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The System

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

There seems to be “underbelly” of society, though Luciferians simply call it The System. While there is much information out there from people who allege they were part of that system but escaped, this article is not presented due to any prurient interest in the subject. In fact, I’ve written about this subject before, going back to at least August 2010.[1]

In his book The Black Awakening, author Russ Dizdar is…using a term that has been told to him by those satanic forces from which he has fought against for many years.  These are people who have become infested with demons and demonic thought and energy.

I present this new article because studying it over the years has helped me more readily understand what Satan has been doing for generations. He’s had thousands of years to perfect his craft of deceit. He has worked through 13 families over many generations to gain their control and through them, gained control of much of society. Of course, this information comes to us from people who claim to have escaped that particular system. There is no real proof that can be offered. It’s simply not available to the average person. While I have no doubt at least some of it exists (in the form of pictures and video), it’s likely it won’t ever see the light of day. A case in point is a video allegedly on Anthony Weiner’s laptop of Hillary Clinton involved in a ritual killing where she cut the face off a little girl and placed it on her own face. I have to wonder why the contents of Weiner’s laptop has never been released to the public, where he kept such videos/pictures in a folder called “Insurance”?

I’ll be quoting from some folks who allegedly escaped The System – satanic underbelly – and are striving to live normal lives, while also trying to help others escape. Kerth Barker is one and Veronica Swift is another. There are others like Jessie Czebotar, Cisco Wheeler, Cathy O’Brien, Svali, Fiona Barnett, Anna Starfire, Brice Taylor, Cheryl Beck, and others. I’ll focus solely on Barker and Swift in this article.

Often, their involvement in The System was not voluntary and predicated on satanic ritual abuse from very young ages. Of course all of this is sequestered to the realm of conspiracy theory. But anyone who does not believe there is a huge criminal enterprise dedicated to filming politicians and others in very questionable situations for the purpose of blackmail is extremely naive. Blackmail is as old as the Bible. Just read Proverbs.

Let me be clear on a couple of points. First, I don’t necessarily believe everything I read. It may be the things reported did happen. Second, I won’t repeat graphically gory details some have written about. If readers want to go deeper, they can avail themselves of the references included in this article. The reality appears to be that Satan has crafted for himself a deeply multi-leveled hidden society that controls nearly everything. He routinely uses extreme violence, murder, mayhem and blackmail to exact what he needs from people. This should not surprise anyone.

The Bible reveals a hidden deeply anti-God system that will become thoroughly visibly global in the days ahead of us. This global system will be the system headed by Antichrist himself, fully empowered by Satan directly. The main reason for this coming global system is really for one reason: it is for Satan to gain as many human followers as possible so that, together with his fallen angels, he thinks he will be able to overthrow God and take his place. Anyone who has read the Bible at all understands this is Satan’s ultimate goal.

In order for him to achieve his goal, he must turn the hearts of millions of human beings to him. He must gain their loyalty and worship. He has achieved this with many powerful families and people so that they worship him giving them massive amounts of wealth and power. Because of their elevated positions in life, they have the ability to conform society to their wishes, which are Satan’s wishes. Anyone who does not believe this fails to comprehend the reality of Scripture.

In this article, I’m going to quote from several people who have allegedly been part of The System, which is the Illuminati or Luciferianism. We know what their overall end goal is but the question is how are they going to get global society to that point?

Veronica Swift explains The System in her book, An Illuminati Primer: Understanding The System Through the Eyes of its Whistleblowers.[2] Generally, that system is something a person is born into because there are allegedly 13 families that make up the system with tentacles that reach into virtually all aspects of society. People from the outside can get into it and that is usually done very early in their lives, either as infants or young children. The families that are deeply part of it are referred to as “bloodlines” or “bloodline families.” The System controls each person involved and as Swift notes, many to most people in that system are “programmed” through various brainwashing methods perfected by the CIA (originally through Operation Paperclip where Nazi scientists after WWII were brough into the USA and given citizenship in exchange for their work in mind control experimentation).

Ultimately, The System, as noted by Swift is, “…Satan’s System. He runs it. He’s the CEO, as it were. He dictates what is to happen, and his underlings follow his directives, or there’s hell to pay. Literally.“[3]

Swift talks about how The System recently underwent a major change at the top in 2020.

One of the ways that the end times have been identified is the lack of successors for the Mothers of Darkness.  Jessie and 4 other women who were a cohort of successors (this cohort includes Cisco Wheeler) were the last
women trained to take Mother of Darkness jobs in The System. Despite looking hard, they were unable to find any
more…This was another indication that the end times were at hand.[4]

Satan seems to be orchestrating this biblical version of the End Times, by grooming and training his own Christ figure, which The System calls the Anti-Christ or Antichrist.[5]

The System is intricate with many layers. Allegedly, Barack Obama has taken George Soros’ position as The Phoenix. Interesting thought but again, there is no proof although it certainly seems plausible.

This System-orchestrated End Times is also called the Great Deception, because when the Antichrist springs on the scene and the masses of people worldwide become aware of him for the first time, they are supposed to be in awe of him and believe that he is the second coming of Christ. The general public will not be made aware that behind the scenes, this man will worship Satan and consider Satan to be his personal God…It is the plans of the Luciferian Brotherhood that the Anti-Christ will suffer a fatal wound, will die and be resurrected, as the real Jesus Christ was…He will perform miracles for the world to see. He will be charismatic and charming and will fool the
world into thinking he’s the real and true resurrected Jesus Christ.[6]

The Bible tells us this in 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation (throughout), as well as other passages. My personal opinion is that this will not occur until after the Rapture, but I could be wrong. I believe the deception will be much more plausible because of the lack of Christian voices (removed from the earth), warning the world about the Antichrist. Immediately after the Rapture, the Restrainer (Holy Spirit) moves out of the way and the floodgates of demonic evil will sweep the world with massive deception. If there are still millions of believers here on earth, there will be resistance because the Holy Spirit will still be operating through the Church. With the Church gone and the Holy Spirit stepping aside because of it, the deception will flood the world and be largely accepted and embraced. Unbelievers left on earth after the Rapture will see this Antichrist as the literal Second Coming of Jesus. Israel will see him as their Messiah. Of course, we have no idea how bad things will get in global society prior to the Rapture, do we? I personally believe it will get very bad before this event.

Apparently, it’s not just the Antichrist who will take the stage. The Illuminati have John the Baptist and Mary the mother of Jesus figures in waiting as well to help sell the charade. I’m really wondering if we Christians understand the full portent of the growing deception that is currently taking over the world? I really don’t think we do but it has clearly gained serious momentum, infiltrating virtually every aspect of society today in preparation.

Swift also notes that before the Antichrist is publicly revealed to the world, the next Jewish Temple will need to be built on the Temple Mount. She says once the Temple is built, the Antichrist will stand on the Temple Mount and will be declared God. In fact, according to her, the new Jewish High Priest will actually declare the Antichrist to be the Jewish Messiah. This scenario is certainly possible because of what Paul alludes to in his letters to the Thessalonian believers.

Another alleged survivor, Kerth Barker, in his book, Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control explains more. By the way, I have been unable to get into his website: It simply won’t open and even though I’ve done many searches on the ‘Net, the only thing that comes up are links to his books. Even on Amazon, when you click on “about the author,” there is literally nothing there. It’s as though he is being erased. However, his book(s) is filled with extremely interesting information.

Barker assesses himself as a Christian, as do many of the other whistleblowers who have come out of The System. He appears Catholic to me, based on certain things he says. He’s also seemingly into aspects of the New Age (Reiki, etc.), which he doesn’t consider a problem. He and other whistleblowers have found ways to deprogram themselves through what he calls Fabian Therapy and he provides much detailed information about his involvement in the Illuminati and his escape from it. He highlights the plan that those elitists have undertaken to gain full control of global society. His book was written in 2014 and updated in 2020.

The present plan of the Illuminati is to collapse the economy in the USA completely. And if the Illuminati continue to get their way, the USA will cease to exist as a sovereign nation. If Donald Trump hadn’t defeated Clinton in the 2016 election, the economy of the USA would surely have collapsed by now and the Federal government would be in the process of being destroyed. If the Left Wing of the Democratic Party defeats Trump in the next election, this could still happen.

…So this is why the Illuminati intends to start off their final global depopulation campaign by killing off most Americans. If their wishes were to come true, once the USA is in ruins, the Illuminati plans to attack most of the wealthy families around the world. First they will seize the assets of all wealthy non-Illuminati members, then they will kill them and their families.

Also the Illuminati leaders intend to kill off even loyal Illuminati members and their families as they become non-essential to the Illuminati’s plan. Being a loyal Illuminati member is no guarantee of safety.

…In short, their plan is to kill of members of their own organization as soon as they become non-essential.[7]

Certainly some of this panned out but not all and C0V made this possible. Because of CoV, societies were locked down (like prisons), mandates were issued forcing people to stay away from others and wear masks. Eventually, the jab was released and many were forced to take the jab or lose their livelihoods.

It was also because of C0V that the supply chain was thoroughly disrupted, making things that were normally available in stores, not so available anymore. Society has never fully recovered and likely won’t. This, coupled with the ongoing “climate change” talking points, is pushing global society toward a time when people will be fully controlled by powerful people. Certainly globalists know many of us aren’t buying what they’re selling, but they keep pushing their lies anyway. What else can they do?

Swift also notes in her book that Satan’s plan is to eliminate many to most people on the planet. He hates humanity (I’m guessing because we are made in God’s image?). A recent article purports to show that over a billion people have died due to the C0V jab, according to Dr. Betsy Eads.[8]

All of this information tends to prove that there is no going back to a society we had prior to C0V. Things will not get better until Jesus actually and physically returns to this earth. It appears from Scripture that God has granted Satan permission to promote himself as god and gain humanity’s worship and overthrow God Himself.

Satan tried this very thing thousands of years ago in uniting humanity with a tower to reach the heavens. His plan seemed to be to use that tower to gain access to the heavenly realms and overpower God way back then. Though Satan has and continues to have access to God in the heavenlies, it seems as though his demons are not allowed there (Swift explains this). The Tower of Babel was intended to be a point of entry for fallen angels and humans to enter the heavenlies.

Of course, God preempted Satan’s attempts then in Genesis 11 because of God’s timing and purposes. Now that it appears to be happening again, we can rightly assume that God’s timing has now arrived and He is allowing Satan to fulfill his promises made in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, in his attempt to “be like the Most High.”

There appears to be a very intricate invisible system created by Satan to gain control of humanity and use humanity to overthrow God. This has always been Satan’s plan and I believe it’s why he first went after Adam and Eve, not only to make them fall, but to enslave them and use their progeny to attack God. Satan uses people, though he hates us with a strong passion, to do what he can to bring about a coup de gras to destroy and replace God. This is what Satan’s entire plan is all about in a nutshell. It has taken him this long to get the world to this point from the failed Tower of Babel but we appear to be here once again.

I am convinced that there is no way we can thwart Satan if God is allowing him to attempt to achieve his desires. We will simply put targets on our backs to make us stand out more to Luciferians in high political places. What is happening to Trump, Navarro, Bannon, the J6rs and many others could easily become the norm for anyone who actively resists The System. Global society will continue to be pushed toward that point where it will be deceived to the uttermost and nothing we can do will reverse it. That will take the work of Jesus personally and He will do it at His return.

Understand that Satan is alive and working diligently to control global society for his purposes. But God has never relinquished His power and authority. He will not fail and will be victorious over Satan’s attempts.

In the meantime, we need to be about the Father’s business by spreading the Gospel and making disciples of all nations. Let’s use our time remaining wisely.


[2] Free PDF download:

[3] An Illuminati Primer: Understanding The System Through the Eyes of its Whistleblowers, p25

[4] Ibid, p46

[5] Ibid, 45

[6] Ibid

[7] Kerth Barker, Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control, p43


Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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