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2011-02-27 - My friend the Program - The 2012 Fad

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DATE:          2011-02-27




COPYRIGHT:         © copyright 2011 • all rights reserved


TITLE:                  My friend, the Program





Hello, and welcome again to


I will be your host for the evening, my name is Charlie Bluehawk.


Last night, we talked about “Cooked Whale“ and how when our Masters, the Moron Masters, give orders to attack a foreign country – say, Japan – because the Japanese government thought it was important to make the world a better place to live in, by creating cars, for example, that did not use oil, oil being a natural byproduct of the natural function of the Earth (and not dinosaur bits), and by having a stable economy (which means jobs for its people), and by refusing to use Western vaccines and thereby crippling the bodies, and therefore the minds, of its own people.


And for their crimes, the United States Government, owned by British Corporations, which are owned by the Crown of England, a privately owned corporation located in the city of London, and whose major shareholder is the Queen of England, attacked the country of Japan with a weapon that causes earthquakes.


And in causing earthquakes, the high energy beams cooked the waters around the fault line – the fault lines that had to be heated – because when you heat something it expands, and because you are heating a tectonic plate, that is pressed up against another tectonic plate, the only pace you can go is – up..


And those beams that are heating the tectonic plates?  They are cooking full grown whales alive in the cold waters.


And so, as the HAARP weapon powers up – adjusting frequencies for maximum effect – it cooks full grown whales, who – in agony – beach themselves rather then to drown.


Tonight I thought we would again chat about “My friend, the Program.”


If you have listened to my rants, my ravings in the past, you know about the “gay body builder” that I encountered on a bus in Island Bay, which is a suburb of Wellington, in New Zealand. 


I had just seen the movie “Alice in Wonderland” with Johnny Depp, and was amazed by the depth of that film, and even today I will tell you that it is a very significant movie, but I still have no idea why.


Anyway, I’m sitting in the front of the bus, heading downtown, and this very gay body builder gets onto the bus, smiles at the little old lady bus driver, flips out his wallet – complete with bus pass – and wanders to the back of the bus, sitting behind me somewhere.


And how, five minutes later, on the exact same bus, on the exact same day, with the exact same bus driver, the exact same very gay body builder gets onto the bus – again!  And again, smiles at the little old lady bus driver, flips out his wallet – complete with bus pass – and wanders to the back of the bus.


At that time, I did NOT want to know ANYTHING else about this world.  I was tired; I was through, so I did NOT turn around to see how many of “him” there were sitting in the back of the bus.  I just didn’t want to know.


So now today I am in a European city, and it’s the middle of March 2011 – and just a few days ago – I had that exact same experience.




Every few days I leave my room, I stop working for a few hours, and go walk around whatever city I happen to be in at that time. 


My life is very glamorous – I sit inside for days at a time in a small room – usually without even a table or desk  – and I work.


Lots of fun.


Anyway, I am out for a walk, and there is this major boulevard that you CANNOT jaywalk across – there are barriers, street cars, and traffic that is scary – and so, you only cross this boulevard at the crosswalks, and then you keep looking around anyway.


So, now you know the general landscape.


I am walking towards this major boulevard, with the idea of crossing – at the crosswalk, and then checking out the local street markets.  I myself am broke – and so I just go to look – and to have an excuse to stop working for a few hours.


On my way to the boulevard crosswalk, I pass four Americans.


Not surprisingly – this is a major tourist city, and there are folks from countries all over the world. 


That I like. I like lots of different peoples from LOTS of different cultures and societies – it has a very “civilizing” effect that I very much enjoy.


Anyway, these four Americans.  One is an Asian girl who has one foot off the sidewalk and is standing in the street.  They are in their mid-twenties, one black man, the Asian girl, one white guy, and one white girl.


And the Asia girl has out a blue folder, with color inkjet printouts of the city – maps.  And they are arguing over which way they need to go, and having a great time, so I just smile and walk on.


I go to the crosswalk, cross with the light, turn left, and head up the hill towards the street market.


Now, the next place to safely cross this major boulevard is up ahead of me, maybe a eight minute walk.


So, guess who I come across, five minutes later, dead ahead of me, on THIS side of the boulevard?


The SAME four Americans – still standing in exactly same position – The Asian girl has again – one foot off the sidewalk and is standing in the street – mid-twenties, one black man, the Asian girl, one white guy, and one white girl – and the Asian girl has out a blue folder, with color inkjet printouts of the city – maps.  And they are arguing which way they need to go.  And they are arguing and having a great time.


This time, however, I do smile!  As I am over the shock of seeing people REPEATED right in front of my eyes.


But this time, I actually stop, turn around (I was just going to keep walking – but changed my mind, as I wanted to try something) and asked them if they needed help.


I really wanted to see if they would react outside of their program “i.e. – we are lost”.


The white girl answered that they were fine, and had figured it all out, but that they enjoyed arguing.


I said something clever (“just remember – we’re Americans – whoever shouts the loudest is always right!) and kept on walking. 


So now, I am ahead of them – again.


So just for fun, I crossed the major boulevard at the next crosswalk – again – just so I could watch what these “repeats” – these “programs” – would do next.


Now there was a park on their side of the major boulevard, and it took me maybe thirty seconds to get to the other side.


And when I looked back across this big boulevard – they were gone.


Now, it’s Europe, and there are lots of fun little shops everywhere – but I had left them in front of the park.


There was the side street going up the hill past the park, but I could see up that all the way to the top.  They were not there.


And back the way we had all come?  They could have gone back that way, but again, I could see for half a mile.


They were gone.


So what?


I don’t know.  I really don’t know.  You will have to tell me.


I bring this up for another reason.


While I was in that truly terrible, a truly horrible place – the country of New Zealand – I met LOTS of people, New Zealanders and foreigners.  In fact, I was one of only two foreigners who even HAD any New Zealander friends – they are suspicious, unfriendly, and frightened, which makes them angry, and it makes them mean.


It’s a brutal place, and when you brutalize people, it changes them.


One woman in particular comes to mind.


She took her family – her husband, their daughter – to New Zealand for the same reasons I took me and my cat there – a better life.


They came from Germany, and things there are very bad – or so she told me.


So, like me, they were stuck and being destroyed in New Zealand, but for some reason, both she and her husband had jobs.


I was told over and over again – that the New Zealanders would “tolerated Germans”, but that they would NEVER hire an American.


But since I knew this woman and her family for almost three years, I saw her change.


Her husband never changed, their daughter never changed, but she did.


At first I figured it was the brutality of the New Zealanders, that blind, raving, gibbering madness that is the “calling card” of New Zealand.


But after I saw the gay body builder get onto the same bus twice in five minutes in Wellington, I began to wonder.


My friend was no longer my friend.  It was like she had “checked out”.  Her body was still there, and she had all the same old habits, did the same old job, but the “essence” of who she was – was gone.


It was almost like (and I have no idea how this might be done) she had “logged out” of her own body, and someone – or something – had stepped in to take her place.


Like she was a character inside of a video game – a “key character” (the learning program?) inside of the game that could not be deleted.


The husband needed his wife, the daughter needed her mother.  But I saw that it was no longer “her”


There was something there, running her body for her, doing all the things that “she” would do, but it wasn’t “her.”


I have encountered the usual “programs” all my life – those sub-routines whose only job is to “provoke” us into some action.


But this?


My friend was gone.  This man’s wife was gone.  This girl’s mother was gone – her body was there, but she wasn’t.


I do not know what this means.


Does it mean that some of us are “human observers” – there only to watch the rest of us, to grade us, to report on us, to motivate us?


She did things that motivated me, and her complete change in attitude towards me, and her other friends – we all noticed the changes, even as we fled for our lives from New Zealand.  Lots of us did that – and all were financially destroyed in the process.


And it happened again to me just yesterday. 


A good friend of mine, a man I have known for years – suddenly – he wasn’t there anymore.


Its his voice, its his work, but its not “him”


He’s a stranger that I have never met.


He’s doing his job, he’s doing it very well, he knows all the things he “should” know – but it’s not him.


Its like his body has been set on “automatic” and he’s doing things he should do, but the soul – the soul is gone.


He has no feelings, no emotions at all.


I don’t know who he is, and I miss my friend.


But as you know, we have a Plan, and its called The Village, and we need cash to make it come true, and since the unprovoked, cowardly attack on Japan by the US government, by our Western Moron Masters, time has run out.


The good news is that no matter what happens, the 98% of this world that are just – cattle – they will never even notice, and so we can keep working!


For all of us here at, this is Charlie Bluehawk wishing you a really good day, and reminding you to keep a good thought!

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