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The law gets closer to big pharma execs and an interesting look at Soviet Logic: Links post 1 for July 10, 2024

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1. Anyone who has not seen the series, Dopesick, about a US Pharma company which created a version of heroin, rebranded it as a medical pain relief drugs and bribed the CDC and FDA etc. officials to get a veneer of legitimacy to it and ruined the lives of countless people, really need to see it. One of the main reasons beyond its excellent entertainment value is that it becomes easier to understand what Pfizer and ModeRNA did to us all during covid with the often deadly mRNA shots they managed to get governments to approve under UAE and then mandate.

It is often easier to understand a thing when one is not personally involved in any way. Then you can interpolate from there. It is why analogies are so useful actually. So this story from The Defender about how the US appears to be ready to pierce the corporate shield to get to the Sackler Family’s personal wealth accrued from the sale of heroin Oxycontin. And after victims and relatives of victims manage to get that cash, hopefully all directly involved members of the board of Perdue, Sackler family and ex FDA/NHS/CDC staff who are part of the atrocity can enjoy prison food for the rest of their lives.

Then, we go after Pfizer/ModeRNA and anyone else who broke laws, lied to the public about safety data, and profited or even protected their own careers and had certain knowledge of the vaxx program and its real dangers,  and do the same.

‘Not Allowed Off the Hook’: Purdue Creditors Ask Court to Sue Sackler Family Members

2. Financial Post: Canada now a net energy importer. 

Under Pierre Trudeau, Canada had the distinction of having the world’s only money losing oil company. Petro Canada, which Trudeau Sr. created by nationalizing the oil business and combining two previously private companies, if memory serves. It became a cash machine for Liberal Party aparatchicks of course, and worse. And it managed to cost Canadians instead of earn for them and was dissolved once we managed to get rid of the commie in chief. His son seems to be doing a better job at general destruction in all sectors though.

Once upon a time, Canada’s CanDu reactors were a serious export. Although looking back at it, one wonders if it was because it was an excellent CARBON FREE (although that bit of BS had not been invented yet) way of creating electricity, or because it was also an excellent way of making weapons grade Plutonium for nuclear weapons. (Researching this, the current information is that the CANDU actually is not an efficient way to make Plutonium Pu-239) Either way, we went from an energy exporter and even a means of creating electrical energy exporter to this. And when Mark Carney is maneuvered into power, it will get much worse, much faster. 

3. So this woman retweeted a post saying that the victims of Muslim rape gangs, meaning often very young girls, should “shut their mouths for the good of diversity.” Here she is being sworn in as an MP on a Koran.

Please see this RAIR post for details along with important contextually relevant materials on the Muslim rape gangs and how the police handled them at the time. Which is to say threaten to arrest the victims for racism if they stated objective truths about the rapists.

4. A few times now, videos have crossed this desk and I’m sure most of yours, showing indications that a guy wearing a Biden mask was, well wearing a Biden mask. One video in particular shows the person briefly scratching the back of his head and shows an indent in what is clearly not skin where the finger pushed it. The reason it was ignored at the time by this site is because the resolution of the video was low enough that it felt like a cover for a deep fake video. Real or not though, the following interview at least makes the possibility that they do run 2 or more Bidens a real thing.

And then the question becomes, is this part of the process of liquifying our reality? Is the interview an op? Or is it true? Can we apply it to Biden? Either way our personal sense of certainty about our political reality gets knocked down another notch or two. And frankly I have no doubt that she is telling the truth. The CIA and alphabet agencies have to be doing something with all those billions upon billions. And making advanced movie style hyper-real mask effects seems one of the more believable things they would do.

5. A tale of two cities:

Somewhere in France:

St. Petersberg Russia:

Thank you all for checking out this site.

During the presentation with Sam Dubé discussing Stephen Coughlin’s model of the nature of events today with him, I contrasted Hegelian Dialectics with Socratic reason and logic. Stephen pointed out that the word dialectics in fact contains the word logic, “dia Logos” or two logics. We did not dig into that but it has puzzled me ever since.

Below is a video which I think explains exactly this. It is dense, and unpleasant not because it is badly done, but because thinking this way is just unpleasant. The good news is it is only thirteen minutes long. Personally I have to watch it multiple times as each insight as to communist reasoning gives way to a whole new train of thought which means I miss like 40 seconds and have to rewind over and over again.

Going over some of the points:

Communism embraces contradictions. It uses them. It believes in acting on both sides of each one. It makes a fascinating comparison with Catholic views of Jesus, but I want to emphasize, does not in any way lay claim that the Catholic Church is Hegelian or communist. It does say that Hegel was in part inspired by the Catholic contradiction of belief in Jesus’ in a very specific way, as a basis for his philosophy. And this may also explain why Marxism and Hegelian thought are so antithetical to Christianity, and yet so closely aligned in some aspects perhaps. Sort of as one might say that Satanism is a branch of Catholicism, since an outsider might view Satan as the Catholic God of Evil and part of that pantheon. Loki or Pan in some sense.

Another interesting aspect of this video is where he explains that after the earlier Russian Revolution to install a Parliament called The Duma, Lenin was presented with the paradox of either working within the Duma to install socialism or fight the Duma for a communist state. He went with both. This is exactly the Islamic strategy for the West. Take over by participation with the system while simultaneously attacking it in every manner. So far this seems to be working very well. It is clearly also the strategy of the communists in the West. Which explains the seeming paradox of ANTIFA doing the most damage in Democrat controlled states. It ain’t no paradox brotha, it be dialectics.

The following video is of a US Communist group from several years ago now, called the DSA, Democrat Socialists of America. It was a progress report at the EU Parliament in a meeting with the COMINTERN:

From the video description:

Maria Svart, head of America’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) makes key points during a global Marxist gathering held in April 2019 at the EU Parliament in Brussels:

-Reveals plans to impose socialism in America
-There are 56,000 DSA members, up from 5,000 a few years ago
-Seventy-five dues-paying DSA members hold Local, State and National office and there are many more DSA-friendly elected officials
-Svart brags about DSA mobilizing to push Amazon out of New York
-Socialists run as Democrats to deceive Americans
-DSA members are deliberately infiltrating institutions and political infrastructure


They are clearly far, far more advanced now than they were at the point this meeting happened several years ago now.

But you can see how communists today in the USA work both inside the system to destroy it, and outside for the same purpose. People who have read this site for a while will know that most Islamic groups in the West use exactly the same thought process.

For one reason or another, the creators of the video we are discussing, Soviet Logic, was not made embeddable. So you have to watch it on YouTube. Here is the link. 

It definitely answers questions while raising several more. But at least gives a slightly less milky understanding of dialectics as applied by Lenin and then Stalin.

PS: Looking for a particular video we have somewhere, in which a leader of a Muslim org. in Scandinavia somewhere explains how some muslims believe in taking over Europe from within the system and others by jihad and he is OK with both. Will add it here if and when I can find it.


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