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Important: Interview with Trevor Loudon on Russian communist philosopher and “Putin’s brain”, Alexander Dugin

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A lot to say about this. First of all, it will annoy and frustrate many of our regular readers. This is not the intention. A fuller understanding of the forces at work in the world is our intention.

The RAIR article on this video can be seen here and is a solid representation of the interviewee’s meaning and intentions.

This article is our own specific examination of this material, and an attempt to put it into the greater context of the materials we use to understand the complex nature of the information battle-space which commands our attention, and forms our views of events.

A few notes in terms of Trevor’s statements on the state of the war between Russia and Ukraine: it is hard to believe that anyone that we would get to read, actually KNOWS what is taking place. This site tends to rely on this particular analyst for information on the state of the war between Russia and Ukraine as he has proven to be reliable consistently in terms of locations, wounded and dead and advancement or retreat of forces for either side of the conflict. Therefore, we tend to look at the claims of casualties in the following interview with uncertainty as to their accuracy. Not to diminish Trevor’s interview in any way whatsoever, and perhaps he does have insider knowledge on the war statistics, But that is not the focus of this piece. Alexander Dugin is, and his dialectic of MAGA Communism.

Trevor’s statement of who is best to run the world is entirely correct.

Because the USA has enjoyed total global naval dominance for some time now, the entire world has gotten richer, more peaceful and more advanced.

This is because pirates and hostile nations can no longer threaten international trade on the oceans. And where people are not doing as well as other places is usually because of the dominant philosophy of that region, and usually some form of leftism.

The problem with US global hegemony is that the USA is rapidly devolving into a communist state. And in many ways, already is.

Concerning Alexander Dugin though, this is Trevor’s direct area of expertise. And we have little doubts that he is in the bullseye on this one.

Check this Twitter thread by Stephen Coughlin on a related matter.

Full text:

Stephen indicates above what organizations are knowingly or unknowingly enacting the, let’s call it the Dugin Dialectic, intended to mobilize the anti-woke patriots against the woke communism we are now all aware of, for the purpose of creating “a more masculine, Stalinist communism” or as it is called in the US, “MAGA Communism.” yes, all will be explained in the video. But those who follow Stephen Coughlin’s work or James Lindsay or TIK History will know that dialectics in its simplest form is about smashing together opposite concepts in order to destroy both. We see that with the Trans movement in spades. A male or female that undergoes surgery becomes a monster, not the other sex. This is the real intention. MAGA Communism can be seen the same way. A dialectic created by Dugin to destroy the MAGA movement in order to create a communist state using the people we refer to as MAGA by appealing to their contempt of, let’s call it left, or ‘woke’ communism.

To explain the terms “left communism” and “right communism,” let’s look at chapters 3 to 5 of Postmodernism Explained by Stephen Hicks. This book is available free as an audio book on YouTube fortunately. 

You can skip to this segment for a brief look at left Vs. right collectivism, although his excellent look at Nazism and the state of Germany before Hitler’s rise to power is later on in the book and is truly an excellent read/listen.

One can think of pre-WWII Germany this way.

Picture a triangle that is 40 feet high and with the bottom two corners 2 mm apart. From even a short distance away, it would look like a straight line. The bottom left is Soviet or international communism. The bottom right corner is national socialism. The differences are Lilliputian to the people observing from the top of the triangle. We can call those classical liberals, or most of us reading this site. People who believe in a republic where the state power is limited and dedicated to protecting the rights of the individual. The bottom two points of the triangle are different in determining how collectivism will be sorted out and the nature of the details of how the state power will operate, (which is absolute in both cases). They called National Socialism “Right wing” because it allowed for some minimal private control of the means of production. But it was still far left by the standards of an individualist oriented person or society.

The immediate pre-Nazi years in Germany saw street battles between ANTIFA acting for the international socialists, and the Brown Shirts acting for the National Socialists. But when the Brownshirts won those battles, the ANTIFA had no problems changing uniforms and joining the Nazis as both factions wanted to destroy the individualists at the top of the triangle. Again, that is all of us reading this site, generally speaking.

Another way of looking at this triangle might be say, how Islam would view itself compared to Catholicism V Protestantism. Some of Europe’s most bitter wars was fought between these two groups yet they would seem identical in all ways that matter to Islam.

With an understanding of dialectics, Trevor’s thesis in this video makes poetic sense. Communist thought constantly creates opposing groups or uses existing groups and makes them oppose each other for the purpose of destroying the existing order (along with both groups) and moving the culture and society to the left. (Again, meaning more state control.)

To be clear, the left means more government control and power, and less individual rights, and ultimately no individualism at all. Communism will not stop until we are all dead, certainly in one way or another such as spiritually, culturally and in terms of identity, and even actually physically dead, or, we are for all intents and purposes, a kind of insect that clones itself and like aphids, is as related to all other aphids as it is to its own direct progeny, and living and believing whatever narratives the COMINTERN demands we accept that day.

The more International term for what could also be called The Dugin Dialectic, is “National Bolshevism”. What the Christchurch Mosque shooter claimed was his affiliation. And it does dovetail with the interview we did with Brad Johnson in 2019 explaining the motives the New Zealand self described National Bolshevik had when he did his attack. While Johnson focuses on his retaliatory intention against the Islamic mass murder and conquest of the Balkans, and all of his claims are clearly true, there is another layer to the Christchurch attacker’s motives. And that is his Duginist influence.

Loudon explains that the symbol of the Dugin movement is the Black Sun. The banner of National Bolshevism. This is also one of the insignias of the Nazi Ukrainian military unit, the Azov battalion, although their use of the symbol is more Nazi than Duganist one can bet, seeing as how they are fighting Russia.

Here is a section of the cover page of the Christchurch mosque shooter’s manifesto. The Black Sun is clearly at the centre of his graphic.


Here is the interview with Trevor Loudon on Dugin and his movement to usurp the patriot MAGA movement as an agent for communism:

The only other element I wanted to add to this was teh Stephen Coughlin session with Sam Dubé from a month or so ago. This is a 3 hour plus presentation by Maj. Coughlin but taken with these other materials offers a pretty large and complete tapestry of understanding of the matrix we live in now. It is we think, sufficient to see the plays as they happen and before they happen ,as opposed to stressing over apparent contradictions or inability to recognize the thing inside the wrapper because the wrapper claims to be something other than what is really inside. In other words, the names for things is generally to sell you on the thing itself, which is dialectically opposite to the name.

Think, ‘Trans-affirming care” for ‘the state plans to sterilize and neuter your child and it is a crime if you try and stop it’ as one example.

Looking forward to any thoughts and comments on this interview and thank you all for checking out this site.


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