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Trump Shooter an Inside Job

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JULY 11th, 2024 – COMMENTARY – Connecting the Deep State Dots 

Trump Shooter Clearly an Inside Job

Don’t be fooled, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was clearly an inside job.  Biden gives assassination operation the go order five days earlier and prior to that the Supreme Court gave Biden the legal ok to Assassinate Trump.  These are hidden-in-plain-sight back-channel communications to rogue elements involved in the operation.

The Secret Service Advance Team is well aware of the shooting range of an AR Rifle.  Experts call the Secret Service a total Failure, by allowing a shooter to position himself with a line-of-sight elevated location to the stage and get off any shot, in this case the FBI is claiming eight or so shots. 

The Secret Service Advance Team purposefully failed just like they positioned JFK into the Dealey Plaza kill zone in 1963.  Line of sight positions are supposed to be defended with agents during a rally; in this case agents were not placed on the roof by design.  It was not full of big city tall buildings, there were only eleven to secure.

Although compartmentalized agents on stage took action, observe how Trump was slow-walked and openly displayed as an easy target for some time, rather than immediately shoved into the protective vehicle. In fact, Trump dropped behind a Bullet Proof skirt, it was the Agents that pulled him back up and then held him up in case the Shooter wanted more attempts. 

The keystone cops surrounding Trump technique employed by the Secret Service agents to hold the target on stage in full view of the shooter was a purposefully slow and stupid tactic; it is highly likely a second shooter was expected but for whatever reason did not take more shots. 

The claim that a single shooter got off 8 shots is another indicator that there may have been more than one shooter.  A black operation would not rely on a single shooter and like the JFK assassination it will be questioned whether the patsy actually fired any shots.  You can bet the FBI will alter the trajectory path of the bullets, so they don’t reveal the typical triangulation used in an assassination.  

Early Image of the Shooter positioned on the nearby roof is an alleged 20-year old from PA named Thomas Mathew Crooks (earlier a different name surfaced as ANTIFA member Mark Violets and the New York Post said the shooter was a Chinese man); maybe there were three shooters.  Will this shooter have a military connection or be under the care of a psychiatrist aka a CIA Monarch Manchurian Patsy Candidate; seems the patsy’s always have three named names. 

Video shows the Shooter was alerted to the Secret Service well before the first shot, meaning the delay in taking out the sniper with counter-snipers may have been the actual plan orchestrated by Secret Service command to delay the Go Ahead to Counter-Snipers who may have been observing the patsy sniper for many minutes.  We say patsy because most likely this 20-year-old so called expert marksman did not shoot at all and there were other shooters involved.

Like all good black-ops the shooter patsy is dead so case closed as they will repeatedly broadcast the “lone wolf” slogan to convince the public that there is no wider conspiracy.  It’s critical that the dumbed down public believe in– Suicide Vest Terrorist Bombers, Lone Wolfs, Suitcase Size Nukes, and the Tooth Fairy.

Expert calls Secret Service a Catastrophic Failure.  As the cover up agency (also called the FBI) jumps into action ready to confuse the public and distance the shooter from the Intelligence Deep State.  If you haven’t figured out the pattern, the FBI is called in to take over evidence collection and block local authorities from conducting a real investigation into the event.

The FBI who cracked all the January 6th cell phones just fine, is now claiming they are unable to gain access to the Shooters Cell Phone, did an Intelligence Agency add encryption software to the shooter’s phone. 

Like JFK, anticipate witness deaths after this event, such as the brave Red Haired man in the Video who calls out the Secret Service and the Police for failing to remove Trump from the Speaking Podium or take any action against the highly visible shooter on the roof; well before the first shots were fired. 

It is now being reported a police officer (in Biden’s Home Town) climbed up to confront the shooter but chickened out when the shooter threatened to shoot him with the rifle; sounds like another Uvalde Texas like stand down. 

This entire assassination black operation was blown and typical of the error prone Biden Administration.  Witnesses clearly observed the shooter carrying his rifle and crawling up on the roof and into position, no way this happens in a security zone without an insider assisted security gap.  However, the plan was probably to allow the crowd and counter-snipers by design to see the Patsy getting into position; the question is where the other professional shooters hidden?

More Biden Administration tricks revealed.  Jill Biden just happened to be speaking in PA the same day and she had the fulltime Secret Service staff protection and guess what, Trump had all but one Temporary Secret Service agents.  The Counter-Snipers were denied then allocated to the Trump event only one day prior, meaning they did not have time to study or review the environment.

Dan Bongino former Secret Service asks how can the Snipers fail to stop a shooter at 150 yards when they train out to 1000 yards?  Where is the drones and helicopter protection?  Bongino blasts the Secret Service as a catastrophic failure calling for firings. 

The plot is botched because it is entirely unbelievable when any 20-year old with his father’s rifle, can penetrate a Secret Service secure zone, imagine what an actual trained killer could do.  More recently the FBI is claiming the 20-year old is also a bomb making expert, this tall tale is growing. Why are we spending Billions of Tax Dollars on ineffective security agencies who can’t stop a 20-year-old or an airplane from flying over New York City.

To prepare the public with predictive programing, both Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones predicted the assassination attempt months ago. 

Another interesting point is behind Trump on the stage at this PA rally is claimed to be JFK Jr. who allegedly died in a plane crash in 1969.  Look for man in a hat who goes by the name of Vincent Fusca, many believe he is JFK Jr. in disguise.  Indeed, Vincent wears the same type of hat worn by JFK Senior.

Interesting that Vincent gets into numerous Trump Rally’s going back to 2016 and positions himself behind Trump on the stage.  Trump and JFK Jr were friends in New York, and this connection was part of the Q disclosure posts.   During the shooting, Vincent is one of the few attendees on the stage who does not duck or react to the shots as they are heard, while most are ducking. 

Fire the head of the Secret Service who by the way reports to Open Borders Alejandro Mayorkas whose impeachment failed when four Republicans voted with the Democrats– as the fake two-party system continues to rule our nation by the manipulation of the Intelligence Deep State network, that must be broken up.

Our condolences to the innocent victims killed at the Trump Rally.  The Deep State is desperate to prevent Trump from taking office; this would delay their plans for four years to overrun the USA with illegal immigration and prepare us for eventual attack. 

This is a developing story, check back.

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Total 9 comments
  • Jude

    Ok, the link for “Biden gives assassination order” is an invalid link that doesn’t go anywhere. And the idea that the recent Supreme Court decision gives Presidents authority to assassinate political rivals, is incorrect. The Supreme Court only said that communications between the President and his top advisers are privileged, and not subject to discovery in the Court system. Congress can still access such records. Presidents are still accountable for actions taken outside of Presidential authority, and the Constitution does not give Presidents the right to suspend due process.

    • MyTwoCents

      They also sent it back to a lower court to decide what constitutes ‘official acts’ vs ‘personal acts.’ Schumer, on the other hand, is trying to bypass the supreme court and has his own scheme to put Trump behind bars.

  • Jimmy

    I was wondering how long was it going to take for anyone to notice the guy behind Trump, on the left side (when looking at Trump from the audience’s perspective), w/ very long hair & a hat,… he didn’t even blink. He stood still just observing everyone as the whole thing was taking place. This “Vincent Fusca” character (mentioned above in this article) is the same guy that Kerry Cassidy (& then others) have been claiming to be JFK-Jr in disguise (except once identified his identity is no longer a disguise – something KC seems to ignore in her wilful ignorance) apparently appearing in many of Trump rallies. I wonder how long is it going to take for KC to make mention of this, & what would her (bull-shit) explanation will be. That is obviously very strange. Imagine if during JFK’s thingy there was some character walking down the street (for everyone to see), not distressed in any way, like if nothing dangerous was happening around him – that would be considered “very strange”. The MSM is also (not surprisingly) ignoring the whole thing, but 1 of the reasons might be because if they do, this will become “the news item” everyone should cover, ad nauseam, from here on, & they certainly don’t want to give Trump so much coverage. But this is also “very strange” since the taking out or attempted taking out of any US president “should be” [Headline News] everywhere,…

  • Anonymous

    Just like 9/11 and the Clot Shot ongoing Holocaust, nobody will be fired or arrested.
    Who believes these stupid stories?

  • Newsploy Staff

    Thank you for the good comments and discussion, we fixed the Biden Link.

  • Platagonia

    trump’s supposed assassination attempt looks like a very bad scene from a poorly directed b movie, which basically it is. that was the smallest crowd i have ever seen for trump, which makes it easier to fill the camera shot with trustworthy agents. he auspiciously was looking to the side. he is slow to respond to the sound of the first shot and we hear a second shot before the doppelgänger playing trump touches his ear and only drops after a third shot to splash on some theatrical blood. the crowd does not react as one would expect as a fusillade of shots are then fired. why don’t they run and act panicked like any normie would? secret service also is slow to surround and cover trump and, when they do, the keystone cops come to mind (photo below). then trump, like an oaf, worries about his shoes, a little bit of over acting. if it were an actual assassination attempt and not a staged scene for The Movie, trump’s stand-in with ‘blood’ on his head would never be visible during his extraction.

  • Newsploy Staff

    Uh, your saying no ear injury and no dead or critically wounded attendees? Interesting but they would have to have fake doctors and nurses also at the hospital to keep this going?

    • Anonymous

      Yep, if they even really went to a hospital. Let’s watch that ear though over the next few weeks. My guess is they will be very careful never to let anyone get a closeup of that ear but TRump already claimed that it “was pierced” so there should be a hole in it.

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