Trump Superbowl Assassination
2/10 Update: Fortunately no attack materialized this year, however this information remains important to consider for a Stadium Attack in general. Perhaps the Deep State must control The White House to orchestrate continuity of government protocols. Was the Superbowl attack is delayed until the next presidential election?
Do you get the insider JOKE? The Superbowl = Super Bomb? Case in point is the President carries the “Nuclear Football.” The Global Elite Death Cult has a twisted sense of evil humor. This big attack on America signals the end of America and ushers in the United Nations world government with their global army (they have been building up for some time see UN spotted inside the USA.
Will they try to take Trump out to ignite a civil war and bring in the “UN Peacekeepers” i.e. foreign invasion troops who posted advertisements for English speaking gun confiscation applicants, they plan to disarm the veterans first, good luck with that. Once disarmed you and your family are divided up and sent off to the “Fun Camps” as stated by Killery. Is this attack the signal for their Not-So-Great-Reset? Certainly the 2025 Super Bowl may not be so super; it could be downright dangerous to attend.
There are three major films that depict a bomb attack on an NFL Stadium and countless more with snipers, Viewer Discretion advised on these trailers:
2012 Batman Dark Knight Rises Trailer
Bomb under Field, Note Elite Sitting in Box 322 (Skull and Bones)
2002 Sum of All Fears Trailer
Bomb in Coke Machine with President at the game, Trump is Attending.
1977 Black Sunday Trailer
Bomb in Goodyear Blimp (not scheduled for super bowl).
Was this predictive programming? The author of “Sum of All Fears” was Tom Clancy who grew up in the swamp Baltimore Maryland, it was claimed he had links to intelligence and died rather suddenly at age 66, a nice 2 x 33. This is an IMPORTANT LINK that connects the recent Airplane Crashes to the Superbowl along with many other synchronizations including the possible involvement of an attack event at the Hoover Dam.
We could provide hundreds of media examples showing an NFL Stadium massacre, this has to be an option on the Deep State drawing board. One of their favorite Masonic owned predictive mediums is The Simpsons Cartoons see Springfield Stadium and note the name of the team mascot is “Atoms” as in Atomic Bomb, there are many photos of Stadium bombs and stadium fires in the Simpsons.
There is a book on Amazon called- November 3rd by Robert C. Janson, published in 2019 it predicts a bomb attack on the Seattle Seahawks NFL Stadium which touts a giant pyramid; however the author has identified other NFL Stadiums where the attack might occur. This is based on the cover of The Economist Magaine (owned by the Rothschild Family). Notice the Football and Nuclear bomb explosion. The author claimed the attack was suppose to happen under Hillary, but she lost the election. Do you think Obama is waiving Goodbye America on the magazine cover? Interesting that both Obama and Clinton are on the cover, does this mean Obama is setting the table for Clinton to implement? Was the plan stopped in 2016 with the unexpected election of Trump?
What about NFL meaning “Not For Long” America your Freedoms are standing in the way of the New World Order, aka Scientific Dictatorship or Technocracy. Or is Trump building the Technocracy with his chatter about making Canada the 51st State, a step toward the 1938 Theory of Technocracy as in the North American Technate, it is pitched as a society run by Scientists and Engineers, but it is really a society run by “Puppet Scientists” like Fauci; owned by the Global Elite.
Do you think the deep state sends out instructions via magazine covers? This was a 2015 cover, there is China, Panic, and a Needle on the cover, code for later COVID in 2020? Do you think the Deep State sends out go signals via media?
We can recall the massacre by the pyramid in Las Vegas. In this frightening trailer from the 1983 Film War Games, they play against the AI computer– Thermonuclear War where the target cities are Las Vegas and Seattle, both in the Janson Book as the primary targets, but perhaps they deviate to New Orleans.
Is it possible a big attack (blamed on Iran of course) will hit in New Orleans to throw the USA into world war three, economic collapse, and usher in total tyranny with the central bank digital currency beast system. Freemason Albert Pike wrote that three world wars would be required to establish a tyrannical world government.
Certainly, the political climate for this false flag attack looks ripe with the take down of USAID and removal of CIA leadership, the outing of the JFK, MLK, and RFK files, etc.
Was Maui and California fires a test of their space weapon which might be used in combination with an Air Bomb (which also creates a mushroom cloud) to fake a Nuclear bomb attack. Sun worship don’t you get it– as in burned to a crisp by their latest space lasers, aka the rays of the sun; much of this all seems to tie together.
President Trump is scheduled to attend the game but will he read this article and change is mind? We hope so.
Then there is Taylor Swift whose favorite number is 13, was she groomed as a sacrifice to the Global Elite’s Sun God Ra? Watch NFL related stock prices to see if people are selling before a known attack exactly like happened prior to 911. Note that ticket prices are rapidly dropping which is not normal.
Would the elite sacrifice thousands of innocent Americans to such an horrific death by incineration? Even if the average person does not believe in Sun Worship, the global elite apparently do, ever notice the giant Sun Dial outside the Vatican, human sacrifice to the Sun God goes back perhaps thousands of years, look at the Aztec Temple of the Sun that combines their favorite symbols the pyramid and the sun.
Hopefully nothing happens in 2025, but given what we have seen this past few years would you put it past these sociopaths who desire global control and population reduction. Would they mount such a major attack to take out the Trump administration and put a fast end to the MAGA movement?
Maybe America can enjoy the game, even if last year Beyonce was paid $20 Million for the halftime show, do you think this is just money laundering thru Beyonce to child pedo rings aka politicians? This years so called artist is Kendrick Lamar, can you name a few of his songs? This almost seems like USAID type laundering but another topic for our research staff.
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The spiritual/biblical intensity in the air suggests that the Antichrist is about to solve all our problems. But the powers that be have to make that antichrist look supernatural in his ability to be our savior. Hence they need a fake resurrection from the dead. Trumps assassination with the ear was a failed attempt to make that happen. What follows is the assassination of one of his clones and Trump rising from the dead.
Revelation 13:3
One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.