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By Mica Molecule
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Have Nothing To Do With These Crooks Of The Highest Order

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Now at last we realize that ALL the markets are manipulated and used against us to steal from us and other hard-working citizens.  Over the past few years it has become absolutely clear to independent financial analysts and investment advisors - these swindlers, the banksters always win and we have been continually cheated in their crooked games. They are crooks of the highest order, all smoke and mirrors, and we should have nothing to do with them.  

For many years Western banks and traders have perpetrated a deceptive scheme that will soon steal more wealth and properties from billions of ordinary citizens trying to save for the future. The scale of this massive fraud is unprecedented.

It is traditional practice for investors to loan their money to an enterprise, with a promise to be repaid in the future and with reward to the investor by way of a much greater cash value than the original loan. The greater value depends on the new market-determined price of the share in the enterprise purchased by the loan. In past decades, the scheme worked well because as populations and labour forces grew and as more people entered the markets, the value of the shares increased.


Likewise, people could buy land and buildings, or gold, silver and other precious metals as investment. As populations and labour forces grew and as more people wanted to invest for their future, the value of the property or precious metals generally increased exponentially, like shares.


The problem today is that traders are selling precious metals without delivering the goods and banks are selling loans for land and buildings that are artificially over-priced. Banks and traders rely on the fact that most people will later sell the certificates of metal purchases at the higher future market price before taking delivery. So banks started selling more precious metals than they actually own – many times more. Or the properties are sold on before the real values of the properties are correctly established.


Banks loan the money needed to purchase properties and they are authorized by governments to create multiple amounts of credit and debt out of thin air, provided the value of deposits on their books and the market value of properties financed by their loans are growing in strict proportion to the credit/debt they create. Typically banking rules allow banks to create ten times more credit/debt than the value of the deposits, properties and other similar assets (like insurance guarantees) they hold.


Banks and governments collude in manipulating the property market prices. They do that by changing the clever and complicated rules they make for approving loans to buy properties or by recycling recovered properties (from defaulted loans) in and out of the market. The scheme essentially uses clever marketing smoke and mirrors to convince people to borrow far more than they should. This smoke and mirrors fraud ensures that the banks always win in the ups and downs of the market price manipulations. This has been going on for decades but now many sharp investors and advisors are getting wise. These tricks of the banks are now easy to spot.


Unfortunately most investors and advisors are in on the tricks with the banks and governments. They make huge fortunes for themselves at the expense of the ordinary citizens by colluding with these fraudulent schemes. They use the mainstream media outlets to produce the smoke and mirrors and rely on the public accepting what the official news says as gospel truth.


A similar fraud is perpetrated in the share price market. In the past, people or institutions only bought shares when they had more cash than they could or wanted to spend on goods and services. Banks can create large financial loans literally out of thin air. They can inflate property prices then encourage home owners to borrow against the property loan to buy shares. That means the amount of spare money (or borrowed money) people can have to buy shares can also be expanded. Governments can also borrow money from their central reserve bank (at interest) and literally print this borrowed credit from thin air into existence as cash or treasury bonds. So share prices can be pushed up to ever higher and higher prices. If at any time rumours are spread and confidence fails, the share owners loose out. There are no safeguards or guarantees.


As long as all these market prices are rising and new people are being born at an exponential rate, the scheme will continue to operate without any major problems. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough wealth readily available on the planet for all these new people being born. So banks and the super wealthy elite are coming up with more and smarter schemes that hide the tricks they play to ensure the wealth remains in their hands. As a result the middle class are being slowly impoverished and poverty is growing at alarming rates all over the world. Civil revolts, strikes and protests are increasing and being brutally crushed. Consequently, governments need more people and police forces, spend more money and waste more energy trying to keep the dissenting populations under control. On the other hand smaller proportions of the populations, the energy and land is devoted to producing quality food, housing, energy and wealth to keep people satisfied. The situation is self-perpetrating and self-aggravating. We are fast reaching the stage where a brutal, global police state will be necessary to prevent things spinning out of control.


There is always a danger that enough people will start using the internet (instead of mainstream media outlets) to inform themselves about what is really happening and why. As more and more people realize the corruption and fraud going on and start doing their business and investments differently than the way they have before, banks and governments will be in trouble. If the deception and fraud is exposed, the cat will be let out of the bag and the whole scheme will collapse, resulting in economic devastation for ordinary citizens all round the world. Top level economists and financial advisors in the BRICS countries have now realized what game traders, banks and Western governments are playing at. They now know they are being cheated by the smoke and mirrors but they are keeping this insight a closely guarded secret. In August 2011 the gold price began to spike as the US dollar was heading for collapse. That was the moment of truth for the BRICS nations. They realized from that moment that they had to quietly keep the game and the fraud going – everyone would suffer loss if confidence in the US dollar collapsed. As long as they keep this secret, they can play the game of fraud and deception to their own advantage. So they and their news media are now doing the same as the Western media outlets. The conspiracy to artificially inflate property and share prices (or deflate precious metals) is global.


But the BRICS nations are also planning to wreck the game at some stage soon. They know that everyone in the game will lose out if the game is wrecked. So they are planning a surprise escape from the game in a way that will hurt the Westerns banks, traders and governments most and them the least. Unfortunately for these BRICS countries, Westerns banks, traders and governments know their enemy’s thoughts and plans. So the BRICS countries are not able to do anything sinister yet. But they will soon. At this stage, no one can win in this conflict of interests and game of confidence tricks, this battle of wits and patience. The BRICS countries will not rest until they come up with a strategy to get revenge for the fraud that has been perpetrated against them by Western banks, traders and governments for decades. They talk politely but we know they are angry and that a surprise is in the making. What exactly they are up to and how they will wreck the game to their advantage is unclear. But there’s a storm in the wind and something drastic will happen soon.

All the leading nations of the world are really police states now, including the USA, controlled by greedy, corrupt, lying, treacherous people who care only for themselves. They are like dens of thieves, only they are not working together but stabbing one another in the back. But soon a global government will be needed and established to prevent the escalation of international conflict and civil wars, the collapse of international trade and the pollution and depletion of our natural environment and resources. Today the leading politicians and bankers don’t like being told what to do by a central superpower, so they are resisting the shadowy New World Order (N.W.O.). Let me know if you want to check out the sources for all this information and I will refer you to the global research centres and analysts.

The USA has enjoyed global domination, even controlling the United Nations and most strategic global resources. The military power and prosperity of the USA is unrivalled and they have flaunted international prestige for almost a century. But now the Chinese, Russian, Japanese and other nations can already taste the success of their coming historic moment of glory as well; so the idea of equality among all nations in a N.W.O. is not popular anywhere. They all prefer global dominance if possible. Most politicians know that an escalation of war and the collapse of international trade will be devastating to everyone. But keeping the leading politicians and citizens of the world under control is becoming more difficult. So sinister under-hand tactics are being employed by those in shadowy high places, like the 9/11 “attack on America,” like the 2008/2009 collapse of the US stock markets, the Fukushima reactor melt-down, the hijack of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, and the coming cyber attack on US banking institutions. These are slowly pushing the world to the precipice of a crisis. The next major surprise attack will be the final blow to the pride and prestige of national governments and politicians. Then the N.W.O. will be accepted as the only solution for everone. But the N.W.O. is not the solution for all the corruption, greed, lies, ignorance, violence, suspicion and brutality in the world. The N.W.O. will just become more successful than ever before at hiding all the evil under the sun and sweeping all the dirt under the carpets. Watch for it! Wait for it! Whether you like it or not, it’s coming soon; and although you can’t fight it, you can escape it if you know how.

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