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Dragging Them Over The Hill

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“I wonder how far Moses would have gone if he’d taken a poll in Egypt?” -President Harry Truman

I could stay on this topic for a long time sharing with you of my experiences dealing with churches in America, their boards and congregants that have continuously done their best in quenching the works of the Spirits.

Though there is wisdom in wise counsel (Proverbs11:14), I have to say that I cannot count how many genuine visions have been given from the Lord to men only to have boards and congregants veto them.  Then again, how could it be otherwise with carnal men surrounding a spiritual man?

Note: Boards and capitulating hirelings (Psalm 78:9) love to hide behind each other as the people and the nation suffer. They do this with prayer, as well.  They also love to have men submit to the arm of the flesh, which is their wills in contrast to the Lord’s, and in the end, it brings a curse (Jeremiah 17:5).

For example, let’s take a look at Moses.  He was a man who was hand-picked by the Lord (Exodus 3:10), chosen to lead His people, Israel, out of their bondage.  What does Moses get in return for his obedience to the Lord? The people turn on him and threaten his life.

Think of this: The very one chosen by God to lead them into spiritual freedom is soon crying out to the Lord saying that they wanted to stone him (Exodus 17:4).  Wasn’t deliverance that for which the children of Israel were praying to the Lord?  Absolutely, they were (Read John 1:11). They wanted deliverance until they saw that they had to fight to obtain it (Exodus 13:17).

One can only imagine the constant baby sitting, watching over the disobedient in the flock (those who took the commands of the Lord lightly), those who were carnal, and their continual chidings (1 Corinthians 3:1).  Just imagine the extra burdens that were laid on Moses.

He was burdened with their welfare, their provisions, protections, the intercession on their behalf to the Lord, and the directives that Moses must have had to endure while dragging them over the top of the hill into the Promise Land.  It must have been cumbersome to say the least.

My point here is that we should never let the dictates of man (when they are outside of the vision and directives that the Lord has given you) deter you from what God has called you to do.  You are living for His will and glory, not to please men.

You cannot change people.  You can only give them the truth and let God do the changing. The Holy Spirit may lead you down a path that no one else is willing to follow, just ask Daniel, Elijah, Moses or Esther.

Always remember, it is better to obey God than men (Acts 5:29).

Even if you stand alone, one man with God is the majority. Conclusion: If I were to listen to the voice and word of man in the place of the Living God, I would have never taken Him at His Word and accomplished the impossible up to this point in my Christian experiences.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.  Article by Bradlee Dean.

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