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Transcribed Video of Larry Nichols Interview

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I transcribed this because people need to have something to pass onto people who don’t have time to listen.  Pass this on.  It is not a perfect translation, some words were left out, but the markers show the approximate time on the video to re-listen to that segment.


Important:  If you are a Democrat, Libertarian, or Independent who wants to vote for Trump in the primaries, if you are not registered as a Republican already, you may not be able to do it.  Find out your state rules and register now!




Larry Nichols, Clinton insider


Obama campaigning to replace Moon at the UN, Secretary General there

Like we told you months ago, watch for Joe Biden.  He is running.  It is called a ghost campaign, he is not in the race, but he is in it.  All that is going on now that should be of interest to everybody is Hillary.  Obama has apparently unleashed the dog on Hillary.

Obama has become expressing vocally he would love to be SG of the UN

That is where Joe Biden comes in.

If Obama can get Loretta Lynch in the FBI to file a criminal indictment against Hillary, a federal criminal indictment against Hillary, she will be forced to suspend her campaign.  When she does, guess what, he’s got Biden ready to go


and if Biden gets President, one of Biden’s first acts will be to appoint, guess who, Barack Obama, Secretary General of the UN, now if Hillary gets it, she will appoint Bill, and she has made that quite clear to all the insiders.  They know what Hillary is up to.  I know because of what we did in 1986, that plan has worked out.  If Hillary gets it within 6 months of her taking office she will make Bill ambassador to the UN and within 6 months of that because of the work that they have done through the Clinton Foundation


to grease the UN and all of those countries, smaller countries, he will be made the Secretary General  (SG) and then their dream will be complete, they will be made the most powerful couple

in the history of the world.  Conversely, Obama sees being SG of the UN, that would make him the overall leader of Islam worldwide.


5:00 All Joe Biden has to do is set back, there is no reason for Joe Biden to get in the race for President now, he needs to wait until Hillary is forced to step down in the race, then he would get in.  Now, let me say this, and he would run against Sanders

That is if Hillary steps down from a……..federal, criminal, indictment, you have to include all those words

The way they have it planned, to be perfect, is that Hillary would run all the way through the primary, she would win, she is now the nominee, and then comes the federal criminal indictment, then she is forced to step down and at that point, the DP, Executive Committee, would decide the pick for President.  So she would get it two ways


if she gets indicted earlier, Biden would have to run a little bit of a campaign against Sanders, but if they can hold it off until she wins the primary, then the Executive committee would pick him

Joe Biden can be picked through an Executive Committee

in the DP if the candidate they choose is forced to step down, then it is incumbent upon the EC to choose who will be the replacement candidate, and that would be Joe Biden


if she gets indicted she has to suspend her campaign, she can’t run under a criminal, federal indictment, she has to step down then or set aside her campaign until that is resolved but of course a criminal, federal indictment would take months and years until it was adjudicated so she would never get back in


Trump has a problem, but know this, if members of this audience want to vote for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, whatever, if they are not registered now as a Republican, here is the catch-22, here is the trick that Carl Rove has for them, you have to get in touch with your state, not the state election board, you have to get in touch with the state party rules and it will tell you when you must register as a republican to be able to vote in this primary

I had a lady call me she was going to vote Republican so she could vote for Trump, 2 hours later she called me, in NJ, if you plan to vote for Trump or Cruz, you have to register to the Republican Party 55 days before the primary

Oklahoma have primary on Super Tuesday, OK, you have to register 24 days prior to the primary election,

you have until Feb 5 to register as a R, if you don’t meet the rules in the state, you can vote for Trump, or Cruz, or whatever, but your vote won’t count

in Trump’s case 30-50% of the votes will not count


just think about Cruz, simple numbers, let’s say he is 30% in the polls, if the people don’t qualify to vote, and get registration in time, he could be at 15% when you take out the votes that can’t be counted

so much of Trump’s vote is made up of people who are L, I, D, or people who have not registered and all of those people must comply with their state’s rules

In OK, how many days until Feb 5? 


Obviously, a lot of the military people cannot register to get vote counted.

It is rigged

you hear the R leadership saying we are trying to build the party…that is a lie, they don’t want you in the party, the party is kept exclusively for the hard-core R that if they nominated Al Capone, they would vote for him, if you have a mind of your own, you are not welcome in the R party


It is hard for people to understand or mentally digest, but Karl Rove, and all of the old ilks, if it comes down to Trump vs Hillary, they would rather that you vote for Hillary, because they want the system as it is

these are the rules that keep the two parties in place, they don’t want others in


if it were anybody but BHO who has the power that he has over the FBI and the AG, there is no way that Hillary would be indicted, you have seen that with the email scandal, they are not going to prosecute her, it was Hillary’s people who brought it up

what happens if she does get prosecuted, attorney will say we need all these emails as part of our defense, then it will be said that it is top secret, the judge will give it a non pros

we have a wrinkle, we have Obama, he doesn’t need her to be prosecuted, he just needs her to file the indictment, he just needs her indicted, get her out of the race and then move Joe Biden in

you heard this in the President’s SOTU, remember when he was going to sic Joe on curing cancer, that is how they buy votes, he is saying they will cure it with Joe behind the wheel, anybody suffering from that are going to try to get Biden in and a lot of people will vote for Biden for hope

It’s the same thing for both parties that has been for years and years and years

anybody who thinks the economy is in great shape like he has said, I guarantee you will not go many houses down your street until you find some family that is out of work

in a thriving economy that is not the case


Absolutely, just imagine, look at the US, since Obama has been made President look how Islam has spread, look how it has grown, just in the UN, now imagine that worldwide, imagine what Obama can do for ISIS, Al Quada, Iran, as SG for Islam, my God, he could turn the whole globe in its ear and make it very hard for Christians all over the world

this is serious, this is the last election, I promise you, that we will have, now let me qualify that we may have an election, they have them in Russia, in Cuba, if Obama does not get a crisis, in a crisis, he can trigger the FEMA provisional government, that basically makes him king, he is able to invoke martial law and he is able to become king, so if he does that it is over for us now

if he is not able to do that, then what happens after this election is simple, there will be 30 – 50 million illegal Mexicans and Islamic refugees brought in from all over and they are going to be able to vote if they have a driver’s license


remember what happens, under a FEMA provisional government, our form of government is gone, and the FPG sets this nation up as the 16th century European stuff, if he becomes king, he gets to make all the rules, the Constitution is set aside, what would keep him from saying I am President/King and I have also decided that I will hold the title of SG to the UN, there is no Congress to stop him

During the SOTU, when he was talking about talking bad, you know, talking bad about Islam or Muslims, think about it folks, that doesn’t do any good


when he said that, he didn’t mention any other religion or faith, why didn’t he say talking bad about Mexicans, he didn’t mention anyone but Muslims, he is obsessed and as a Muslim he has to be obsessed, because that is how that faith is

the situation is dire, I am just stating the facts and the options that are there.


Joe Biden is definitely a Communist, he may not be card-carrying, but he aspires to a form of government that is more Communist, socialist,

with Cruz, it is coming out, I knew it would


Ted Cruz’s wife is an executive with Goldman Sachs and that is more damaging that the fact that he was not born in America, when your audience are made aware that his wife is a corporate executive with GMS, and she has not resigned, she has taken a leave of absence, and we are saying, oh, no, the same thing all over again, big bank, big money


Trump is the one person, the one person in this race that breaks the model of the system that has ruled us for years and years and years.  He has the money on his own to pay for his election.  He does not hide the fact that he is rich. 


You know that has been the flaw in our government for years, we have the best government that money can buy, but we the people can’t buy it any more.  About 160 people control 80-90% of all funds put into national political campaigns


that’ why Trump, last night there was a debate, and I bet you that very few people if any at all saw the trick that you and I know

and what that was for those of you that watched the debate, and however you think it came out

there was one thing

if you look at how the candidates made the main stage

the RNC and Fox said they did it fairly by the polls

they said they didn’t discriminate, except for one thing, Rand Paul, Rand Paul is higher in the polls than Jeb Bush and by the announced rules and criteria, Rand Paul should have been on the main stage and Jeb Bush on the undercard debate and look at what happened

but here’s the reality, all Jeb Bush, under the old standard without Donald Trump, Jeb Bush would be the nominee for the RNC, because they always make sure their candidate has all the money and then they allow the Romper Room effect, all come in to run and then drop out one by one by one

Jeb Bush, even if he doesn’t command a popular support, the other candidates are going to go broke

think what these candidates are spending in NH, plane tickets, busses, they are spending millions of dollars in Iowa and NH, and either they get a big boost and then they are in the running seriously, or they are out

we can love a candidate to death, the people can love a candidate, but if they don’t have money, they can’t stay the course

then you start doing flyovers, candidates at the end of the season have to see what states they don’t think  they can win and they don’t spend a dime, they fly over them, they go to state after state where they think they have a shot and hope that a victory here and a victory there, people might contribute again, but they don’t


you and I and what we like and what we believe we have very little say, it is those with the money who pick the ones we get to vote for, that is why I say Trump, Trump

there is no doubt that if Donald Trump wins the general election, he will run into congress and the Supreme Court and they will fight him tooth and nail but DT will do the one thing I believe we need, he will endorse putting the power back to the state’s rights and that is the only hope we have, states’ rights


no, no, this is our last election, there may be other elections, but your vote, my vote, the average American, the average every day middle-class American will not be relevant in the next election

so I say to everybody, get active, and if you are not registered as a Republican, get in there and register as a Republican now, because if you miss the cutoff your vote will not count and we are doomed

nicholslive    at    for donations

I got another announcement, I am going to join you with leadingedge

it is not a program like yours, 5 days a week

go to Rense  1-2  M-F central

will be rebroadcast from Leading Edge radio

it won’t be the entertainment, it will be me talking details, talking things that people must learn


all right, first off, I am going to give you a Biblical reason to vote, God talks more in the Bible of the sin of omission than the sin of commission, by that He means, that if you don’t vote, you did vote, you think it is rigged, you just voted in favor of the rigged system, there is no way out, this is your country, we all have a job, we all have the part that we can do, no I can’t be the host, but I do my part, don’t you dare lay down tonight and say I am not going to vote, because you are voting, you are voting with the system

I get it all the time, my answer is, then don’t come to me and complain when this country goes to hell, don’t you dare come to me, all you have to do is your job, for all of you who think there is nothing we can do, the Revolutionary was was fought by 3-4%, that is all that participated, 96% either didn’t lift a finger or were for the British, the more you become educated, the more you do, the more informed you get, then you can make a decision that can save your country, but don’t you forget, and you put this down in your little Nicholsisms, you don’t vote, or you say you are not going to vote because it is not going to change anything, then don’t go to back and pat yourself on the back saying you are a great Patriot, because you are not


people say the votes are rigged, we can’t rig, let me say that I have rigged more elections than many of you have ever voted in, that is what is different with me in the game, you are going to know how to beat the voting fraud, you are going to learn how to beat rigged voting machines

first of all you have to get involved with your precinct, be a poll watcher

get a poll watcher there

when that happens from now to the election, I will show you how to spot it and how to expose it

we have never had anyone who is on the inside who has helped fixed elections to help unfix one, that is why they hate me

who are the top three people you hear from keeping Hillary from getting elected, who do you fear the most?  Larry Nichols

all the pundits you see on Fox, you never see me

pound for pound, since Bill’s election, nobody has told more things that have come to past than I did

one many got a President impeached, I did

if you don’t think I have credibility ask Bill why he wrote about me in his memoirs and it was not good

there are things we are going to do, we have to have an army

I am recruiting right now who wants to join the army, who wants to be a patriot, who


for all of you that want to use the lame excuse, I am scared, I am afraid to get on the list, if you haven’t looked, you are already on the list, it will be more scarey if they haven’t done something

I am out there and I am the one that says these things and if they want to come after someone, tell them to come get me

when Loretta Lynch said that goofy thing about prosecute

I said Lynch, prosecute me, I talk bad about Islam,

thy don’t come after me

you never see anyone justifying Islam as peace, have you ever heard one of them say get a Koran, and read for yourself

I am willing to do that


when I die I don’t want to go before my Lord and Saviour and him ask me what did you do to protect the greatest nation on earth

I don’t want to stand before him and say, I never did anything

be proud of being an American

we are so close to losing the very gene connection in our genes to our Founding Fathers

we just need to band together

all the talk show hosts need to quit fighting

Final thoughts

please, everyone, pass the word, put it out, put out the word, that if people plan to vote in the Republican party, for the candidate of their choice, if they are not registered publically as a Republican get down and do it now and check with the party of your state for verification of the rules, because if you miss the state’s deadline, it is not easy to find out

you will get run around ten million miles

is that too much to ask of people?

Go on and register now

it is all connected to the primary, and that is what we are talking about

the state party rules, the R party in your state sets the rules for the primary

the primaries are controlled by the state parties and that is what you got to find out

if you are in OK and if your state has the primary election on super Tuesday, you don’t have many days at all to get registered as a Republican

to donate to Larry Nichols


nicholslive   at

Larry will be on Leading Edge radio network  Nichols Live from 1 pm central until 2 pm

It will be picked up and rebroadcast by Leading Edge

come to the program


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