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Daniel 12 Final Q and A

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

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This is our last section covering the Book of Daniel, Daniel 12:5-13. It deals with final questions and answers from and to the prophet Daniel.

Daniel 12:5-6 deals with the first question. In the text we read that Daniel looks up and notices two other angelic beings, one on one side of the river bank and the other on the other side. One of them asks a question to the man clothed in linen, who is likely the Son of Man here, “How long would it be until the end of the events just noted?” This question appears to be for Daniel’s benefit and it refers to Israel’s final persecution and redemption prior to Christ’s return.

Daniel 12:7 provides the response to this question. The man in linen raises BOTH hands to Eternal God, which signifies total truthfulness. Just as Moses raised both hands over the Red Sea prior to it parting, so too does this Son of Man raise both hands to God the Father. It also points to the crucifixion as the ultimate and only true means of salvation. The waters parting in the Red Sea signify this as well. God stands over the world kingdom (represented symbolically by the stream) and is ready to deliver His people again and this will be for the final time at the end of the current age, when Jesus returns to this earth physically.

So the answer then provides a bit of a timeline. “…it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.” (v7) This literally means three- and one-half years and represents the second half of the Tribulation.

“The word for ‘times’ may originally have been intended as a dual (mo’adayim, ‘two years’)” – Gleason Archer

Continuing with the first answer in verse 7, it is important to understand “…when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished”, which signifies a specific time period and result. This is a nod to the terrible persecution Israel will undergo (Daniel 11:36-45). Though the Antichrist will rule for “one week” (7 years), only the second portion of the Tribulation will intensify the persecution of Jews (Zechariah 14:2-3).

The second question is noted in Daniel 12:8. We see in verse 8 Daniel’s continued difficulty in understanding what he had heard. Who can blame him since his specific historical context made it virtually impossible for him to appreciate what life is like in our time today.

My lord, what shall be the end of these things?”

Daniel did not understand everything and neither would we have understood things had we lived in Daniel’s day. Yet, he seems intent on learning how everything would be resolved.

It is best understood as the events triggering the lead up to the Tribulation period unfold. The following verses show he was not meant to understand everything. It was for those who lived when those events come to pass.

In Daniel 12:9-13, we learn of the answer to this question.

“Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”

In essence, there is no way Daniel could have understood more of this because of the context of his life, but since we are much closer to these actual events and our Lord’s return, more of it makes sense to us.

The answer given to Daniel is, “Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” (v10)

So the result of the coming persecution means many will come to Jesus for salvation (purification). It is also interesting to note that “evil people” will continue to do evil. In spite of God’s grace and constant invitation to come to Him in repentance and for salvation, people who have embraced evil as a way of life, will continue to dig their heels in and align themselves with evil thinking, words and actions.

This should confirm to us that as time progresses toward the end of all things and the fulfillment of prophecy occurs, this will not cause bad people to change their ways. People who have given themselves over to evil will become more and more evil. We are seeing that now and it will continue to increase.

This view of many Postmillennialists and social evolutionists believe people will gradually become better (2 Timothy 3:13), is not accurate. The Bible tells us throughout and especially in numerous places of Revelation, which outlines the time of the Tribulation, that in spite of the judgments that God sends and the fact that people know these judgments are from God, they refuse to submit to Him.

In Daniel 12:11, the angelic messenger provides Daniel with a bit more information. “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

This period of time represents 30 more days than the 3 ½ years already mentioned. We cannot accurately know exactly what this extra 30 days represents, but there are possibilities:

  • Will Antichrist end the sacrifices and desecrate the temple 30 days before the middle of the seventieth week?
  • Will Antichrist may announce the termination of sacrifices and the setting up of the abomination 30 days before he carries out those acts?
  • ◦Will there will be a 30-day period between the time when Antichrist abolishes the regular sacrifice and the time when he sets up the abomination of desolation?
  • Will the 30 days extend beyond the last three and one-half years?
    • This could include the cleansing of the desecrated Temple, and/or
    • Judgments of Jesus – Sheep and the Goats (Ezekiel 20:34-38; Matthew 25:31-46)

Daniel 12:12 tells us, “Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.” This 1,335-day period is 45 days (1 1/2 months) longer than the 1,290-day period just mentioned (v11). It may be that it will take 45 days for Jesus to accomplish the judgments that will occur after His return.

Daniel 12:13 says, “But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.”

It seems Daniel is being told to go about his life until he “rests” with his fathers and he will then be raised to his inheritance. The text implies two ends in view:

  • End of the Daniel’s life
  • The end of the age

The Book of Daniel closes with a reminder that the present age of Gentile domination is not all that God has in store for humankind. There is another age coming, beyond the present one, in which Jesus Christ will reign in righteousness and holiness on the earth (cf. Isaiah 11:9 and Zechariah 9:10) – Thomas Constable

Even though we see things changing in our world and not for the better, our focus should be on Christ’s return. We should practice lifting our gaze to the time when Jesus will return, will judge all people of this earth, begin preparations for His reign over the Millennial Kingdom and how absolutely fantastic life will be during that time!

Imagine, all animals and people living in peace and harmony then. The only people who die will be those who are judged during the Millennial Kingdom. The rest will live the duration of that 1,000 years. Yet, even then, when Satan is released from the Bottomless Pit (sequestered there during the Millennial Kingdom), he will manage to deceive a multitude of people living on the earth under Jesus’ rule (Revelation 20:7-10).

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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