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Jessop~Halloween's Truer Origins

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Jessop Trust



A deeper look into the origins of an 8 billion dollar a year fiendish industry.

The following information however difficult it may be to accept, will bring the readers a great deal of insight into perhaps some of the most intriguing, however disturbing, intelligence that surrounds this “common custom”.

Halloween, surely is not what most know it to be.  Nor are any of the other commercialized and promulgated so-called holidays, (holy) days for that matter.  Even a shallow definition of the word holiday or “holy” day, translates to a joyous or festive time, a period of relaxation. 

Within this message one will be sure to find that there is nothing about this occasion we know as Halloween or its more true origins, that fits any of these widely accepted descriptions or definitions. Because when one looks more inquisitively into the most salient points made in this letter, they will of course find that vast amounts of invaluable knowledge is hidden in plain sight and dark energies are embedded within most seemingly harmless “common celebrations“.

So the question then becomes, do you want to continue to perpetuate the madness?

What is perfectly clear is that this material seems to be only known by a small, but ever growing amount of awakening people. What you are reading now is powerful intelligence that has the potentiality to forever alter the course of our future for the better.

Infernal darkness is upon us, that which is so plainly obvious in this world and that which is cleverly concealed in plain view. Here is the heart of this letter, the unknowing, and worse, apathetic tendencies regarding accepting higher truths are having tremendously toxic consequences on humanity’s overall condition. Deeper information regarding the origins of most everything has been kept very secret, causing many people including myself for a time, to simply believe topical explanations concerning our history (his story). Whereas knowing, as opposed to believing equates to power, in which you or myself are not meant to ever obtain in this archontic delusional construct we find ourselves. As such, the elusive dark energy attempting to take over our world will become closer to this goal unless and until humanity awakens further and quickly to the more true origins of everything exalted for mass consumption.

One cannot simply blame the corporate owned mega churches, along with their preachers who simply read memorized scripts, maybe they do not truly know, nor can we simply blame parents whom may also be unaware. Most good people seem to be doing what their neighbors are doing at certain times of year so as to not be different perhaps. What is for certain though, is that the continued participation in these ghastly celebrations whether one knows their cloaked origins or not, will continue to feed the insatiable appetite for evil to reign further in this rapidly growing god forsaken world.

As I write this, I am not even sure what the common story is for mass consumption regarding the origins of Halloween, but I am certain it is not the story that will be referenced here.

Let us begin with a quotation that is very fitting for the following message and it was written by one of the greatest names in the Stoic Schools. Senator, and famed orator of Rome, one of the first Latin moralists, tutor to Nero, and certainly much more, Lucius Annaeus Seneca; in his treatise on The Happy Life. There is more wisdom when properly comprehended in this one sentence than can be, and by any one, ever put into words, as it is so with most prodigious personalities.

“The very fact of the approbation of the multitude is a proof of the badness of the opinion or practice.. Let us ask what is best, not what is most customary; what may place us firmly in the possession of an everlasting felicity, not what has received the approbation of the vulgar—the worst interpreter of the truth.”

~Seneca 4 BC

“This was his warning (so unheeded) against implicit confidence in authority and tradition cannot be too often repeated, writes Howard Williams M.A.,1883.”

Might all of us always ask what is best, not what is most customary, in diet, as well as in “common traditions”.  Simply because the masses apparently participate in these events does not make them right, particularly with this one being so obviously vile in its essence as will be detailed further in this letter.  Although there are now great numbers of people awakening to higher truths and refusing to participate in these celebratory programs, there are still a tremendous amount of people in our region alone, that still seem to vapidly entertain themselves in this strange mannerIt has been written in many different ways by several different Authors, that the masses are always right, but for the wrong reasons. 

Democracy = Demo Cracy—Crazy Demons, where the literal mob rules.

Where do these abnormal practices of wearing abysmal demonic masks and bloody costumes and “holidays” come from, what did they most truly originate out of, and what have they now manifested into?

Halloween= SamHain

As I also did at one time, what most thoughtlessly call Halloween was once known as Samhain, pronounced Sow En.  Samhain, amounted to a three day period of a fire festival beginning on October 29th and lasting through the 31st, at a time of year where daylight is ending its reign of each day and the darkness, or winter, is beginning. It is even less known as a time where the veil to the afterlife, or spirit world was the most thin, and a time when dead souls can reappear into those of the living realm. Of course some may see this as fantasy or even outlandish, however these same people will simultaneously believe that their god Jesus arose from the dead and walked on water. I mean no disrespect here and I have great admiration for the Bible and its teachings, I am simply illustrating a point worth noting.

In actuality, it matters not if you, or any one believes what takes place and how powerful the end of October is each passing year. What is of great consequence is that it is known and has been accounted for, mindfully recorded by indigenous hands. Also has this information been spoken of by our great ancestors, the impacts of which is being felt by the entire world and all of its inhabitants, on every single level from the spiritual to the physical.

Is this really a hallowed evening?

Hallowed defined implies something as holy, sacred, or revered.

In around 900 B.C. in the area of Gaul, which is the present day British Isles there was a fierce group of warrior class people known as the Celts.  The Celts even as nomads were so powerful they were said to have held off entire Roman Legions on more than a few occasions. They were known to be all powerful from about 900 B.C. to 900 A.D.  All powerful in battle as well as in controlling the people in every way, such as needing approvals for every aspect of their lives.  Marriages, holding titles, attending ceremonies, all controlled by “higher councils”.  Sounds like today does it not?  As we also are told we have to be licentious and permitted for seemingly every thing we do.  Only for the common people though, these regulations do not apply of course to those at the top of the reptilian food chain.

The Celts named their Lord of the dead, Samhain, or Sow En, which actually appears to also be representative of Nimrod who was prior to these times.  During these nights of the Samhain fire festivals the Celts and their high priests known as the Druids would gather at the megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge.  These monuments, although not entirely acknowledged or maybe revered as much today as they should be, appear to have served as temple complexes, Astrological observatories, and as vile as it is, a place for human and animal sacrifice.  Archaeologists have since discovered over 4,000 human skeletons from Stonehenge, evidently most were women as the links to the articles below entail.

As the fire festival now commonly known as Halloween was commencing around these monuments the high priests, or Druids, would go out about the countryside and pay visits to the castles and mansions of the lands, it is recorded that they were seeking “royalty”, the earls, and the dukes.  This is where we get our now infamously repeated without any notion as to where the phrase originated, “trick or treat”. This seemingly innocuous saying “trick or treat” is known to be what was espoused by the high priests as they approached these dwellings and villages.  If the lord of the manor cooperated with the priests they would give up someone in their own household, typically one of their servants, even someone within their own family such as the youngest daughter, and release them from the home to be used in a human sacrifice. Upon this cooperation the druids, or church authorities would leave a “treat” for the household.  The however unreal treat, was said often to be a hollowed out pumpkin or turnip, filled with human fat which was then lit in an effort to keep away the dead from this particular home for being so complicit and surrendering a hostage.  This of course represents the modern day jack o lantern, now so innocent looking with their carved smiling faces and all.

Numerous scholars of what would be closer to our true histories suggest that when the homes were uncooperative and did not relinquish someone to be sacrificed, a hexagram was drawn in blood on the door or gate of the home which then brought the “trick”.  Meaning someone would die.  Researchers account that while the lowly priests and high officiating druids were away kidnapping and terrorizing the countryside, those back at the areas where the fire festivals were beginning, were lighting enormous cauldrons filled with liquid and compiling as much wicker as possible to make cages that were to hold the condemned prisoners that would be returning to be sacrificed.  There is evidence that accounts for constructions of giant effigies, or images of men made from this same material, wicker.  Perhaps as displayed in the sewer pipe that is holly-wood’s movie the Wicker Man, or likewise the Burning Man festival which has been held for decades in Blackrock, Arizona.  Inside of the man would be the wicker cages where 12 (constellations) humans or animals, would be held right before it was lit on fire.  There was apparently only one way out, as we remember the large cauldrons full of boiling liquid.  The way to escape for the humans that were put into this horrific position was to immerse their heads into these cauldrons and bob for an apple. You know like the children do to this day, how could we not want to carry on with such a wonderful tradition?

The boiling temperature for liquid is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, this would render even the few that did complete this gruesome task completely deformed and they had to have been blinded, deafened and left speechless.  Those that did not attempt this demonic ritual were said to be  immediately executed or put into the wicker man to burn alive.  Certainly this madness has been covered up over time by the powers that should not be, and not discussed by all the actors behind the corporate owned pulpits. This material is even further concealed by those actually seeking some semblances of truth, as the information is very difficult to obtain as well as digest even for oneself, much less being able to share it with others.  However, it is necessary for the advancement of our species to comprehend our past or we as a society will all continue to live a lie. 

A large part of the continuously disappearing records of what evidently occurred on this occasion is due to the highest “officials” of these times doing exactly what they still do today.  They co-opt and infiltrate groups, hijacking words, phrases, and symbols, and turn them into what will prove useful to themselves and their full spectrum dominance agenda, because people will forget over time what the nature of all things used to be.  Remember though, the true essence of the energy will still remain, as it is well known to physicists and alchemists alike, energy can not ever be destroyed, only transferred

At this time it was Pope Gregory III, who challenged these “pagans,” as if he himself could not be termed one, and he is also known to have simply changed the name of this time period from Samhain, to All Saints Day. So one might say today, well that was then and this is now, this is not an evil time to me.  Really?

“After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht and Halloween or, “All Hallows Eve”

~Anton Szandor LaVey The Satanic Bible on Religious Holidays pg.96.

The origins of this now celebrated time is most likely not what any parent wants to hear after buying bloody zombie costumes and plastic devilish trinkets which in turn continue to bolster the demented system that is further enslaving us, yet for human evolution to occur, in the air must reign truth. This regarded hallowed day, Halloween is an 8 billion petrodollar a year industry as of this year 2017.  This is a monstrosity of a business and it is an entirely fiendish one, no matter how much it is pretended not to be.

In summary, the Celts lord of the dead was named Samhain, which was later changed to all saints day and then Halloween.  Bobbing for apples is akin to live human beings faces being scalded off and much worse.  The trick is synonymous with murder, as the treat is to give up a loved one to be sacrificed.  Also there is Anton Szandor LaVey, whom many deem as the most evil person that has ever lived, asserting that Halloween is the top satanic holiday, and pumpkins we now see on doorsteps were once filled with human fat and lit on fire.

Yes, what a hallowed (holy) day. Although maybe it could be if we learned more by paying closer attention to it as a specific time of year as it relates to the glorious constellations above, and omitted forever all the bedlam and evil.

Dead fish go with the flow as it takes strength and leadership to set oneself apart from the mob which remember is invariably always wrong in their reasonings. Again, demo—cracy is mob rule, as democracy translates to crazy demons. How has the crazed demons theme been working out for us so far? These are simply a few small examples of our world presently, which is being completely devoured by darkness.

Is the vileness of holly-wood a coincidence or are they being instructed to operate in such a depraved state?

Author Isaac Weishaupt —An Analysis of the Occult and Illuminati Symbolism Ritual

Image Credit Crazz


What a travesty as we appear to resemble the same species as these demons.

Both of the images above were taken at the “Super Bowl” and the repulsive Grammy’s. The readers might find it interesting as to who actually owns the the Demonic Grammy’s. That would be a very innocent sounding, even reputable group that style themselves as the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. If you take the first letter of each word, from back to front we see S A T A N. This is known as an anagram, and anagrams are used by the spell-casters to subliminally embed their sinister messages into the collective consciousness at nauseam, as there are numerous other examples.

Or, remember the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Demonic Olympics which was a ghoulish ritual that foretold the virus Hoax of 2020?

Take notice here in this video-Predictive Programming

Or event 201?

Maybe it is all one endless set of coincidences that say those still asleep, right.

Unless, and until the human family realizes whom and what they are following and breathing more life into simply by our seemingly innocent participation, we will never know peace.  In fact, we will live if at all, in the furthest thing from it.  Just because one may not see or feel it as yet, nobody will be spared the consequences of pretending this dark energy does not exist and grow further through these “holidays.” Doing what is best serves us far better than going along with traditions or customary dictates.

Lastly as a word to the wise and all those seeking harmony, we must all remember to use words and terms that are more precise in their meanings to be in unison with and live in more truth. Amongst a litany of other words, many are far to loosely using the term satanic or satanists. The word Satan, although it can be associated with vile and evil things, simply means opposer, or adversary. Whereas demons, or ghouls, cannot be so mistaken as they are not synonymous with anything that has the potential to be neutral. This is of vital importance on a deeper level for advancing knowledge in all matters.

Ahimsa, Love, and Anarchy —as without malevolent rulers.

Jessop Trust

The article is not an attack on any group of people, Celts, Druids or otherwise.  History shows us, that it is in fact typically smaller factions of criminal elements within certain groups that are commencing in harm and evil.  I do not profess to be any type of expert on Irish, Celtic or Druidic History, however there is a voluminous amount of evidence to support what was outlined in this article.


Doc Marquis Americas Occult (hidden) Holidays

Lucius Annaeus Seneca; in his Treatise on The Happy Life.

Howard Williams A Catena





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