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The Return of Obama and the Mark of the Beast (Vaccine To ELIMINATE Christian Faith)

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In these days, you cannot talk about the New World Order and their puppets. When Obama was the ruler of the country, in 2015, According to SPL Center “A Minnesota man who had been making an independent film depicting the coming of a “New World Order” in America was found dead with his family over the weekend in what investigators have said appears to be a murder-suicide.” The most important question to ask, are we allowed to know who killed that family.

The coronavirus vaccine is another way for the corrupt leaders to put chips inside our body. In less than a year we will need to carry Covid-19 vaccine certificates, or we won’t be able to do anything outside our house. I think this virus was created by the NWO and they want to force to have vaccines that are bad for us.

Mr. Peter Kling is author of the book Letters to Earth: You Can Survive Armageddon. He has developed an Exopolitical interpretation of “Armageddon” as it appears in the Bible.

Mr. Kling says, “Revelation 19:11 is when the real Alien attack and the ‘War of Armageddon’ take place. Armageddon is not the destruction of the Earth, it is the destruction of the ‘Class 1 Planet’ the New World Order and its supporters and the Rebel Aliens who helped establish it.”

Mr. Kling says that Armageddon is when ethical extraterrestrial civilizations intercede on Earth to overthrow the New World Order that is supported by unethical ETs.

Book of Revelation 19:11 states: ”And I saw the heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon called Faithful and True; and in righteous he doth judge and make war.”

Prophecy students have long watched the march toward the “Mark”. With each passing year we hear of new developments that the world thinks are great, but the prophecy student shakes his head and wonders, ”Why they don’t see what they are doing?”

We have been hearing the national ID card is coming, but now the U.S. Department of Transportation is advancing its plans for a national transportation-worker identity card, which will serve as a forerunner of the “trusted-traveler” card for airline passengers.

These cards will allow passengers to avoid security screening at checkpoints in airports. This electronic card will use an encoded biometric description of the user to guarantee that the individual using it is the same person on the card.

This will naturally shorten the lines at airports for frequent fliers who submit to foreign and FBI background checks. (Trusted Passenger ID Cards

With each new gadget of convenience there is a thread of control. A thread last year, a thread today, two or three threads tomorrow and we wake up in a police state controlling every purchase so that no one can buy or sell without the system.
Wal-Mart, Gillette and Procter & Gamble are joining forces to give momentum to the technology of “talking tags”. These tags will contain a computer chip, a small amount of data and a very small antenna that will connect it to the network. Anything with a tag will be able to communicate with networks or the Internet, sending information to electronic devices, appliances, or computers.

Your groceries will automatically check themselves out as you push your cart past a scanner. Your prescription bottle will tell you when it needs to be refilled. This technology is called “Auto-ID” and is located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The tags are known as Radio Frequency Identification tags, or RFID.

In the past, the tags have been too expensive to maintain, but a small, private company in California, called Alien Technology, is working on a large-scale method of production that will greatly reduce the cost.

Each tag will sell for just under 7 cents. Mass production won’t start until they can get the cost down to 5 cents. A test is currently going on in Tulsa where several stores have agreed to use these tags throughout the supply chain. Wal-Mart and Pepsi-Cola appear to be the companies involved, but technically, the companies are being kept secret. (USA Today – 4/11/2002)

The April, 2002 issue of Whistleblower magazine (a monthly publication of WorldNetDaily.Com) is devoted to the topic of implanted chips.

A focus of attention has been the release of information about the “VeriChip”, manufactured by Applied Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, Florida. Initially, the tracking system was advertized as something to be worn as a wristwatch, for example, but after 9/11 a greater need for security was called for.

So, the “VeriChip” was born.

What exactly is a “VeriChip?”

Readers of this newsletter have heard of RFID for a long time, but now it has taken another step. It is a radio-frequency device injected with a syringe that is about the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen. It contains an ID number and other personal information.

Upon injection, it is activated by a scanner and then its signal can be transmitted to a telephone, the Internet, or an FDA-compliant data-storage site.

Applied Digital Solutions used the medical benefits of the chip as its initial thrust of exposure, but it has acquired more ominous ramifications. 

The prototype of the “VeriChip” is the Digital Angel technology.

This chip allows the person equipped with one to be tracked in real time with the Global Positioning System. This information is transmitted wirelessly to the Internet and the person’s vital signs, movements and location are collected and stored.

Digital Angel was introduced to the world on Oct. 30, 2000, in New York City. The public and the press were not invited to this event, but the military, the government and private investors were. Secretary of Commerce Norman Mineta was there as was the keynote speaker.

CEO Richard Sullivan made these interesting comments: ”I just want to say how delighted we are at Applied Digital Solutions to launch an exciting new partnership with you and the federal government in the important area of digital inclusion.”

Does DGS have anyone on their side to help out with the cost of these little critters? To name a few, Schering-Plough (pharmaceuticals), Raytheon-Hughes, and the U.S. Department of Energy?

The highlight of the evening was an actual demonstration of the chip in action as the group watched a guinea pig run the gauntlet through the streets of New York City. They could even tell if the subject was awake or asleep!

Rats today, Christians tomorrow? ”Before there may have been resistance, but not anymore. People are getting used to implants. New century, new trend. We will be a hybrid of electronic intelligence and our own soul ,” said Chief Technology Officer Dr. Keith Bolton.

Bolton’s comments mirror today’s complacent majority when he relayed irritation at the protests for the “noisy 20 percent”, meaning us Christians that can see the obvious link between this chip and the “Mark of the Beast”. You’ve heard the saying, “timing is everything”. Well, one week after 9/11, Digital Angel made its services available (in the form of the GPS tracking devices) to New York City’s fire department and the U.S. Department of Transportation to help with their rescue efforts. (Whistleblower magazine, Volume 11, No.4, April, 2002)

In the May/June newsletter I reported the Jacobs family wanted to be the first implanted with a microchip. They received their very own VeriChips on the Today Show. 

Applied Digital Solutions says it has 4,000 to 5,000 people on their waiting list to get their own VeriChips, and they plan to have a “chipmobile” that will be visiting Florida senior citizen’s centers. Take a number and step to the end of the line!(Los Angeles Times , David Streitfeld)

Andy Rooney is ready to hop on the bandwagon! He said on the 60 Minutes, Feb. 10, 2002 broadcast: ”We need some system for permanently identifying safe people . Most of us are never going to blow anything up and there’s got to be something better than one of these photo IDs…I wouldn’t mind having something planted permanently in my arm that would identify me.”

So safe people are implanted, meaning if you are not safe you won’t be implanted.

Who does Applied Digital Solutions think would be good candidates for their chips? Here’s a partial list: children and the elderly, law enforcement, prisoners, parolees, all foreigners entering the country, airline workers, nuclear power plant workers, “sensitive industries” employees, diplomats, top corporate executives, soldiers, wilderness hikers, Alzheimer’s patients, autistic people, and heart patients. (6)(WorldNetDaily, April 2, 2002, Sherrie Gossett)

Now, don’t you feel out of place without one? Everybody’s doing it!

Julie Foster, from WorldNetDaily, interviewed Dr. Peter Zhou, chief scientist for development of the Digital Angel and president of, Inc who made this statement. ”The purpose of the device is to save your life and improve the quality of life. There’s no connection to the Bible. There are different interpretations of the Bible. My interpretation is, anything to improve the quality of life is from God. The Bible says, ‘I am the God of living people.’ We not only live, we live well.” ( Whistleblower magazine, April, 2002, pg. 8)

The military is one group that is the most progressive in their thinking when it comes to the chip.

Here is an excerpt from “Air Force 2025“: ”The chip creates a computer-generated mental visualization based upon the user’s request. The visualization encompasses the individual and allows the user to place himself into the selected battle-space.” (He is speaking about a microscopic brain chip.) 

And, “The chip will give these forces the ability to communicate, visualize, and prosecute military operations.” 

And, “Implanting ‘things’ in people raises ethical and public relations issues. While these concerns may be founded on today’s thinking, in 2025 they may not be as alarming. We already are evolving toward technology implanting. For example, the military currently requires its members to receive mandatory injections of biological organisms (i.e., the flu shot). In the civilian world, people receive mechanical hearts and other organs. Society has come to accept most of these implants as a fact of life. The civilian populace will likely accept implanted microscopic chips that allow military members to defend vital national interests. Further, the U.S. military will continue to be a volunteer force that will freely accept the chip because it is a tool to control technology and not as a tool to control the human.”

Now you can go to Kroger’s to buy your groceries, and you won’t need to bring any cash, checks, or credit cards. With the new SecureTouch-n-Pay technology, all you really need is one finger. This is the new biometric electronic financial transaction processing system. This especially appeals to women because they won’t need to bring their purses. Enrollment requires a driver’s license, credit card and a fingerprint scan. This technology was developed by Austin-based Biometric Access Corporation. This will also benefit Kroger because it means fewer forged checks.

The following information comes directly from the website of a company called TheBEAST.

TheBEAST integrates with virtually any business system, permitting the fastest time-to-market rollouts and most accurate financial decision-making ever. It provides a unique combination of analytic applications, real-time trading, order routing, transactional capabilities and market intelligence.

It introduces the first real-time data-agnostic, unified platform for market data capture, commingling and delivery.


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    Total 3 comments
    • truck driver

      When I was in 5th grade the school nurse gave me a vaccine and my sense of humor was gone . I didn’t laugh at the 3 stooges any more

      • John Ale

        vaccines are evil inventions

    • Jen the pen

      Karma white race for your ancestors enslaving the negro race ancestors in America. The last negro slave was freed in 1960 , the white race going into slavery because of the sins of your forefathers

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