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Daniel 11 Part One

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

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Daniel 11 divides nicely into two sections:

  1. The near future 11:2-35
  2. The distant future 11:36—12:4

The four rulers of Persia were:

  1. Cambyses
  2. Pseudo-Smerdis (also known as Gaumata and Bardiya)
  3. Darius I
  4. Xerxes I (Ahasuerus)

Xerxes I, being the final Persian king, prior to his death, attacked Greece (v2), which began his and Persia’s downfall/demise.

In Daniel 11:1-2, we learn that this is the first year of the rule of Darius the Mede. Gabriel is telling Daniel that he “arose” to be an encouragement and a protection to Darius. Why? Because God was going to use Darius for his purposes with Israel and he would need encouragement and protection for the job.

“Also in the first year of Darius the Mede, I, even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him.) And now I will tell you the truth: Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than them all; by his strength, through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.”

Darius was likely a title for Cyrus, similar to the title “Caesar” or “Emperor.” Gabriel probably used it because Daniel was already familiar with the title itself. This first year of Darius was 539 BC. Darius issued the decree for Jews to return from exile to Jerusalem in 536 BC. Persian kings ruled from 536 – 326 BC, though some historians believe other dates apply.

We don’t know what the “encouragement” to Darius looked or felt like from Gabriel. We simply know that it worked and Darius moved ahead in allowing Jews to return to their homeland from what had been their home within the Babylon Empire under Nebuchadnezzar.

We also know that due to Gabriel’s encouragement to Darius, the king commanded everyone in his kingdom to honor Yahweh (Daniel 6:26-27). The point is that the success the Israelites experienced under Darius had been the result of successful angelic warfare in the spiritual realm. Daniel was to be encouraged by this success as he pondered future events, as revealed by Gabriel.

Then a mighty king shall arise, who shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. And when he has arisen, his kingdom shall be broken up and divided toward the four winds of heaven, but not among his posterity nor according to his dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom shall be uprooted, even for others besides these. (vv3-4)

Greece, led by Alexander the Great eventually took over Medo-Persia. Alexander is the “mighty king” in vv 3-4 and did what he pleased (326-323 BC). He rose very quickly, amassed a large empire, then died tragically at a young age. He left no heirs because his son died before he did.

After Alexander died, his kingdom was split into four sections by his generals:

  1. Seleucus Nicator took Syria (including Medo-Persia)
  2. Cassander took Macedonia (Greece)
  3. Lysimachus took Thrace (Turkey)
  4. Ptolemy took Egypt

These generals did not have the same authority or vision that Alexander had.

Also the king of the South shall become strong, as well as one of his princes; and he shall gain power over him and have dominion. His dominion shall be a great dominion. (v5)

The king of the south in the above text is Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt (323-285 BC). Seleucus Nicator had taken Syria but was deposed and fled to Egypt. He became a “prince” to Ptolemy and then eventually took back Syria, ruling from 311-280 BC. Ptolemy was Alexander’s most powerful general and sought to extend his holdings. The “game of thrones” existed then as normative. Kings were always trying to gain more territory.

And at the end of some years they shall join forces, for the daughter of the king of the South shall go to the king of the North to make an agreement; but she shall not retain the power of her authority, and neither he nor his authority shall stand; but she shall be given up, with those who brought her, and with him who begot her, and with him who strengthened her in those times. (v6)

Ptolemy I died in 285 BC. His son, Ptolemy II took over. Seleucus was assassinated in 281 BC and his son, Antiochus I, ruled in his place. Antiochus I died in 262 BC and left his son – Antiochus II – in power.

Ptolemy II (south) and Antiochus II (north) were contemporaries and the two eventually formed an alliance w/the marriage of Ptolemy’s daughter, Berenice to Antiochus II.

When Ptolemy II died in 246 BC, Antiochus II took back his first wife, Laodice (whom he had divorced to marry Berenice). In revenge, Laodice poisoned Antiochus II and ruled in his place. Her son, Seleucus II, then succeeded his father Antiochus II and ruled Syria beginning in 246 BC. Berenice is the woman referred to in v6. Berenice did not retain her power/position.

But from a branch of her roots one shall arise in his place, who shall come with an army, enter the fortress of the king of the North, and deal with them and prevail. (v7)

Ptolemy III succeeded his father as king and he determined to avenge Berenice’s death. He attacked Seleucus II at Antioch in Syria and killed Laodice. He also conquered much adjacent territory and remained very powerful for the rest of his reign.

Let’s stop here and remind ourselves that all of this was completely new to the prophet Daniel because all of it was in Daniel’s near future, compared to the latter half of Daniel 11, which speaks of events that will occur at the end of this age. All of this proves that God and only God knows the future because He determines it. He doesn’t have to go against people’s free will to get His will done. All He needs to do is find someone who is predisposed to go in a certain direction and use that person to accomplish what He will accomplish.

God did not need to reveal any of these future events to Daniel, but in doing so, God proves He is master of time, space and all dimensions. It is also evidence of Him stooping to humanity to reveal pertinent information to us that He wants us to know.

 And he shall also carry their gods captive to Egypt, with their princes and their precious articles of silver and gold; and he shall continue more years than the king of the North. (v8)

Ptolemy III returned to Egypt from Antioch with much spoil, idols and vessels from Syria. He also signed a treaty with Seleucus II in 240 BC. The two nations enjoyed peace finally for a time.

Also the king of the North shall come to the kingdom of the king of the South, but shall return to his own land. However his sons shall stir up strife, and assemble a multitude of great forces; and one shall certainly come and overwhelm and pass through; then he shall return to his fortress and stir up strife. (vv9-10)

Though there was a treaty, Seleucus II allegedly invaded Egypt (v9) but unsuccessfully (though there is no extra-biblical record of this in history). Seleucus II’s son, Seleucus III, became king after his father’s death in 227 BC (v10). He died a few years later in 223 BC. His brother – Antiochus III – became king of the North (Syria). Both of these sons wanted to restore Syria’s former glory.

Though Antiochus III did not defeat Egypt, he did gain control of Israel between 219-217 BC. He also drove the Egyptians back to the southern borders of Israel (led by Ptolemy IV). Antiochus III became known as “the Great” because of his military conquests.

It is absolutely amazing just how detailed God has provided things in His Word. The so-called “higher critics” of today refer to them as that though their real intent is to divorce the supernatural from God and His Word. Ignore those commentators who do so because they will drag you down. They reject God, His omnipresence, omniscience and supernatural qualities. They cannot handle the idea that God exists who exists outside of our time and is not bound by it, but can freely move in and out of it at any point. These “higher critics,” though they try to sound intelligent with plenty of critical thinking skills at their disposal, only really succeed in proving they are joined to the hip with Satan and have made a career out of writing and preaching lies for their own advantage. I’m not talking about people who really don’t know where they land on prophetic discourse. Maybe they haven’t studied it enough to know. Maybe for whatever reason, they are simply not at all concerned about what the future holds. There is hope for those folks and I believe if they truly want the truth, God will provide it to them through His inerrant Word.

I’m referring specifically to those people who have made a career out of downplaying, casting doubt on and essentially denigrating the truth of God’s Word. This is what Satan has always done and continues to do. Those who follow him (whether knowingly or unknowingly), end up promoting the same lies Satan promotes. Mark then. Avoid them.

Thanks for joining me on this trip through the prophetic book of Daniel. We are coming up on the last chapter, Daniel 12 in a few weeks. I believe much of what Gabriel points out to Daniel in Daniel 11-12 is for our day and age.

All things appear to be pointing to the climax of events that will usher in God’s wrath during the coming seven years of what is known as the Tribulation period (or “Time of Jacob’s Trouble). It is difficult to not see these things happening that are creating the foundation for this future, one world beast order, which will ultimately be ruled over by Satan’s spiritual son, Antichrist, who will, in as many ways as possible, endear himself to the world by pretending to be the Messiah to the Jews (Israel) and the Savior or the New Age Maitreya to everyone else.

Next time, we will continue moving through Daniel 11, picking up with verse 11.

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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