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By Collen Makumbirofa
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Hating people is evil my response to an American, Carol Cotton

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Don’t hate people, if you do that you are lost. Hatred will not help us in our war against racism, apostasy, witchcraft, cannibalism, human trafficking, COVID-19 vaccination and Globalism. Racism is in all races, even your race Carol Cotton. Therefore, don’t hate. You are fighting evil with evil; therefore you are not going anywhere. Just hate evil, not people. Don’t discriminate it will affect others and your health too.

Many whites have apologized for being involved in the slave trade. Which was done by their father’s. 

Many Muslims do not apologize for Arabic or Islamic slave trade. Many African chiefs participated in the slave trade by selling their people to Arabs at that time.

Reparations for slave trade. The person who did the crime is the one who must pay reparations to the victim. Both villains and victims are dead. Therefore, I reject the call for reparations. It’s envy to ask for reparations.

Be thankful that you are born in a good country.

They are many good whites. Whites are our brothers. I have vehemently opposed seizure of white owned farms in Zimbabwe. I have opposed murder of white farmers in South Africa.
White people, white Churches and organizations have donated millions to Africa most of this money was stolen and privatized.

Let’s unite and fight Globalism together. COVID vaccination is fake, satanic and health hazard.

As for me, I will only hate many evils we have in our societies. I will preach one race, one God. Stop Globalism being manifested in many areas of life.

Reply by Collen Makumbirofa

I’m black and I have unbearable hate and need of revenge against whites. Why did they enslave my people? Do they even apologize?

I’m black and I have unbearable hate and need of revenge against whites. Why did they enslave my people? Do they even apologize?
If you take the enslavement of black people by white people as an affront to you and your race personally, and blame it on a deep and ugly flaw peculiar to the character of the White Man, you will always feel vengeful and full of hatred. It’s only natural.

But groups of people all over the world have hunted, conquered, victimized and enslaved other fellow humans since the first hominid in South Africa invented the spear, 500,000 years ago continuing right up to and including hegemonic warmongers like the nomadic Huns, the conquering hoards of Genghis Kahn, the Vikings, the Spanish conquistadors, the Moors, the Turks, the Romans, the German Nazis, the Russians…AND the Americans…among countless others of every race, color, religion, and nation.

It is part of man’s primal heritage to dominate, massacre, enslave, and otherwise violate our fellow humans. Gang leaders in Chicago and L.A. are miniature Pol Pots and their followers are mini-Khmer Rouge soldiers—be grateful they don’t have the power to take over anything beyond their own impoverished, drug- and crime-infested neighborhoods because they would not be kind to their black “brothers and sisters” nor to anyone else of any other color.

The only way to rise above your hateful vengefulness is to view this as a Humanitarian problem and not just yours or “your people’s.” It’s not easy to get our heads around the fact that we have brutally savage root rot in our hearts of darkness, and even though many of us have allowed our “better angels” to guide our behavior, there will always be those who are driven by vicious demons that will probably never be subdued. The best we can do is not cross over and become a part of them.

Stay with us relatively peace-loving folks, my friend. We need all the help we can get to keep the scales tipped in our favor. To quote some very old hippie friends of ours: Give Peace a Chance.

Why do white people get so bent out of shape when black people try to educate them about racial issues they face?
Why can’t white Americans just agree (through legal legislation) to pay reparations (6 million dollars each) to all blacks?
Do you believe that people are basically good?
Is there a reason only white leftists deny Irish slavery, and black leftists are okay with it?
What’s wrong with white people who think they don’t have to pay reparations?
Do you feel if a white person wins the next election they should randomly select someone of color as president due to the lack of reparations and the social injustice the white people force throughout the country?
Do whites realize that blacks are so far behind because of Jim Crowe laws which handicapped them for many decades and hence need to pay reparations as the cost of their sin?
Do you feel if a white person wins the next election they should randomly select someone of color as president due to the lack of reparations and the social injustice the white people force throughout the country?
Why are whites racist?
What should I do about blacks sexually harassing me?
Why are whites racist?
Do whites realize that blacks are so far behind because of Jim Crowe laws which handicapped them for many decades and hence need to pay reparations as the cost of their sin?
Yo white boys how does it feel to be hated by the women of your own race?
Do whites realize that blacks are so far behind because of Jim Crowe laws which handicapped them for many decades and hence need to pay reparations as the cost of their sin?
What will happen to Donald Trump now that he has been convicted?
What are the traits and quirks that make you quintessentially British?
What are the reasons for people’s fear of white nationalism? What are the negative aspects of white nationalism?
Is Trump fortunate to be as ugly as he is, because guys in prison won’t turn him out as fast as a kid who looks like 2010 Justin Bieber would get flipped over like a flapjack in the joint?
I’m black and I have unbearable hate and need of revenge against whites. Why did they enslave my people? Do they even apologize?
If you take the enslavement of black people by white people as an affront to you and your race personally, and blame it on a deep and ugly flaw peculiar to the character of the White Man, you will always feel vengeful and full of hatred. It’s only natural.

But groups of people all over the world have hunted, conquered, victimized and enslaved other fellow humans since the first hominid in South Africa invented the spear, 500,000 years ago continuing right up to and including hegemonic warmongers like the nomadic Huns, the conquering hoards of Genghis Kahn, the Vikings, the Spanish conquistadors, the Moors, the Turks, the Romans, the German Nazis, the Russians…AND the Americans…among countless others of every race, color, religion, and nation.

It is part of man’s primal heritage to dominate, massacre, enslave, and otherwise violate our fellow humans. Gang leaders in Chicago and L.A. are miniature Pol Pots and their followers are mini-Khmer Rouge soldiers—be grateful they don’t have the power to take over anything beyond their own impoverished, drug- and crime-infested neighborhoods because they would not be kind to their black “brothers and sisters” nor to anyone else of any other color.

The only way to rise above your hateful vengefulness is to view this as a Humanitarian problem and not just yours or “your people’s.” It’s not easy to get our heads around the fact that we have brutally savage root rot in our hearts of darkness, and even though many of us have allowed our “better angels” to guide our behavior, there will always be those who are driven by vicious demons that will probably never be subdued. The best we can do is not cross over and become a part of them.

Stay with us relatively peace-loving folks, my friend. We need all the help we can get to keep the scales tipped in our favor. To quote some very old hippie friends of ours: Give Peace a Chance. By Carol Cott

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Total 2 comments
  • Josey Wales

    Low information people have always served those who were more educated. So now most of the people, low information people or educated people, willingly enslave themselves in todays world because almost everyone is to stupid to comprehend that the slave is servant to the lender and always has been, always will be.

    You’re all slaves now to a system that was set up to out smart you, and yet you will defend this very system because it’s the only system you know… That’s the definition of slave. You’re to stupid to see how the slave trade has been transform to capture all races..
    Lack of an education allows you to focus on something that happened hundreds of years ago in exchange for your freedoms today, let yesterday go and focus on your futures tomorrow… Stop being a slave in this information war. 5th generation warfare is getting the best of you all.

    • Collen Makumbirofa

      I guess this reply is to Carol Cotton. As for me I don’t support that issue of reparations.
      Also focusing on the future is the best. The political systems we have are evil. They need an overhaul.

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