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SEMrush Academy Review (2024)

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These days, it feels like everyone and their dog is clamoring to “learn digital marketing”. And for good reason: It’s one of the few careers where you can work from anywhere, make a great living, and become location independent if you play your cards right. But between paid courses, endless blogs, and self-proclaimed “marketing gurus”, it can feel impossible to find quality information without breaking the bank. This is especially true if you’re a bootstrapped entrepreneur watching every dollar. That’s where SEMrush Academy comes in.

Instead of shady courses filled with empty promises and upsells, SEMrush Academy is a beacon of light for anyone who wants to improve their digital marketing chops without whipping out their credit card. It’s basically a buffet of valuable information – and the best part? It’s completely free. But is it actually worth your time? After all, “free” can sometimes be too good to be true. That’s what we’ll explore today.

What is SEMrush Academy, Anyway?

SEMrush Academy is like the cool kid in school that lets you borrow their notes. Except these “notes” are taught by legit marketing pros making waves in the SEO and content marketing world, like Brian Dean from BacklinkO and Nathan Gotch from The SEO Entrepreneur.

Created by SEMrush, the company behind one of the most widely used SEO software suites, SEMrush Academy offers a diverse catalog of free online digital marketing courses taught via bite-sized video lessons. But unlike those “learn how to get rich quick on TikTok” gurus, this isn’t about empty hype or overnight success. Instead, you’ll be learning time-tested marketing fundamentals that actually stand the test of time – no matter what new social media app or platform pops up next.

semrush academy

What Makes This Academy So Darn Special?

Honestly, it’s this potent mix of credibility and affordability. It’s no wonder Mobidea Academy ranked SEMrush among the best SEO training courses of 2020. The courses aren’t just fluffy overviews, either.

You’ll actually get your hands dirty learning practical skills and the “why” behind each tactic so you can make smarter marketing decisions without relying on guesswork. Oh, and did we mention these courses come with free certifications? Talk about adding some “oomph” to your LinkedIn profile or resume.

Yep, once you ace those bad boys, you’ve got shining badges of honor to show potential clients or employers. But SEMrush Academy isn’t about empty bragging rights.

So, What Courses Can I Actually Take?

This is where things get really good. Forget cookie-cutter marketing advice that barely scratches the surface. This academy offers courses in basically every corner of the digital world:

SEMrush SEO Toolkit (Search Engine Optimization)

Ever dream of your website showing up at the very top of Google search results? That’s where SEO comes in – it’s the magic behind boosting your online visibility. Whether you’re just starting out or you already know your meta tags from your title tags, SEMrush has a course for you, including the wildly popular “SEO Fundamentals” course.

SEMrush Content Marketing

Content marketing is about building relationships through engaging blog content, helpful articles, captivating social posts… essentially any type of marketing content that resonates with your ideal client. But crafting words that sell (and don’t put people to sleep) is harder than it looks.

And you better believe it’s a whole lot more than just keyword stuffing – you need a strategy. Luckily for you, there’s an entire category devoted to learning this high-impact form of marketing at SEMrush Academy. Courses are taught by some pretty heavy-hitting experts in the field too, so you’ll actually walk away with actionable strategies and a content marketing certification you can be proud to show off.

SEMrush Site Audit Course

Ready to level up your SEO? The SEMrush Site Audit course is your free guide to mastering SEMrush’s Site Audit tool. Led by SEO expert Ross Tavendale, this course is for both newbies and techy SEO’s.

You’ll learn how to set up and configure the crawler, what the crawler settings mean and how to read the Site Health score. By the end you’ll be able to spot and fix technical issues, boost site speed and optimise for search engines.

Pass the course, pass the SEMrush Site Audit exam and get certified. And you’ll learn how to set up rank tracking and track your site over time.

Paid Advertising

Want to drive traffic to your site instantly? Then it’s time to whip out your wallet because organic traffic alone only takes you so far, and this is where understanding the confusing (and ever-changing) world of paid advertising enters the game.

From choosing the right SEO keywords and navigating the complicated bidding systems of each ad platform to understanding those granular metrics and interpreting them to make adjustments as needed, there are numerous factors that need to work together in harmony to create a successful paid campaign. And you’re going to make mistakes.

Through this series of courses offered in this popular category within SEMrush Academy, you’ll have access to hours of content to gain the skills you need to become truly effective. You’ll learn what mistakes to avoid to set yourself apart from other paid ad specialists while you help your company get better results or attract potential customers as a freelancer or consultant.

Social Media Marketing

I’m going to go out on a limb here, but you’re probably active on at least one social media platform, right? We get it. Love it or hate it, social media is part of modern life.

It’s also a powerful (and necessary) marketing channel for reaching potential clients and getting the word out there. SEMrush offers various courses specifically on marketing in different social channels to up your social game (think Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, you get the picture.)

But hold your horses there, amigo. SEMrush Academy doesn’t just cover the basics. You’ll also find advanced courses on fascinating (and sometimes even downright sneaky) aspects of digital marketing that most people shy away from:

Competitor Analysis

We know, we know, we said not to compare yourself to the competition. But sometimes… a little bit of competitive research never hurts, especially in business. It’s more about getting ideas and spotting opportunities.

SEMrush Academy dives into how to uncover valuable nuggets of competitor information like keyword research (essential for optimizing your content so Google thinks you’re the bee’s knees), identifying your target audience (aka your peeps, your tribe, your people.), and analyzing competitors to see where the heck all that juicy traffic is coming from.

They say knowledge is power, right? Knowing your competition like the back of your hand can give you a strategic advantage – which means more eyeballs on your content and hopefully, more Benjamins in your pocket.

Local SEO

This one’s specifically designed to help brick-and-mortar businesses thrive in a digital world. Unlike online businesses, local businesses face a unique challenge: attracting customers from a specific geographic location. Local SEO isn’t just about adding “near me” to your keywords (although it kinda sorta helps).

SEMrush dives deeper into Google Business profiles and other local SEO strategies you’ll need to boost visibility with potential customers searching in your neighborhood – from optimizing online directories to understanding local citations. Local SEO can sometimes feel a bit like sorcery, but the right teacher (or course) can work wonders.

Don’t think that these are all of the courses you can dive into though because here you’ll discover everything SEMrush has to offer – from keyword research to backlink strategies that make your content impossible to ignore. They even have specialized topics covering mobile SEO (making sure your site is just as stunning on a tiny little phone screen), technical SEO (because we all know the importance of impressing those fickle Google bots.), and everything in-between.

But Is SEMrush Academy Right for You?

Let’s face it: the word “free” often raises red flags these days. Skeptical? We get it. That’s why it’s completely natural for people to wonder if this learning platform is the real deal.

Here’s the truth: no learning platform will magically transform you into a marketing genius overnight, including this one. Success in digital marketing takes a strategic brain, patience, consistency (especially in the early days when you’re throwing ideas against the wall and seeing what sticks), and constant learning and evolution (algorithms, we’re lookin’ at you.)

However (You Had Me at “Free.”)

Even seasoned professionals like to brush up on the latest digital trends. Think of SEMrush Academy as the equivalent of that super organized classmate who always shares their color-coded notes. And while some reviewers wish courses were more interactive, this platform shines for self-motivated learners. After all, who needs pressure from those annoying reminder emails to get their study on? No thanks.

Who Should Run Like Crazy Toward SEMrush Academy Right Now?

We’re so glad you asked because that right there is the million-dollar question: is SEMrush Academy right for you?

Consider SEMrush Academy If…

Steer Clear of SEMrush Academy If…

You’re new to the digital marketing scene and want a comprehensive intro (without emptying your piggy bank). Think of these digital marketing courses like Marketing 101… except the instructor isn’t some stuffy professor.

You need personalized, hand-holding attention. (Hey, we’ve all been there.) As awesome as these online learning platforms are, it isn’t the same as a 1:1 coaching experience. And no judgment if that’s your jam. Some of us need a little extra love to really thrive (myself included.)

You’re a bootstrapped solopreneur trying to DIY your marketing (been there, high-fived that.) while keeping costs lower than a squirrel’s lunch. And believe me, there are a whole lot of us out there hustling to turn side hustles into our full-time passion project, ammiright? But even the savviest DIY’ers appreciate expert guidance… especially when they offer it for free (I know I do.)

You struggle with motivation or staying organized (no shade. You do you). Let’s be real, SEMrush Academy (or any online course, really) is only as valuable as the effort you put in. Without structure, clear learning objectives, or accountability from a mentor, even the most well-designed courses can feel overwhelming or even daunting (been there.) This is especially true if you’re already wearing 101 hats building a business.

You like having flexibility with your learning. SEMrush Academy is great for people who need to fit learning new skills around a chaotic schedule. Think of it like Netflix for your brain. Log in and out as you please. Learn whenever and wherever you want (because, pajamas.) And pause your lessons when your kids interrupt for the fifth time in the past ten minutes demanding snacks. And seriously… if those certifications aren’t reason enough to get excited, maybe marketing simply isn’t the right career choice for you (it happens to the best of us).

Still on the fence about whether SEMrush Academy is right for your journey?

Here’s a sneaky peek at some of the most popular online marketing courses currently offered in 2024.

  • Technical SEO

  • PPC Fundamentals

  • SEO Fundamentals

  • Content Marketing Toolkit

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Local SEO

  • Google Analytics

  • Amazon Advertising

  • Keyword Research

  • Link Building

  • On-Page and Technical SEO

  • Competitor Analysis

Itching to learn even more before jumping in with both feet? Then head on over to their blog, packed with insights into current marketing trends. Or check out their tool if you want to take your content to the next level.

FAQs About SEMrush Academy Is SEMrush Academy Worth It?

Absolutely. Especially considering most of their courses are 100% free (music to an entrepreneur’s ears, right?.). This makes it a win-win for solopreneurs, small business owners, and agencies looking to upskill their team, you can’t really go wrong.

But more important than their extensive list of marketing certifications is this: their lessons are designed to make even the most complicated aspects of SEO seem a whole lot less intimidating. Because nobody likes feeling dumb. We’ve all been there. However, just remember it’s about quality, not just quantity.

What is SEMrush Academy?

SEMrush Academy is an online learning platform offering a huge catalog of digital marketing courses that are – get ready for it – absolutely free. (Yes. You read that right.) You’ll even find industry veterans sharing valuable tips.

But SEMrush isn’t just for newbies dipping their toes into the sometimes murky world of SEO. Seasoned digital marketers, small businesses on a shoestring budget (aka bootstrappers), anyone responsible for growing their brand will find something to learn from.

Whether your focus is mastering paid ads, conquering content marketing, becoming BFF’s with Google Analytics (such a useful, yet finicky, friend.), or uncovering hidden gems with competitor research, SEMrush Academy is your go-to resource for elevating your marketing skills on your terms. Because learning shouldn’t drain your bank account… or your sanity.

Is the SEMrush Course Free?

Most definitely. The vast majority are free. (Seriously, did I mention that already?.). Of course, nothing in life is completely free these days, but think of these free online courses as a gateway drug to their paid products and services, sort of like a tasty free sample at Costco.

This strategy allows them to showcase their expertise. (We marketers are crafty like that.). But the good news for savvy learners like yourself is they offer tremendous value, especially for budget-minded entrepreneurs looking to boost their SEO, PPC, or social media efforts (aka all that marketing goodness) with limited funds.

However, while we’d all love to take their incredible tool for a spin for free, even the best free trials eventually expire (sad, but true.). Still, the vast amount of knowledge you gain from their academy is completely free.

Is SEMrush Legitimate?

You better believe SEMrush is a completely legitimate software-as-a-service company publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (under the ticker symbol: SEMR). They provide online visibility management SAAS tools marketed as an all-in-one marketing toolkit.

SEMrush was originally founded way back in 2008 as SEOdigger by a small group including Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitry Melnikov. As someone who works in SEO and online content marketing for small businesses, let me tell you this, I’ve personally found their resources to be immensely helpful.

If you need even more social proof, you can also check out these glowing reviews here, here, and here. So yeah, they’re about as legit as it gets. And it doesn’t get much better than free when learning from the best. They are consistently ranked one of the top resources for SEO tools and courses by sites like G2, which is a leading software review site that only lists vetted resources (take that skepticism.).


The truth? Learning digital marketing can feel as overwhelming as trying to parallel park a semi-truck on a crowded city street… but SEMrush Academy breaks things down into bite-sized lessons you can actually apply today. Just remember: these courses, as fantastic as they are, aren’t magic beans you plant and suddenly wake up rich from overnight success. (Sorry to be the bearer of slightly bad news.) Consistent learning is just one piece of the marketing puzzle.

SEMrush Academy is a fantastic place to get you started. Whether you want to learn SEO, link building, mobile SEO, or any other of their marketing topics taught by their industry pros. Check them out if you get a chance – what have you got to lose?

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