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Those who push for a transhuman AI future are part of a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult

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The transhuman artificial intelligence (“AI”) future is a “clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult” that aims to enslave humanity through technology, Julia Rose writes.

To resist this enslavement, people must adopt a lifestyle that is the opposite of one dependent on digital technology, starting by recognising their reliance on it and taking steps to release themselves from its control.

A key aspect of this resistance is “re-earthing,” a process that involves tapping into common sense and freeing oneself from blind acceptance of the digital control system.

The Mind-Controlled Road to Hell

By Julian Rose as published by Activist Post

The proponents of a transhuman AI future are a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult. With this at the forefront of your mind, ask yourself: do I still want to do business with them?

If the answer is “No,” then take immediate steps to adopt a lifestyle as diametrically opposite as possible from the one that makes one dependent on both the tools and mindset of their trade.

I stress “mindset” because the state of mind behind the push to turn human beings into biocomputers is not sufficiently rejected by the majority of those using the cult’s technology.

There is almost no concentrated thought being applied to this already advanced enslavement process, therefore those not questioning their attachment to the EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) digital technology, lack the ability to resist the insidious capture of their best energies.

One can only put an end to something by first recognising its existence and one’s reliance on it.

This is the first phase of release from slavery and in taking control of one’s destiny.

So, what could such a diametrically opposite lifestyle to one of toxic IT dependency be?

Firstly, a re-earthing. A rational process that taps into common sense and frees one from blind acceptance of an ever more dominant digital control system.

This could, in practice, take many different forms and go in many different directions, but all would be about getting out of jail while one still can.

Electricity is being pushed centre stage as the key tool for both “convenience” and 24/7 invasive surveillance and control.

Consider the fact that all commercial alternative energy sources are about generating electricity. Electricity for public transportation, private cars, cooking, heat pumps (home heating), metering systems, telephone chargers, just about all communication tools, a plethora of household items, street lights, air conditioning, ventilation systems … the list goes on and on.

So, why is the Net Zero by 2045 scam so determined to replace carbon fuel sources with non-carbon-based electric energy? Anything to do with climate amelioration issues?

No, of course not.

Electricity is the energy choice most obviously connected with the ability to control. The perfect medium for a fully centralised energy surveillance grid.

Now, consider the ever-increasing percentage of communication systems and household items that are moving, or have already moved, from cable-based distribution to WiFi.

Around 90% of all domestic utility gismos (within the post-industrial Northern World) are likely to be WiFi-based within the next four to five years. Not because we want that, most of us don’t – but because our protagonists see wireless as the most seamless medium for our “management.”

Add to this terrestrial monopolisation process, ‘the cloud’ EMF-powered grid, designed to act as a global surveillance, communications and zapping weapon – all in one. Operating out of tens of thousands of satellites – a significant number of which have already been launched into low orbit by Elon Musk’s Starlink programme and other related enterprises.

The “hive mind internet of everything” is planned to operate out of this grid of low vibrating EMF microwaves linked up to 5G towers – and all combining to cover the entire Earth’s surface.

Whatever WiFi receiving systems one has will be both a recipient of – and a transmitter into – this highly toxic “smart cloud.”

Furthermore, metallic nanoparticles found to be present in chemtrail operations and “vaccination” ingredients, will render human beings’ energetic conductors and receptors of electronic pulses. An open target of mind control extending into physical body organ manipulation and gene modification.

However, the order of importance in taking steps to guard against becoming an open target of such destruction must start with WiFi-based electronic items that are carried on one’s body on a daily basis.

This is a massive stumbling block for almost all current holders of mobile phones, the great majority of whom cannot even imagine detaching themselves from these ultimate tools of control. Mobiles are called “cell” phones in America – a very apt description.

In fact, it appears to be the case that there is a subconscious, and in some cases conscious belief that these wireless gadgets are a symbol of “progress” for the human race as a whole. Some, like followers of Yuval Noah Harari, see them as a godly technology; “Deus ex machina,” bringing one closer to the omega point of life itself.

Whereas all they actually do – aside from changing one’s genetic and cellular disposition – is embroil one ever deeper in the stifling and soulless virtual agenda of “the tech.” The road to hell.

And, as you will surely know by now, this is where the dark architects of control want us to be.

Take undisciplined fascination in – and reliance upon – the technology far enough and one becomes submerged into it.

“Where attention goes energy flows” is not just a nice little parable, it is an observational truth that has been opened up to the world by the pioneers of quantum physics.

It could be added that where inattention goes, slavery follows.

The architects of control are working at reducing living, sentient, emotional beings to biological computers programmed into the matrix of the hive mind, and a large portion of the population is presenting themselves as a blank canvas for this operation.

It is this largely unconscious mindset which must be broken in order for humanity to rescue itself from life in a permanently programmed “smart” prison.

A life in which no possibility of spontaneous creative expression remains and only crumbs are offered as sustenance for mind, body and soul.

The trap has been set, but its motive and end ambition are at least now exposed.

That means that those who can still act with discernment and right brain motivation can take the decisive steps necessary to change their circumstances in accordance with their intention not to be victims.

There are two key steps to be taken. One is material and the other is mental and/or spiritual.

The material one involves paring down one’s life to an uncluttered, simple and essentially rudimentary way of life in a non-urban location in which one has the ability to take some controlling influence over one’s basic needs.

Pure water, living food, fresh (as possible) air and reasonable shelter. None of these will be 100% uncontaminated, but will nevertheless offer the foundation for a healthy and active existence, within the relative calm of a landscape still influenced by and reflecting the rejuvenating powers of nature.

Cities and large towns are the chosen epicentres of electromagnetic frequency targeting and low-quality environmental health hazards. Avoid them if you can.

The second step is mental and/or spiritual. But “second” is an inappropriate description. It is a need that should be attended to simultaneously with the material. Body, mind and spirit are not disconnected phenomena.

Those wishing to free themselves from the architects of control must recognise that the world is in the grip of a demonic mass indoctrination process which can only be truly counteracted by a properly developed psychic (mental) attitude coupled with a determined raising of spiritual energies.

The Masonic/luciferian insentient and psychopathic condition survives by feeding on negative energies emanating from those it imprisons. Shift one’s energetic point of focus to the realisation of those higher powers that patiently await one’s attention on the other side of the veil – and one becomes out of reach to the dark forces. Out of reach of low vibrational attacks on one’s psyche.

Not only that, one starts experiencing the rising of a power one may never have thought one possessed; or which one thought was only an external phenomenon.

Contrary to what many believe, this sense of inner awakening is not progressed by exclusive adoption of a reclusive inward-centred form of contemplation, but by stepping out into the world and taking strong actions that confront injustice and oppression. What in spiritual terms is called “service to humanity.”

It is only when an inner nurturing of one’s true power is matched by making use of that power to bring positive change into the world, that true personal growth and awakening gain proper traction and one’s deeper being starts to blossom into a powerful energetic force for good.

It’s vital to understand that it is only when both inner nurturing (i.e., meditation) and outer action for social, mental, physical, economic, political, animal and environmental planetary amelioration are combined – that the key to unlock the door to a metamorphosis of our divided and war-torn world is finally achieved.

A true mental and spiritual dynamic empowers us to face the reality of the world courageously, with a burning desire to transform stagnant and degraded life forces into fountains of deeply uplifting energy.

This is the true human dynamic. This is the state available to all of us once we grasp the fact that we are here on this earth to make actual the extraordinary potential we are born with. That which is latent in every one of the thirteen million cells of our body.

We are on Earth, but we are from the cosmos. We are universal sparks of the Supreme Nucleus that brought all life into being.

We are not here to be plodding along in slavish lockstep with some top-down death wish.

It is only because we have accepted the authority of that which deceives us into believing that we are lesser mortals, fit only for a three-dimensional prison camp, that a great victory for life over death still remains a chimaera.

It’s more than time to break free. Being the self-indoctrinated victim of a delusion is no way to spend our brief manifestation on planet Earth.

There’s work to be done – lots of it – and the urge to accomplish this work is the most insistent message of our deepest calling. We ignore it at our peril.

By embracing the call to action, we set in motion the realisation of both our individual and collective emancipation – and that of all living beings with whom we share this planet.

So go to it – immediately – and never look back.





EMF Protection Products:

QEG Clean Energy Academy:

Forbidden Tech Book:

The post Those who push for a transhuman AI future are part of a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult appeared first on HopeGirl Blog.


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  • silentbard

    Everyone needs to contact their state legislators and demand that AI be made illegal. Digital ID also. Digital currency also.

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