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Aliens and Brain Frequencies - If There Is A Connection

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Dan Flynn: Brief, and to the point. Many people tell me that they don’t understand ”the energy thang,” nor the chakra thing, the mediating thing. So, I thought I’d dabble into it to see where the research leads me so that I could have an answer (it’s in this video, somewhere).

What would aliens, or reptilians not want the human animal learning? Why do people, monks, martial artists and many others meditate? If aliens can or do feed off of our brain frequencies? How do strengthen our minds and increase our brain frequency?

In lay mans terms and as simple as it can be put, as well as have the listener intrigued to learn more? I hope I achieved ‘just that’ with this one. Have a listen and leave a comment below as to what you think. Perhaps this upcoming year, this information can help you have a far better one. Cheers to you.

How Aliens View the Universe

It helps to remember that, as astronomers often note, there is probably great diversity of life in the universe.

For example, in one of the Milky Way’s globular clusters of stars, scientists recently discovered a planet that appears to be 11-12 billion years old. The planet appears to have wandered into its current location due to the gravitational pull of a passing star, or some other disturbance. Since our Earth is only 4.5 billion years old, if we subtract the difference, we can see that the newly discovered planet is 6.5 to 7.5 billion years older than Earth.

Assuming that ancient planets of the sort may lack some of the heavier elements needed for life, we should probably allow another billion years or so for supernovae to have seeded the earliest planets’ with enough oxygen and other vital elements. As such, we see a scenario in which life could easily have formed on other planets as much as 6 billion years before life began on Earth. In more recent “re-cycling universe” versions of cosmology, the origins of life could go yet further back in time.

How would such beings appear to us today? If we assume, as some reports suggest, that the so-called “gray aliens” are about 60,000 years more advanced than we are, we can calculate that aliens who evolved on the earliest planets of the current universe would be about 100,000 times more advanced than is the difference between humans and the grays. My figures may be slightly off, but the basic implications are clear. 

Not all aliens will be alike. Some will be significantly more advanced than others. They will think differently and will be categorically more capable than aliens like the grays and populations associated with the grays. In short, we shouldn’t loosely generalize when speaking about all aliens in the universe. We need to be more specific. 

Although the most physically advanced aliens of the current universe will probably hyper-dimension much of what they do beyond our relatively primitive viewpoint, they should nonetheless be mortal, liquid-based life forms. Given what we know about the weirdness of quantum physics (i.e. that all quantum particles and energy packets are thing-less, non-concrete, and actively prone to larger universal fluctuations), we can assume that the most advanced aliens’ sense of themselves won’t be concrete in the old 19th-20th century human sense of physics.

After years of explicit interactions with aliens, it has become clear that the primary concern of advanced aliens will probably be the larger, universal ecology. Why the larger ecology? The answer is simple yet requires a little bit of background about aliens who are closer, on the evolutionary scale, to humans.

In their interactions with humans, aliens are good observers. To some extent, all are studied scientists. More importantly, all aliens who visit this planet are skilled in telepathy, the ability to not only read another’s thoughts, but to communicate complex, diagrammatic information in ways that often astound the human initiate. As such, they can see through humans with a kind of extra-dimensional insight. To do so is the norm, not the exception among alien societies. They’re able to do so for a variety of reasons. 

To begin with, telepathy is possible via a brain’s propagation of extremely low frequency waves (human brain frequencies are e.l.f. and higher). Research has shown that extremely low frequency waves can pass straight through the body of a human (or alien) and through other dense structures.


Because an atom is mostly just a void of seemingly empty space. The nucleus of an atom can be compared to a small, bizarrely fluctuating pea situated at mid-field in a large football stadium, while the electron is but a tiny micro-dot located way out in the furthest bleachers.

So, some kinds of energy waves can pass through an atom easily. As was documented in a series of groundbreaking experiments done under carefully controlled conditions at the Stanford Research Institute in Palo Alto during the 1970’s, people can remotely view a distant person’s perceptions, effectively reading another person’s thoughts.

Some researchers tend to confuse alien telepathy with “channeling.”

David Jacobs, PhD, defines channeling as when, “a person in a self-altered state of consciousness believes he/she is receiving communication from an unseen spirit or entity who answers questions or imparts wisdom.”

Some channelers speak of contacting ghosts or spirits from another time. Meanwhile, telepathy is starkly different—in that it happens in real-time and always involves at least some remotely visual aspects.

Basic telepathy allows an individual to neatly identify the other individual(s) with whom he/she is communicating. It’s a nearly-immediate exchange in which the mind’s vocal and other physical characteristics (of all participant) are clearly manifest, due to intricate mind-body networking. Advanced technology may be used to try to secure an alien telepath from unwanted probing, yet the individual is always clearly identifiable to those who are practiced in telepathy. 

Some, like Jacobs, are skeptical of telepathy because it isn’t private, or because it can apparently navigate faster-than-light fluctuations in space-time. Meanwhile, much of Jacobs’ abduction research is premised on alien statements communicated telepathically to abductees. In some cases, however, telepathy may be abused by aliens in the same way that propagandists use neuro-linguistic programming. 

The best defense? An educated awareness. 

So, how can we tell the difference between human and alien telepathy? To begin with, we must be able to sort out our own thoughts from those of another human. In telepathic interactions, the initiate must first become sensitized to the difference between his or her own active thought processes and his/her more quiet states of mind.

As Russell Targ, PhD in physics, writes, in order to recognize message content from an external source, one must be able to make one’s mind essentially blank.

Targ likens this state of mind to stilled water, or a dark, black screen. As such, we can discern the thoughts of others, which are unlike our own. They are out of character. They have a different internal tenor and may contain information and images entirely new to the receiver. If the initiate cannot still his or her mind, he or she may not be able to make such distinctions.

* Targ trained hundreds of remote viewers for the US government.

One must first become skilled at noting the difference between one’s own thoughts, which are subtler and more gently inter-dimensioned, versus one’s own thoughts that have a nearly audio-like verbal character. Some of our thoughts are framed in terms of how they might later be spoken, while others are more complex and may converge from a number of different internal perspectives.

Once the initiate can do so, he or she will know his or her own internal tenor. Thoughts communicated by an external source may have a more audio-like, verbal character. They may diverge from the receiver’s accustomed way of thinking, hence they are out of character. They stand out.

When we mull an idea over, we tend to examine it from a variety of perspectives, which have a soft and familiar precision in our minds. A kind of internal dialogue may go on, yet we’re in complete control of it. A telepathically communicated message will diverge from the receiver’s precise internal configuration. It will seem different in a number of ways. More skilled telepathic communicators can carefully monitor a receiver’s thoughts in order to pose certain ideas at fairly natural-seeming junctures, yet, once the receiver is able to still his or her own mind, he or she will note that the external source communicates in a way that is unlike the receiver.

Over time, one gets a feel for how other humans think. This is important because when an alien comes into the mix, as may happen, the alien’s thoughts will be strikingly different from those of the receiver. The alien will begin from a more scientifically and telepathically advanced frame of reference. To the human receiver, the complexity and the insights conveyed by the alien will seem unusually intelligent, highly profound and different.

Focused alien telepathy tends to arrive in imagery that is subtler and more complex, with softer outlines than the thought of a typical human. To the human initiate, such thoughts may seem like surpassing genius, which they are, in a sense. Telepathically communicated alien thoughts may involve a variety of new ideas and artistic-seeming details, an astounding inventiveness—sometimes even a complex kind of humor. 

As abduction researcher David Jacobs puts it, “The aliens communicate telepathically with humans and with each other. When (human) abductees describe the communication process, they say they receive an impression in their minds that they automatically convert into their own words for comprehension.” The Threat, p. 95

Abducteé “Karin” told Harvard psychiatrist and abduction researcher Dr. John Mack about alien telepathy: “Do you know what telepathy is? People say it’s the ability to hear somebody’s thoughts, like you can hear inside their heads. But that’s not (merely) what telepathy is. It’s a resonation… We’re so telepathic on a normal everyday basis.” Passport to the Cosmos, p. 71

If telepathy of an alien sort occurs in your life, you may want to inquire as to who it is and why they are communicating with you.

If you receive answers that are definitely not you, not your way of thinking—and you’re sure of it, you may engage in a kind of dialogue. Chances are it won’t be entirely verbal.

Why? Because aliens think in terms of a highly complex, if not multi-dimensional geometry. Mathematicians call such geometry “topology.”

Topology is the geometry of elastic, flowing form (and extra-dimensional connectedness). Aliens model their thoughts to both mirror, and dimension, through the elastic, ever-flowing forms of the quantum continuum.

Aliens think in terms of multiple thresholds lying in between every single quantum particle (or energy packet)—unlike most humans, who tend to think that an electron is an electron, a distinct thing, of sorts. Within those multiple thresholds lying between, if not virtually connecting all quanta, aliens look for information content that is often non-local in character (smeared out and around). Apparently, aliens can feel into such a space (an extra dimension fluctuating within such intervals) and can discern information content. 

Now, here’s a critical bit of information for you to consider, a tested and important check that you can do if you ever interact with an alien.

Dimensioned within those same multiple thresholds between all quanta (and between thoughts – in any space whatsoever) are trace aspects of a larger, sentient awareness (i.e. the origin of an idea, the previously encountered thought interactions surrounding it).

Aliens are aware that, to a certain extent, their internal “view” into or across such thresholds involves a more deeply dimensioned kind of scrutiny in return. It has to do with the non-local character of time, the ability of more advanced minds to sample such thresholds and be aware in much larger terms.

Any good alien knows that in some vague way, their reach into and across such a thought threshold is either known, or can be known in return. There may be more extra intelligence looking back inward than is involved in the alien’s looking outward (or looking beyond the human’s lesser perspective). A good alien knows this and will behave accordingly, as though he or she must remain open and aware that he/she can be seen through, as such, in much larger terms. A bad or misguided alien may not acknowledge the larger scrutiny (beyond the given alien) in return. Worse yet, a bad alien may assume that humans are too backward and unaware for the larger, more universal terms of interaction to even be valid, in the first place.

The result can be literally criminal. An alien from a relatively primitive society may excuse his or her misdeeds or low-order thoughts (i.e. the alien suggesting destructive thoughts to the human) because the alien thinks that the human’s way of thinking is invalid. In what is nearly the worst case, a colonizing alignment of aliens may treat humans as little better than cattle. In the worst case, a more advanced group of aliens would use the colonizing offenders as an advance guard and would offer them material incentives for doing so, i.e. excessive planet grabs and resource-taking.

Such offenders would ignore the more universal terms of non-violation and non-intervention in order to take advantage of unsuspecting humans. It would be a dangerously unbalanced equation, so to speak. 

In short, humans must be responsible for their own future potentials in such cases and must argue the larger, more peaceful universal terms—sometimes in advance of human society having achieved a global legal/ecological order that can compete in a larger, off-world context. Experience has shown that, although aliens can communicate and see through a human telepathically, they usually won’t trust a human with information for which the human isn’t responsible. Responsibility of the sort may relate to all of humankind, if not more. 

In later chapters, more will be said about how to distinguish an alien’s thought from your own.

First, we must characterize alien thought in order be able to recognize it. 

As was suggested above, in addition to electromagnetism (light waves), mind is characterized by other quantum relationships, which aliens say provide a fundamental basis for telepathy. For example, fluctuations of “negative energy” in the space around us are the basis for what is known as “electrogravity,” a strange, new kind of phenomenon that has extraordinary information potential. 

As Dr. Steven Greer of CSETI and others have noted, negative energy fluctuations can penetrate the densest of objects and can communicate over great distances in ways that appear to defy relativistic speed limits. This is important. Time and time again, aliens have indicated that negative energy fluctuations, in conjunction with everyday light waves, are the part of the basis for both alien telepathy and alien “psychotronic” technology (devices remotely activated by thought). 

Negative energy will be explained in clear and easy detail in the next chapter. Suffice it to say, aliens generally assume that most humans are relatively naive, in part because they don’t know about negative energy and electrogravity. From the alien perspective, humans who don’t know about negative energy are easy to take advantage of. They can be abducted and deceived, using fairly simple alien technology.

For example, Dr. John Mack noted that in order to comfort the humans they abduct, abducting aliens may suggest that the aliens come to Earth from another dimension or the future, as though it were a magical realm the abducteé can’t understand. Meanwhile, aliens of the sort are physical, biological forms using fairly basic electrogravity technology. 

Mack quoted abducteé Eva, who said, “There are different dimensions, worlds existing within other worlds, and to go from one to the next is like a roller coaster. You need to speed up the energy, and then you go to another dimension where the reality is different. In the transition from one reality to another, you feel like you’re contracting and expanding at the same time… It’ s like you become on the one hand, part of everything, and everything becomes part of you,” but, “at the same time you contract into an infinitesimal point.” (Abduction, p 250)

Although Eva may not have studied the science of electrogravity, she has an intuitive feel for it. Eva said she exceeded her old physical sense of being during experiences with aliens: “Linear time/space is contained within the greater perspective, but not vice-versa.”

Abducteé Karin told Mack that in alien space, “the fourth dimension”—“everything is always present,” and “three dimensional reality is included within it.”

She said an, “altered state of consciousness” surrounds her alien experiences, “a finer, higher vibration” within which she perceives details she normally wouldn’t. Over time, the higher dimensional vibration lets her be “very aware of your soul. You’re very aware of your higher consciousness…” (A Passport to the Cosmos, p. 56, 216)

How important is this seemingly extra-dimensional “electrogravity” in an alien’s education? On a gray alien’s planet, for example, a five year-old alien child who hasn’t begun to grasp the fundamentals of negative energy and electrogravity would be considered mentally handicapped.

By the age of ten or eleven, a relatively advanced understanding of electrogravity is expected. Readers should remember that, here on earth, any middle school human child who can learn the basics about light waves and atoms can easily comprehend electrogravity. Easily.

*You may not realize it, but you already think in terms of extra-dimensions, i.e. the past, the future, the universe, and much more. By the time you finish the next chapter, negative energy and electrogravity should be easy for you to understand.

Many of the alien sources for this book have hinted at the basics of electrogravity. Grays have hinted indirectly, while the so-called Elders (described in Alec Newald’s book Co-evolution) and other aliens have described electrogravity in much more detail: electrogravity is used to manipulate computer data, to achieve faster-than-light deep space travel, and to effect faster-than-light communications.

Some Milky Way aliens and other, hyper-advanced aliens (of yet-unspecified historical duration) have resonated on such themes, hinting, for example, that the larger universal ecology depends on preventing the overuse of electrogravity by greedy, oversized populations. The two latter-noted groups of aliens have gone so far as to suggest that humans need to reduce their population numbers if we want to develop a larger, global system of electrogravity, lest we shorten the life of the sun, due to electrogravity’s effect on the surrounding space-time continuum. 

How could that happen? The answer is so simple that a junior high school student can understand it. But first, here’s some background on the “weirdness” of the new physics you may have read about in your local newspaper. 

For years, humans have wrestled with the difference between Einstein’s famous relativity theory and “quantum physics,” a more precise model that arose 23 years after Einstein first announced his theory. As physicist Michio Kaku says, relativity is an idealized theory “of marble,” while quantum physics is a downright weird, yet precise model that’s more like grainy wood, in comparison. Aliens have hinted repeatedly at how the two theories can be reconciled.

To do so, we need merely borrow a leaf from Edward Witten, Princeton’s leading light of what is called “string theory,” a multi-dimensional model of the universe. 

Witten says that, in order to understand the deeper complexities of the world around us, including the atomic quanta (energy packets) of the thoughts within our heads, we need to think in terms of multiple mathematics—not just the old, linear version of coordinate planes, right angles and triangulations. Witten’s favored version is called “topology.”

Again, topology is the geometry of elastic, flowing form. If you’ve read but one single article about quantum physics, you probably know that quanta (discrete units of energy like photons, electrons, etc.) never sit still. Quanta are always moving, sometimes disappearing in one place, then almost magically reappearing in another nearly instantaneously.

So, why do we need multiple mathematics (multi-maths)?

The answer is easy. We need maths that flow in parallel to our current math, maths that twist and dimension right through our old linear math in both smaller, and, at the same time, larger universal terms. In short, we need alternative maths that converge from a variety of perspectives simultaneously, not just the one, linear arrow of time that flattens all that we see like a pancake. Aliens suggest that our old 20th century mathematics is a good start, but is incomplete because it supposes that our tiny corner of the universe is definitive, which could cause us to think that we can effectively model the entire universe solely in terms of the visible phenomena around us. We can’t. 

Aliens suggest that humans tend to forget that, in order to even observe atomic details within the universe, some of the universe must remain invisible in order to facilitate the very act of observation, in the first place. So, what remains invisible? Time, space, gravity and more— including other, essentially condensed versions of such phenomena. Various aliens hint at a gravity-like connectedness that keeps all the little quanta of the universe active with energy, yet strangely non-local (smeared out and around) at the same time. Tiny atomic particles can disappear and do weird tricks when we try to watch them. They just won’t sit still for us, ever – no matter what we do.

Physicist Werner Heisenberg summed this all up in what we call “the uncertainty principle.” 

To make multi-maths easy for you to understand, here’s an alternative math that a highly advanced and most helpful alien (apparently native to this galaxy) suggested to me several years ago—along with vague references to Witten and the human need to exceed certain restrictions that a competing group of aliens (colonizers from another galaxy) is trying to impose on humans. *More about such later. 

Our first alternative math is a simple thought exercise: Let’s assume that in the actual observed physics of the universe there are no whole numbers. Why no whole numbers? Because the only whole number in the actual physics of this universe would be the number 1 representing the entire universe—from the very beginning, to the very end(s) of time. Everything else would be fractions or decimals, tied together with inherently fluctuating, alternative values. So, all that we see now is but a fraction of a much greater universal whole. The larger universal whole would be something like the number 1 or 0 (probably both at the same time), depending on our frame of view. Easy isn’t it?

There’s one small catch. If we model the universe from its weird beginning to its equally weird ending(s), we begin to notice that the universe does a strange, quantum-like trick whenever we try to sum it all up—as the whole number 1, for example. Like an anxious child, the universe simply won’t sit still. Instead, as we sum it all up (as a whole number) it does strange tricks at both ends of time. It tucks back into itself—it turns itself inside out, with non-local qualities. 

This poses a strange paradox. Whenever we try to sum the universe up as a whole number quantity, it effectively disappears at both ends of time. It also disappears into black holes for much of the intervening time. So, how do we make sense of this strange dilemma? The answer is easy. We simply remember that the universe can never be observed as a whole because neither the observer, nor the process of the observation are allowed outside of the universe (to see the whole).

Instead, when we try to sum up the entirety, the universe can only approach a whole number quantity (i.e. the number 1 or 0) but can never quite reach one. When “seen” as a complete whole, the universe either disappears altogether, or it cycles into itself and appears everywhere fractionally, in weirdly non-local ways. 

In short, our first alternative math is simple, but precise. It suggests that, on a more basic level— way down within the tiniest depths of all quanta, so tiny that such depths make the smallest intervals between light waves seem gargantuan, all quanta (particles and energy packets) connect in a way that is actively fractional, i.e. what physicists Richard Feynman and John Archibald Wheeler called “fractional wave form.” They are smeared out into space-time. They are non-local.

The active, fractional nature of all that we observe points toward a new model of the universe.

Hawking and Hartle call it a “no-boundary condition,” meaning that the universe has no edge. Instead, it appears to cycle back into itself through active, non-local fluctuations—like the “negative energy” that Hawking describes as being present in gravity. 

*Normal energy energy like light and the mass of atomic particles curves and bends outward, while the negative energy of gravity pulls inward, hence it is negative, in a sense.

Where else might we see evidence of a no-boundary condition? In the fact that, due to the nature of time, every place in the universe seems as though it is the present, the apparent center of the universe because light that arrives there was emitted in the past. We also see that the universe is almost 26 billion light years across (its diameter), not 12.7 billion (its radius), as is the current best estimate of its age. This is called the “horizon problem.”

Obviously, the visible universe has expanded in all directions, but, consider the following: The distant past can be seen all around us at those far fringes of the universe. Meanwhile, due to inflation and other strange early-universe physics, that same past is all connected to itself in momentary, faster than light ways (according to the theory of inflation). In other words, our entire present-day universe fills but one gap of nearly instantaneous, faster-than-light connectedness between those distant, past parts – way out there on the almost-visible fringes. Weird, isn’t it?

Better yet, we see a no-boundary kind of “duality” in the irony that all quanta (discrete packets of energy) are smeared out and non-local in character, coupled with the fact that such quanta (like photons and electrons) cohere such that they don’t just release all of their energy outward at any given moment.

Why not? Because, in part, all quanta appear to cycle inwardly; they are held together, somehow. 

All of this points to a new and more definitive model of the universe, which aliens hint at regularly. In this new view of the universe, the definitive perspective isn’t solely the current, visible contours of the cosmos.

Instead, it’s a multi-mathematical sum of perspectives connecting tiny, sub-quantum phenomena to much larger phenomena on a cosmic scale. As such, black holes wouldn’t be universes within themselves, but would be a new category in science—a bizarre and massive kind of quantum, of sorts. Aliens state that such thinking allowed them to re-define the nature of space-time marginally beyond the Einstein limit (the speed of light). 

More specifically, in 1997 one so-called “Elder” alien hinted as follows (in a context remotely monitored by other, more advanced aliens): At that time, I was attempting to develop a topological model of mind, a model that included more complex universal parameters. In order to do so, I, too, wrestled with the contradictions of relativity vs. quantum weirdness, i.e. the fact that, as numerous physicists suggest, quantum weirdness points toward a higher-dimensional simplicity within the universe.

As I sat thinking, an Elder alien (who had previously offered helpful hints) communicated an image of a wooden box with its top off. Inside the box was the entire universe, dark but lit with intertwining galaxy superclusters.

To make the hint explicit (along with some verbal content) the Elder then showed a whitish wave of sorts cresting across the top of the universe-in-the-box, the whitish wave crests resembling those in the famous painting The Great Wave (below image), by Japanese savant Katsushika Hokusai.

The message? The physics that confounds us has a quantum cosmological explanation.

Quantum cosmology models the entire universe (and, conceivably, other universes) in terms of quantum wave function (waves and particles appearing and disappearing, a weird non-locality, etc).

It models time in terms of volume and dimension, not lines.

click image to enlarge

Quantum cosmology ties tiny, quantum-scale fluctuations to larger, cosmic-scale phenomena.

They are tightly, precisely inter-related in ways that are fairly easy to understand, although it requires some thinking. An Elder alien later suggested that part of an explanation for alien physics lies not within a solely faster-than-light perspective, but within a plus or minus the speed of light complexity: higher dimensions that inter-connect through a negative cycle, over time. Again, you’ll want to take time to think about this. In the following chapter, a number of easy-to-grasp visual metaphors will help you understand this weird new idea. 

Another helpful Elder hint was as follows. One day, while I pondered the fact that cosmology implies that there was a pre-condition prior to the first moment(s) of this universe, one Elder alien (again, subtly helped by more advanced aliens) conveyed an image of quantum fuzz before the first moment(s). Such fuzz has been hinted at in cosmology articles—it looks like an aggregation of dark, fuzzy spots representing deep quantum fluctuations in a bizarre, singularity-like condition “before” the first moment(s) of this universe.

The Elder’s hint?

There, connecting two of the fuzz spots, was a transparent tunnel of sorts curving around behind the cluster of fuzzy spots—representing a kind of quantum tunneling between them, also representing nearly instantaneous relationships between such fluctuations. *The hint further suggests that, rather than the old explosive metaphor of a Big Bang beginning to the universe, the universe may be characterized by an epic kind of re-cycling, a “multi-versal” schema that allows for an interconnected succession of universe cycles. *More about this, later. 

The active fractional nature of all that we see further defines the alien outlook because aliens see themselves as inter-dimensioned fractions of larger social wholes.

When gray aliens say they see themselves as “containers,” they’re hinting at such a relationship (although in subdued, fatalistic terms). When the “Elder” aliens told Alec Newald that they don’t think in terms of “personal” relationships, they were hinting at the same. And when humans talk of spiritual transcendence, they define themselves in more enduring social terms, also.

* Aliens talk less of spirituality in the human sense, more about a larger shared ecology for which there are social obligations:

  • helping others

  • sharing rather than wasting

  • personal transparency

The most advanced aliens that I’ve encountered (within what is called “community of mind”) see this entire universe as a bizarre, yet intricate social near-whole. They inter-dimension within it – in extraordinarily intelligent and beautiful ways. Various aliens hold out the possibility that the best of this universe can hope to cycle into yet another universe. This has been stated explicitly, in precisely such terms. For those who can’t comprehend an evolution of such kind into another universe, there is one starkly graphic analogy in every person’s life.

When we die, we lose our familiar physical basis for individuality, yet, if aliens are correct, a deeper dimensional basis retains a nearly complete record of our existence. I don’t mean to sound contrite, but just imagine how it would be if, instead of the physical notion of death, there were no escape from this universe.

Some of us would assimilate within a higher-order collective without individual pretensions, while others would fail to cohere in recognizable form. 

Draw your own conclusions.

Not only do aliens think, or at least parallel their thoughts, in mathematical terms, they try to see mathematically—in complex geometric terms. They do more than merely “see” as such; they try to psychically merge and blend within the complex, ever-flowing topology of the universe. Many try to literally “be” the most intelligent form-within-other-forms that they can conceive of within this universe. This isn’t a leech-like mechanical act.

Instead, it’s a deeply sentient yearning for belonging, a hope for encouragement and understanding in the search to better themselves and correct their lives. This is not to suggest that there aren’t corrupt aliens who take others for granted, aliens who’ve been de-sensitized by both time and a presumed superiority. Advanced knowledge is a responsibility that never ends. Aliens, too, must always be vigilant.

While I was writing this book, certain aliens criticized me for exposing too much, for possibly allowing other humans to take vital, sensitive information out of context. There have even been threats—i.e. by the most aggressive and intrusive alien contingent visiting Earth (the above-noted colonizers not native to this galaxy).

My reply? As is required of the best of aliens, I place all such knowledge in the regenerative social context in which it was offered. The mathematical implications of the “new” electrogravity universe aren’t solely numerical—they can be construed in shared social and ecological terms.

For example, when we talk about electrogravity, much of the human future is called into question. Aliens explicitly ask whether humans can rise up and overcome a corrupt human elite that wants to privately own and militarize recovered alien technology, a narrow and often fatuous group of wealthy lawbreakers who want to leave the rest of humankind in ignorance.

Aliens say that humans will either get it right and learn to use electrogravity non-destructively, or humankind may perish by its own greedy hands—before we can become a threat to other worlds.

Not all planets survive such selfishness, apparently.


Dan Flynn

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Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules

Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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