New Ice Cream Chain 'Sweet Jesus' Promotes Child Cannibalism (Video)
Sweet Jesus is a new ice cream chain that has locations across Canada as well as a prime spot in Baltimore, Maryland within the United States. Their marketing primarily features children posing with ice cream - in very sick and twisted ways! This is absolutely detestable!
There is now a whole new meaning to ”I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!”
FEATURED VIDEO: TOLD You So ((Sweet Jesus))?? You Gotta be Kidding!!
We’ve had enough of this. You need to share this far and wide to wake up the general public. This malevolent spirit is taking over the world and leaving the general populous void of all consciousness.
This goes right into the Pizzagate files with the rest of the sickos running the top echelons of our societies (i.e. the Podestas, the Clintons, Hollywood Elite, etc..) who love to cannibalize the Spirit of God. Beware!
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New Ice Cream Chain ‘Sweet Jesus’ Promotes Child Cannibalism (Video)
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Anybody could look at this and see something weird about it. The sight of only children, the color red, over-dressed as to appeal to pedophiles and maybe even Catholic priests.
And I bet the owners are Jews (without looking)? These are the ones from the synagogue of Satan.