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Now There’s Yet Another Democrat Vote-Fraud Scheme

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Shell GameBy Selwyn Duke

Do you believe the mainstream media narrative that vote fraud is so rare, it’s inconsequential? If so, know that Democrats disagree — tacitly, anyway. In fact, they’ve often alleged vote fraud and sometimes proven it (more on that later), with other Democrats being the accused. This is not surprising because, being electoral fraud’s main perpetrators, Democrats know how the sausage is made.

And now, apparently, they’re serving up another helping.

While media pooh-pooh warnings about noncitizen voting, a 2014 university study found its magnitude great enough to swing U.S. elections. What’s more, even the left-wing Los Angeles Times admitted — tacitly — that noncitizens helped flip “control of the House” in 2018. Now they’re taking it up a notch, too.

The Fraudster Foreign Legion

That is, “in August, we learned that Democrats aren’t stopping [with vote fraud] at the border,” reports American Thinker (AT). “They’ve gone global, committing $300,000 to register and influence 9 million overseas voters — even though the federal government says only 2.4 million legal voters live in other countries.”

“For those counting at home, that’s 6.4 million votes that Democrats want to find…that don’t exist,” the site continues.

The issue is, again, mail-in-type balloting. There’s a reason France banned mail-in voting in 1975 (and only partially reintroduced it later for Frenchmen living abroad). That is, it’s a type of balloting that makes vote fraud easy to perpetrate.

As AT puts it, there’s a reason “Democrats are targeting overseas ballots.” They’re “the most vulnerable to exploitation and … have the least attention paid to them to ensure their accuracy.”

Here’s a shocker, too, from “Democrats Abroad,” the left-wing group providing the money to facilitate the overseas voting. A spokesman “told CBS News that those ballots are likely to favor Vice President Kamala Harris,” writes AT. (Ya don’t say!)

Giving New Meaning to “Checking the Boxes”

AT then explains the problem, writing that federal law doesn’t

provide clear, commonsense rules for how overseas people register or how their votes are compiled and counted. This means that states can make their own laws — even bad ones. For example, in more than 31 U.S. states and territories, overseas citizens are allowed to request ballots and cast their votes electronically via email.

An overseas email ballot request triggers the local clerk to respond — again, via email — and request voter identification. So far, so good, but most of these states do not require a Social Security number or a state ID. All the email requester who doesn’t have any identification has to do is check a box that says, “I don’t have the above identification.” And just like that, the requester receives a voter ID and a PDF ballot that can be cut and pasted into a return email.

The voter verification process also asks the email requester for a local address, but no one verifies that the requester ever lived in or has any connection to the state.

So UOCAVA [Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act] votes, from at least 31 states, can be counted without voter identification and without verifying a residential tie to the state.

Given the above scenario, it’s easy to imagine a flood of bot requests for ballots from digitally generated email addresses. And of course, the returned bot ballots will all come in at the last minute.

As stated above, all you need do is “check a box that says, ‘I don’t have the above identification,’” and you can nonetheless vote. Yeah, our elections are “safe and secure” like something else is “safe and effective.”

Disastrous in Big-government Times

Obviously, the states make these voting rules because states have wide-ranging powers under our system. That’s a good thing, too — generally speaking. But there are two problems here with respect to elections, given current realities.

First, under our present rules, too much relies upon the honor system (e.g., just “check a box”). This would be problematic even if we still were the “moral and religious people” President John Adams said was a prerequisite for American constitutional governance. But we’re not. Instead, a handful of miscreants can conspire to steal votes in a major city and swing their entire state election.

Second, when this occurs in enough cities and enough states are swung, it determines federal executive power for all states. This might’ve been inconsequential in the Founders’ time. Back then, the feds were an agent of the states, were distant, and largely irrelevant to our daily existence. Washington has an outsized role in our lives today, however — its claws are in everything. Thus are the fraudsters not just choosing our “federal executive.”

They’re choosing our rulers.

A Party Tradition

And, yes, fraudsters are often making the choices — as Democrats themselves know well. Examples:

  • Mail-in vote fraud was so bad in Paterson, New Jersey, during a May 12, 2020, special election between two Democrats that a judge ordered a new election be held.
  • Another judge had to order a new election late last year for the Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut, after ballot stuffing was exposed.
  • Also last year, a Democrat in Mississippi accused another Democrat of vote fraud.
  • In 2016, then-NYC election commissioner, Alan Schulkin, admitted on hidden video, “I think there’s a lot of vote fraud.” He added that “they [other N.Y. Democrats] bus people around to vote.”
  • Democratic ex-Hamtramck Mayor Karen Majewski said after her 2021 election loss that she’s “absolutely positive” her office was stolen — by the fellow Democrats who replaced her government.

In other words, what must you accept to believe the media claim that vote fraud is just MAGA paranoia? You’d have to suppose that Democrats would steal elections from other Democrats.

But they’d never, ever steal them from Republicans. They keep their criminality in house.

Oh, also, there’s no evidence of any corresponding GOP vote fraud. Why not? As Democratic operative Scott Foval admitted on hidden video in 2016, “There is a level of adherence to rules on the other side [Republicans] that only when you’re at the very highest level, do you get over.”

So insider Democrats know they’re dishonest — they just don’t care. The real question is, though:

Do the American people?

                 This article was originally published at The New American.” target=”_blank”Selwyn Duke is a writer, columnist and public speaker whose work has been published widely online and in print, on both the local and national levels. He has been featured on the Rush Limbaugh Show and has been a featured guest more than 50 times on the award-winning Michael Savage Show. His work has appeared in Pat Buchanan’s magazine The American Conservative, at and he writes regularly for The New American



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