyond measure, ways to obtaining more life force energy. The principles and disciplines that follow are not debatable as to their usefulness by any forms of higher thought whatsoever. Might this knowledge be forever valuable through the elevation of health in all benevolent beings, especially for those altruistic souls of the animal kingdom. Because for society to become one full of joy and radiance, first we must ferociously protect and provide great nurture to the helpless.

The message above is not a meme with only little topical knowledge as we see so much of in today’s echo chamber media. There is undeniably staggering wisdom, and on numerous levels within his few words. You know, many people refer to Albert Einstein when seeking knowledge on many things for whatever reasons, perhaps he was simply the chosen one to promote certain agendas. However, it was actually his wife Mileva that taught him mathematics before he married his cousin Elsa. Nevertheless, profoundly wise were they both, but in 1940 Einstein wrote about Mahatma Gandhi the following words. “Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”. ~Albert Einstein—Out of My Later Years pg. 240.

I write this passage here to demonstrate the level of direct admiration coming from one whom is thought to possess greatness himself, has placed on another because of the persons character and depth of his words. Also, Albert Einstein penned, Nothing, will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as the evolution back to a vegetarian diet”.


So we begin here, as this is also the most important point of this entire message. When seeking the highest levels of health we are to ingest foods that we humans were meant to consume, as our anatomical structures indicate so plainly, so perfectly clearly. The most simple points to consider that can be expounded upon, each one of them to the greatest of details, proving beyond any reasonable doubt that we homo sapiens are not equipped externally, nor internally as carnivores—Our teeth, intestines, hands (without claws or talons), non acidic saliva, low stomach acidity, mobility of our jaws, the size of our mouths, and much much more, all, are the exact opposite to that of true carnivores.

Exactly opposite, as our physical anatomy tells us the truth.

It does not matter what the echo chamber portion of our programmed populace continuously regurgitates, as in the talking points they have adopted as their own ideas continue to exclaim. What matters is your anatomy, and the type of food material it was divinely inspired to accept—and this truth is beyond any type of reasonable reproach. I will challenge anyone walking this beautiful earth to a debate on this most crucial matter, even be willing to raise a large amount of capital to be awarded to the winners charity of choice. It matters not how many letters they have behind their name, what poison ivy league school they attended, or how many followers they think they have hanging on their every word, I will eviscerate their repeated elementary shallow points of thought and level of intelligence regarding this matter. Clearly and decisively their talking points will be, and have been easily dismantled by all the genius of past and present. They have already thought of anything, and everything to be considered, particularly surrounding such a critical subject. So the repeaters of meme’s today, styling themselves as healers or nutritionists promoting carnism, would be arguing with the likes of Plato, Pythagoras, Seneca, Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, Gandhi, and Goethe, etc. I write these words not to lionize or boast, but to bring crystal clarity to the most important and crucial issue known to man, if in fact we do desire peace on earth.

Becoming more, or increasing one’s level of vitality is quite simple, much like many things that appear to be so complex. Simplicity as an answer, is one of the greatest of all the lessons to be discovered. This one word is and will forever be, the centerpiece when seeking answers for the largest of questions, and is truly one of the most grand of all secrets. The most brilliant minds throughout antiquity concerning all things, particularly health though such as Paracelsus, Hippocrates, Ibn Sina, Pythagoras, Plotinus, Plutarch, Porphyry, and numerous others referenced this word continuously throughout their works. Entire continents of peoples adhered themselves to the teachings that were written by these unique personalities. A good thing for each of us to remember is that if someone is unable to explain something to us very simply, they themselves have yet to truly comprehend it. So anyone is able to see how useful this is when attempting to make decisions, especially regarding health. It is always an excellent practice to question what you are being informed with exactly in this manner, always asking for very simple explanations of even the most customary information, especially the most commonly accepted understandings actually. Remembering, I am here now what the wise Seneca wrote, might we ask what is best, not what is customary. Even though his statement was in context relating to human dietary, the point will prove sound on any subject. Because something was done in the past so unquestionably and commonly, does not make it right or justify anything. Many will contend that this is one of the primary reasons for humanities misery, continuing to blindly do what was done before. It is also the partial definition of un—sanity, continuing to repeat the same, essentially ritualistic, usual actions while expecting different results.

Necessitating health requires specific intention, a clearly focused thoughtful mind and salubrious actions. The path of least resistance does not apply to becoming stronger, other than the conservation element, even then though we still have to have force, to even know there is rest or relaxation. So we must perform work, or, utilize our faculties of mind and body as they were intelligently designed or they will atrophy, become smaller. After the work, whether it be physical training or ingesting food, removing the mess created from the efforts known to be acids should be done so in the most efficient manners as possible, and then escorted out of the body through our numerous eliminatory channels. Perspiration, urination, defecation, respiration, and menstruation, these are our modalities to eliminate toxins, (acids) and they all should be unimpeded and constantly utilized.

So here we have the first of the largest points regarding steps to take in seeking strength, and it is just this simple, efficient elimination. When referring to diet, the healthiest of dietaries is that which produces the least amount of waste products while imparting the highest forms of usable energy. This would be a diet replete with berries, melons, and fruit along with the proper fatty acids because we are frugivores by our very Natures.

Abstinence is another great principle of health. Abstaining from the unnecessary, as difficult as this may be, long before adding anything, including the most treasured of all supplements. Elimination comes first and with much more priority. The clean out always should precede the additions, because not only will it be time wasting, putting good on top of bad, but this energy could be utilized for something far more useful. Eliminate what does not serve you, or that is not a known constituent of your sacred blood. If it is not inherent to your Natural blood makeup, how could it ever benefit you?

There is no need to eat chemicals and concoctions of toxic substances modified to resemble, or look like food made in factories. Many people are now figuring these basic points out, to not ingest genetically modified foods, chemicals, fluoride, and the like. However if one is still ingesting animal flesh this is precisely what they are eating because this is what the animals ate. Imagine what is fed to the animals to fatten them, and cheaply of course, before they are mercilessly massacred. Every ounce of their beings was created by their blood, and their blood was created by their food and their horrific living conditions. Now this ghastly energy becomes part of those which feed upon it.

When examining your personal diet begin to notice exactly what is present. The amount of unpronounceable words associated with food has increased to a degree that is truly staggering for the more than thirty years that I have been paying close attention. I am not pontificating here, I am also speaking to myself as a reminder. We shall each choose our own levels of participation in these efforts of rejuvenation, because as Alan Watts so rightly says, for whatever reason we really like to do the things that harm us. He was referring to of course smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating and the like.

So no matter where each of us are in this journey, remember the more efficient we can become through opening up further our channels of elimination is the healthier we will all be. Urinate like there is no tomorrow, sweat as if your life depends on it, menstruate to force your body to create new blood, and defecate your way to feeling right. And if any of these are an issue, they will not be when you refer often to the universal solvent, water. Hydrate yourself to a degree that you would not think possible. Ingest purified, highly alkaline water and remember all comes from it, especially health. We are made from and of water, even our bones are primarily water. Also remember to fast often, and when doing so notice how much more clearly you think and better you feel as the parasites within become starved to their demise.

Although the following may not be immediately accepted by some readers it is in fact the truth, no matter what anyone’s belief system has held them to. Make no mistake about it, society is behaving and manifesting outwardly the energy they are ingesting. Food, and what people have been taught is food, is the predominate factor which directs and creates environments and thought patterns alike. We reap what we sow, we even reap what others sow simply because we are in the same vicinities. I write this with respect and am in no way judging anyone, however I also have unyielding admiration for the defenseless, and it is for them I speak plain and loudly.

It is impossible to have peace on earth while engaging in dominance over helpless beings and ingesting their unfathomable pain and suffering. As food is energy as everyone must know by now, what type of usable energy could this possibly impart to the ones who partake in their flesh and blood?

I leave the readers with some very formidable thoughts by namesakes that have lasted throughout the ages, all separated by vast areas of geography and hundreds and even thousands of years, yet they all managed to come to the same conclusions surrounding the most important subject there ever was. If we as a society are truly seeking peace, it begins with what we are choosing, or misled to feed upon.

The polymaths below do not loosely use words or terms for effect and an incredible amount of knowledge resides in their sentiments. They were all highly aware that blood lusting for food does not in fact abruptly stop with animals. They knew by ingesting terror and pain, what will be perpetuated the world over will be this also. All the references here provided are great, some being called the greatest Authors of all time, others, magnificent geniuses that have shaped our entire mathematical knowledge base, Nobel prize laureate’s, and a few of the greatest inventors to have ever lived. However, if there was one to point out to the reader to examine more closely their writings on diet, as difficult as they may be to read and absorb, would be Plutarch and Porphyry.

Consider please their unique messages so that peace will once again reign.

“As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields” ~Leo Tolstoy

“If man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower beings, they will Never know health or peace. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.” ~Pythagoras

“While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth? ~George Bernard Shaw

“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” Thomas Edison

Love animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. Do not trouble their joy, don’t harass them, don’t deprive them of their happiness, don’t work against God’s intent.  - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)

“I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other…” ~ Henry David Thoreau

One is dearest to God who has no enemies among the living beings, who is nonviolent to all creatures.” Bhagavad Gita — The Song of the Lord

“If man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals” ~Albert Einstein

Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places! I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men. ~Leonardo da Vinci

“Ill-digestion is most to be feared after flesh-eating, for it very soon clogs us and leaves ill consequences behind it. It would be best to accustom ourselves to eat no flesh at all, for the earth affords plenty enough of things fit not only for nourishment, but for delight and enjoyment … But you, pursuing the pleasures of eating and drinking beyond the satisfaction of nature are punished with many and lingering diseases, which arising from the single fountain of superfluous gormandizing, fill your bodies with all manner of wind and vapours, not easy by purgation to expel. In the first place, all species of the lower animals, according to their kind, feed upon one sort of food which is proper to their natures – some upon grass. some upon roots, and others upon fruits. Neither do they rob the weaker of their nourishment. But man, such is his voracity, falls upon all to satisfy the pleasures of his appetite, tries all things, tastes all things; and, as if he were yet to see what were the most proper diet and most agreeable to his nature, among all animals is the only all-devourous (omnivorous). He makes use of flesh not out of want and necessity, but out of luxury and being clogged with necessaries, he seeks after an impure and inconvenient diet, purchased by the slaughter of living beings; for this, showing himself more cruel than the most savage of wild beasts. The lower animals abstain from most of other kinds and are at enmity with only a few, and that only compelled by necessities of hunger : but neither fish nor fowl nor anything that lives upon the land, escapes your tables, though they bear the name of humane and hospitable.” ~Plutarch

Below is a perfect example of Plutarch’s assertions throughout his works.

Animals photographed by telescopic cameras in the wilds of Africa, amply bear out the contentions of Plutarch. Zebras, the prey of the lion, graze undisturbed by the very Presence of the King of Beasts. Other zebras hardly raise their heads, when a lioness pounces on her prey and drags it to her lair. They know she will only slay again when she is hungry, and they accept her hunger as inevitable. Only man causes all animals to flee from his presence.

Who are the real beasts?

The correlation between flesh ingestion and worldwide violence, along with the complete degradation of the minds of men and societal immorality, is irrefutable by any reasonable and sober mind. One might ask themselves as I have, why is it that all the genius of the world throughout each era of time, why were they all non animal eaters?

Perhaps George Bernard Shaw is able to answer this for us—”A mind of the calibre of mine cannot derive its nutriment from cows.”

Now, this point alone that the most wise throughout antiquity were all vegetarians is one to truly consider, however quick shallow searches will mislead and claim otherwise, but the truth is in their own writings, not what paid actors write about them.

Please, for the love of all that is good consider what you are putting in your mouths and teaching by example what others ought to eat. This is the answer whether you see it just now or not. With gratitude and humility these words are written.

Ahimsa, always and forever to reign peace.






International Vegetarian Union (IVU)

Celestial Healing

BE Magazine

Plutarch’s Morals Vol.5 ‘Eating of Flesh’

Porphyry On Abstinence From Animal Food

Dr. Robert O. Young


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