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Fed Up Germans Start forming vigilante Protection to protect for their fellow Germans + Thousands are signing up ...

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After the Astonishingly weak solutions offered by the liberal run back stabbers in guberment  to the massive sexual violations that occurred  this New Years Eve ..Read it here …


Women shouldn’t have to ‘prepare themselves’ to thwart anticipated rapes when walking down their normally civilized hometown streets, yet this is the message the Mayor of Cologne, Germany is promoting.

The women in Cologne, Germany have been given this warning by Mayor Henriette Reker, “The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again. This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves”, after the mass rapes by Muslim immigrants on New Year’s Eve.  

Truth and Action reported on this travesty, “This is the New Year for Germany, the new face of what open boarders mean to the citizens of this nation.  Thus far, in this one night, the police have identified 80 victims on a night that joy and new beginnings are celebrated.  For these victims, their new beginning, their New Year will be spent identifying their attackers and getting medical and emotional support for the crimes committed against them.”

 more here ..

  1. a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

    After Cologne, Perhaps It Is Time For The People Of Germany To Consider The Sanity Of Angela Merkel


    by PAUL NUTTALL MEP6 Jan 20161,193

    Over 1,000 men of what the local police chief described as “of Arab or North African appearance” sexually assaulted around 90 women in a mass attack in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

    Yet astonishingly the Mayor of Cologne’s response to his outrageous attack on her own female voters was not to unequivocally condemn it, but to suggest some blame lay with the victims.

    Henriette Reker says women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future attacks by what is almost certainly members of the one million asylum seekers Germany has mistakenly welcomed in.

    According to the Daily Telegraph, “dozens of women reported being touched and groped. There was also one case of rape”.

    In response Ms Reker said it was important to prevent such incidents “from ever happening again” which I at first thought was a sensible suggestion for Germany to rethink its disastrous migrant policy.

    But no. Instead, her proposed “code of conduct” – an instruction on how German women should behave around these men of “Arab or North African appearance” – will include staying at arm’s length away from strangers, remaining in their own groups, and asking bystanders for help or at least act as witnesses to any assault.

    Ms Reker also said “visitors” from “other cultures” should be taught what is and what is not acceptable behaviour in Germany – which suggests she does know after all who the perpetrators are most likely to be.

    But then she adds insult to injury by saying: “We need to prevent confusion about what constitutes happy behaviour and what is utterly separate from openness, especially in sexual behaviour.”

    Well, how very reassuring that must be for the young women of Cologne who were set upon by a 1,000-strong sexually-charged mob of 18 to 35-year-old men of “Arab and North African appearance” while they tried to enjoy New Year’s Eve.

    Oh, and not a single person has been arrested yet, even though, as the assaults happened in a square outside the city’s main railway station, it is presumably surrounded by CCTV surveillance cameras.

    I sincerely hope that is not because the German police feel uncomfortable about upsetting the “other cultures” that Ms Reker refers to.

    Just imagine if Mayor of London Boris Johnson had said something similar had such an attack taken place in Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve.

    We would rightly be up in arms and questioning his sanity.

    Perhaps it’s time the good people of Germany who never asked for these million migrants in the first place to consider the same of their Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and her liberal cheerleaders such as Ms Reker.

    Because the decent German people of today are still paying for something that was not their fault – a post-war guilt for a Holocaust they had nothing to do with but which unfortunately still infects their political masters.

    The result is women being sexually assaulted en masse and weak politicians strangulating themselves from telling the truth about why.

    Paul Nuttall MEP is Deputy Leader, Ukip, and also Head of the British Delegation of Ukip MEPs in the Europe for Freedom and Direct Democracy group in the European Parliament.

    Read More Stories About:

    Breitbart LondonImmigrationGermanyEurope Migrant CrisisCologne

    I am not saying that All these new muslims are the perpetrators,  because infact the invading  muslims were threatening German Citizens  for quite a while WATCH ../




    Germany: Dozens of Muslims sexually attack young women: “I had fingers on every orifice”



    Germany: Dozens of Muslims sexually attack young women: “

    They are treating Europen Women like they do their own women terribly

    97% of Egyptian Women report  being sexually harrassed .

    Therefore ,In Europe the Internet is exploding with the German Citizens Volunteering to protect their Fellow Germans …I am not putting their FB pages ,or other Social Media sites up -Because ..You know why.. -..Right, in a New York minute, they would try to disban them ….Just updating BIN of the impact of this multiculturalism failure and how it is going from the States.Over here our dicktator wannabe wants to import them here …. Be Strong Fellow Christians- Stand Fast .+


    How many Americans reading this post would like to see U.S. membership in the UN revoked? U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL) introduced H.R. 1205, THE AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY RESTORATION ACT OF 2015. H.R. 1205 would terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations, end U.S. dues payments to the UN, end U.S. participation in UN interventionist wars. It would end U.S. commitments for funding UN projects or departments. H.R. 1205 has been referred to the House Foreign Affairs committee. Shouldn’t we all call Congress to support H.R. 1025 in order to end our UN membership if we desire to continue American independence,….. right?*
    Get US out of the muslim run U.N. ugh-
    Kick Turkey out of NATO too.

    Killed ISIS Commander’s Cell Phone Shows Direct Ties to Turkish Intelligence

    An Islamic State commander was killed in Salahuddin province and his body was searched. A cell phone retrieved from the corpse revealed messages from Turkish intelligence services proving the NATO country was providing security for ISIS militants when they traveled between Turkey and Iraq. This is the second NATO country implicated in assisting the Islamic State’s troops. The first was Canada.  

    Please Awake.

     Read more Here …+


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    Total 2 comments
    • faithbrother

      Here is an eyewitness account from A bartender near the Cathedral ..

    • Judge Roy Bean

      Turkey is an enemy and should not be in NATO or part of the EU.

      A true constitutional America, would raise the UN Building and give the occupants 30 day to move out of this nation to where ever they may choose to go and of course no more membership or membership fees.

      How will this ever be accomplished as long as the TARES are among us?
      Maybe just maybe we are approaching the time of the harvest where the Tares will be gathered up first and destroyed.

      The bible is my guide and keeps me on track, if it were not for that, I would be all for gathering up Tares right now.

      Matt 13:27-30

      27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

      28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

      29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

      30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

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