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Sin’s Ongoing Destructive Curse

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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

We had to have one of our cats put down recently. It’s never an easy decision to make and I always wish that God would take care of it for me because I’m always torn. Is this the right time? Is she in a ton of pain?

Chloe developed a tumor in her bladder not long ago, which the vet tells us will simply continue growing. She’s 17 and has had a good life with us. In the past week or so, she went seriously down hill. She didn’t want to each much, hardly drank any water. Had difficulty walking around and jumping up onto things.

In so many ways, pets are such a blessing. I look back on my life and realize how easy it was for me to take my pets for granted. In some ways, it’s a bit shocking to me now to realize how self-centered I was in my younger years. I did not fully understand how valuable pets are to people’s overall well-being. I’m not sure I fully understand now, though I understand it far better than I did several decades ago.

All of our adopted pets are rescues from one situation or another. When we lived in California, our daughter worked at a vet clinic. One morning, when people arrived to work, there was this kitten by the front door eating something. She was thin and frail and was a very tiny kitten that someone had apparently dumped. Our daughter brought her home for us to “foster,” but since we are absolute failures at fostering animals, we ended up keeping her. Despite her size, she had an interesting personality. She wasn’t scared of much and I recall her in the home on her first day with us. The other cats looked at her like “Who are you?” but Chloe didn’t care. As she ate the treats we put in front of her, she growled at the other cats and reached one paw out to bring the treats to her without taking her eyes off the treat she was eating then. It was a bit hilarious.

Over the years, we became Chloe’s administrators. She was fairly independent most of the time. When she wanted food or to be petted, she’d let you know. Other than that, she’d often keep to herself or grace your presence with her on your lap and you were supposed to dedicate that time to meeting her felt needs.

Two of our cats – Kashi and Chloe – did not get along that well so they simply did their best to avoid one another. I always thought that was funny because Kashi was smaller than Chloe but it was clear that Chloe preferred to stay out of Kashi’s way. Most of the time, it worked well unless they accidentally met in the hallway and then there would be hissing and possibly spitting. Then one would gingerly move past the other to the safety of another room. The tension was real.

All this tension and animosity between people and animals will completely disappear in the coming Millennial Kingdom, for animals and people. Animals (and people), not getting along now is due to the sin nature and curse God placed on His Creation due to that human sin. I find it interesting that up to the Flood (Genesis 9), animals seemed far more trusting of people. But after the Flood, God made some changes. From that point onward, animals would steer clear of humanity due to healthy mistrust. It is tragic what our sin has done to this planet and God’s Creation, isn’t it? One day it will be fully rectified.

Rubbing Chloe’s chin and saying good-bye before taking her to the vet.

I was talking to God the other morning about that very thing. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m “doing things correctly” or not. It seems sin is never far from the surface in my life. It always lurks and always seeks an opportunity to bring about my failure to live for God. It is the ongoing curse Christians contend with daily, to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). What happens when we fail to deal with the temptation to commit some sin? We fall…again. The goal for the Christian is to not give our members over to the lusts of our flesh (Romans 6:13), but to resist the devil and he will flee from us (James 4:7). That is the daily work of being a Christian that Paul was referring to. The day we think we’ve conquered things is the day we will likely fall flat on our faces.

Which brings me to a very sad though related topic. Most have heard about Steve Lawson’s indiscretion recently and has stepped away from being the senior pastor at his church and from his own separate ministry. Why? It was due to having an inappropriate relationship with a woman. That’s all we know. Allegedly, he was in a five-year relationship with a twenty-five year-old woman.[1] Even if it was a one night stand, it would be just as egregious.

I did some research and learned that since January 2024, over 10 pastors in northern Texas alone have either resigned or been fired from being pastors of their churches. Most stepped down due to having inappropriate relationships with a woman. Some were let go because of their prickly personalities that rubbed people the wrong way in their congregations.

Steve Lawson, a 73 year-old man, phenomenal expository preacher, author and someone who many other pastors looked up to, had to step down. I can only imagine how devastating this is to his wife, family and close friends. Please understand I’m not condemning or judging the man at all. I’m sadly perplexed at this situation. How is it these men who seemed to be on the right path, fall like this? Did they not see things coming? Surely, their steps toward sin had to have been incremental in nature, don’t you think? They didn’t simply jump wholeheartedly in it from the get-go. But why didn’t their “spidey” sense kick in to warn them of impending disaster?

I came across several videos on the ‘Net, which seem to provide a possible answer. This first one is just over five minutes in length and titled, interestingly enough, Pastor Steve Lawson on Men, Lust and Holiness [2] and the second includes third-party opinion[3]. During the interview, Lawson himself makes several claims that I personally have a difficult time agreeing with, which actually shocked me.

Lawson notes that God is looking for a “pure vessel” for Him to use in the pastorate. I’m not sure what he actually means by that because he doesn’t appear to elaborate and no one is truly pure by God’s standards. Righteous? Yes. Pure? No. I can say unequivocally that I am not a consistently pure vessel. I don’t live purely 100% of the time, day in and day out. Jesus did, but I don’t. Paul did not either and he clearly knew much more than I do as he pushed himself to victory.

If Lawson had said God is looking for men who are committed to Him, who are labeled righteous by God, who yearn to live a life that pleases God and allows God to work in and through that man, then I would agree wholeheartedly.

However, I make mistakes. I sin. I am selfish, too often concerned about my own felt needs. I can see where I have done this with Chloe and other pets we’ve had over the years. I can see where I’ve been self-centered where others are concerned as well. It is often times so frustrating to me that my eyes are all too often on me. Even Paul though asked this question: “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24).

Another thing Lawson said is related to pornography. He says at one point in response to the interviewer’s question, “…you’re going to hell if you don’t repent you are showing me you’re not even a true believer…” His point seems to be that if a man gets embroiled in porn and lacks repentance, they go to hell.

Whoa. Just hold up for a moment. For some men, the temptation to view porn can be thoroughly overpowering and remain with them for years. For others, they can ignore the pull and give themselves to Jesus more easily. There is no easy path to overcome lust for many. But if that man is an authentic Christian and falls into sin, he does not lose his salvation as Lawson seems to imply. If I die with unconfessed sin, I still go to be with our Lord if I am saved.

But as far as Lawson’s personal life, how did he get from not being involved with another woman to falling into that trap of being involved with another woman? How did that happen?

Well, brothers and sisters, I cannot help but wonder if it is simply due to some form of pride. Did Steve Lawson (like others who have had to step down from ministry), start believing his own press? Did he then believe that he was above falling into certain sins?

Lawson is recognized as a preacher’s preacher, someone who exposits the Word beautifully, who brings a power and resonance to his preaching that most can appreciate and learn from while hearing. I cannot help but wonder if over the years of hearing all the compliments about wonderful sermons he presented (and books he wrote), if pride somehow began to embed itself into his heart? I don’t know. I’m simply asking the questions.

Couldn’t this can easily happen in a church with thousands of members who believe that their pastor is phenomenal? The excitement grows. The anticipation of each new sermon is eagerly attended. Could it be that a pastor having to deal with all the kudos from people in the church (or wherever he was a guest speaker, or getting rave reviews on his books from readers), might make it easier for that man to let his guard down and begin to take the compliments to heart? Is it possible?

If we look at the many prophets throughout Scripture, we see one after another on the constant receiving end of criticisms, suffering and even death threats (with some actually put to death because of their message). This was true of John the Baptist. Jesus didn’t fare any better did He? In fact, most of the original twelve apostles were harassed, criticized and executed.

Do we honestly believe that Satan does not tailor his temptations to each person and situation? Isn’t it like our enemy to cause us to think we’ve “got this” so we rely less and less on God and more on our own inner strength we think we have?

Though I’m now ordained, may God never give me a church that is large with so many people who think I have it all together. To me, that is a door to potential failure.

The day we think we’ve arrived as a Christian (and I’ve met a few Christians who believe they now live sinlessly), is the day we are probably on our way to a long fall. We will never have Christian living under our belts so that it becomes natural and the norm here. If we stop using effort (our will) to submit ourselves to God, to immerse ourselves in His Word, to be constant in prayer, to humbly confess our failures, we are headed for a fall, don’t you think?

By the way, another video worth watching is a response to the Lawson controversy from Dr. Al Mohler, who spoke briefly before a chapel service at the SBC seminary.[4] It is 13 minutes.

One day, this will all be over and we will see Him as He is with our totally renewed mind, glorified body and absolutely no propensity to even think about sinning, much less make a way for sin. While we are here though, we need to realize that we are always only a few steps away from falling away from God due to our sin. While we will not lose our salvation when we sin, we lose other things (fellowship with God and eternal rewards). While God will always extend His forgiveness to the believer, blotting out new sin, He is under no obligation and never promises to blot out the circumstances our sin creates.

Paul outlines the goal of every Christian daily.

For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. (Romans 12:3)

We have to give ourselves to God, asking Him to make and keep us humble. Can we ever become too humble here? No. It is a constant work in progress.

Guard your hearts and minds against the snares of the devil (1 Peter 5:8). We either purposefully chase after God and His will or by default we will join with Satan against God. Those are the only two choices I’m aware of it and to ensure we do not fall into the trap of the latter, we must actively pursue God daily.





Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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