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The whole western system is an elephant doing a tight wire act; if it weren’t such an illusion for the masses, it never would have worked to begin with!!!


Toxic junk bonds, unstable oil prices, plunging commodity values, downgrades for many institutions and crushing debt are all signs of the last days for this bubble economy! The dollar is going full kamikaze, and the suicide bankers are in command.

The Exact Same Patterns of The 2008 Global Economic Crisis Is Playing Out Before Our Eyes!

This is just the beginning of a time of great financial volatility! The things that we are going to witness in the months and years to come are going to be absolutely unprecedented! A massive global debt super-cycle is coming to an end, and the pain that this is going to mean for the global economy is almost too great to put into words!

Buy Physical Gold and Silver Now That It Is Being Manipulated – And Is Cheaper To Buy Than The Cost Of It’s Production!

The Australians have been sold out by thier own Government, just like in the UK, USA, Canada and the EU via Globalization and now the TPP!!!

The winners are the Multinational Labour Companies, described as ‘contractual service suppliers’, who will be able to grant special visas to Chinese and other nations lower paid tradesman who will now be able to undercut workers in the building industry, forexample.

The losers of the TPP deal include every day natural born citizens from developed countries, as American, Canadian, Australian, European & Kiwi workers could find themselves out of a job, as the possible example of Nike outsourcing it’s few remaining roles to Vietnam with the ratification of TPP. 

Let’s not forget the environment, as developed countries such as our own will end up lowering your conservation levels for example – closer to that of China, as the agreement does little to address environmental sustainability, overfishing and logging, as well giving overseas corporations the right to challenge and sue your local industries over your high regulatory standards.

While the system prepares to sell out your own nations workers to China and other lower paid workers from various countrys for a quick buck, the establishment relies on its old psychological tricks to force altruistic citizens into submitting to the Sino take over of your country. 

In Australia the latest example illustrates how Chinese economic imperialism can now be defended by accusing anyone who speaks out against it of being a ‘racist’. The liberal party has put together a short propaganda piece, depicting an ‘average’ Australian family (which features a perfectly normal mixed-race couple…), in defence of Canberra’s wholesale bargain of what remains left of MultiCult Australia. If the social engineering here couldn’t be any more obvious, all the directors would be wearing yarmulkes.

Perhaps when the real citizens in your country find themselves priced out even further from the property market, or out of a job, maybe then the old ‘you’re a bigot’ slur might not have the same intended effect as it has over the last 30 years…



The US is the first of the developed nations that Descends to a Third World Country!

Australia and the UK are in the race for second and third positions!

In 2014 38% of all American workers made less than $20,000; 51% made less than $30,000; 63% made less than $40,000; and 72% made less than $50,000.

When the consequences of putting short-term corporate profits before jobs for Americans fully hits, the demand for university education will collapse and with it American science and technology.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened to the United States. The two main consequences of the Soviet collapse have been devastating. One consequence was the rise of the neoconservative hubris of US world hegemony, which has resulted in 14 years of wars that have cost over $8 trillion.

The other consequence was a change of mind in socialist India and communist China, large countries that responded to “the end of history” by opening their vast under-utilized labor forces to Western capital, which resulted in the American economic decline that this article describes, leaving a struggling economy to bear the enormous war debt.

It is a reasonable conclusion that a social-political-economic system so incompetently run already is a Third World country!

The Shanghai Gold Shock Is Close!

The suppression of the gold price has been the norm for over 20 years by the West, the constant cancer on the financial body, the enabler of unbridled debt and monetary growth. The methods are many to manipulate the Gold price, which cannot be all listed, since to be honest, some are extremely hidden and are managed in secrecy.

The basic methods are to conduct naked shorting of the gold futures contract, selling paper gold, never delivering it, and perpetuating the process with more naked shorts. The sleepy compromised CFTC does not enforce any laws, certainly not against contract fraud.

Since June 2012, the gold futures contracts have been settled in cash, giving their full bloom of the synthetic name. No lawsuits come, since the players would be banned from the COMEX criminal arena.

The SPDR Gold Trust (aka GLD Fund) is an exchange traded fund. It supplies gold bullion to the COMEX in surreptitious manner, by basically robbing the investors of their base inventory. They produce certificates, short the shares, use all kinds of devices, and walk away with the metal off the ramp!

Many are the FOREX derivative devices that keep the gold price down. The main centers for manipulating the gold price are four:

• The Basel Switzerland hive with the Bank for International Settlements is a major control center, home of the uber-bankers.
• The London site for the Goldman Sachs gold desk is another major control center, next door to the scandalous Gold Fix.
• The New York Fed is another major control center, which also specializes in stealing official gold accounts.
• The JP Morgan Chief Investment Office is another two-sided major control center, with vast tentacles to all important markets. It has offices in New York and London.
• A hidden office could be in the Rome hive, which might contain more telephone and teletype messages than actual market orders.

The pattern of banker control to the Gold market has a deep vulnerability! They cannot use unlimited paper gold contracts, since some degree of attachment to gold collateral is required. In other words, the gold suppression requires some gold bullion as basis.

The reported ratio of paper gold claims to the actual gold supply within the banking system is around 100 to one in ratio. It grows worse (higher) every year. The Great Gold Game cannot be continued in perpetuity, since the paper gold requires an inflow source of actual physical metal gold in the form of gold bullion.

The New York hive is running low, if not close to empty! The GLD source is running low, if not close to empty! The London hive is running low, if not close to empty!

The Basel hive might not be running low on gold bars, but they might be close to their limit on willingness to provide gold to the system, which redirects it to China. The Rome hive might also be low on willingness to provide gold to the system.

Both Basel and Rome might be in the process of negotiating a role in the next chapter after the Global Paradigm Shift is completed!!!

The Gold market cannot be fixed by paper gold on a repeated basis, surely not in perpetuity.

When the Shanghai shock comes, all the Paper Gold structures will fall, all the FOREX derivatives will collapse, all the control rooms will go into panic mode.

It would be fun to watch, except the vile bankers will cause more wars!


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