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The Rising : Two

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During and after the war some will stand preaching the Gospel; calling on all to repent for the Lords wrath is at hand.
Many will repent and turn from their sins but most will reject the call, turning instead to their own wicked imaginations.
These ministers and their congregations will be hunted by the slave masters; for blood they will be hunted across the lands, they will fish for them to draw them out of the depths of the sea of humanity; setting traps for them they will draw them out through deceit and with guile.

Some fleeing into the wilderness will find little rest in their plight. They will receive a little help at times from those who wish to join them through intrigue.

In America, from the west will come a people whose language this people does not speak.
They will come to this land when the western regions are laid bare from the war.
West of the plains the land will be thrown into darkness; no light shall be seen there from the western sea to across the mountains for several seasons. Many will die there for lack of water; through famine, violence, and disease the land will be cleansed.

From the western sea the new masters will be allotted all of these lands in the name of their peace.
The people will welcome these new masters at first thinking they will bring stability to the chaos; but the people will be taken and killed, their women taken as wives for their new masters. Their children will be sold as slaves in foreign lands.
The sodomotes will be taken and killed; left in the valley east of Oxnard to be food for the beasts and birds, not being given burial nor mourning because of their sins.

Some few will flee into the wilds; joining together to resist the evil flooding over the lands.
From the wilderness of no return these few will see a rider upon a red horse; with this man will come riders behind him riding upon red, speckled, and white horses.
When asked who they are it will be said that they are sent from the Lord to walk to and fro throughout the land to help this land to sit still and to rest for a time.
Unto this rider and to his fellows many will seek. He will gain renown and lead many to do exploits against the enemies of the Lord.

To the lands of the south and east the wrath of those reprobates who rule this land will be more vicious. As the war concludes and the new order is established the faithful of these lands and coasts will be hunted renlentlessly in hill and dale; some will think to find succor across the glens and dells, in the swamps and bogs; but there they will only find death.
Tens of thousands will be taken and put under the lash and some will have their burdensome yoke placed upon their necks wishing for death but death will flee from many because of their unrepentant heart.
Some will raise their fist against the Lord of Heaven and earth; cursing even the day of their birth
Here, will be the first of the faithful to die from beheading. Then the practice will spread across this land to reach every corner.
Many cities here will burn; the people slain or taken to detention camps. Here the reprobates who now govern will unleash biological and chemical weapons against the people slaying thousands.
Those who will be at ease in these lands will ignore the cries of the dying; they will turn to their new masters with wanton eyes and evil in their heart saying ” God will do neither good nor will He do evil unto us “.
Woe to those sitting in their ease while the poor, the fatherless, the elderly, and the righteous are led as sheep to the slaughter.
For in the span of three years the Lord will bring forth four horns into this land, rulers who will take you from the ease in which you rest and they will put you and your people under hardship. Toiling for money to put in a pocket full of holes. Taking your spacious homes which you got through deceit and taking your families which you bore with the wife of your youth and they will all be slain before your eyes.
Because you ignored the cries of your neighbors and turned your back to the Lord; He will turn His back on you when you cry.

As the war concludes, in these lands the Lord will give some few of the faithful succor in their time of need.
Across the Yahzoo river basin some will find rest for a time. Also in the regions of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee there will be some places where the Lord will give His people a time of refreshing.
During the Spring of the third year this refreshing will be granted to the few faithful who have escaped from the hands of their oppressors.
It will be during this thime that four men shall come from the east bearing the tools of carpenters.
When asked who they are these men will answer, “… that we have come from the Lord to help rebuild what has been torn down, to help to rebuild the foundations of this nation. To help this people to know their GOD. “
These four will lead many to the Lord in the days of their ministry. They shall lead the faithful to streams in the wilderness; helping to feed them when others are in famine.
In the second year of their ministry they will part ways, each traveling to the four corners of the land; each preaching and teaching that knowledge which was lost and stolen from the hearts of this people.

During the beginning days of their ministry some few; stretching from eastern Texas to Virginia will take arms to fight against the reprobates governing their lands.
Their attempts will be in vain because of their distress. Many thousands will die without seeing combat; killed by unseen enemies.
Through famine and drought; through the evils of their fellow man these people will be killed and driven into dire straits until a remnant finds their way to the Yahzoo. There they will align themselves with the faithful and the four men who have come to rebuild.
Then hope will be renewed in the hearts of some few who through sorrow and great loss; decide to renew their faith.
Then at that time; through the death and destruction which covers this land they will arise. Doing great exploits against the enemies of the Lord. A thousand will flee at the noise of one; ten thousand will flee before a hundred for they will know that the Lord is with them.

In the spring of the third year of the ministry of the four; the cities and towns will start to be reclaimed.
Battles will rage through the hills and valleys as the enemies of the Lord will be slain.
Although out numbered and in great distress these valiant will secure a piece of land with the help of the Lord.
From the western Carolinas southwest through Tennessee and northern Georgia to northeastern Alabama a line will be drawn; tens of thousands who remain alive; those who fled into the wilds and those few who escaped from bondage will come seeking refuge.
Here the Lord will give the faithful some respite. Here these faithful will again humble themselves and repent, calling upon the name of the Lord.

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      “Many will repent and turn from their sins but most will reject the call, turning instead to their own wicked imaginations.”

      That is more than offensive. You can’t define what sin is because it is 100% subject to the modality of the age and place, and yet you call people wicked for not repenting. On your next breath you’re whining about persecution.

      It’s you that is wicked, you’re anti social, manipulative and obnoxious.

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