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Is Crime Down Under Biden? The Truth About FBI Crime Statistics

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Man in Handcuffs2By Selwyn Duke

It’s that old chasm between the pseudo-elite and the street. More than three-quarters of Americans believe that crime has gotten worse in recent times, according to a November 2023 Gallup poll. In contrast, mainstream media and other pseudo-elites tell us that crime is down, citing FBI statistics to make their case. But here’s what they don’t tell you (often out of ignorance):

We can’t really know if crime up, down, or the same — not based on FBI data, anyway.

Why? Because FBI statistics are incomplete, with some major crime-ridden cities not reporting any crime data at all to the agency.

Moreover, much as with how the CDC redefined the definitions of “vaccines” and “vaccination” in 2021, certain police departments redefined the classifications for certain violent crimes — especially after 2020, in the George Floyd riots’ wake.

Nonetheless, mainstream media love touting the “official” statistics. For example, “The 2024 FBI quarterly crime report makes clear that crime is down massively across the country — murder is down over 26 percent, rape down over 25 percent, robbery by almost 18 percent, assault by over 12 percent, and property crime down just over 15 percent,” writes Newsweek in a very biased article.

(As to the bias, the piece’s author, one Ross Rosenfeld, claims Biden’s health is “perfectly fine.”)

But the truth may be quite different. Just consider the findings of the Coalition for Law Order & Safety (CLOS), an independent group of law-enforcement officials and analysts. In an April 2024 report, they identify four potential causes for what they judge to be an “increase in crime in most major cities across the U.S.: de-policing, de-carceration, de-prosecution and politicization of the criminal justice system,” related Fox News April 8.

Even insofar as crime might in certain respects be down from 2020 levels, say the analysts, this is deceptive because that year saw a historic spike in criminality. Yet should we really believe that crime has dropped at all given FBI stats’ unreliability? As Fox explains:

Through aggregated data sets directly from more than 70 of the nation’s largest police departments and victim surveys, researchers claim violent crime has been “substantially elevated in major cities” compared to pre-2020 levels. The group’s research also showed that due to significant under-reporting of certain crimes, the FBI’s official data doesn’t completely capture the full snapshot of crime in the U.S.

“There’s a series of caveats attached to the FBI data that the FBI doesn’t make as clear as they should,” Sean Kennedy, one of the lead [CLOS] researchers, told Fox News Digital in an interview.

Kennedy said that, particularly in the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd riots, several police departments redefined the classifications for certain violent crimes and transitioned away from a decades-old recording system.

“If you classify something as an aggravated assault, it’s a violent crime or a felony, but if you classify it as a simple assault, it’s then a misdemeanor and a non-violent crime,” Kennedy said. “That is a world of difference when it comes to how the media is going to portray whether or not your department is fighting violent crime.”

However, the police are not the only ones appearing to under-report. Businesses and individuals who are victims of violent crimes have also shown a pattern of reluctance when it comes to calling the police. The Loss Prevention Research Council’s survey of retailers sheds light on the reasons behind the lack of reporting. The study shows that typically, business owners tend to harbor the belief that police will not respond promptly or investigate crimes, and prosecutors will not pursue charges against the perpetrators.

I can vouch for this personally. I lived in the Bronx till age 28, and off the top of my head can think of three somewhat-valuable items that were stolen from my family but which we never reported to police. We knew it would be futile.

Moving on, there also are those numerous caveats Kennedy mentioned. For example, while 89 percent of municipal police departments submitted crime reports to the FBI in 2019 (participation is voluntary), this figure had dropped to 63 percent by 2021. And strikingly, three high-crime cities — Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City — submitted no crime data at all to the FBI in 2023, Fox relates.

Note that liberal NPR has brought this to light as well. In 2022, Weihua Li, a data reporter for The Marshall Project, told the outlet in an interview that in some states, “like California and Florida … almost no agency in that state submitted any data to the FBI.” As interviewer Mary Louise Kelly then put it, this creates “a lot of blind spots.”

In fairness, there might be innocent motives behind this particular phenomenon, at least according to Li. She explained that in 2015 or 2016, the FBI decided that by 2021 they would retire their old crime-collection system entirely and only accept data through a new system they’d been transitioning to for decades, the “National Incident-Based Reporting Program.”

Unfortunately, however, “about 40% of agencies didn’t make that switch,” Li informed, “so they couldn’t report their data to the FBI anymore.”

Yet as time progresses, she points out, more agencies will transition.

In reality, if crime has dropped — a big “if” — it would simply align with long-term patterns. It has declined in general, after all, since the 1990s, through Democratic and Republican administrations. Yet note here that much of this hinges on age-related demographic shifts and local policy, as crime is primarily a state and local issue.

In the final analysis, however, statistics fall on deaf ears when people witness left-wing prosecutors coddling criminals, shoplifting justified, de-policing, de-carceration, and politicized “justice.” After all, no amount of spin changes the fact that bad policy is just that — bad policy.

                  This article was originally published at The New American.” target=”_blank”Selwyn Duke is a writer, columnist and public speaker whose work has been published widely online and in print, on both the local and national levels. He has been featured on the Rush Limbaugh Show and has been a featured guest more than 50 times on the award-winning Michael Savage Show. His work has appeared in Pat Buchanan’s magazine The American Conservative, at and he writes regularly for The New American


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