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2011-02-19 - The Lilly Wave - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-02-19




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  The Lily Effect – Your TV is against you





Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “Do Automatons Dream of Electric Women?” and perhaps the idea that we are, you and I, actually living one entire lifetime in a single afternoon.


That we are – again, you and I – students at university, and right now, we are both plugged into a living machine, a computer that allows us to live lifetime after lifetime in the course of our education, and still only be nineteen years old at the end of the day.


And that – again, “perhaps” that the program is broken, infected, hacked, and something has gone terribly wrong, so instead of an education that are parents paid for – we are being tortured by the very sub-routines, the “guardians” placed inside the living machine to guide us – to provoke us into certain actions.


All of which we will be graded on DURING the training – in other words, while we are living this “lifetime” and are also being test on what we have learned WHILE we are inside of the machine!


If any of this is true, it’s a heck of an idea – that has gone terribly wrong.


Tonight, I thought we would chat about the “Lily Effect” also known as the Lilly Wave”


Again, its something that our Masters have been using against us, to control us, for many years now, and if you have ANY doubt about this, just watch little children, and way too many adults, as they watch their regularly broadcast television shows – their favorite programs.


In fact – and just for the fun of it – set your digital camera to “no flash” and take pictures of the faces of your family, your friends, as they watch their favorite television program on regular broadcast TV.


Then, look at the pictures later, and decide for yourself.


I have seen it all my life – which is why I stopped watching broadcast TV years ago – well, that and the fact that every fifteen minutes there would be some overpaid wanta-be actor on-camera screaming about the next terrible horror that should have us vomiting in terror. 


Only to be followed – fifteen minutes later – by yet ANOTHER horror that should glue us to the floor, unable to run from the sheer terror of it all.


And if you are paying attention – between the bouts of vomiting and gluing – and you manage to flip between the various news channels, the very next thing you will discover is that ALL OF THE NEWS IS THE SAME, AND BEING READ AT THE SAME TIME ON VERY CHANNEL!


I guess the idea of “subtle” is long gone.


When I was very young – and I am 52 years old now – I remember when the government was actually afraid of the people. 


Our Masters walked VERY carefully then. 


They still had all the plans they have today, but they were VERY cautious, VERY careful, and if they got caught, they actually ran for cover!


But the thing you have to know, that you have to realize, is that even when we catch our Masters doing foul and despicable things to us – changing our laws to make us even more “cattle-like” – even more “their property”, and we manage to “knock them back three paces” they don’t mind, because they actually had four steps – and even though we knocked them back those four steps in their plans, they have stilled gained by one!


And that is all they wanted to do – forty years ago.


But today, subtle is gone. 


Our Masters are now fearless, and part of the reason – besides the drugging of the American people with food additives, food coloring, food filler, artificial sweeteners – nothing but drugs, and battery acid -  all of which makes us sick, and gives us hallucinations (remember – poison the body, poison the mind) they have yet OTHER toys they like to play with.


For example, the Lily Wave.


It was proven years ago – back in the 1940’s – that certain frequencies cause the human brain to go into a trance, create a state of “Somnambulance” (somnambulant) – making you VERY susceptible to suggestion, to make you docile – to turn your brain off.


This is what the Lily Effect, the Lily Wave is – and it’s not just in your television any more.


If you know an electric engineer, ask them to check the frequency of the electricity coming into your house, running through your telephone, and see if it matches the frequency of your television set. 


You will find – they are all the same.


Look up the works of Dr. John C. Lily – a true genius in every sense of the world (he even petitioned the UN to give dolphins equal rights with human beings! – my kinda guy) who mapped the pathways of the human brain, – he knew what to simulate in order to get a reaction – or in this case – no reaction at all.


There is a very nice obituary on Dr. Lily on this website:


John Cunningham Lilly, M.D.


I do not know why – but when I read about Dr. John C. Lily, I think about “Walter” the mad scientist – the genius on the television program “Fringe”.  I would bet money that the producers pasted their character on Doctor Lily.  Why?  I have no idea – its just a “feeling” I get.


And remember, I am ALWAYS wrong when its something “good” – and I am ALWAYS right when its something “terrible.”


And yes, I am a lot of fun at parties.


And “Yes”, I do watch TV – but nowadays only online or DVD. 


I do try watching the TV in Europe – and for some reason it doesn’t bother me too much – if you can get past my really bad German!




Now – equipment manufacturers and TV engineers have known this – the effect that the Lily Wave has on normal people – and they have even tried to change the frequency that your television set uses – and they were turned down flat.




Because the government (our Masters) use “subliminal” programming – and they broadcast it over – and under – your regular TV shows.


You are being programmed as you watch your favorite TV show.  You are being made docile and receptive to ANY subliminal commands our Masters want you to have.


It was almost tragically sad – and laughable – as the US Congress pushed through a LAW (and in desperation!) that ALL USA based television broadcasters MUST broadcast TV shows in high-definition by a certain date or they would loose their license).  And that the US Government (you and me) would PAY THE BILL FOR THE CONVERSION!


Again, not much in the way of subtle anymore.


So, you are getting High definition television – with the Lily Wave – shutting down the higher functions of your brain, and subliminal messages are then fed directly into your sub-conscious.


You are a vegetable.


If you remember that we chatted about the fact that we are – all of us – part of a living computer (whether this world is  real or artificial), and that we are – each of us – a radio broadcasting and receiving station.


And that whenever we meet each other – even to saying “hi” to a stranger on the street – we are transmitting and receiving gigabytes of information per second.


We are all parts of a computer, and our Masters know this.


And his is how we can transfer, infect, poison one another with “mind viruses” – subconscious programming that makes us afraid, terrified, fearful, simple, passive, obedient, weak, spineless. Stupid.


And so the new high definition television programs are a way to directly feed whatever programming our Masters want into our mind. 


You, in turn, reinforce what you have been programmed with to whomever you then meet – friend or stranger.


Too much information for one day?


I agree.


And you can check all of this out for yourselves.


Start with taking photos of the faces of people just watching TV.


If that is not enough to frighten you – then frankly – nothing is.


But please, have a Plan.  Our civilization is over, its time to run for the hill!


You know that we here are The 2012 fad have a Plan, and its working.  Slowly we are making headway, and soon, our home, The Village, will be a reality, and soon after that, we will be closing our doors, and hoping for the best, for all of us.


For all of us here at, this is Charlie Bluehawk wishing you a really good day, and reminding you to keep a good thought!

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