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Babylon Rising Pt 2

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

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In the first article in this series, I called attention to a number of things related to the rise of “Babylon.” [1] I did not mean the rise of a physical city. The ancient Babylonian Empire of King Nebuchadnezzar’s day with its capitol Babylon, is gone with only archaeological remnants remaining in Iraq. Though Saddam Hussein wanted to resurrect the city (referring to himself as “son of Nebuchadnezzar”), that did not happen.

However, the ideology that built Babylon never died. It remains with us to this day as it undergirds global society. I noted this in the first article.

First and foremost, Babylon is an ideology or worldview and mindset. It is also a serious religion. This just happens to be the same religion of the current set of globalists who are doing their level best to gain control of the entire world. That control will allow them to rule over the rest of humanity.

What we’ve seen happening since the onset of the C0-V lock downs and eventual mandated jab (with all the other mandates connected to that period of time), has been an all-out attempt by globalists to gain full control over global society. They’ve been fairly successful too. But their success is due solely to God allowing this transformation of global society to occur. God allows all of this for His purposes and ultimate glory.

We continue to see this push toward full global control by Technocrats. They’re relentless in their pursuit of digital IDs, digital currencies, digital vaccine passports, etc., all made possible by the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence (AI). Once globalists successfully immerse society into their digital programs, the final goal of controlling what everyone in society does in life will be met.

Patrick Wood has been writing about technocracy and technocrats for decades. One of his most recent articles focuses on the increasing use and dependence of AI.[2] The article includes a 16-minute video highlighting Henry Kissinger and Eric Schmidt (of Google fame). Though Kissinger is dead, he has apparently co-authored another book with Schmidt called Genesis, due out November 19. Frankly, I think AI and globalism are the furthest things from Kissinger’s mind at the moment.

In the video, you’ll quickly discover that these people see themselves as gods and their continued reliance on AI showcases exactly what they intend for society. It doesn’t matter what we think because they believe AI will conquer the “problems” we face like climate change and even that pesky morality that seems to plague humans. I notice they never call us “people” but “humans.” As far as they are concerned, it’s really humans vs machines (AI) and for them, the human is simply a type of machine, which I believe is why they do not call us people.

Technocrat globalists see AI winning, yet they rein in their glee by stating that humans will have to come to a consensus regarding AI and how much control it has over society. However, the consensus they speak of will be arrived at through the community of technocrats on behalf of everyone and for our own good. In essence, AI is the foundation for the coming outward appearance of Babylon that has, to date, largely been hidden from view. It’s always been there but never really out in the open beyond Nebuchadnezzar’s day. That’s changing and soon, AI will rule as “Big Brother.” We can count on that.

But what is also interesting about this new AI-based “Babylon” system that is being foisted on the world is the fact that aside from all the digitization of everything that people will need to survive, coming along side of that is the increasing level of lawlessness we are seeing and experiencing in society. Paul describes these times as “terrible times” of severe difficulty (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

People are becoming increasingly lawless. They serve their own purposes, needs and wants and don’t really care how their actions affect other people. There are too many videos on the ‘Net showcasing how often those illegally here from third world countries are allowed to remain in western societies (USA, UK and other parts of Europe). They are seen routinely attacking innocent people to take their phones, their money or just to beat or rape them. Now, they are killing and eating family pets and birds from parks in Ohio, the UK, France and elsewhere. Import the third world and gain the problems of the third world. Of course, anyone who says these things is considered a “conspiracy theorist” even though it’s true.

In Matthew 24:12, Jesus stated succinctly that as the very end of the end times approaches, “lawlessness will increase/abound.” No amount of laws will have any effect on those who simply ignore those laws for their own betterment. They couldn’t care less about laws or other people, so they become a law unto themselves. Laws do not act to restrain them.

This end times period will be highlighted by the fact that one particular man will rise up to rule over the final one world kingdom being built now by globalists. The apostle Paul refers to this coming man as the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12). In other words, as lawless as many people are becoming today, one particular man will be the epitome of lawlessness in his character, which is one reason he will be so adored, honored and even worshiped. He will do whatever he wants to do (allowed by God). He will literally oppose everything that God has previously ordained including changing the times and seasons (Daniel 7:11, 25).

This same man who is the embodiment of lawlessness will also create or confirm a covenant with Israel and surrounding Arab nations for a period of seven years. Halfway through that period of time, he will break that covenant, waltz into the rebuilt Tribulation Temple and declare himself to be God (Daniel 9:24-27 and 2 Thessalonians 2).

So it should not shock us that lawlessness is increasing throughout global society. It has to in order for the stage to be set for the appearance of the coming Antichrist, who will be the absolute embodiment of lawlessness. His efforts will turn much of this world against God Most High, with most people pandering after Antichrist, even though it means worshipping him and receiving the mark of the beast (Revelation 13). I get the impression they will jump at worshiping him because he will be like them in their lawlessness but to a far greater extent. He will be their hero and someone people want to emulate.

The time leading up to the reveal of the Antichrist will include an increase in lawlessness. Lawlessness will ramp up through godless people who live only for themselves as we are seeing in society now. It will also increase through false prophets and teachers that have been working to overthrow God’s truth, supplanting it with Satan’s lies. This second attack has taken much more time to occur, but Satan has worked steadily to overturn God’s truth in biblically conservative denominations, churches, colleges and universities. It has taken decades but we seem to finally be at a place where lies are becoming normative. In essence, the rule of law is being supplanted and overthrown with lies that make absolutely no sense and are easily seen by critically thinking people as absolute lies. Yet, these lies are being completely ignored by many leaders while they take the time to imprison those who have the audacity to speak out against this new lawlessness. I can see this becoming the norm in many areas of the world.

If we consider Romans 1, we clearly see a connection between those who not only resist God, but want absolutely nothing to do with Him (cf. Psalm 2). Starting in Romans 1:18, Paul outlines specifically just how much of society will come to the point of purposefully standing against God. First, people in society do what they can to suppress truth. They do so by deliberately living lives of disobedience and unrighteousness and attempting to counter truth wherever they see it. We have men who claim to be women who want to gain entry into women’s sporting events to compete against them and take away their chances to win a medal. We have people who continue to claim January 6 was an attempted insurrection against the government, which it was not. We have liars claiming Trump raped a woman when he did not. All efforts to bring down Trump are attempted while anyone on the Left skates.

Paul says there is no excuse for their thinking or behavior because of the obvious nature of truth, which speaks against them. Eventually, as Paul notes, those people will be consumed by their lies and come to thoroughly believe it as the truth.

But because of Creation and what it implies about God, people have absolutely no excuse. Even if they do not understand that there is a Savior who saves us from our sins by faith in His finished work, they should come to the realization that God exists and created. However, their goal is to free their minds from any thought of God, so they press on with their lies, embracing all that is false in the hopes of changing truth.

They end up being completely and utterly foolish, though they think themselves woke and in the know (Romans 1:21). This then reduces them to futile thinking, but they cannot see it. They literally become fools, while thinking they are very wise (v22). This downward trajectory continues so that they increasingly worship images they believe represent their gods.

The next step is for God to give them over to every form of uncleanness (v23). This leads them to follow the lusts of their heart, enjoying every sin they can think of committing. What is fascinating here is that these people become fully enamored with themselves doing everything they can to fulfill their own lusts of the flesh, ultimately, serving themselves rather than God and others. It’s a delusion they live under that makes them think they are actually critically intelligent and virtuous.

Paul says when they finally get to that point, God gives them over to their desires or what he calls “vile passions” (v26). They become so “me” focused that they can see nothing else. They are totally and completely involved in serving themselves in order to fulfill as many selfish desires as they can fill. It ultimately leads to all forms of sexual license and perversion (vv26-27).

But Paul isn’t done yet. Once these people get to the point described in these verses, with God giving them over to their unrighteousness so that they will become fully emersed in it, God grants them their wish to live as the most unfortunate, sin-laden individuals who ultimately, live only to sin. In Romans 1:28-31, Paul provides a list of what that entails.

So the ideology of Babylon has been growing throughout society. Much of what I’ve described above will occur with force during the upcoming Tribulation period, but we are most definitely seeing the beginnings of it now. Once Christians are removed in the Rapture (and the Holy Spirit steps out of the way because He will not have the Church to work through here any longer), the dam that’s been holding evil back will spill out into all of society unchecked. Since I don’t know when the Rapture will happen, all I can say is though things appear to be getting worse and worse, I can only imagine how bad things will become throughout society after that event.

But let’s not kid ourselves, please. Things will continue to worsen. This is the spirit of Babylon and though the original Tower of Babel was destroyed and the original city of Babylon (as well as the kingdom itself), was completely destroyed in ancient history, the ideology they were built on has never been destroyed. It has remained and Satan has continued in the spiritual realm to grow the spirit of Babylon throughout the world in order to gain control of the entire world in the final one world global order of Daniel 2.

Babylon is with us and the book of Revelation tells us that during the Tribulation, there will be a system that envelopes this world, controlling its wealth and merchants. But at a certain point in the coming Tribulation, God will finally destroy it (Revelation 14). Though it has been God who has allowed the spirit of Babylon to remain in this world for ages, He has a specific date in the future when He will destroy it fully. Interestingly enough, the world’s merchants will mourn Babylon’s death.

So, what we are seeing in the world now is testament to the enduring nature of Babylon (allowed by God), in order that things would continue to progress to the final few years prior to the physical return of Jesus. God is allowing satanic globalists to fulfill the desires of Satan in order that this world will be fully transformed. There is little to nothing we as Christians can do about it. So it is best for us to recognize this fact and acknowledge God’s rule in allowing these things to come to pass.

Personally, I would like a respite by seeing imperfect Donald J. Trump elected again. I am doubtful this will happen because there are somewhere between 500,000 and 1.4 million illegitimate people on the voter rolls in just the five swing state.[3] So, unless a miracle from God occurs, we can expect to see overt “Kamunism” gain the highest office of the land. Even if Trump is elected, things won’t be smooth at all. Expect to see cities burn, protesters attack and even members of Congress doing what they can to ensure he does not actually get to the White House. If you watched the debate last night, you know that Harris did not do that well with her platitudes and she had fact-checking help from ABC moderators (which turned out to be wrong). Surprisingly, Trump laid things out and kept up the attack.

But really, so what? What does all of this mean for Christians? Even though it means higher prices in all categories (including taxes) and a major push to outlaw gas and diesel operated vehicles, God is not going to leave us hanging. I personally believe that God will continue to provide for His own. The requirement on our part is to operate by faith in a world that is operating by feelings.

Do not despair. Do not fear. Each time you are tempted to do so, look up. Focus on Him and the truth of His Word. I believe He will honor our efforts to seek His face and trust in His provision. We cannot possibly cover every base. None of us has enough money to do that. We can only do what we can do and trust the Lord to guide us daily as we watch this world sink further and further into the mire of lies foisted upon us by Satan.

Who lives in you? Who died that you might have life? Who cares deeply about you? Who has your life in His hand? He will protect our hearts and minds as we submit to His Lordship over our lives.




Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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