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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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If You Even Intimate “The noose is Tightening on the Global Economy” MSM Will Fry You. Video: Watch Peter Schiff Burn Before the 2008 Crash

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This is worth wading through:

The investment world has a distinctly short attention span. Frankly, it is a necessity. If day traders, hedge funds and other horses in the carousel actually had to look beyond the next week of market activity or look back at market history in comparison to today, then they would not be able to retain their blind optimism, which is exactly what is necessary for them to continue functioning. If they were all to look at the global financial situation:ntervention alone that drives equities and bond markets; it is the naive faith and willful ignorance of average market participants.

There is a problem with this kind of economic model, however. Reality is never kept in check indefinitely. Fiscal truths will be exposed, one way or another. How does one know when this full spectrum shift in awareness will occur? Well, there’s no science to help us with that. While basic economics is subject to the forces of supply, demand and mathematical inevitability, human psychology is another matter entirely. In the past I have made a point to outline similarities in responses to various economic crises. For example, the media response and public perception at the onset of the Great Depression was a highly unfortunate exercise in false optimism. The response just before the credit crash of 2008 by the media and the masses was much the same. It is interesting to note in particular that the mainstream media tends to become more over-the-top in its certainty of economic stability the closer the system comes to collapse. That is to say, the closer we come to financial crisis, the more violently the mainstream media attacks people who suggest that danger is on the horizon. First, take a look at the following attempts by the media to embarrass or silence analysts like Peter Schiff just before the crash of 2007/2008: Now, take a look at this attempt by CNBC to attack Bill Fleckenstein for having the audacity to question the validity of current stock values and pointing out that the Federal Reserve is destroying the economy rather than repairing it. MORE AT THE SOURCE:

Just in passing: 

A meme, is a new idea, tune, phrase, image or even a set of rules that subtly enters a spoken language, usually via the Internet. Memes can and do alter the original intentions of commonly used words and phrases. Political organizations invent memes for use as persuaders as do the makers of high-pressure advertising videos that pop up unasked for underneath the window you’re working in and stealing a portion of your bandwidth while offering impossibly quick money if you buy their trading program or use their ‘free digital trading secrets’ that end up costing several thousand. One extremely powerful meme is the idea that banks can take deposit charges from you for that service while also taking the money they earn on the interest they take when lending out those deposits of yours, which are in fact loans to the bank. All of this has replaced the the original memes that insisted that banking was a two-way street – you got paid for lending the bank money and the bank made money lending out your deposits. Today the phrase, ‘win-win’ comes to mind here. “The lender that charges less” and the “lowest charges in the world” are wonderful memes that assume charges are universally accepted as part of the scene, which they now are. What better way to make money than buying and selling debt, that great albatross hanging from the neck of every nation on the planet today? Usury is theft. We must never forget that – Tom Dennen

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