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Babylon Rising, Pt 1

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

What I’d like to talk about in this short series is what the Bible calls “Babylon.” We know that the Tower of Babel is essentially the start of the Babylonian system (Genesis 11). We also know that God nixed that tower from being completed, likely due to the fact that the timing for it was not right. It would be thousands of years later that Satan would be able to build Babylon again. Of course, this time, it is not focused on a physical tower per se, but is focused on a system that serves to undergird all that occurs throughout the world under the direct influence of Satan himself.

By the way, I’ve written about Babylon and the system contained within it previously. For more, please view those articles at the following links[1][2].

Fiona Barnett, a survivor of the terrible times she spent in the Illuminati, tells us several things about The System (that we discussed very briefly in a previous article [3]). We highlighted the fact that The Illuminati have designed and set up a multi-tiered system within their own ranks by which they control much of the world’s commerce, banking and even governments. There is tremendous detail provided by Barnett, Swift, Jessie Czebotar and others who claim to have escaped the Illuminati system.

Fiona Barnett’s book, Eyes Wide Open (for a free downloadable PDF version, see footnote[4]) is interesting and if true, eye opening. What makes her allegations believable is the fact that she names names not only in her home nation of Australia but in other parts of the world as well (including the USA). To my knowledge, she has never been sued by any person named. Yes, she’s been attacked verbally, threatened with being attacked physically and censored tremendously. To date, no one she names has sued her for defamation. They’ve certainly done their best to erase her from the Internet.

Because of how many names and information she highlights, it is actually very difficult to discount or ignore her claims. Others like Swift and Czebotar offer similar accounts of the harrowing situations they went through.

At one point in Barnett’s book, starting on page 40 of the PDF version, she makes several points about the Babylon system that is spoken of in the Bible. Before I get to her comments, I’d like to acknowledge that Christians often disagree over the entire concept of Babylon; what it is, what it means, etc. For instance, Dana Ashlie has stated without equivocation that she believes Babylon is actually the United States. Others argue that it is the EU. Yet it is clear that the term Babylon as noted in Revelation, while it used to be a physical place on this earth (Daniel 2), is much more than simply a physical location. The ruins of ancient Babylon exist today and even though Saddam Hussein tried to resurrect it, he failed.

First and foremost, Babylon is an ideology or worldview and mindset. It is also a serious religion. This just happens to be the same religion of the current set of globalists who are doing their level best to gain control of the entire world. That control will allow them to rule over the rest of humanity. As I’ve mentioned many times, they long for a two-tiered system; the lords and the serfs.

On page 40 of Barnett’s book, she delves into a brief description of Babylon. She refers to various verses of Scripture in Revelation 18 where she highlights the actual character of Babylon. This of course proves Babylon is not simply some inanimate set of physical structures.

Revelation 18 speaks of the kings who rule over Babylon and the merchants who become wealthy because of their trade in Babylon. Revelation 18 also speaks of Babylon’s “terror” and all the human slaves that are trafficked by Babylon’s merchants. It also notes just how Babylon was able to deceive the world with her sorceries. In the Greek, the word “sorceries” comes from pharmakeia, which can refer to drugs, but it goes beyond drugs to incorporate witchcraft.

‘Babylon’ is the Biblical name of the ‘great city that rules over the kings of the world’ (Rev. 17:18). Babylon was and is a global political, financial and religious power system that rules the world. It is the Black Network, the Octopus, the Illuminati, the Luciferian Order headed by the Rothschild dynasty, administered by pedophile government officials, and policed by the CIA, Mossad, ASIO and MI6.

If a person takes the time to research the pedophile network throughout the world (not fun), it soon becomes clear that the great Satanic Panic of the 70’s/80’s (remember that?) came essentially to nothing. Why? Barnett explains it has to do with the collusion of government officials (law enforcement, judges and politicians protecting their own), as well as the media.

One need only ask why someone like Jimmy Savile, if he was actually involved in years of pedophilia/necrophilia and rape, got away with it for years?[5] Barnett explains how in her book and she makes extraordinarily believable points. Savile is merely one example. She references others.

If we consider this world today, it is actually difficult to not see an underbelly that operates in the shadows and motivates people to do what they do. This world is corrupt and anyone who cannot see that is either deliberately blind or part of that corruption. Yet, so many seem oblivious to it and totally surprised when they come across it.

Regarding Babylon and the information provided in Revelation 18, Barnett has this to say:

The ‘merchants’ are the world’s richest and most powerful merchant bankers who trade in ‘human slaves’ including child sex slaves. The ‘kings’ are the pedophile world leaders who are compromised via child prostitutes. The ‘cup of terror’ refers to the CIA-created terror organisations being used to force countries to submit to Babylon. Revelation guarantees that Babylon will fall. The destruction of Babylon and her Luciferian pedophile associates will be quick and complete. My existence and endurance testify to this fact.

We might ask why there are so many human slaves being trafficked throughout the world? The answer, she says, is that Satan requires it. He demands blood in his sacrifices by those who are involved in the Illuminati. According to Barnett, the only way to avoid sacrificing other people (particularly young children), is for the “worshiper” to sacrifice their own blood. However, she also indicates that over time, more blood is required leaving the person frail, sick and eventually dead. Satan hates us.

Notice she says that the “kings” mentioned in Revelation 18 are “the pedophile world leaders who are compromised via child prostitutes.” Does Epstein’s Island come to mind? Apparently, there were security cameras in every room in his island mansion to record the sexual dalliances of his guests. These would be used to blackmail those adults. Rumor has it Hugh Hefner had the same set up in his Playboy Mansion. These are referred to as “honeypots.”

But let me expand the concept of Babylon for a moment. The apostle John, in his first epistle writes the following:

18 We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.

19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. (1 John 5:18-20; emphasis added)

Verse 18 is often misunderstood. John is not saying that Christians no longer sin. What he’s actually saying is that our new nature in Christ never sins. However, we continue to have the old nature that is corrupted by sin and that will continue to sin. John is saying that because Christ lives within us through the Holy Spirit and because we have a new nature, Satan cannot actually touch us.

Verse 19 tells us something that is also extremely important. Notice John says that the entire world lies under the sway of the wicked one. In other words, the wicked one (Satan), controls this world until the time Jesus physically returns to destroy Satan’s works.

The thought that John is trying to express is that there are really just two groups of people in this world. There are Christians who have been baptized into the Body of Christ, who have a new nature and who yearn to live as He wants us to live for His glory. Then there are those who are not Christians and because of that, they lie under the sway of Satan, living lives antagonistic to God. The unsaved are completely controlled by Satan. In fact, in the original Greek, the idea is that the unsaved of this world actually lie down in Satan’s control without even knowing that they are captured! They actually enjoy their situation and see no reason to fight against him (not that they can anyway).

Steven Cole notes that this ‘is not of frantic captives, desperately trying to escape this depraved tyrant. Rather, they lie quietly in his evil clutches, oblivious to their tragic plight. The god of this world has blinded their minds (2 Cor. 4:4)’[5]

Another commentator notes the following about Satan’s world system (or Babylon).

The entire constitution of the world system serves Satan…The satanic system orients to different values than that of God.  Satan fiercely defends this system.  He pulls the strings here.  It is a system entirely dominated by the devil.[6]

Everything in the Babylon world system is thoroughly aligned with Satan. This is exceedingly clear if we will simply notice what’s happening in the world. Satan has his God-allowed grip on the entire world and because of it, is raising the system of Babylon that will fully control every aspect of the globe. Yes, there will be a point when Babylon is completely destroyed but for now, we are having to acknowledge and deal with the fact that Satan, through his Babylon system, is inching this world toward the final global world order over which his spiritual son Antichrist will rule.

Yet, there are groups of Christians in this world now who believe that if they can stand against that system of Babylon, by evangelizing the lost to the point that enough people will turn to Jesus for salvation and becoming politically involved, then Babylon will be defeated. This does not appear to be the case in Scripture unless it is seen through lots of allegorizing of Scripture. Only Jesus’ physical return will right wrongs and vanquish evil. No amount of work by Christians will accomplish that and that is not even our job requirement.

Satan holds the world in his control now. Because of this, the world continues to move toward a time of unprecedented horror. What used to be hidden decades ago is now out in the open (LGBTQ, paedophilia, drag queens, etc.), and in our faces, daring us to speak against it. This tells me that the global elite have gained much and are confident they will gain more. Some of those who escaped the Illuminati aren’t convinced the elite will get everything they want, but clearly, they will get enough, according to Scripture. Babylon’s ideology, religion, politics and commerce is adamantly rising now.

A person going by “Svali,” notes the Illuminati plan on pushing for several things.[7] They plan to collapse the economy, specifically in the USA, as well as throughout the world, which will eclipse the Great Depression. Afterwards, a military take over will occur through martial law, region by region (and maybe that’s where the young, healthy military-aged men from China will come in?).

Svali also states that mind controlled people will be a big part of this because many within the lower ranks of the Illuminati have undergone serious mind control tactics making them very pliable to their controllers. This is not hard to believe if a person simply studies CIA projects and their mind control experiments over decades.

After the military takeover, the general population will be given a chance to either espouse the Illuminati’s cause or reject it, with imprisonment, pain, even death being possible punishments for rejection. These people very much believe that the intelligent, or “enlightened” or Illuminated, were born to rule. (Svali)[8]

I’m not sure we can truly appreciate just how the Illuminati have covered their bases. The current constant influx of foreigners illegally gaining entry into this country (and issued social security cards, driver’s licenses, phones, debit cards, etc.), justifies some questions regarding how this might play out after a financial collapse. It’s also important to realize that over the decades, Illuminati agents have successfully taken over the following areas:

  1. The media
  2. The banking system
  3. The educational system
  4. The government, both local and federal
  5. The sciences
  6. The churches

Yes, even churches. Many pastors today (and Bible college professors), are Leftists and some of them have been caught in provocative situations that have forced them to leave the ministry. Many others continue working behind the scenes to help usher in the “great reset,” while they project a certain Christian demeanor to the world. They seem like wolves to me and very dangerous.

I won’t be ending this series on a negative note. We will get to the positive aspects of all this as we progress. Certainly, much of this will likely occur after the Rapture, but since we don’t know when the Rapture will occur, we don’t know how bad the situation on earth will become. Best plan on things getting bad.

Next time, we will delve into a bit more detail regarding the Illuminati’s plans and talk about the Christian’s approach to all of this.








[8] (chapter 3)

Additional Resources (warning: some graphic discussion and images):

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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