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US FED Emergency Meeting Monday, 23 November 2015

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Dated: November 19, 2015

Federal Reserve

Advanced Notice of a Meeting under Expedited Procedures

It is anticipated that the closed meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at 11:30 AM on Monday, November 23, 2015, will be held under expedited procedures, as set forth in section 26lb.7 of the Board’s Rules Regarding Public Observation of Meetings, at the Board’s offices at 20th Street and C Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. The following items of official Board business are tentatively scheduled to be considered at that meeting.

Meeting Date: Monday, November 23, 2015

Matter(s) Considered
1.    Review and determination by the Board of Governors of the advance and discount rates to be charged by the Federal Reserve Banks.
A final announcement of matters considered under expedited procedures will be available in the Board’s Freedom of Information and Public Affairs Offices and on the Board’s Web site following the closed meeting.

For more information please contact: Michelle Smith, Director, or Dave Skidmore, Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members at 202-452-2955.

Supplementary Information: You may contact the Board’s Web site at for an electronic announcement about applications and other expedited items, as well as procedural and other information about the meeting.

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    Total 5 comments
    • Klemens

      Monday 11-23 a perfect Kabbalah Date for a wallstreet crash! :grin:

      • G.M.

        :lol: Federal Reserve and IRS both created in the same year and Neither have anything to do with the Federal Government – both are Corporations – IRS collects for the Federal Reserve Corporation – NOT YOU :lol:

        :lol: 1989 Social Security became Incorporated in Delaware – 2.5 Trillion Surplus GONE :lol:

    • VirusGuard

      OK let me put this into english for you.

      The USA is in debt to the banks to the tune of $18 trillion to $50 trillion or more depending on what you read but a deal was struck between the bankers, the US militay contractors and the banker puppets who run the USA that involved a debt for land swap.

      Now the FED emergency meeting is because the US cannot secure the little bit of real estate known as Syria using it’s ISIS fighters because Russia is now blowing them to bits so we have a stand off between the banker puppets risking WWIII to secure the said land and Israel who struck a deal for the land.

      None of the sides are happy and some of the so called politicians in the US not only risk having to work for a living if they go against the bankers but MOSSAD has blackmail material on some of these politicians that involves gay and child sex crimes, there heads are on the blocks.

      Israel also knows that the land grab might well result in nuclear devices being used to test the impenitrable Iron Dome defence system so I suspect we will have a stand off and should be seeing a few flash crashes in the markets during the coming weeks.

      If the flash crash is stopped then thats a signal that the USA has struck a deal to risk WWIII with Russia, China, Iran , NK, Pakistan plus more but if not arrested then it’s a signal to evacuate Israel ASAP

      Make no mistake money, oil, water and land are all behind these wars

    • ALF




      The advent of coins and money caused the worth of society to become imprisoned within the currency. From this moment onwards, society was advancing down a path to destruction, because this economic model was fundamentally flawed and ripe for abuse. The master-slave atrocity continued right under Your noses.

      Your society has become so conditioned to ‘money’ in all of its current forms that you have ceased to actually question its role in your society. Modern man accepts money as an essential and vital component of life, almost on par with air and food. Money has been perverted from its original role as a measure of worth, only to emerge as an amoral arbiter of life or death. With money you have liberty, freedom
      and justice. Whilst those without it are societies lowest class. This is why you die and greed prevails in your “civilised” society.

      If time equals money, let’s examine each component of this equation for what it is.

      What is time?

      As you perceive time now, you accept the concept that a mechanical device
      measures this phenomena, you accept a mechanically man made devise as
      a machine that measures time. Therefore you invented your very own time machine. ‘Now’ and ‘Today’ are the only true continuum that never change. As you should know the only way to go back in time is via your memory. Memory is only a thought. You cannot actually travel back in time as you think it exists. If time is an otherwise unquantifiable thought that really only exists in your minds, and is measured by your own invention, clocks. How did we get stuck in time? Therefore time is only a thought that you have accepted since your ancient past. Time is conscious memory measured lineally for convenience. I ask you to remember a time when you celebrated your 17th birthday. Only you can recall that memory because I cannot read your thoughts. Therefore your memory is your thoughts. Therefore your concept of time is only your thoughts.
      No matter how hard you and I try, we cannot travel back in time and view your life as passive observers. This therefore means that anything that has happened cannot or does not exist now. Anything unreal does not exist. Then time as you perceive it is unreal. You cannot ever drive, fly or crawl into the past or future. Therefore the past is not real any more. Reality is now. Therefore the future is no more than a thought. You cannot travel forward in time to passively watch your death. Therefore there is no definite future. Now is real. How can you ever change or alter what does not exist. Time as you all currently experience it is no more than a conscious thought. Therefore time only exists now. If you are trapped in time as you all currently are, then how come you get old if time is unreal? Therefore time was created in your minds. Therefore time is only a conscious
      thought. Perhaps you should change your minds and thought processes.

      Primitive man enslaved all manner of beasts to serve his purposes. People of barbaric natures turned fellow free spirits into their beasts of burden and pleasure. Women especially will remember sexual dominion from men. The manipulation of another person based upon the male’s physical dominance and strength. Remember when the biggest most brutal thug ruled because he could murder whoever disobeyed his command. Read some history.

      You may have released your physical chains of slavery, but the exchange of these for money represents an even more heinous crime from your past, alive and well today- controlling your freedom……..your greed of and love of money.

      What is money?

      Money represents the value of goods and services. The masters of slaves counted the value of their tradable assets- slaves, cattle, furs, salt, etc., so once people became slaves, they attained a value because of what servitude they represented to the owners of their stolen lives. Ever wonder, why aboriginals of any country, forced into slavery, died or killed themselves in preference to dominion from their own species? And you still consider yourselves civilised. So you think you’re not a slave?
      Who are your slave masters now? Your very own financiers are. They are aware
      of this hideous crime on humanity but you are all too inane to change what you have accepted for much too long.

      Money is paper with coloured ink and numbers on it. It is real because you accept the thought, like time equals money. You ignorantly think you function because of money. I tell you it is in spite of money. You function as a result of food. Every conceivable item will remain in existence if money ceases to exist. A cashless society will totally change society as you know it. The electronic recording of debits and
      credits is here and now.
      You invented money from a thought and time is only a thought, therefore money is only a conscious thought you invented, because you cannot travel back in time, which is now unreal, how come time equals money if thoughts only exist in your minds? You are all very well behaved slaves.

      Time equals money if you’re a slave. You all run your own slavery system.

      Therefore if I remove money from every equation that allegedly stops you from being free to do as you wish, I ask you who invented time and money. You are slaves in time because you exchanged time for money. Therefore time only exists in your minds. Therefore money is the master of your time, now, and freedom. The right to freedom of choice is governed by your amount of money. Therefore you invented your own mental master/slave relationship, as long as you continue to accept time = money the nightmare continues.

      A totally cashless non-profit society will remove money from any scenario that currently stops space travel, eliminating starvation, or any social problem. Helping your neighbour is controlled by your perception of time = money. You have restricted your capacity to achieve every dream because you are slaves to time = money. Sorry we don’t have enough money for medical research, space travel, phones, food, or necessities to help yourselves, because you still believe that time equals money, even though both these things are invented by you. A non-profit banking system is what you need to manage your society.

      If every human being on this planet stopped being limited by accepting money for time, it would end this slavery forever. If everyone was prepared to give freely and not withhold their service because they refuse to believe that everything happens because of money. Every item on this planet will remain in existence without money. But imagine greedy people like you having to share and give freely. Some of you still think you have a good system. Your economies are breaking down, your poor get poorer and your pathetic denial of reality is only surpassed ONLY by your greed and egos.

      What is possible once you release your thoughts from your own prisons? I do not want to stop rich people from doing what they want, but I will stop letting their money be slave masters. You will never travel any further than your minds can travel. Ever wonder why you did not find any clocks, calendars, money or weapons on the moon? There are no weapons in space. Where do weapons come from? Your thoughts. A primitive form of dominion. Where do thoughts exist and where do they come from?
      Professor Stephen Hawking took you right to the edge of real discovery with quantum physics and gave you the big-bang theory. The next elusive Question is what was before the big-bang? God, don’t ever be fooled again. It is now today. It is a good time to change now.

      What is religion?

      Religion is the term you use to describe your beliefs. This is a divisive terminology for man. Truth is known with or without your admission. You cannot fake your true selves and think you are outsmarting anyone. It would be like lying to yourself whilst looking in a mirror. You might fool everyone else, but never yourself. Therefore
      it does not matter what religious label you give yourself the truth of who and what you are is never going to change.

      Should man discover space with his current attitude to war, greed, hate, lies, deceit and worst of all, a master -slave society? Are you vile primitive creatures who could not be trusted in space because your egos need controlling?

      Will you change your system of greed? You have evolved from cavemen to now, but you still allow evils, greed, dominion and master – slave relationships to exist. Your masters exchange your time and money for your physical and spiritual freedom.

      You are responsible for your own actions and decisions. What choice will you make?

      Written by: Mark Steven Filby. 15.03.1996.

      IF you rule by fear, you will die in fear.

      • DrTom

        So true … We all have that ability to seet ourselves free!

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