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Are concerned about the next election? Read this

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You probably have no idea what President Biden has done. The Democrats do a poor messaging job.

Here is a brief outline, taken from 30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed

  • Infrastructure law: $1.2 trillion for roads, waterlines, broadband networks, airports etc.Joe Biden: The President | The White House
  • Expanded overtime guarantees for millions
  • OTC birth control pill
  • Office of Gun Violence Prevention
  • Student wellness and school mental health program
  • Inflation Reduction Act to support green power sources: solar and wind, and green hydrogen.
  • Anti-redlining framework requiring banks to lend to lower-income communities
  • Cut junk fees by airlines, cable companies, concert ticket-sellers and hotels.
  • Forced Chinese companies to open their books
  • Brokered a deal that saved the Colorado River
  • Cracked down on food monopolies; supported small and midsize U.S. farmers.
  • CHIPS and Science Act: $50 billion for new microchip facilities
  • Boosted research and development in national research facilities.
  • Brokered cooperation between Japan and South Korea to offset China’s regional threat.
  • Reinvigorating cancer research to lower death rates
  • Cemex decision strengthens unions
  • Aided 5G wireless technology
  • Strenthened oversight of artificial intelligence
  • Strengthening military ties to the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, India, Australia, Britain, Japan.
  • Strengthened Cyber Safety Review Board to investigate computer security breaches
  • Raised compensation for passengers when flights get disrupted.

You can read the full article to get more complete information.

Now, here is what you can expect from a Trump administration in 2025. The following two articles are presented without comment. They speak for themselves.

The sole question: Is this the America you want?Trump plans to hold news conference on January 6 riot anniversary


An article by Amber Phillips (Email Amber Phillips)

If Donald Trump struggled somewhat in his administration to move the country dramatically to the right, he’ll be ready to go if he’s elected again.

That’s the aim behind Project 2025. It’s comprehensive plan by former and likely future leaders of a potential Trump administration to remake America in a conservative mold while dramatically expanding presidential power and allowing Trump to use it to go after his critics.

It’s getting so much attention right now because of the dramatic policy changes it calls for, and because Democrats — dealing with an existential crisis of their own — see it as an easy campaign target.

It’s coming up as Trump is trying to moderate his stated positions to win the election, so he’s criticized some of what’s in it as “absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.”

Still, what’s in this document is a pretty good indicator of what a second Trump presidency could look like. Here’s what Project 2025 is and how it could reshape America.

A blueprint for a second Trump administrationIn Sheep's Clothing: The Idolatry of White Christian Nationalism - 9781538183281

The centerpiece is a 900-page plan that calls for extreme policies on nearly every aspect of Americans’ lives, from mass deportations, to politicizing the federal government in a way that would give Trump control over the Justice Department, to cutting entire federal agencies, to infusing Christian nationalism into every facet of government policy by calling for a ban on pornography and promoting policies that encourage “marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.”

The main organization behind the plan, the Heritage Foundation, is a revolving door for Trump officials.

“This is meant as an organized statement of the Trumpist, conservative movement, both on policy and personnel, and politics,” said William Galston, head of governance studies at the Brookings Institution.

How It Would Move America to the Right
A few of the highlights:

1. Remake the federal workforce to be political: Instead of nonpartisan civil servants implementing policies on everything including health, education and climate, the executive branch would be filled with Trump loyalists.

“It is necessary to ensure that departments and agencies have robust cadres of political staff,” the plan says.

That means nearly every decision federal agencies make could advance a political agenda ― as in whether to spend money on constituencies that lean Democratic.Fulton students fly Trump banner at basketball game vs. Syracuse school: 'It's racism,' coach says -

The project calls for cutting LGBTQ health programs, for example.

2. Cut the Education Department: It would cut longtime low-income and early education federal programs like Head Start and even the entire Education Department.

“Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated,” the plan reads.

3. Give Trump power to investigate his opponents: Project 2025 would move the Justice Department, and all of its law enforcement arms like the FBI, directly under presidential control.

It calls for a “top-to-bottom overhaul” of the FBI and for the administration to go over its investigations with a fine-toothed comb to nix any the president doesn’t like.Sanho Tree on X:

This would dramatically weaken the independence of federal law enforcement agencies. “There’s going to be an all-out assault on the Department of Justice and the FBI,” Galston said. “It will mean tight White House control of the DOJ and FBI.”

4. Make reproductive care, particularly abortion pills, harder to get: It doesn’t specifically call for a national abortion ban, but abortion is one of the most discussed topics in the plan, with proposals throughout encouraging the next president “to lead the nation in restoring a culture of life in America again.”

It would do this by prosecuting anyone mailing abortion pills (“Abortion pills pose the single greatest threat to unborn children in a post-Roe world,” the plan says).

It would raise the threat of criminalizing those who provide abortion care by using the government to track miscarriage, stillbirths and abortions, and make it harder to get emergency contraceptive care covered by insurance.

It would also end federal government protections for members of the military and their families to get abortion care.That Time the Media Cheered for Gestapo Immigration Tactics | Mises Institute

5. Crack down on even legal immigration: It would create a new “border patrol and immigration agency” to resurrect Trump’s border wall, build camps to detain children and families at the border, and send out the military to deport millions of people who are already in the country illegally (including dreamers) — a deportation effort so big that it could put a major dent in the U.S. economy.

“Illegal immigration should be ended, not mitigated; the border sealed, not reprioritized,” the plan says.

6. Slash climate change protections: Project 2025 calls for getting rid of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which forecasts weather and tracks climate change, describing it as “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.”Is Global Warming the Same as Climate Change - Unite for Change

It would increase Arctic drilling and shutter the Environmental Protection Agency’s climate change departments, all while making it easier to up fossil fuel production.

7. Ban transgender people from the military and consider reinstating the draft: “Gender dysphoria is incompatible with the demands of military service,” it reads.

The author of this part of the plan led the Defense Department at the end of Trump’s presidency, and he told The Washington Post that the government should seriously consider mandatory military service.

How all of this would be implemented
A huge part of this project is to recruit and train people to do this. There’s even a place on the plan’s website where you can submit your résumé.Why we're so obsessed with Donald Trump's body - The Washington Post

But there are some major hurdles. For one, Trump doesn’t appear to agree with everything in it. His campaign platform barely mentions abortion, while Project 2025 repeatedly zeroes in on it.

Also, some of these ideas are impractical or possibly illegal. Analysts are divided about whether Trump can politicize the civil workforce to fire them at will. And the plan calls for using the military to carry out mass deportations on a historic scale, which could be constitutionally iffy.

Ominously, one of the project’s leaders opened the door to political violence to will all of this into being: “We are in the process of the second American revolution,” Heritage Foundation’s president, Kevin Roberts, warned recently, “which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be.”



Trump allies at Heritage declare 2024 election illegitimate in advance

A “war game” presented at the right-wing foundation imagined far-fetched scenarios for election interference to justify preemptive measures.


Barbra Streisand kidnapped by Hamas. Antifa-BLM protesters taking over a migrant detention facility. The FBI arresting Donald Trump two days after winning the election.

These were among the far-fetched scenarios imagined by a simulation of threats to the 2024 election showcased Thursday by the right-wing Heritage Foundation.

The presentation, delivered at the foundation’s Washington headquarters, stated as a given that the Biden administration was already engaged in a sweeping conspiracy to use multiple forms of federal power to influence the presidential election. It did not supply any evidence.

“As things stand right now, there’s a zero percent chance of a free and fair election,” said Mike Howell, executive director of Heritage’s Oversight Project.The Heritage Foundation: A Think Tank on a Mission to Destroy the Public Postal Service | American Postal Workers Union
“I’m formally accusing the Biden administration of creating the conditions that most reasonable policymakers and officials cannot in good conscience certify an election.”

The report said a key finding was that the sitting president is the greatest danger to the peaceful transition of power, with no mention of Trump’s efforts to overturn his 2020 loss.
Instead it offered that conclusion as justification for doubting the outcome of the 2024 election and trying to reject anything other than a Trump victory.
Trump himself has repeatedly declined to say he will accept the results or rule out a violent response. He has told his supporters that he can only lose through cheating.
Howell said the exercise would lead Heritage to file more litigation over election procedures. He also said it should help the public resist “psychological operations” that he claimed were used in 2020 and are being used again.
He didn’t say who supposedly ran the operations.

“The upshot is that we will see a contested election the likes of which we’ve never seen,” said Adam Ellwanger, a rhetoric professor at the University of Houston-Downtown who helped lead the simulation.

“If we see the kind of manipulations that we saw in 2020, I wonder if average Americans who are supporters of the president [Trump] will swallow that so easily as they did in 2020.”

The Heritage Foundation, a longtime bastion of conservative orthodoxy that has more recently reinvented itself for the Trump era, has become a lightning rod in the campaign because of its role in convening “Project 2025.”

That project published detailed policy proposals for every federal agency, ready for the next Republican administration to implement.Jessica Yellin | AP REPORT: HOSPITALS DENY EMERGENCY CARE TO PREGNANT WOMEN IN CRISIS We are sharing this today as the U.S. Supreme Court hears a case… | Instagram

Some of the most controversial ideas including banning abortion medication, facilitating White House involvement in law enforcement and rolling back legal protections for LGBTQ+ Americans.

As some of those proposals have garnered scrutiny, Trump and his campaign have repeatedly distanced themselves from the effort. Many of the proposals were written by alumni of his administration and are likely to be appointees if he wins another term.

Attendees on Thursday walked past a mobile billboard criticizing Trump and Project 2025, which the Democratic National Committee positioned outside Heritage’s headquarters.

Biden campaign spokesman James Singer called Thursday’s presentation “nothing more than an attempt to justify their efforts to suppress the vote, undermine the election, and ultimately another January 6.”

Howell said the election threats project was devised in response to a 2020 bipartisan group of academics, former officials, journalists and others that tried to anticipate and prepare for ways that then-President Trump might try to disrupt the election or the peaceful transfer of power.

Their report raised concerns about violence but did not imagine the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol that temporarily disrupted the certification of Joe Biden’s win.

Howell accused the Biden administration of a “coordinated invasion over our southern border for the purposes of impacting this election.”

As evidence, he said a camera crew went door to door in an apartment complex outside Charlotte, asking people whether they were noncitizens registered to vote, with 10 percent responding yes.

Howell said his team did not verify those registrations. Noncitizen voting is extremely rare.

One scenario in the war games involved people flooding the FBI with reports of civil rights violations as a staged provocation for the Justice Department to take over local election authorities.

Howell and Ellwanger objected to those observers using a version of arguments that have been consistently made against civil rights legislation since the Civil War.

“To put it simply, the federal government should have a very limited role in our election systems. They should be left to the states to decide,” he said.


Will this be your America in 2025?

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

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