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Top Secret Government Documents Prove the Earth Is Flat & Dome Is 73 Miles High

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Total 25 comments
  • GilgaMike

    Show me one single [logical!] argument or evidence for the heliocentric fairytale of spinning globes in a vacuum with liquids and pressurized gases {air}sticking to them against all physics that we experience! Duh! :arrow: :idea:

    • westgate

      Hard to deny when all official testing of atmospheric propulsion, etc is based on a flat, non-rotating earth.

      Let alone your own senses.

    • bigscifilover

      Lets keep it simple because I doubt you could show any evidence of how physics works on a flat earth.
      Greek sailors thousands of years ago realized the earth was a globe when they sailed toward the southern hemisphere and lost sight of the northern stars which is what they used to navigate. To solve their problem, they realized a group of stars called the “southern cross” was always in the southern location and they were able to use them to navigate. As they went further toward the southern part of Africa the southern cross was always south of Africa. The same can be said for sailors in South America and Southern Australia. Take your flat earth map and mark on it showing where the southern cross would be located. Is it South of Africa, South America or Australia? It does’t move east to west so how can it be south of those 3 locations at the same time without the earth being a globe?

      • GilgaMike

        Your screen_name is a dead giveaway. SO funny!! 😂

      • Anonymous

        Bonehead, you can’t see an airplane when it gets very far away from you either. It looks like it’s going down even though it is flying at a constant altitude. It’s called perspective.
        But you are the kind of Bonehead who it’s so easy to fool.

  • PJBloggs

    Biden’s disastrous debate performance clearly has the DeepState panicked as they roll out the CIA-DARPA Flat Earth psyop yet again. Or just some one whose fallen for it random posts.

    Read & watch this:

    Don’t fall for it. You’ll end up alienating friends & family from listening to you on real truths.

    • GilgaMike

      It’s the most simple way to SEE those lost in vanity mocking those humble enough to admit they had been fooled and actually LEARN. Those few that can distinguish between real logical arguments and fallacies – like pointing to “official authorities” and dogma for “proof”. :lol:

  • Bankroller

    The mouth breathing moron who put together this nonsense video is too stupid to know that engineers and scientists always use assumptions to simplify their equations. The scientific assumptions used have negligible effect on the outcome and are necessary to enable tractable problem solving and economic system development of complex problems.

  • Cruster

    Pure delusional silliness, do some science.

  • mottch

    This is just more Flat Earth Bull Shit

    • Anonymous

      I think these cock suckers make this shit up to get attention- their own mommies and daddies wanted nothing to do with their sorry stupid homo worthless empty skulls, especially after they got caught sucking each other’s dicks and pounding bung holes- freakin homo garbage, all flat earthers suck dick

    • Jimmy

      In reference to the anti-American, unpatriotic, & anti-1st-Amendment post or article w/ “comments” disabled,…
      100% Proof The Earth is Flat & Space Doesn’t Exist!

      The problem is that the person making these claims (they are not reading the documents & just underlining “flat earth” & “non-rotating”), that there are government documents that prove a “flat earth” does not understand neither math nor science, in general. When you study both math & science you will always often encounter situations where “assumptions need to be made in order to simplify the calculations”, otherwise the “ideal models” of study, or even the calculation or the derivation of an equation might not be possible, w/o these assumed simplifications. What is happening here is that rather than these documents being proof that the Earth is flat, he is making references to where the phrase “flat Earth” or “flat nonrotating Earth” is found, w/o reading the context upon which these references are made. But if you do, you’d soon realize that the reason your find so many references to “flat Earth” or “flat nonrotating Earth” is only because, in an effort to simplify the derivation of their models, methods, derivations, equations, analysis & algorithms, they need to “assume a flat Earth”, otherwise these derivations would become so…

    • Jimmy

      [Continued,...] complicated, they might not be able to arrive at a “simplified version” that is manageable & easy to both understand & apply. So, in conclusion, none of these references prove the Earth is flat, but only aid in deriving workable “ideal models” that can be easily understood & applied.
      As examples below, these are references to “assumptions” of flat Earth “models” or “ideal models” so that models, methods, derivations, equations, analysis & algorithms can be simplified,…,
      03:51 – This may be caused by a violation of the assumption of the flat Earth model.
      03:55 – The assumptions of straight-line propagation, constant reflection coefficient, or reflection off a flat Earth may not be valid.
      03:58 – … a flat Earth, & incident angles that were not near grazing. This algorithm did not work well.
      06:44 – … non-rotating earth are developed that are not necessarily referenced to the body’s center of mass.
      08:34 – The “idealizing” assumptions made are the following: (1) A point-mass vehicle (2) A flat nonrotating earth,…
      09:30 – a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat nonrotating earth.
      11:03 – The “method” is “limited”, however, to application where a flat, nonrotating earth may be assumed.

  • GilgaMike

    The responses show the uneven divide: 90% lost in a spiteful state of VANITY (>”I KNOW!!!!”<)
    Like pubertating teenagers never learning or even beginning to grow UP – work on and better themselves
    Blindly and viciously attacking anyone who challenges their be~leaves…
    Marvelous, ThankYou ! :lol:

  • Anonymous

    My husband was a Naval pilot, engineer and navigator…he was heavy into physics , planets and their relationships toward each other. He was even asked to go into the space program NASA when he was a young pilot. He was a brilliant man who played with these facts as a child in a sandbox. He many times took his jet as high as he could so he could see the blackness of space. Being the intellectual that he was…if the world was flat he would have known…he has told me how he has been so high he could see the curvature of the earth….that boys puts your whole flat earth theory in the toilet. For some reason someone having a real foolish wet dream came up with this……and boys…I lived in Idaho where they have countless mines that go miles into the ground..where the miners have told me they could smell lava…did you read that? you are not going to go miles in the ground with a flat earth and find and smell LAVA..LAVA alone tells you there is a center to our earth…

    The WORLD IS ROUND foks..let this foolish idea die an honorable death….anything the gov tells you is propaganda…

    • Anonymous

      At least that is what he told you. Was he a Freemason or had signed a NDA like the rest of them?

  • TruthOnTV

    Flat earth is an e-ring pentagon psy-op. Only the. Ignorant of basic physics would fall for it.

  • Anonymous

    Believe me or not……..I have had the opportunity to leave the surface of this planet many miles above and I can tell you all that it is GLOBE shaped.

    • Anonymous

      Then you should do it again and collect the $300,000 in rewards for showing a rotating ball with real photos. So far, nobody has shown any real video or photos to prove it and collect the money. Those that have tried look like total fools when their photos are proven to be CGI.

  • mottch

    Double BULL SHIT, if it came from the USA government it had to be FAKE

  • jeremyfeit

    Declassified disinformation

  • blenky McClapper

    more flat brain news

  • residentp

    This is what too much adrenochrome does to the brain and the top Secret documents are symbolic of a government that has gone off the rails. So this earth is flat with a dome…what is not mentioned is that according to baboon logic, the underside of this earth must also be flat then with another dome …How thick is their earth and how are the edges handling the falling waters from oceans??. if the sides are 10 km. thick then some migrants can move to these edges and have it all for themselves if they can cling hard enough not to fall off the flat earth. The government is already a goon show and this secret document probably mentions their names also….Donald trump must be freaking out if he discovered that by just digging a hole through the WH to the other side, he will land in the other WH and he can just rule from there and issue some more warp speed vax orders to depopulate that side of the earth also. This topic is ideal for a blockbuster motion picture drama of the two sided earth.

  • GilgaMike

    Simple physics – centrifugal far exceeds centripetal force on a spinning ball – I aced all my science classes in schools&university – got to fly in the cockpit of a 747 many times and studied everything I could get my hands on about “space, astronomy, stars, galaxies, etc” …tried to imagine this being a globe when at high altitude looking out the cockpit 3 sides….not the slightest drop – horizon remaining perfectly horizontal (duh!) and EYE_LEVEL…that was my first clue. Stay humble and Socratic in your quest for truth I would! :arrow: :idea:

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