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There are zombies among us

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“When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth”


note this report shows how a parasite type virus can alter the brain , governments have been experimenting on people  through vaccinations and other horrible means this report below has been known to the powers at b (belzebub) for years. I believe there is a real zombie virus out there and not just one(the worst one will have a super rabies type infection in it). How else can you explain how the average person roughly 50% of the population  as Alex Jones says are functionally lobotomized and have an acute version of cognitive dissonance to the extent they have no critical thinking skills whatsoever and ridicule those who do.

At that stage though the mind can still recover if it desires to get the truth and learning again. But in this silent zombie Phase those awake and those infected still behave similarly this will come to an end soon. I believe the infection has been happening for years, it is also a spiritual phenomenon.

“The worse thing about being cursed is you dont know you are cursed.”

The survivors of any zombie outbreak will be those who are awake as those with weak minds will be overcome more quickly and have absolutely no immunity  to such things. They will be vulnerable because they cant do anything for themselves they will sit in fear waiting for the government to do something  until they realize there is no one coming to help. They will very quickly become nasty brute beasts robbing and killing these will be the humans who will make up the majority of the zombie horde.

In the tribulation which is coming one effect of the mark of the beast will be like this report said below it will have a parasitic effect on the brain. People will become a host for demons and not only hate god with a fervor never seen in history worse than before the flood will become cruel and prone to all kinds of depravity they will delight in it.

Vampires are already among us

this woman gets her strength from drinking human blood her dna has been changed. a normal person needs food to sustain it this woman needs blood. How did she become like this. When society brakes down and she gets Hungry will she roam the streets looking for victims to satisfy her lust for blood. If she does not get blood she will die. This is a real state of being Vampirism is real and no longer a myth or legend.

click link for video

after the tribulation this will become a very common site

people who are into werewolves and want to be wolves. when the tribulation begens will these people be unleashed.

There will be several types of zombie virus people themselves in some cases will be like the creatures in the movies. Some will be intelligent vampires others shambling creatures brain dead but vicious and hungry and others will be mutated super beings. Yes it sounds crazy but lets not forget morgellons disease which turns the host into a walking  synthetic fiber producing  factory. The fibres grow and cause painful lesions. is this not in the bible for those who take the mark. 

morgellons through chem trails causing parasites in the body-brain  to create zombie hive mind.

This is one of the many zombie plagues to come. There will be many such things never seen before. The devils though know whats coming and have incorporated into popular culture so we celebrate like morons our own demise and a fate worse than death.

the report below shows how parasites effect the host brains and how viruses can change or modify human behavior.With all the vaccines been given to children and adults this would explains a  lot in the behavior of modern day people.

with brain eating vaccines now available what about the effects on human behavior in the mid to long term.

Media Now Promoting Brain Eating Vaccines

Table 1. Clinical Characteristics of the Three Principal Frontal Lobe Syndromes

Orbitofrontal syndrome (disinhibited)

Disinhibited, impulsive behavior (pseudopsychopathic)
Inappropriate jocular affect, euphoria
Emotional lability
Poor judgment and insight

Frontal convexity syndrome (apathetic)

Apathy (occasional brief angry or aggressive outbursts common)
Psychomotor retardation
Motor perseveration and impersistence
Loss of self
Stimulus-bound behavior
Discrepant motor and verbal behavior
Motor programming deficits

Poor word list generation 
Poor abstraction and categorization
Segmented approach to visuospatial analysis

Medial frontal syndrome (akinetic)

Paucity of spontaneous movement and gesture
Sparse verbal output (repetition may be preserved)
Lower extremity weakness and loss of sensation

There are zombies among us

Forget free will – many of us could be taking orders from the parasites inside our brains, reports Jerome Burne


Good hosts: hiding in the brain lets parasites influence behaviour while being shielded from our immune system

Imagine a parasite that lodges in the brain and starts to exert a sinister influence over your behaviour. It affects how sexy you feel, or how angry or frightened, even how you dress. Not only does such a creature exist – but it may have infected up to 40 per cent of the population.

Perhaps the most famous example of such “zombie reprogramming” (or neuroparasitology, to give it its proper name) comes from a parasitic wasp that attaches its eggs to the belly of an orb spider. Larvae emerge and release chemicals that zombify the spider, which stops spinning its normal spiral web and instead starts producing a cocoon to hold the baby wasps when they emerge.

Then there is a parasitic fungus called Ophiocordyceps. After being infected with its spores, the Camponotus ant, found in the Brazilian rainforest, develops an unsteady gait, wandering off its normal paths. The creature has become compelled to find a remarkably precise location: a tree about 25cm above the usual ant trails, facing northwest. At noon, it will clamp its jaws on to a leaf in a death grip. Within six hours, it will be dead. A few days later, a tube will sprout from the ant’s head. This is the fruiting body of the fungus that emits the spores, which will infect a new generation of ants.

Worms can do it, too. One species needs to get inside a sheep to reproduce – so it hijacks the brain of another type of ant, which it programmes to climb to the top of a blade of grass every evening and hold on tight. It remains there through the night, waiting for a grazing sheep to eat it. If it’s still there in the morning, it climbs down to avoid being burnt by the sun. But in the evening, the alien instructions take over and it climbs up again.

Scientists are only beginning to understand how such parasites’ controlling abilities evolved – but what is clearer is how they pull off some of the stages. Prof David Hughes, an entomologist at Pennsylvania State University, discovered that one of the chemicals produced by Ophiocordyceps had the power to destroy mitochondria, living creatures’ cellular “power stations”. Once the ants’ jaws lock on to the leaf, they don’t have the energy to unlock them.

Joanne Webster, professor of parasite epidemiology at Imperial College London, explains that many parasites favour the brain, “because it shelters them from the full fury of the immune system”. But, she says, “it also gives them direct access to the machinery to alter the host’s behaviour”.

And those hosts include humans – raising all sorts of tricky questions about whether we are in control of our actions. For example, there is a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, which is found in domestic cats, and is estimated to infect 350,000 people a year in Britain. Its effect on humans became the obsession of Jaroslav Flegr, professor of evolutionary biology at Charles University in Prague, who linked it with disturbed behaviours such as reckless driving and a greater risk of suicide.

Unlike the zombified ants and spiders, humans aren’t the intended target of “Toxo”. It can only reproduce in the intestines of cats (new spores are expelled in their faeces). So the parasite’s brain-manipulating powers are focused on getting back inside a cat – and making its host behave in ways that boosts its chances of being eaten.

Rats infected with Toxo, as scientists at Imperial College discovered, actually like the smell of cat urine, instead of being terrified by it. And studies at Stanford University in California have revealed the neural changes that lay behind this transformation. Toxo – which comes in the form of tiny single-celled cysts – was clustered in two areas of the brain: those controlling fear and pleasure. Pathways that normally responded to the smell of cat urine with alarm had been damped down, while the pleasure hormone dopamine, normally released in response to female rodent urine, was now triggered by the whiff of cat. Most recently, researchers have shown that Toxo’s DNA includes two genes that boost dopamine production.

“in my practice, I’ve seen how people have allowed their humanity to drain away. Only it happened slowly instead of all at once. They didn’t seem to mind…All of us – a little bit – we harden our hearts, grow callous. Only when we have to fight to stay human do we realize how precious it is to us, how dear.”

Dr. Miles Bennell”  invasion of the body snatchers.

Human brains have plenty of similarities with those of rats and mice, suggesting that the greater number of car crashes among those with Toxo infection could be due to it damping fear responses. But while female rats show that they find infected males much sexier, the clear effect on humans is to reinforce certain sexual stereotypes. Infected men become introverted, suspicious and more likely to wear rumpled old clothes, but infected woman are just the opposite: in one study, they were usually well dressed when they arrived at the lab for interviews, and also more trusting and sociable.

Do any other microbes provoke similar changes? The leading candidate so far is one of the most common in the world – influenza. Researchers at Binghamton University in New York State, using the ’flu vaccine as a proxy for infection, recorded the behaviour of 36 academic staff two days before, and two days after, getting a jab.

The result was astonishing. Before the vaccination, according to the journal Annals of Epidemiology, they interacted with an average of 54 people a day; afterwards it shot up to 101. Yet the amount of time they actually spent with each person plummeted – from 33 to 2.5 minutes. “Subjects who normally had very limited or simple social lives,” said one researcher, “were suddenly deciding they needed to go out to bars or parties” – the perfect places for a virus to find new hosts.

This may sound terrifying, or at the least unnerving, but there is much that researchers hope to learn from such infections: for example, understanding the way they rewire emotional circuits could provide valuable insights when developing psychiatric drugs. Even zombies, it seems, may have their uses.


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