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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

We know Biden just announced that he will not continue to pursue his re-election campaign. Interestingly enough, he announced this on X (formerly Twitter), with a picture of his letter and the letterhead lacked the White House logo. Since then, there has been no public announcement or speech from Biden. In fact, it’s looking like not even his White House staff were aware that he was going to do this. I say “he” but we don’t even know if Biden is aware of this action he allegedly took.

The Left/Democrats constantly talk about “democracy” yet they do something like this; forcing Biden out, replacing him with a candidate of their choosing. This is not democracy as it ignores the will of the people. It’s really a coup. Shortly after this, Biden allegedly endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democrat candidate for President.

Numerous names are being bandied about as the potential Democrat candidate for POTUS, with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alex Soros (and George), and many others all now supporting Harris as the defacto Democrat candidate. Gee, that was quick.

Regarding Kamala Harris, I find it fascinating that she has been variously highlighted as the “first Indian-American” to become a US Senator in 2016. Then in 2020, she mysteriously changed her race, “…first Black woman.” It’s almost like the Democrats/Left can do essentially whatever they want to do and anyone who calls them on it is classified as either a liar, racist or conspiracy theorist. That’s Marxism.

One other point to consider here. Because of deadlines that have been passed, it seems that a number of states will not be able to remove Biden from the upcoming November election. What does that mean? Well, if the law was upheld, that would mean that 130 electoral votes go up in smoke. Do you think the Dems will allow that to happen? Of course not. Somehow, the Left in Congress will find a way to provide an exception to the law and there will be plenty of RINOs to support that effort. Some of the states affected are swing states, so we can only wait and see what will happen. Beyond all of this, I find it fascinating that we’ve heard nothing official from either Joe or Jill Biden on this whole issue.

Regarding the Trump assassination attempt, I’ve noticed on social media platforms, the Left is even more deranged. If they aren’t upset that the shooter missed, they seem determined to double down on calling Trump all sorts of things. All the while, they ignore the obvious trouble spots with Biden. It just doesn’t matter to them. They want Trump out at any cost and will literally take anyone but Trump.

It’s moronic, ridiculous and difficult to deal with except for the fact that the Bible tells us in many ways that evil people will simply become more evil. This is in spite of the fact that they are given the same chances to repent from God Himself (and maybe more chances to repent, who knows?).

The picture of the post by Ed Krassenstein is a perfect example. These folks will be all over Trump for his comments regarding women and his alleged physical closeness with his daughter, Ivanka. However, as the truth begins to come out that Joe Biden likely did shower nude with his daughter Ashley and even possibly physically molested her, all of that is ignored because somehow, Trump is going to “destroy our nation and democracy itself.” He’s “Hitler” doncha know?

It would be too difficult to believe if these people were not so obvious in their hatred of Trump. Of course, people like the Krassenstein brothers, Harry Sisson and many others are paid influencers on social networks. Their job is not to think critically, but to promote the Left’s stance irrespective of just how asinine and unbelievable it is in reality.

When Donald J. Trump was nearly assassinated and survived, I thought then (and still think now), that maybe, just maybe because of all the devout Christians who have been praying for years, that God may well give us a bit of a respite if Trump is elected. Of course, that’s a big if, but if he makes it to November (and don’t think the Left has given up), and manages to remain alive for the next four to five years, he could make some sensible and necessary changes to America, trying to bring it back to what it has always stood for in the past.

Even if that happens, it won’t last and I’ve clearly stated that even before Trump was elected the first time. I know some people think the dude is the Antichrist, but I have issues with that. The big problem with Donald J. Trump (in my opinion), is that he seems to actually like people. Because of this, he wants to see the best in them, which is why he tends to give them breaks and second chances. He doesn’t appear to hold grudges and doesn’t seem aware enough to know when someone is pulling the wool over his eyes. Maybe in the business industry but not in the political realm.

I think he’s simply a “nice” guy who wants what’s best for this country. I have friends who are firm in their conviction that he is part of the deep state that he says he’s trying to eliminate. Books have been written outlining why Trump is the likely candidate for the coming Antichrist as well. The problem is that he is probably too old to be the Antichrist. The coming Antichrist will probably be around Macron’s age and will be seen as very intelligent, virile, charismatic and have a personality that naturally draws people to him. He will also likely rise from somewhere in Europe (and even possibly in the area that is the biblical tribe of Dan, according to ancient writings/beliefs of Ante-Nicene Fathers). If you’ve ever studied Antiochus IV Epiphanes (who is referred to without naming him numerous times throughout the Book of Daniel), you get the idea that this coming man of sin is going to be as sharp as a tack, says what he means and easily draws people to him.

Currently, roughly half or more of the US population alone hates Trump with a passion that guides them. I cannot think of anything Trump could do or say that would make those folks turn and embrace him. The hatred creating Trump Derangement Syndrome is palpably real. It is visceral and even though those people come across as absolute morons, to them and others who see things as they do, to them, Trump supporters are the truly bereft people of this land.

So tell me, what could Trump do that would change half of the population’s mind to embrace him? If he was killed, those people would rejoice. If he then supernaturally rose from the dead, they’d cry “It was all a false flag!!!

History’s Antiochus IV had this sincerely magical way of making people think he loved them, to get them on his side. Then he would stab them in the back when they weren’t looking and had let their guards down. The Bible seems to take pains to show that the coming man of sin was seen in Antiochus IV as a type of Antichrist. In other words, Antichrist will do the same types of things that Antiochus did on a global scale and will be widely loved and accepted by the majority of people. If Christians are still here when he rises, no one will listen to any warnings by Christians about the Antichrist.

The Bible supports this concept. Throughout Isaiah, the prophet warns that evil people will continue to do evil in spite of any and all warnings by God Himself. This same thing applies to Daniel (as well as other prophetic books). In fact, in Daniel 12:9-10, we read these words as they apply to the end of the current age.

“Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand…”

“…but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand…” Why don’t the wicked understand? Simply because it appears God has given them over to their own lusts and desires as we learn in Romans 1. Evil people who continue to embrace and even chase after greater evil prove to God they want nothing to do with Him, preferring as much evil as they can possibly live. God finally gives them over to their heart’s desires even though the end result is their eternal condemnation.

This is what is developing in society. If Trump remains alive and is elected, he may be able to slow the destructive process down (by God’s grace), but I do not think for a moment that the Left will just let him do what he wants to do. They proved that during his previous term and their derangement will cause them to do everything they can to stop Trump from doing what he is now promising to do.

I also believe that God is using the recent attempted assassination to actually bring Trump to Him. Is he saved? Will he be saved? I have no idea, but certainly that should be far more important than our desire of having him as president for four more years.

Imagine realizing that you barely missed being killed by a bullet (and in another article we can highlight some of the absolute failures and absurdities that occurred on that fateful day). Don’t you think nearly being killed and realizing how close you were to it, yet you survived, would that not cause you to begin reflecting on your own life expectancy? He’s now crediting God with saving him. Is he sincere? I have no clue, but he sounds it. Ultimately, that is for God to judge and He will.

I wish I knew what was going to happen over the next few months and beyond. That isn’t for me to know though apparently. Suffice it to say that the Left will become more evil and deranged and that will make it more difficult for Christians. Life will get worse for conservatives and patriots in the country. Because of that, we need to be fully aware when out in public, especially if living in a blue city. They hate us because of their derangement. It is becoming so obvious.

The other day, I watched a few videos of conservatives and Christians outside in front of Trump banners. These people were mercilessly verbally attacked. One masked person, holding up both middle fingers yelled, “Hey if you want to be with Jesus so bad, why don’t you just kill yourselves?!” In another instance, Trump supporters were standing on an overpass in front of Trump banners and people were coming up to them yelling that they were “traitors” and they had no right to be on the overpass, etc., etc.

The Left is becoming seriously unhinged and I don’t expect it to get better. But aside from our responsibility to live quiet lives yet always be prepared to provide reasons why we have hope in Christ, we need to be fully aware of our surroundings when out in public. Don’t take unnecessary chances. Don’t take things for granted. Don’t assume that people will leave you alone if they know you support Trump.

Christians also need to start looking up to Jesus. One day, this life will be over and what we will experience following that cannot compare in any way with what we experience here (even when it is as good as it can get). Our focus should not be on the Antichrist. It should be on Jesus Christ. He is coming to this earth and is going to FIX everything. There are things we cannot fix and things He will not permanently fix until He returns.

Whether He gives us a respite or not in the coming days remains to be seen. Whether He does or doesn’t, the point is that our focus should be on Him and not on the terrible things happening in this world. Admittedly, that is difficult for me because I tend to be a glass half empty. I was talking to a friend at church last night as we finished the Book of Daniel. We were talking about this and he said that even though he sees what’s coming and how bad things will be, he doesn’t have anxiety over it. I wish I was like that. It simply takes more effort on my part to purposefully refocus my brain where it’s supposed to be focused.

One final question. Since before his letter was posted to X, neither Joe nor Jill have been seen in public, nor have either of them provided an in-person statement to the press. Why is that? My mind whirls with the possibilities – all the possibilities. Is he fully incapacitated? Is he worse? Laura Loomer was noting this back on July 5th. It deserves transparency. Is Joe okay? Is he deathly ill? Is he worse? Americans deserve to know the truth.

At any rate, in spite of what is here and what is coming, I’m praying that Christians will build their own local communities of other believers who can count on one another and grow in their dependence on our Lord Jesus.

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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