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Possibility in 2022 if more people start believing in "Mandella Effect".

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Rough draft of ideas for my future book “Civil war 2.023.  Retardation of a Nation.  An absurd but somehow increasingly likely scenario for the future of America.”


Written by historian in like 2154 by time traveller – Its me, shh…

Chapter 8 – Mandella effect disaster – How one Trump tweet caused 5 millions suicides in less than hour. 

Note – This is not biased, everyone in 2022 is retarded.  Trump actually saves everyone at end.

So Trump was sitting around bored one day….he was pretty sure about Mandella effect being true, but nonetheless was bored. He didn’t like this Nelson Mandella at all….He saw all his movies, but did believe he died in Jail because he thought Shawshank Redemption the best….but just didnt like those things on his face.  Looked weird kinda…

Even though he is not so sure, he was aware of how crazy CERN was on the internet.  More crazy shit coming from there….god particles, blackholes, demon faces, etc…, the more he thought “Ohh shit, maybe it is true….holy shit c3po did have silver leg….holly shit…It was JcPenny or JcPenney….I dont know how to spell the cent penny or penney because I have never seen one cause I am very rich so rich.  It true though, I remember it being spelt like that..JFK passengers too OMG!.”

After putting that quote up on twitter, all americans agreed upon mandella effect being true.  The recent terrorist attack that killed 4 people the day before, increased Trump approval rating from 40% to 99%…  Trump read own tweet and now he also believed 100% cause he thinks he is smartest person in world.

Talking to himself he tweeted “Mandella your dead!”….but this was also the day Morgan Freemon died….Uhh ohh….BIG MISTAKE!  Most americans confused the two, that prison movie in 90s with morgan freeman confused many things.  150 million phones buzzed across nation as is case 3 times a day when Trump tweets…half looking to laugh and half looking to cry they looked at the tweet or would soon.

Being that the Mandella Effect was believed by nearly everyone, even more than flat earth…Instantly everyone that read this thought it meant to say “This is Mandella Effect, you are dead!” or “Incoming message from CERN particle accelerator: You are dead!”. 

Since CERN is bad, Trump’s badly worded tweet is believed to be saying to population that the Mandella Effect is trying to say to them that they are dead which makes them think they should be alive. 


They dont want to be changed by the bad CERN machine and be alive, so they must be die….Dont want science or scary magic to change them!  So they can be what they were before CERN changed them?  I think..?  Common sense really..


…immediatly people jumped out windows or reached for nearest objects to kill themselves. It was similar to the movie “The happening”….People are very scared of Mandella effect, they dont want to be changed by its dark science or dark magic.  They trust Trump, they think he is telling them that the Mandella Effect made them alive, since it just told them they are dead now.  Very very scary, people want to go back…to how they were before tweet, which is dead…

A couple seconds later, Trump looked at his own message and immediately started stabbing himself in the neck with a pen…secret service ran over, stopped this, and saved him. One of the secret service got up looked at his computer, read message, and put gun to his head and pulled trigger. The other secret service screams, its that “nelson mandella black magic! Don’t read it….” One secret service covered his eyes, to try to edit tweet without reading…he couldn’t do it, he just had to see what it said. It was more irresistible than a double penetration video and an ISIS beheading video…He turned around and jumped out window impaling himself on fence. The final secret service ran to change it, didn’t look, but just had to click back button after changing it, to change it back briefly so he could see what it said he shot self too.

The post was still up, Donald Trump was the only one in the room…Injured but still moving he realized since he had already forgotten what he wrote, he got up to edit message.  He knew it was bad so he used presidental leader powers to not look at what he wrote.The fate of over a hundred million americans rested in his hand….He looked out window he just saw it raining bodies out of DC’s tallest building, people grabbing glass to slit throats, people drowning themselves on the Washington mall….that scene from Forest Gump where Gump runs toward Jenny through same water flashed through his mind…he smiled, he knew what must be done.


He had to edit it, millions had already killed themselves, before editing it he had to see how many people killed themselves and uploaded it first, he went to his favorite subreddit the “Look at me mah! Im suiciding!” and “Thats what I call suicide 2(no guns allowed)” which was only suicides because guidelines was it had to only be posts of personal suicide and other one was posts of someone else suicide with no guns…

.He saw that it had gone up to 2 million on both forums, yesterday it was 30,000 post altogether. Time was ticking he had to make sure he watched a very sad and exciting suicide video before changing tweet.  He had to also first see what the most popular suicide video was, it was man walking into a propellers, a man just punching himself to death…all the ones on this subreddit were lame, plus not many people had cameras onto auto upload and always on when reading tweet…not many videos, all selfie suicides which are lame…and no good views, no third person…all downvoted… He had to atleast see one good suicide before doing his hard work for the day and editing twitter post….


He went to other subreddit which is for friends filming friends suiciding….It was very trending and super hot.  Everyone watch these cause its so very sad….He finally found one which was a couple standing over a volcanic pool of lava, the wife reads message, the man noticed her running toward lava….in an act of bravery he pulls out his cellphone to film her right when she is leapiong into the lava, she is melting down and screaming in pool of lava.


She screams…”I’m dead I’m dead, please make me not alive. CERN please CERN make my particles collide into wht they should be!!”.

The camera is shaking in video somewhat, but not totally uncontrollably…he is keeping his cool while he videostapes his wife melt away till its just her head. and under his breathing muttering “Omg, my youtube channel gonna be go famous!” then justifies filming it cause it was for the greater good and she die anyways. …you then see him say “hmm…very sad, but that was just epic…she would want me to be famous on youtube and facebook”…he looks at wife’s phone, then you hear “OMG”, his automatic instant reaction is too uncontrollabley run opposite direction and jump off the cliff of the edge of the volcano…Like his animal instinct was aware that video already had wife die in lava and needed to make it better by jumping off cliff too…natural selection in digital age probably.  he is falling through air screaming “Make me dead please I scared I alive I need to be dead nelson mandella plz…I don’t want gold leg I want silver leg!” …he hits ground, camera rolls out of his hand, viewing the perfect shot of his dead body, broken bones jutting out and blood pouring out of face. This was even better than the videos of the Syrian homosexuals getting thrown off the building in Aleppo by Al-Nusra according to Trump, not cause gay though cause not many videos of people hitting ground being thrown from roof so close to camera….9.11 didnt show up close, not same thing.  Gets 96% upvote on reddit, instant classic for america….IMBD gives like 8.7

Trump upvotes the best and most disturbing video he ever sees, he gets a sandwich, he comes back and has figured out what to say…He goes onto twitter and types “OMG, how sad, (link)….Volcanoes should not kill people like this! One burned and one fell, we need barriers at top of these and also a bunch of water to put in lava to make it not so hot so people don’t die in lava! Approve bill congress plz! also I thi..”. Its a crisis situation, he has watched a video so disturbing he has run over the character limit. He makes another tweet to finish it “…s was most likely due to the Chinese making more volcanoes have lava to make it appear its global warming. Oh wait they all dead already, ok it Mexicans then”

Happy with his logical analysis on why volcanoes are so bad from seeing most epic video ever….he looks out window, sees dead floating bodies in the pool on mall has tripled….he gets binoculars, he zooms in, he sees that someone dropped an American flag on the ground before jumping in pool to die, he jumps in his helicopter to fly 2 blocks to mall, he gets U.S. flag, he gets back on Twitter and says “If you are going to kill yourself because you should already be dead, please atleast fold flag nicely”. A genius responds, I saw a flag on ground too president, please stop people from dropping flags when they kill self!”…he realizes he has to do something…he asks general what city to nuke, general says he doesn’t know….

Trump is at the most critical part of presidency, and he finally after 25 minutes of dilly dallying does the most important and intelligent thing he has ever done…He realized when he typed .”Mandella your dead” it was interpertated by him and everyone as “Mandella effect: your dead”. Trump only says facts, no fake news…that is a fact he typed…it was a typo though it meant something else, about morgan freeman the person dying in Shawshank redemption.

so everyone believed they should be dead and the mandella effect made it so they were alive. Not wanting to edit it knowing that editting a tweet shows him as weak leader, he decides to post another tweet….this was the pure genius, the most somewhat clever thing he ever did, he made another tweet that said “Mandella Its April 1rst”…bodies still killing outside windows he notices… and then another “Mandella April fools!” …people still jumping out windows he observes…and then in a last ditch effort before he goes to his scheduled brunch meeting with himself he tries the hardest he has ever tried before and types “First Mandella comment was april fools joke!”. The bodies stop piling up in dc streets, there is calm on the reflective pool from nobody else drowning themselves. It worked!

His brain and head hurt more than hole in his neck, he just proved that he was smarter than anyone expected. America would rally around him for 2 days. Everyone in process of killing themselves stopped, even those falling out of skyscrapers still in the air, unfortunately their suicides would not be top views in news or on youtube since 9/11 made this boring now. Out of the 5 million that suicide, about 2.5 million of these were uploaded to youtube…..Trump sent condolences to families of those who died and it was filmed, since he watched every one…rotten tomatoes and metacritic had to start listing suicide youtube videos, IMBD too….There were so many good videos now of horrible suicides…the suicide crisis was over, nobody would ever kill give more shit about a celebrity just cause they suicide now, it would be just like a normal celebrity death…America had defeated ISIS too, they were not scared of behading videos or people being set on fire…since so many people did this to themselves in an act against muslims it was declared by Trump…

Nothing could phase America, nothing! Every horrible death imaginable had been witnessed…..even someone skydiving, who pulls phone charger out of bag, and then strangles himself to death right before hitting the ground. Timing was was so sad though, trump tweeted later…..People blamed air or gravity I think.Trump was being most productive ever had been….at least 20 tweets a day, starting with “So sad.. and “condolences to family #RIPmandellaeffectHeroes”" then blaming whoever or whatever for killing someone in middle.

America had sealed its own fate though….America seems that it would never be destroyed or scared again. Not even a top celebrity blowing their brains out on youtube would be gigantic news…even if it like well filmed and it like michael jackson level celebrity, I mean it would be biggest issue of the months cause its a celebrity, but nothing special. This type of desensitization would increase violence and bloodshed when war did break, and it made it so violence against dogs were so much worse than violence to humans online…..A dog dying online would drive the country even more made then it currently was!


Next chapter…stay tuned…  


THE DOG DAYS OVER – The youtube video of a slaying of Petulia the dog and her owners – How it sent a nation into shock and tore USA in half- 95% die. proof.

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    • TheJeffness

      Good….It make more sense if I post other chapters first since it slowly builds. Country gets more retarded year after year….I post this first because I think BIN like this more. First chapers boring since explain to normal peeps….I could post chapter 7 after, it helps explain the chapter 9 about Petulia the Dog being like the archduke of Austria-Hungary of 21rst century. Cats not as important cause chapter 7 is about the great and divisive liberal vs conservative “Cat vs Dog debate”. Eventually everyone settles on dogs, dogs are like only thing holding nation together….murder of dog by Mexican leads to war, cause conservative think liberals hiding Mexican so they bomb them…liberals actually deported them for dog incident though. War chapters very good

      Masterpiece 100%. All written like this rambling. Written in 2154 by historian he discover a facebook datacenter relic, and brings new perspective…people type like this, not good authors, because society was destroyed…people slowly becoming less retarded. Very good you like, tell me what chapter plz. #bestbookever2154. I time traveler by way that why I type here, we get alien time machine…proof 100%

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