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Google knows if you will go to heaven. Secret development project by google.

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Google has figured out how to tell if you will go to heaven.

A google development team has come up with an algorithm with a high accuracy rate which can predict the probability of someone going to heaven or not. The google researchers had been working in secrecy on what may be a HUGE money maker for google. The team members were not allowed to speak to the public,  and they were kept incommunicado, with all mobile devices confiscated.

With the project now over, one researcher, who wishes to remain anonymous, has disclosed some of what happened in the research lab, and some of what the new algorithm can do.

Besides the expected computer engineers and programmers that you would expect, google also employed numerous mediums. The mediums role on the team was to contact certain deceased people to find out if they were in heaven, and to enlist expert help from the other side.

Steve Jobs was an important part of the project, and apparently his contributions shortened the project by several months. But his fans will be disappointed to learn that he was not in heaven.

The algorithm is extremely complex. It includes up to ten thousand bits of data for each person. Some of the most important data includes credit scores, tidiness, voting records, charitable contributions, concern for the environment and frequency of smiles. Some of the factors which lowered scores were speeding tickets, bankruptcy and kicking dogs. The anonymous source stressed that all ten thousand odd bits of data were needed for accurate predictions. With all data in, an accuracy level of 99.5783% is claimed.

They ran numerous tests, and some of the results were very surprising.

For instance there is only a 96.7% chance that Mother Theresa is in heaven. By comparison, there is a 99.5% chance that Joe DiMaggio is in heaven.

With most data factored in, a person will usually get an initial score which is over 100%. Then to complete the algorithm, ”take away” factors are included in the calculations.

An example was it initially looked like Michael Jackson would be in heaven for sure. But he lost points because he never disclosed that he copied the moon walk from someone else. His score dropped a lot further when they applied the pedifile penalty.

The research team was not privy to the intended uses of this research by upper management. However, rumours circulated that google will start charging fees ranging from $10,000 to over a million dollars, to people who want to find out what the odds are of them going to heaven. The rates will be determined by the net worth of the individual, which google knows of course.

More funny stuff and predictions for the future, HERE

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    Total 29 comments
    • Amminadab

      No one goes anywhere but the grave when they die.

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        And you preach that in your church or is your ID just sarcasm??

    • Anonymous

      If you knew Jesus, you’ll know different. Open your heart and mind to the truth and live life eternal, not with Google but with God.

    • yes2truth

      No one is going to heaven so Jewgle is doing what Jewgle does best – lies and deceives with its crap search results.

    • Anonymous

      “…whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”
      – James 2:10

      “… by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
      Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
      – Eph 2:8-9

      • Anonymous

        That’s a criminal profile.

        The political undertones make it unethical.

        And, the line of questioning makes Google the presumptive, ultimate judge.

        “Some of the most important data includes credit scores, tidiness, voting records, charitable contributions, concern for the environment and frequency of smiles. Some of the factors which lowered scores were speeding tickets, bankruptcy and kicking dogs.”

        credit scores — Cash and carry. No debts, no matter how trivial. Zero.
        tidiness — Quota cases should be used for this.
        voting records — I don’t vote for the evil of two lessers. One was your candidate.
        charitable contributions — Not, if i don’t know and respect you. Has to be both.
        concern for the environment — Have a concern for private property, also public. Which is the focus of your preservation efforts, and who is being put upon.
        frequency of smiles — not around demographic displacement and Reconstruction
        speeding tickets — Courteous, defensive driver, but still only escaped police abuse by the grace of God.
        kicking dogs — Surrounded by dogs. Not limited to shoes, if in legitimate danger.

        If this means I’m going to liberal hell, should I imagine what it looks like. :twisted:

    • Jiliane


    • Bruce Prentis

      “Google came up with an algorhythm witha high accuracy rate” UTTER NONSENSE. Just how exactly have they checked their accuracy? what a joke. Only one being knows if I am going to heaven, and it sure isn’t Google.

      • mfritz0

        Best answer, have faith in that one being.

    • Juden

      Nothing funnier than militant atheists spewing their venom. This is satire, so grab a midol gals.

    • The Watcher


      • Bruce Prentis

        I hope that you don’t sincerely believe that. I will pray for you to find the Truth and The Way. Here’s a clue: It is through Jesus. That’s the only way.

    • Paul Rowlandson

      Since the CIA created Google, it has been an ever growing fascist control group. Google is now fully in bed with the NSA. They limit your searches to what they believe you should see. Google has become the infamous Ministry of Truth, as presented in George Orwell’s 1984. Set your browser to “private browsing mode”. Don’t share anything with these creeps.

    • my2pesos

      Google CIA ~ A Logic Ego

      Google Anti ~ Ageing Tool

    • Anonymous

      If your name is written in the Book of Life, then you will go to heaven, if your name is not written in the book of life, you will not go. You can get baptized, do many great deeds, make confessions, dance sing whatever the church tells you, and tithe until your teeth have been given, and these things will not be what puts you in the book of life. Case in point the thief on the cross, was he baptized? did he make confessions, do any of the above, and yet he is in the kingdom of heaven. Now I would suggest if you do not believe in the kingdom of heaven you move along in your life and not waste time debating it, or calling believers names as your time on this planet and breathing are just about to expire and you will not find out, you will be dead, if you believe in the book of life, I suggest you might want to make sure you are and continue along that path that put you there long before you were born, and or this planet was formed. And only one can open the book of life and knows the names and you should also know that.

    • Anonymous

      Well I absolutely hate and despise Google, so I’m pretty much toast on the Google app.

    • ExposingTheEnemy This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
    • iamamerican

      It’s sad when a company gets so big they think their God.

    • Deputy Dawg

      Google being able to accurately predict whether or not you will go to heaven is no great feat. I can do exactly the same thing without all their sophisticated algorithms. I am absolutely certain you will never be going to Heaven, not even if you follow God’s Law to the letter. The truth is, who would want to? After all, in spite of all the Harlot driven misinformation God truly has other plans for you. Remarkable ones. Even if somehow you were able to ascend to the Heavens simply put, you would find yourself all alone at some point. God has no intention of remaining there. Ironically, this arrogant and twisted concept is exactly what Lucifer aspired to. He too believed he had such Heavenly entitlement!

      The scriptures tell us that “no man has ascended to the Heavens that has not descended from the Heavens, the Son of Man Jesus Christ.” Jesus when demonstrating how to pray gave us the Lord’s Prayer. The second verse states pretty clearly that God’s Kingdom shall come here and everything will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Another example, in the Book of Revelation John sees and describes the “New Jerusalem” coming out of the sky to earth bearing the names of the twelve apostles.

      God’s plan for mankind is for a restored earth to reside forever and man reside upon it. For Him to be our God and we His people. We are told that Jesus is the first-fruit, the first of many sons to be resurrected. What I find amazing is that most of us have attended funerals and hear the person giving the eulogy speak the phrase “ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from the ground we came to the ground we return. We read in scripture how at the sound of the last trumpet and Christ’s return those sleeping in the ground will be risen yet still so many desperately embrace doctrine that literally originated in Satan’s mind.

      The problem as I see it is quite simple. When those lacking God’s Spirit began yearning to decipher the mysteries of God they started to concentrate more on our Passover Jesus Christ’s life and subsequent miracles he conducted than on the actual fulfillment of old testament prophesy and the Holy Gospel (good news) Jesus preached announcing the coming of God’s Kingdom. When the so called Christians of the world abandoned the required seven Holy Days that clearly depict God’s long term intentions, when they polluted God’s appointed sabbath time it was because they lacked one essential element of understanding, God’s Spirit. This compounded an existing confusion.

      With the erroneous belief that spiritual understanding can simply evolve from mans limited intellect came so many blasphemous distortions of Christ, our loving God, His procreation plan that began first with the resurrection of His human Son. The majority now remains ignorant to God’s intention to bring all man into the Elohim family and establish His Kingdom on earth. False beliefs have been universally accepted throughout Christendom so be sure you prove all things. Ask God for clarification through prayer but be sure to repent first of all sin. Don’t forget to include participating in false religions or worshiping false gods. Depictions of the True God Yahweh or His Son Jesus Christ that describe someone else entirely is the same as worshiping false gods. Although He is merciful and forgiving God, Yahweh is a jealous god. It’s probably best not to purposely provoke Him.

      The point I really want to emphasize is that God’s Spirit will never dwell in sin. Get that out of your mind. In fact a sin not repented of is an unpardonable one! For the sake of example, if someone is practicing Baal or partakes in the worship of any type of false gods, until this is repented of you just cannot receive God’s Spirit. In turn understanding cannot be achieved, period! Yahweh the Father and His Son Jesus Christ cannot reside within you. In absence of God’s Spirit all spiritual understanding is not possible.

      Some may argue to the contrary believing they have some special ability that God forgot to share with the rest of his children, even His elite, however it is not possible to merely pick up the Bible read it and comprehend God’s intended meaning. The term mysteries of God is totally appropriate here. If you stop and think about this it is not so far fetched. Keeping God’s mysteries secret is why Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables. Only the lost sheep God instructed him was to target, those who already had or would soon be receiving God’s Spirit would understand the secrets purposely withheld from man.

      Strategically mankind as a whole, from the beginning to present like all God’s adversaries including Satan the devil remained oblivious to the hidden meaning of Christ’s message and with good reason. The universal message Christ came with for all of course was that the Kingdom of God was coming to earth, that he was the prophesized Messiah (Passover), God’s Passover, the continuous sacrifice, our high priest and advocate before God the Father. After 4000 years Christ’s blood finally gave us access to God in the same fashion that was given to the levitical priest to offer before Him sacrifice for the sins of the Sons of Israel using animal sacrifice. The sacrifice of Christ alleviated this requirement.

      The need for animal sacrifice by the way was the only thing that changed after the coming of the Messiah. The arrival and horrid execution of the God’s Son on the torture stake did not fulfill God’s plan, it was the beginning of it’s implementation not the end. In regards to spiritual requirements of the Law like the forth commandment or the seventh day sabbath, Jesus himself said in Matthew that not one jot, not one title would be changed until God’s plan is fulfilled. Until Jesus puts all His enemies down and the New Jerusalem comes to earth the fat lady has not sung. We have a ways yet to travel before all things are fulfilled, God’s require appointed times are still relevant.

      As it is a major pet peeve with me, in closing I want to clarify one bit of misinformation about God. The modern portrayal or inference based on the apparent absence of measurable success casts God as weak unable to overcome or save us all from evil created by the all powerful spirit Satan. The truth is that God has not been trying to save everyone over the past six thousand years but rather He wanted to prove that man cannot function happily and peacefully in fulfillment without Him. It is a time of witness not saving, that will come later.

      In reality God has called but a selected few throughout man’s existence. This is evidenced in the scriptures. You can count the actual volume on your fingers. Those delivered to Christ by God Almighty for safe keeping hear the Shepard’s voice, however not everyone has been called yet, nor can they understand the concept correctly even if they possess the desire. Be patient. this calling will happen individually if and when God feels it is appropriate for each person. This is not something we have the power to rush or demand as a right. God had chosen who and when He would call before He created the heavens and earth. Believe me, he knows what He’s doing and some of us will take significantly more work than others.

      Nevertheless I suspect your calling is near as we have entered the last days now and God promises He will open our minds. We are currently living through the seventh period of 3 1/2 years since the apostasy and seating of the Man of Sin in the Worldwide Church of God. The remnant or the Church of God PKG (Preparing for the Kingdom of God) is where you can find Truth.

      If you take nothing else from what I’ve posted today please understand this one simple principle for now. God will give you the rest in His time if you seek Him. If you recall the sons of Israel after being freed from Egypt were forced to wonder the wilderness for 40 years because of their attachment to Baal or sun worship. Constantine lifted a 260 year Roman initiated ban on Christianity when he came to power. As an enlistment tool he purposely incorporated elements of Baal which began to pollute the entire Christian religion. I guess he was like a gambler hedging his bet. The long term effects have been devastating in regards to Truth.

      To this day remains three prevailing offending practices. First of course is Christmas or December 25. This is the annual winter high solace in the worship of the sun god. This date has nothing at all to do with Christ’s birthday. He was born at the end of harvest not during the cold of winter. Christ gave specific instruction not to celebrate his birthday but said to instead to celebrate his death for the Passover (his being sacrificed as the continuous offering) is the beginning of life. The devil is who wants you to believe otherwise.

      Sunday or Sun-Day worship literally defies God’s forth commandment requiring the seventh day sabbath or adherence to God’s appointed time. This false doctrine intentionally coordinates with sun worship replacing God’s appointed time with the first day of the week, which again was set aside for the worship of the sun god.

      Easter is probably the worst of all offenses. As I have mentioned in the past, the only proof Jesus would offer the Pharisees that he was the Messiah when asked was that after his demise he would remain in the tomb for three days as Jonah did in the belly of the wale. Now pay close attention to what I am about to say. God provides His definition of a day in the Bible’s Book of Genesis. God describes a day as being from evening to evening. If Christ died on Friday or “good friday” as the false doctrine implies and was raised by the Father Sunday morning this time span falls far short of the three days promised. This may seem insignificant but what this effectively does is remove, alleviate and distort the only proof Jesus gave. Satan is behind this!

      We live in parlous times when evil is unfolding at unprecedented levels. This is the time the prophets of old lived and died waiting for! Things throughout the world will certainly get a whole lot worse over the next several years. Scripture tells us there is no place to hide from the wrath of God. The fallacy of rapture is a laughable construction of mans imagination that you will find nowhere in the bible. It came from the vatican not scripture. You’ve been lied to. God promises to protect those who love and obey Him, He dose not suggest He will remove us from the tribulation. If you recall He actually congratulates those who make it beyond the Great Tribulation.

      Try not to hold on too tight to the things you’ve learned through traditional doctrine and be open to receiving God’s calling and His Truth when it comes your way. As old dogs like me have come to discover we have been deceived in nearly every aspect of our history. While debating with yourself about whether or not to accept the morsel of God’s Truth I have provided remember the old adage. It holds so true! It says that “it is far simpler to dupe somebody than it is to later convince them they have been duped. We are a prideful and arrogant sort we are! Be cautious not to fall into that trap where your salvation is concerned.

      I offer this Truth with love for each of you. It is my hope and prayer that each of you reading this will receive your calling the very instant such reality sets in. As you read my post my dream is that my gesture of love inspired by God’s ultimate gesture of love is received in the way it was intended and reaches those who God has chosen to awaken at this time.



    • Geneww1938

      Regardless of Google’s brilliant computations… If you are not saved according to the Biblical Gospel, you will not enter Heaven. This is the only 0% or 100% criteria of eternal life in heaven.

    • Bill Lyle

      WOW! Just when I thought I’d lost hope for the human race, I read these comments. Now, I remember why I lost hope. A gag post, and everyone gives their best “but the bible says” replies. My god. Some days I’m glad I gave up on religion. You people are either totally nuts, or as gullible as humanly possible….

      • Non Christian American

        Bill Lyle wrote “You people are either totally nuts, or as gullible as humanly possible”.


        christo-CREEPS of ameriiiSCUM are BOTH totally nuts and gullible as humanly possible!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous

      I have never kicked a dog (now big G knows it), does that mean I will go to heaven?
      Michael Jackson was NOT a pedofile, he is in heaven.

    • The Real Deal

      Christians are the most gullible morons on the planet. Anyone who believes the fairy tales of the bible, and can believe in a savior they’ve never seen, only read about, is an absolute IDIOT! You put all your faith into an avatar that was remade many times over, and then you hope he comes down and wreaks havoc on the Earth, that’s just sick.

      Now the bible says that only 144,000 of you dimwits can be selected for heaven. So all that hard work and effort in pleasing a fabled man in the sky is all for nought if you aren’t one of the 144,000. Dipsh*ts.

      Revelation 7:4
      And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel.

      Okay, so that means your odds are very, very slim in getting raptured if Jesus does indeed show up, like you nutjobs are hoping for. In other words, you have a slightly better chance of going to heaven than you do in hitting the lottery. Good luck! :wink:

      • Mayhem

        Only morons (fools) presume to abridge the Bible, Real Deal, and how dare you quote that which you hate as if you are some sort of authority.

        This gullible, moronic, dipsh*t, nutjob would like to know what you make of Rev 7:9,10…

        “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”"

        … and will you still claim that only 144,000 are to be saved?

        • The Real Deal

          How dare I quote an actual scripture? Are you serious? That is all you bible thumping nutjobs do is quote scripture… But because I’m agnostic, I’m not allowed to use your book against you? I’m the a$$hole? Yeah, whatever you say. It’s right here buddy, in your little book of fables.

          Revelation 7:4
          And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel

        • Scanner Darko

          Stick to what you know Real Deal. You’ve butchered the Bible’s words which is exactly why we must find ourselves in these arguments you despise so much.

          How would you have it, you want us to simply ignore you when you distort the teaching?

        • Scanner Darko

          Sealed and saved are two entirely different things and you bringing up the rapture only makes you look foolish in the eyes of those who have actually read the Bible for themselves to see that no such thing is ever spoken of. I thought you were above the platitudes, RD.

        • Mayhem

          I haven’t called you anything worse than foolish, Real Deal, and outside of that i was reflecting your words and merely owning your pitiful insults. Nor did i say you could not post the entire Bible if you wish.

          You are no authority and foolishly presume to abridge the word, simple as that, and you ignore the question that exposes your ignorance of Scripture, namely. What of the multitudes that John the Revelator saw before him?

          Plus what Scanner Darko said.

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