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Internet Retailing Expo Indonesia Gears Up to Connect Indonesia’s Stakeholders

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Internet Retailing Expo Indonesia BersiapMenghubungkan Para PemangkuKepentingan di Indonesia

The leading multichannel event in the retail calendar to return to Jakarta in January 2017

Ajangmultikanalterkemuka di bidangritelakankembalike Jakarta di Januari 2017


Jakarta, 9 November 2016 – The Internet Retailing Expo (IRX) Indonesia, is gearing up to return with a loud bang. The 2nd edition of IRX Indonesia, to be held from 18 to 19 January next year at the Pullman Jakarta Central Park, will once again become the meeting place for marketplaces, multi-channel retailers and online retailers to meet their key suppliers and learn through peer knowledge sharing and best practice implementation case studies.

Jakarta, 9 November 2016 – Internet Retailing Expo (IRX) Indonesia, bersiapuntukkembalidenganmegah.Edisike-duadari IRX Indonesia, diadakandaritanggal 18 hingga 19 Januaritahundepan di Pullman Jakarta Central Park, akankembalimenjadititiktemubagiparapenjual, peritel multi-kanaldanperitel online denganparapenyediautamadanbelajardengansalingberbagipengalamandanimplementasistudi-studikasus.

IRX Indonesia was launched due to the huge potential of the internet retailing market, as it has started to grow significantly within Indonesia in the recent years.

IRX Indonesia pertama kali diadakankarenapotensi yang sangatbesardaripasarritel internet, yang telahberkembangsangatsignifikan di Indonesia dalambeberapatahunterakhir.

In 2017, IRX Indonesia is expected to attract 2000 visitors to an even more diverse exhibition with plenty of value-packed on-floor sessions and 75 leading solution providers in the areas of digital infrastructure and innovation, digital payments, last mile fulfilment and many others. More than 80 multichannel and ecommerce retailers will be sharing knowledge and experience during the six conferences sessions, workshops and clinics at IRX Indonesia 2017. All these under the themes of Connected Store of the Future, Payments & Security, Insight & Experience, Digital Sales & Marketing, Digital Merchandising, Multichannel Operations & Fulfilment.

Di tahun 2017, IRX Indonesia diharapkanakanmenarik 2000 pengunjungkesebuaheksibisi yang lebihberagamlagi, denganberbagaisesibernilaitinggidan 75 penyediasolusidalambidanginfrastrukturdaninovasi digital, pembayaran digital, penyediaanlast-miledanmasihbanyaklagi.lebihdari 80 peritelmultikanaldan ecommerce akanmembagikanpengalamandanpengetahuandalamenamsesikonperensi, lokakaryadanklinik di IRX Indonesia 2017. Seluruhnyadengantema-temaConnected Store of the Future, Payments &Security, Insight & Experience, Digital Sales & Marketing, Digital Merchandising, Multichannel Operations & Fulfilment.

“IRX is the leading multichannel event in the retail calendar and takes place every March at the NEC Birmingham, United Kingdom. The UK is the most sophisticated internet retailing market globally. With over 200 exhibitors and 5000 visitors to the show, IRX welcomes retailers and technology providers from across the multichannel landscape,” said Richard Ireland, Managing Director, Asia, Clarion Events Pte Ltd. “Following its great success in 2016, IRX will be running its second show in Jakarta, Indonesia in January 2017 and plans to bring some of the expertise gained from the UK to Indonesia.  Our event plans to help retailers looking to establish, along their journey to grow their online retail strategies.”

“IRX merupakanajangmultikanalterkemuka di calendar riteldanberlangsungsetiapbulanMaret di NEC Birmingham, Inggris Raya. Inggrismerupakanpasarritel internet paling maju di seluruhdunia.Denganlebihdari 200 eksibitordan 5000 pengunjung, IRX menyambutparaperiteldanpenyediateknologidariberbagaitempat,” kata Richard Ireland, Managing Director, Asia, Clarion Events Pte Ltd. “Mengikutikesuksesannya di tahun 2016, IRX akanmengadakanajangke-dua di Jakarta, Indonesia, di bulanJanuari 2017 dan kami berencanamembawaberbagaikeahlian yang ada di Inggriske Indonesia. Ajanginidiharapkanakanbisamembantuparaperitel, seiringdenganperjalananmerekadalammembangunstrategi-strategiritel online mereka.”

Visitors to the event can expect industry tracks featuring a distinguished speaker panel of local and international industry who’s who, including, among others, Roy N. Mandey, Chairman, APRINDO; Ravi Kumar, COO, PT. MAP; Catherine Sutjahyo, CEO,; Adrian Suherman, CEO, Lippo Digital Group; Aruni Therese Abeyesundere, Chief Marketing Officer, Pizza Hut; Simon Torring, Regional Head of Merchandising (Digital), Sephora Digital SEA, AnkitPorwal, Business Director, L’Oreal Paris Indonesia; Ashley Amanna, Head of ECommerce, L’Oreal Indonesia; PankajKhushani, Head of Media Technology Solutions – SEA, India & Korea, Google; RizkieMaulana Putra, Head of ECommerce Development, Samsung Electronics Indonesia; TabahYudhananto, Marketing Technologist, Digital Marketing, CRM Senior Manager,; and Cam Walker, CEO Indonesia, iflix.

Acarainiakanmenghadirkanberbagaipembicaralokaldaninternasionalterkemuka di industri, seperti, antaralain, Roy N. Mandey, Chairman, APRINDO; Ravi Kumar, COO, PT. MAP; Catherine Sutjahyo, CEO,; Adrian Suherman, CEO, Lippo Digital Group; Aruni Therese Abeyesundere, Chief Marketing Officer, Pizza Hut;Simon Torring, Regional Head of Merchandising (Digital), Sephora Digital SEA, AnkitPorwal, Business Director, L’Oreal Paris Indonesia; Ashley Amanna, Head of ECommerce, L’Oreal Indonesia; PankajKhushani, Head of Media Technology Solutions – SEA, India & Korea, Google; RizkieMaulana Putra, Head of ECommerce Development, Samsung Electronics Indonesia; TabahYudhananto, Marketing Technologist, Digital Marketing, CRM Senior Manager,; dan Cam Walker, CEO Indonesia, iflix.

The conference will feature 6 streams alongside e-Commerce clinics and workshops on the exhibition floor. Special highlights for the event include SME Forum: “Building capabilities in a digital age”; CMO  Forum: “The way marketers engage customers”; CEO Panel Discussion: “Omni Channel retailing: Digital Transformation, Customer First”; E-Commerce University; E-Commerce Clinics; Start-up & Innovation Zone: “Enabling Business value with Digital Transformation”; Indonesia – China Cross-Border Ecommerce Pavilion; and 3D VR Shopping Experience.

Konperensi di IRX Indonesia akandibagikedalamenamalur, bersama-samadenganberbagaiklinikdanlokakaryaeCommerce. Beberapaacara yang ditonjolkanantara lain adalahSME Forum: “Building capabilities in a digital age”; CMO  Forum: “The way marketers engage customers”; CEO Panel Discussion: “Omni Channel retailing: Digital Transformation, Customer First”; E-Commerce University; E-Commerce Clinics; Start-up & Innovation Zone: “Enabling Business value with Digital Transformation”; Indonesia – China Cross-Border Ecommerce Pavilion; dan 3D VR Shopping Experience.

IRX Indonesia will feature 50+ exhibitors including 8Commerce, Asian Delker Logistics, ATEX, Cashlez, Detrack, E2Pay, Egentic, ICUBE, Innovecto, Midtrans, MooCommerce, PaketID, Priceza, PT Kam and Kam, PT KiosonKomersial Indonesia, and SAP, and sponsors including BCA, Accenture, Telkom Indonesia, PT Pos Logistics Indonesia, Akamai, Anchanto, Go-Jek, Magento, Manhattan Associates, At Internet,  aCommerce, Alto, FedEx, Gift Card Indonesia, Intramega Global, netCORE, Sprooki, and JNE.

Termasukdalamlebihdari 50 eksibitor IRX Indonesia adalah8Commerce, Asian Delker Logistics, ATEX, Cashlez, Detrack, E2Pay, Egentic, ICUBE, Innovecto, Midtrans, MooCommerce, PaketID, Priceza, PT Kam and Kam, PT KiosonKomersial Indonesia, dan SAP, dengan sponsor-sponsor sepertiBCA, Accenture, Telkom Indonesia, PT Pos Logistics Indonesia, Akamai, Anchanto, Go-Jek, Magento, Manhattan Associates, At Internet,  aCommerce, Alto, FedEx, Gift Card Indonesia, Intramega Global, netCORE, Sprooki, dan JNE.

Registration is open for public. For more information on the event, please visit

Pendaftaranterbukauntukumum.Untukinformasilebihlanjutmengenaiacaraini, silakankunjungi




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About Internet Retailing Expo

Tentang Internet Retailing Expo

IRX Indonesia is the meeting place for marketplaces, multi-channel retailers and online retailers to meet their key suppliers and learn through peer knowledge sharing and best practice implementation case studies.

IRX Indonesia adalahtempatbertemunyaparapenjual, peritel multi-kanaldanperitel online denganparapenyediautamadandanbelajardengansalingberbagipengalamandanimplementasistudi-studikasus.




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