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2011-01-12 - After The Event - The 2012 Fad

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Hello, and welcome to


I am your host for the evening, Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we chatted about “Why are we doing this now?”


Tonight I thought we would cover what the world will be like AFTER The Event, after the flip, after the wave, after the pulse, and after the planetary lightening.  All those things we have talked about in previous episodes.


So the question is: why would anyone want to survive all of that?


And you know something? That is a really good question, and I will try my best to answer it.


Let’s start with what little we know about our own history, our own past.


Now, if The Event happens like clockwork every 32,000 years, and civilization, at least here on the surface has to start up all over again. we can safely say that the current race of people living on the surface of this planet, the descendants of only 25 survivors, are 32,000 years old.


So, why is it that our written history barely goes back 8,000 years? Barely twenty five percent of our entire history?


The oldest known written records we have are on clay and stone tablets from Sumeria, and there are only a small handful of people who can read them.


There are cave painting that go much, much further back in time then that, but we never really hear much about them.  Remember, those cave drawings we talked about earlier – that showed the planetary lightening like rain?  These are played down by science, ignored.


Why Because they contradict the “approved” history of our world.  That 100,000 years ago humans spontaneously popped up out of nowhere and began as all small children begin, finger painting.


So I guess our next choice for historical literature (if of course you don’t happen to read ancient Sumerian) is the Christian Bible.


Lots of good historical stuff in there, if you can ignore all the “let’s kill our neighbors because god told us too” stuff.


There are actually many, many more books to the Bible, but a political meeting called the Council at Nicia edited those out so the folks who were in charge at the time could have even more power, and more money. Today, we call them Bankers.


But we also have the Hindu holy book – the Bhagavad Gītā.  Personally, I would go with this recounting of our history.  True, it is something like 100,000 pages long, but what little I have read of it shows more of a “reporter’s point of view” on our history rather then a political agenda – ancient Babylonian slave traders trying to keep their herds of cattle in line.


That would be us.


Anyway, both these books tell stories of our ancestors living for many thousands of years, which to them was just a regular event, part of the natural course of their lives.


Let’s skip, for the moment, all the talk about gods, and angels, and demons, and sinners and let’s just talk about what these books tell us about our human ancestors, and the world they lived in.


“The Land of Milk and Honey” it was called.


Now all these books are just copies of much older works that have either been destroyed or have been stolen (ask the Vatican about their real library sometime.  Years ago, the Vatican sent the Jesuits – the originally CIA – out to scour the world for every holy book of every religion, in every country in the world, and then made certain that they burned all the copies – they kept the originals locked away against, yes, you guess it – The Next Event), but let’s stick with the basic themes.


Heaven on Earth

Milk and Honey

Living for thousands of years


Now, you ask any medical doctor today, and they will flatly tell you that they have NO idea why we age.  Why we age and then die.  They just do not know.


Well, that’s okay, they don’t know anything about nutrition either, not their fault really.  They just were not trained very well, and on purpose.


So, why do we age?  Simple: three reasons:



Lack of oxygen

Lack of a strong magnetic field

No Nutrition



1) Lack of oxygen. 

The oxygen content in our atmosphere today is barely 11 percent – if you are lucky.  In the major cities its down to 5 percent or less.


We are today literally suffocating to death.  Our cells in our bodies just don’t have enough oxygen to work properly, to rebuild and repair themselves.


And all these horrifying diseases we suddenly see everywhere around us today?  These horrifying diseases that are manmade like AIDS?  Not one of them can survive in the presence of oxygen.


And cancer?  Treat cancer with oxygen, and it just dies. No pain. No horror. No operations.


2) Lack a strong magnetic field.

We talked earlier about the decreasing magnetic field of our little planet as that very big brown dwarf star comes closer and closer to us, and then flips us end for end.  Well, long before it really gets here the sheer size of the thing has been suppressing the natural magnetic field of our own planet, and it is inside that magnetic field where our bodies would normally prosper and thrive.


3) Nutrition

We just do not eat enough of the right foods to give our bodies something to build on.  I know people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s – they look very healthy and fit, but on the inside?  Their bodies are about twenty years old.  Why?  They eat the right things, they do NOT eat poison (see our episode on Eating Poison – Teflon is a personal favorite of mine), and they take lots of mega-vitamins.


So when your government tries to ban the sale of mega vitamins – well, you now know why.  If you are sick, you are not likely to complain about being raped and robbed by your bank, or by your government.


So, what does any of this have to do with surviving The Event.


That “dry cleaning” effect of the planetary lightening we talked about earlier?  It will not only clean the planet, but it will increase the oxygen content.


And, as the brown dwarf star moves away from us, and out of the plane of our solar system, our magnetic field will restore itself.


And you know what grows really well in a high oxygen atmosphere, and a high magnetic field?  Healthy children.


And what do healthy adults, having healthy babies, living in a high oxygen content atmosphere, eating clean food without any poisons inside of a high magnetic field achieve?  Health, happiness, and very, very, very long life spans, with a chance to actually live like human beings.


So imagine, our world scrapped clean of, well, us, the Masters, the Elite, and then dry cleaned and pressed, just in time for us to move back in again.


Later, we will talk about basic medical care that is NOT expensive, not lethal, and is so easy to do you can do it at home.  But it will not make the American Medical Association rich. It will not make the big Pharmaceutical companies that own the American Medical Society rich.  IT will not make the Big Oil Companies that own the Pharmaceutical companies rich.


Therefore the government says that this is bad, and you cannot even talk about such things, or you will go to federal prison.


It is a crime in the United States of American to cure yourself of any illness. You will go to federal prison.


Please do some fun research:


1) look up a doctor who was curing patients by exposing them to different colors of light.  His crime? He cured them.

2) Wilhelm Reich – a genius of this century was imprisoned for using energy fields to cure patients.  His crime? He cured all his patients,

3) Ozone therapy is legal in almost every country in the world – except for the United States. President Ronald Reagan was flown to Europe for ozone therapy because it was illegal in the country where he happened to be President.


So, when I say that AFTER The Event the world will be a place worth living in, now do you kinda get the idea as to why you should be giving us a call?


Because we have a Plan.


It will cost you a lot of cash up front, but the benefits of a long healthy life, happy and healthy and safe babies, green grass, green trees, clean air, clean water, and a real chance to just be a human being.


Yeah, that would be worth it.


For all of us here at, this is Charlie Bluehawk wishing you a really good day, and reminding you to keep a good thought!

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