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Trump Nearly Assassinated

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

By now, I’m sure readers have heard that Trump was nearly assassinated at a rally in Butler, PA. This is in spite of the fact that MSM desperately tried to downplay the event, even waiting hours before being willing to say that it might have been an attempted assassination and only then through gritted teeth.

This recent assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump is on the Left, in spite of the fact that they continue to blame Trump and his supporters for what nearly killed him the other day.

The amount and increasing levels of violent rhetoric and violence itself spoken of about Trump is off the charts. It is unconscionable to witness and hear it. Yet, it exists and it exists solely because the Left – people like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters along with many other Democrat politicians and the mainstream media – has chosen to attack Donald J. Trump with everything they have, seemingly hoping for an incident that will end his life and disappointed that it did not. This cannot be denied by anyone who has a modicum of intelligence and critical thinking ability.

The Left is gleeful in their desire to see Trump dead. There is nothing human about most on the Left. In fact, it is inhumane and purely demonic. Many others are stating unequivocally that the whole thing was faked in order to drum up more support for Trump. The way people think is seriously flawed and unfortunate but it is indicative of the lack of critical thinking that is so pervasive today. People too often go by “feelz,” not critical thinking, though they fully believe they do think critically.

Unbelievably, the fact that Trump turned his head at just the right moment is what saved his life. There is a still photo of the bullet’s vapor trail whizzing past Trump’s head that is circulating the ‘Net.

Tucker Carlson noted the quiet part out loud a few months ago saying that it would not surprise him if they tried to assassinate Trump. Many of us sensed that the continued violent rhetoric would lead to something like this. Yet, unashamedly the mainstream media is actually blaming Trump for this attempted assassination, saying that it is the violence on the right that has caused it. What violence? The right isn’t out there like BLM and AntiFa destroying public and private property, looting and burning. Here is a video from Australia’s Sky News in which the anchor eviscerates the Left for their continued violent rhetoric and violence itself against Trump.[1] THAT is what has ginned up violence.

Rather than rehash the entire thing in detail, I’ve included some links to other articles below. I encourage readers to use these articles as starting points for their own research.[2][3][4]

The DOJ, DHS, FBI and now it looks like the Secret Service itself is so badly compromised and corrupted that their mistakes are blatantly obvious. We can only hope that some type of investigation into these agencies will turn up some facts and get some people fired. Of course, the current head of the Secret Service will not resign in spite of the volume of mistakes made at the rally. Note the photo which allegedly shows the bullet vapor as it flies past Trump after creating a hole in his ear.

It absolutely amazes me how the Left tries to downplay this and even blame it on Trump himself (for allegedly inciting violence). Yet, we all know that if this same thing happened to Biden, no media would have waited to declare it an attempted assassination and of course, Trump and his supporters would have also been blamed. This then would have prompted more backlash against Trump and anyone who plans on voting for him.

If they aren’t trying to blame Trump and his supporters, many of these folks claim the attempted assassination was staged in an effort to endear Trump to more people. Yet, Trump was wounded, one person was killed and at least one other was critically injured. It was all staged though, right? Ketchup, fake resurrections and more. The lunacy is fully alive on the Left.

Yet it is perfectly fine for anyone on the Left to bemoan the fact that Trump did not die during the attempted assassination. The appalling outlook of these people (using the term loosely), is testament to the fact that the media propaganda machine has worked overtime to make Trump appear to be worse than Hitler. Too many have bought it.

I find it fascinating that three suspects have been named: Mark Violets, Thomas Matthew Crooks and now Maxwell Yearick. So, who is it? Does anyone know? This is ridiculous.[5] Suffice it to say we will probably never know for certain.

But aside from that, there are serious questions here. How was it that a guy carrying a rifle, was able to get onto a roof and do a military crawl to the center of that roof that gave him a perfect vantage point as Trump was speaking? Why was it as average people attending the event notified both local police and Secret Service agents about the guy on the roof, yet they did nothing?

Why, after Trump went down, did the Secret Service allow Trump to be seen above their heads as they tried to get him off the stage? Of course, when there are two 5’5″ women in the Secret Service detail, it’s difficult to be a shield to someone who towers over them. Beyond this, why did several Secret Service agents seem as though they were completely clueless and didn’t know what to do? The whole thing smacks of idiocy and unpreparedness.

Even the alleged Secret Service snipers positioned on a roof near Trump and clearly facing the shooter (who was about 400 feet away), seemed to see the shooter but waited until after he shot five or so times before taking him out? By the way, wait for more talk of gun control…

I’m not sure Trump should trust either the Secret Service agents or even his own security from here on out. He might be better off hiring a crack team of security people who are well versed in this type of security. There are so many holes in the way the Secret Service approached this. Mayorkas (DHS), in spite of calls to provide more Secret Service agents to help protect Trump, refused. Prior to this, Democrats in Congress wanted to strip Trump of his Secret Service attaché because he’s a felon. Interesting to hear so many Leftists whose visceral hate for Trump made them say and do some terrible things are now calling for “calm.”

What we can expect over the next several months is elevated vitriol, an increasing backlash against Trump and anyone who says they will vote for him, and an increase in violence from the Left. It seems that they want a civil war where they can then use that as an excuse to usher in Martial Law and greater control over society. It seems too many are willing to go along with it too. But maybe it’s time for closet Trump supporters to come out of the closet with their support for him. Will Trump save America? Not likely, but there is a chance he will improve at least some of the situations within America that are destroying it.

Let me be clear here. I do not worship Trump. I think he honestly wants what is best for the USA. I don’t think he’s fully up to the task though, but I could be wrong. However, there is really no one else available. It’s either Trump or Biden. But electing Trump won’t really change the overall scheme of things permanently. It didn’t when he was first elected as the Left came out in force to not only block him at every turn but to bring him down with every lie they could come up with, but failed.

If Trump had not decided to run a second time, I fully believe they would not have gone after him like this, but in the legal arena or with this attempt on his life. There would have been no arrest, banana republic trial and guilty verdicts. All of it is to keep him out of the White House. This simply proves that those in control of things aren’t the greatest of thinkers (like their followers). They’re making it way too obvious that they cannot set the narrative without going fully overboard. This latest attempt to kill Trump seems way too obvious as well.

The most ridiculous part of all this is the Left’s (including MSM), continued ignorance of what many of us clearly see. They think we don’t see it or at least pretend they don’t. But we do see it. We sincerely recognize what they are doing. It’s out in the open it is that obvious. In spite of that fact, the Left and globalists who appear to call shots, act as if they are not naked in spite of the fact that they clearly are.

I am appalled at how badly treated Trump has been and continues to be. It’s as though globalists are doing everything they can to bring him down but are failing. It doesn’t seem to matter what they hit him with either. It simply makes him more powerful.

Why in spite of increasing problems and difficulties for Trump, does he seem completely unfazed by all of this? He simply keeps going shaking off problems as they occur. I frankly, don’t know what that means. Is Trump the Antichrist with carefully laid out scenarios designed to increase our support for him until he becomes the guy in charge? Or is he simply doing what he does because of his unerring belief in America in spite of what may actually befall him?

I doubt he’s the Antichrist as many are saying. But what is interesting is his resilience which makes some believe more devoutly that he’s “part of it” and just acting his role. They tell us it’s a movie/circus. Trump’s in on it, they argue. That’s ketchup on his ear. The person who died will change his identity and come back to life, etc. Trump allegedly celebrates with the same people that publicly say they want to take him out/eliminate him/put a bullseye on his back, etc.

I honestly don’t think it’s that either. I tend to think Trump is a guy who loves this country and appreciates what it allowed him to do over the years. But I also think he’s in way over his head because he does not have an accurate understanding of the globalists and their plans for this world. Maybe he does, I don’t know. At the same time, who else is there to vote for that stands a chance of surviving attempts by globalists to destroy America? Now that J.D. Vance has officially become his VP, those chances are greater. Yes, Vance was a never-Trumper (past tense), but he has since changed his tune and now fully supports Trump’s efforts.

It is seriously troubling to me that America has gotten to the point where we are today. In today’s morning Bible study at church, one gentleman said that we’ve been here before. History repeats itself. There’s nothing new under the sun, etc. To a point that’s true. However, biggest new thing now is the amount of vitriol, hatred, violence and abundantly clear demonic displays and outlook so many people have in this world today.

I believe America has passed the Rubicon and I honestly do not see us ever going back. The worst is yet to come. Appreciate family and friends. Worship God. Trust in His ways, His ability to save and provide and for goodness sake, do not allow yourself to get caught up into a civil war because that is exactly what they want. It would be through that means that greater control would come. Do not play into their hands. Live quietly, thankful for all that God provides every day.






Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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  • Anonymous

    Only a complete idiot would watch that farce and think it was real.

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