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Hard and Fast Economics Some STILL Try Ignore...

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BeforeItsNews SneakPeek at upcoming TheLibertyBeacon piece (to drop there: July 13th 2024)…

[ Tue. Sep. 17th 2024 14:00 ET update: 
Of course #FascistBook DELETED/#CENSORED the following #FACTS based Post that counters their preferred #Leftard #Propaganda #FalseNarratives - REAL MATH, vs COMMUnomics:
#JDVance said in #Michigan just a few minutes ago:
"under #Trump #wages went up"
Yes, #wages GENERALLY GO UP under any/every #POTUS MORE IMPORTANTLY and BEYOND THAT real #Wages went up BEYOND THE RATE OF #INFLATION which is not #true, cannot be said, under the #BiDUMB and #KAMALunist admin!
details (actual #MATH, #ECONOMICS, and #ACCOUNTING) in:
Is the number SIX always better than number THREE - just cuz 6 is bigger than 3?!?!
#Economics and #Politics | Sep 10 2024 17:29
sure this/that surprises NOBODY! ]

[TLB July 13 – 2,300 words, 0 images, 1 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E56 ]


Hard and Fast Economic Realities – Some Still Trying Ignore…

OMG: Really? Seriously? Saw one of those “Man on the Street” interviews, a few weeks ago, and just about fell off my Couch LMFAO!!! No, seriously, literally, almost fell off the Couch I was laughing so hard and some (especially one) of the highlighted person(s) interviewed about “Economy, and ‘is Joe Biden getting proper credit or blame’” piece. Time for a serious discussion about some VERY BASICS far too many U. S. Citizens have NO CLUE about….

OK, first, the “one person” in question that “YES” Joe Biden deserves Credit for the Economy – her one thing able to point to?!?!? THE STOCK MARKET!!! REALITY CHECK – The Stock Market IN GENERAL (unless a Depression, sometimes during Recession as well as Bubble (over-inflated over years) Burst as well as “Correction” (a general over-inflation of Market over time needing “reset” of clear over-evaluations)….

SO, further dealing in the above REALITY – The Stock Market OFTEN CONTINUES TO CLIMB no matter who is President (Democrat or Republican) and there are many reasons and factors (some with past, which can mean previous POTUS policies still creating upward movement; Global Economic factors; INFLATION (should be obvious, except for the ultra-rare times of DEFLATION, there is always some inflation); etc…. Hit NEW RECORD HIGHS under virtually any/every POTUS of my Lifetime (turning 62 this year) that I can recall; and of course ALL OF THEM try to CLAIM they are the SOLE REASON WHY (never true, when ANY of them say it, yes some deserve more Credit than others for the climbs and RECORD (achieved at faster pace than normally naturally occur))!

INFLATION, especially in these #BIDENflation times – prices are SOARING (and if we do not get a handle at some point on The Weimar Republic levels of Deficits, Debt, STAGflation (remember that too from the Jimmy Carter Presidency days we barely survived; having course-corrected in time then, will we now?) that out-of-control printing of fiat currency (not backed by anything) eventually triggers hyper-inflation and spiraling out-of-control downward spiral to (Cloward and Piven outlined Leftist desire to send America into) BANKRUPTCY and COLLAPSE (as too did the Soviet Empire (but West then failed to engage post-Cold-War to bring them fully during Perestroika (brief window under Gorbachev, and then Coup against Yeltsin ended) and into “Civilized and Free Nations” status instead left them to flounder and then easily feel back into full-on Leftist Communism and its endless History of aggression toward others we see again today under Putin)).

Anyway, where was I??? (Yes, kind of side-tracked (but still related) rabbit-holed there)

Inflation ALWAYS MEANS a likelihood (again, UNLESS other forces intercede) The Stock Market WILL CLIMB (and yes REACH NEW RECORD HIGHS, that Politicians, and BiDUMB no different and this fool vomiting/Parroting on Street DEVOID OF OVERALL ECONOMICS CONTEXT)! Why is it climbing?? Real and proper FREE MARKET forces or GOVERNMENTAL INTERFERENCE (and that Printing monies fiat currency at more and more higher and higher “QUANTITATIVE EASING” (farce) which then those funds (despite The Left always proclaiming they oppose what they deem “trickle down”) into “choke points” of Economy to prop-up The Stock Market (and again, in hopes it can “trickle down” and hold the entire Economy against a deep Recession and/or stave off falling into full-on/complete DEPRESSION)??? #CONTEXTmatters, but never ask a Leftist for “FACTS” just their FEELINGS!

Know what else keeps reaching RECORD HIGHS over and over and over? THE NATIONAL DEBT!!! Yes, the BUDGET DEFICITS fluctuates here and there between POTUS’ but what was measured in 100′s of Millions just a few short decades ago once toggled over into the 100′s of Billions in a hurry became MEASURED IN TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS (greatly jeopardizing our Nation as The Debt then keeps growing from a reasonable “minor additions in relation to GDP” into us WAY ABOVE GDP Growth levels to even remotely help “counter” any of it). But, yes, another rabbit-hole, yes very much relates, I won’t balloon (like the Deficits and Debt keep doing) the size of this article going down that road – can find in plenty of my other articles (B4IN, TLB, used to write about on REDSTATE, and a few other places over decades as I am a former IT guy and been writing pieces onto Computer Platforms long before the terms blog/Internet were invented and certainly before Internet was open/available for General Public (related written and audio pieces)) or CTP Shows.

Inflation continued… During times of inflation indeed while prices are needing to RISE (not out of GREED, but EVERY BUSINESSES COSTS ARE CLIMBING, THEIR PRICES TOO MUST REFLECT SAID SUCH REALITY) there is (no doubt) SOME “adjustments” to Profit Margins when/where can (but too, REALITY IS, and need to OFFSET, with higher costs (especially TAX BURDENS (Domestic, or Foreign (Import/Export)) they sometimes can, will, EAT SOME OF THOSE COSTS (unable to pass them on to Consumer as the PRICE SHOCK (hiking too far up, too fast) can/could/do result in loss of Sales (therefore have to EAT a LOSS of/in Profits on some particular items over others, as they can and need to “SLOWLY RAISE OVERALL CONSUMER PRICING” which occurs when Prices indeed SHOOT UP beyond “perception” (those FEELINGS THINGS AGAIN) of what they should be vs reality of Market (and other) forces)). THAT TOO also helps DRIVE UP STOCK INVESTMENTS IN PUBLICLY TRADED BUSINESSES (as, indeed, OTHER WAYS OF MAKING MONIES less attractive, and The Stocks and The Stock Market IN GENERAL will continue to either HOLD VALUE or GROW IN VALUE (especially long-term, sometimes drops occur, but most adhere to (if they can, do not need IMMEDIATE withdrawal) BUY AND HOLD strategy) and of course 99.9999% of peoples (especially those who no longer qualify for Corporate Pensions (which is MOST PEOPLE) are not independently wealthy cannot hide Millions under a Mattress therefore can/do/must INVEST a 401-k or other Retirement Funds in) as those investments usually “hostage” until such time someone requires draw-downs and SELLING artificially hold up values.

Unless you’re independently wealthy and can Live on Capital Gain earnings, we WORK FOR A LIVING (vs those that Vote for a Living, Voting for never-ending handouts to be stolen from others that work/earn in form of Taxes the Govt can give)…. That, of course, again, whole other rabbit-hole and indeed discussed in several of my CTP podcast episodes

VIDEO (1m 58s): Americans sound off on Biden’s record: ‘He’s done nothing’ (NEWSMAX) [the video that inspired this article, especially the delusional Biden Fan (all about her FEELINGS of course)]:

So, those working for a Living — WAGES (and Pay increases (Raises)): OK, yes, also unless a rare time of DEFLATION (or Job Market, Supply/Demand mechanisms) Wages almost always GO UP!!! Now, COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustments) differ from locale to locale, Urban vs Rural Costs-Of-Living, individual State policies and/or TRENDS (micro vs macro Economy factors), etc… In times of low-inflation they climb rather slowly (often to really get a Raise, one must “Market” their SKILLS to other potential Employers to test their “worth” in the Markets), in times of HIGH INFLATION (like under BiDUMBnomics) the Wages indeed climb higher/faster at larger “percentages” (the usual Wage adjustment mechanism). HOWEVER, FACTS/REALITY VS FEELINGS is again what matters!!!


Temporary trip down other related rabbit-hole: NOT only is a Federal Minimum Wage UnConstitutional (not part of Founders FREE FLOW OF COMMERCE “Commerce Clause” intentions) but also STUPID from that very basic of Economics sense that again COST OF LIVING is different from locale to locale within States let-alone State to State and certainly one side of the Nation to the other. It is a 10th Amendment (States Rights) issue – and once again you may get an increase but costs go up beyond your raise by the Inflation caused (and do not forget the now higher-Tax-rate as you move into higher-Tax-bracket biting into those “artificial increases” (Accounting, Debits/Credits, matter)).

Also, of course, the REAL “Minimum Wage” is ZERO DOLLARS and more and more people lose Jobs and indeed get $0/hour as Businesses cut Staff (to help try control Payroll costs, again only so much related price-hikes will Consumers be able to handle or the Business may go Out Of Business entirely (then all there, are now making, $0/hour) as well as driving more Automation of work/tasks that can be (like more and more Kiosk ordering at Fast Food establishments closing many Youth out of their “first Job” opportunity to gain Skills and prove selves to be able to Market selves to others for higher-paying Jobs and to move up the Economic ladder. This, of course, does NOT cover that whole discussion but getting too long-winded again already side-point.

The Left doesn’t want Basic Economics known/taught, dumb people just see the INCOME number go up faster than last few years and FEEL things are great (easily fooled, suckered, etc.)!! But those who understand Economics and the basic concepts of ACCOUNTING grasp there are both DEBITS/CREDITS and one MUST look at both sides of the Ledger. HEY MORON if you got a 7% Raise (compared to maybe only 3% during Trump (POTUS45) years; got to know THE FULL FACTORS/REASONS, inflation was MUCH LESS then) but/and all the things you have to spend on (like Fuel for your Car (whether GAS or ELECTRICITY) in order to GET TO WORK to earn those Wages, Groceries (do you want to Feed yourself and more-so your Family if you have one or OK to starve to afford other things, Heating/Cooling, that Roof over your Head (and your Family if you have one), Interest Rates (driving UP the cost of your Home if you own and still have a Mortgage, YOUR RENT as Property Owners have to pass costs along to you), Credit Card balances (and those Interest Rates) debt climbing (as people cannot afford “NEEDS” let-alone “WANTS”)…. WHEN INFLATION IS WELL ABOVE WHAT YOUR WAGE INCREASE WAS. And especially harmful to those on Fixed Incomes and HAVE no way to “Market” for an increase, Prisoner to the Govt. defined COLA rates (that never, EVER, reflect Reality of rising Costs). Wages really climbed at exponentially higher than normal standards during the Carter Presidency too – BOTH SIDES OF LEDGER MATTERS/MATTERED, as then too like now we were in high-inflation days then (and in fact so bad, the STAGflation term was invented). Betting YOU KNOW some folks DO NOT GRASP THIS and in need of the EDUCATION this article (and my CTP podcast Show related episodes) would give them!!!! LIKE (recommend both article and B4IN “Contributor”), SHARE (Share-This links at top of article, or copy/paste link from your browser page viewing this piece and send to others via e-mail), SUBSCRIBE (to CTP Show). [Know someone needs some REALITY but you know won't read this? But perhaps will read a FICTION BOOK (well, I discuss, not at length like here, the current Political Realities you can buy them as a Gift) like my "Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You" book (Historical-Fiction, hence the EDUCATION on Economics, History, Civics, more, within its pages too beyond the FICTION story parts (more on this, further down-thread, toward bottom of this piece)).]

DEFICITS AND DEBT (just quick repeat of mention above and some expounding upon): Know what else keeps reaching RECORD HIGHS over and over and over? THE NATIONAL DEBT!!! Yes, the BUDGET DEFICITS fluctuates here and there between POTUS’ but what was measured in 100′s of Millions just a few short decades ago once toggled over into the 100′s of Billions in a hurry became MEASURED IN TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS (greatly jeopardizing our Nation as The Debt then keeps growing from a reasonable “minor additions in relation to GDP” into us WAY ABOVE GDP Growth levels to even remotely help “counter” any of it). But, yes, another rabbit-hole, yes very much relates, I won’t balloon (like the Deficits and Debt keep doing) the size of this article going down that road – can find in plenty of my other articles (B4IN, TLB, used to write about on REDSTATE, and a few other places over decades as I am a former IT guy and been writing pieces onto Computer Platforms long before the terms blog/Internet were invented and certainly before Internet was open/available for General Public (related written and audio pieces)) or CTP Shows. WHAT NEED ADDITIONAL MENTION HERE IS the obvious of DEFICITS (in our Personal Budgets) and DEBT (we then rack up putting things on Credit) that people seem to understand better (obviously because their Credit Cards Bills keep showing up month to month and they see the DIRECT IMPACT growing Debt has on worsening their BUDGET DEFICIT as more and more of their (growing minimum payments (sadly far too many Lives spiraling out-of-control when/if they get to point where they can only pay the minimums)) go toward INTEREST ON DEBT – but sadly don’t grasp that micro vs macro (WE ALL OWE, our National Debt and ever increasing amount of our National Budget going to INTEREST ON THAT DEBT too) and those CHICKENS WILL COME HOME TO ROOST SOON (both, us Personal level and us as a Nation and WE THE PEOPLE (all owing one way shape or form) level. WHEN the USA goes Bankrupt, morons that think the Cloward and Piven strategy somehow will help move us to a full Communist governance, once Bankrupt THERE IS NO MONIES TO COVER ANY COSTS meaning EVERYONE GETS CUT OFF (not that somehow magically there will be MORE for just your desired PET PROJECTS) – need we bring up lessons of Weimer Republic again (and would it do any good too? as sadly most have ZERO CLUE about our own History let-alone World History and again HARD AND FAST REAL WORLD ECONOMICS RULES (not Paul Krugman UnicornFartFantasy delusion Commie “theory”).

I could go on and on, but if a FEELINGS BASED MORON SNOWFLAKE is not going to let go of their DESIRED FEELINGS AND DELUSIONAL NARRATIVES now with just the couple of REALITIES outlined above are not going to be shaken into FACTS BASED REALITY they never are!!!!



From WOKE Joke, to CLIMATards idiocy and hypocrisy…

Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

2023 in review

CTP (S1E33, 20240203 drop, BTS/SP) “Brain-Dead Folks 1 (that’s a harsh title LOL)” BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...

"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:

"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."

"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""

"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"

"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]






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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 3 comments
    • kilroy

      During the Covid scam they quietly doubled the price of all car batteries and most other auto parts. Despite a so called oil shortage try to find a place to recycle your used oil. This is another central bankers harvest of your money and what little power and personal freedoms you have left. So do not be fooled by everyone in the DC uniparty slave system who is a criminal asset of these psychopaths. All sides are on the same team that is against all of us.

    • JLenardDetroit

      #JoeBiDUMB to step down from #Election2024 Campaign.

      Will matter to #MORONS but should not, of course, same BAD BULLSHIT #CommieFasciSocies blend* Policy destroying our Nation no matter who at this point is atop (#KackingKamala, #WretchedWhitler, #GavinGruScum, #KringeJeanPeon, etc.) the #FASCICRATS Party ticket (there are NO #MODERATES in #Fascicrats Party #Leadership)!! And as I’ve also said over last few weeks IF he did, makes sense they would go with #KacklingKamala (still not a certainty) as they know SHE WILL LOSE TOO but they then eliminate both BiDUMB and Kamala in one Election cycle (rather than her potentially be nominee and LOSE, piss away, #Election2028 also)!

      * This isn’t the 1930′s where Nazi-Socies in Germany (later known as Fascists, as was El Duce’s and Franco’s Parties in Italy and Spain) fought for control of those respective Nations against Moscow backed Communists. TODAY, they are all ONE IN SAME (next to no real difference but a different color Flag) and a #CommieFasciSocies BLEND all about eliminating FREEDOMS people now have never before seen in EARTH HISTORY (Western Culture, mainly due to #USA)…..

      trying take us back to time of all Governments run by RULING ELITES CLASS lording over all else.

      Their #FASCICRATS BrownShirts (or, if you prefer El Duce and Franco Fascist BlackShirts) under false names out Burning, Looting, Murdering – and anyone with BRAIN can understand it.

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