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A Cloud Nine cuckoo in the Angry Nest

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The Slog teases out the real significance of the ethereal Keir Starmer, and spells out the dangerously mixed motives of the near future that could easily see him morphing into a tyrant for our times.

This was the cover page of Labour’s manifesto online in preparation for the 2024 UK General Election. Perhaps – as this post will develop – the title should’ve been ‘Changeling’. Either way, the lack of imagination is staggering: for this was the exact word-slogan used by David Cameron to get himself elected Tory leader in April 2010. Cameron said he wanted to be the Heir to Blair; perhaps this time round, Keir wanted to be the Companion to Cameron.

Either way, the ’24 Manifesto brought Starmer and his Party one of the biggest election successes in its history. This statement of Labour’s intentions includes an easy-read summary section. It’s the best example of ‘How to patronise an electorate’ you’re ever likely to see. Assuming a target-audience reading age of about six years old, we get this when it comes to the economy:

The stripped-down definition of what an economy is reads at first sight like a spoof, but it isn’t. As for the controls on spending promise, well boys and girls, “We’re going to have vewy very stwong rules about that we weally weally are and if that David Lammy starts World War Fwee, we’re jolly well going to send the likkle waskle stwaight to see Nursey and then he’ll have a vewy hot bottom, you mark my words”.

I’m reliably informed that this was a highly hands-on creation that got Keir Starmer’s full attention. So now you know how our new Prime Minister sees those who handed him a huge Parliamentary majority.

There are clues here and further on about the real Starmer that lurks behind the myopically blank visage. But above all, our Keir is a prosecutor…an enthusiastic believer….and a knee-taking wokeist-to-BLM-apology twaddle peddler who dubs every opponent Far Right, every Brexiteer a bigot and every demonstrator against immigration madness a racist.

Another life lesson I’d like to share with you: every enthusiastic believer will, if you give him real, centralised State power, turn into a fanatic.

And a fanatic is the last thing Britain and our American MAGA cousins are going to need as we grope our way through the booby-trapped darkness that lies ahead. For the future is so multifaceted, creepy and complex, just one false move or dumb NATO caper courtesy of Blinken, Lammy and Macron coud mark the end of everything.

Even the more grown-up media are doing little except pour dry ice into the smog.

Twelve days ago, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard at the Daily Telegraph wrote a piece about an Ambrosetti forum meeting at Lake Como, at which there had been much gloom and doom expressed by the main body of EU fat-cat attendees.

*I am indebted to my long-time Athenian buddy Christopher Ambatzi-Crecy for pointing out the Telegraph article.

Ambrose concluded, ‘One might legitimately ponder whether Europe would be healthier today if it had let nations be nations, and had never launched the European project along Monnet lines in the first place. The EU itself is the elemental problem.’

Amen to that. The EU is today a laughably hypocritical and corrupt Khazi – what I tend to think of as a one-time economic community having gone blocist, thus becoming a Union which is Shrinking by Getting Bigger. Thirty five years ago, the twelve EU states accounted for just over a quarter of global GDP. In 2023, twenty-seven members make up a piddling 16%.

After the fall of the USSR, NATO egged on the Brussels mobsters to gobble up the States abandoned by the Sovyets. Now we see the disastrous results of that geopolitical greed. Hurrah.

But here’s where things get both complicated and alarming. Ambrose is an unalloyed fan of AI, and the main “symptom of EU decline” – he tells the patient – is the Twenty-Seven’s unwillingness to embrace it. I, on the other hand, regard the adoption of inhuman robotics as the greatest threat to our ability to hold leaders to account there has ever been. It is driving down customer service and driving up unemployment right across the planet, while allowing bureaucrats and big business to hide behind Bot’s Army while they go about their grubby business of cooking the books and killing Kissinger’s Useless Eaters. AI and its false satanic promise of trans-human progress is, for me, the most obscenely dystopian feature of the coming New Dark Age.

Those are not the words of a Luddite: they’re the observations of a half-sensible empiricist based on two simple realities: first, you can develop AI until the cows come home, but you will never give it the divinity of a human right cortex; and second, simply asking a human techie, “Where’s the fucking start button?” will get a one hundred per cent effective answer in four seconds. As opposed to the tedium of “I’m sorry I didn’t quite understand that, please make the sentence more clear for me” or “I didn’t quite catch that, can you speak more clearly and repeat the question please” followed by “I’ll put you through to one of our agents, please hold” ….that delivers a non-solution using up half an hour of the day.

Bots are dangerous, and briefed by morons. I submit that this isn’t a winning combo for the citizen consumer…who is infinitely more important top priority to me than any monopolist’s bottom line.

Put simply, AEP and myself have completely diferent criteria for judging current failure and future success when it comes to Sovereign bodies in general and the march of invasive technology in particular.

Now apply that glimpse of the obvious to the motives of those toying with species military suicide, madcap genocidalists, climate emergencists, New Normalists and all the rest of the truth-killers out there trying to sell abhorrent, silly and irrelevant strategies as sound reasoning. One of my remaining ambitions is to watch Bill Gates troughing into a bertha armyworm; but while I patiently await the spectacle, rather more notable is that residents at the Gates Motel are busy buying millions of acres of American grazing land.

Golden rule of qualitative market and opinion research complemented by quantitative measures of behaviour: ‘Harken unto what people say, but always keep a record of what they actually do‘.

As married men say when asked by a woman whether they are available for a relationship, “It’s complicated”. So allow me to kick off with a personalised general observation, and then expand on it via the use of an [I hope] fairly exhaustive set of criteria for judgement when it comes to assessment of Where We Are.

Since roughly the age of twenty – in my second year at Uni – I have thought of my socio-cultural outlook as follows: ‘Inspired by Jeremy Bentham, guided by the common sense of mutualised capitalism, repelled by ideology’. Fifty-six years on, I’ve yet to discover a reason to dump that Weltanschauung, although in equal measure I have failed miserably to persuade anyone in power to try it out as a ‘live’ approach to Sovereign policymaking.

Jeremy Bentham [left] was with us from 1748-1832, and is usually described as a philosopher, jurist and social reformer. Among many other things, he declared his belief that “it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong ” when it comes to social policy development. Although, as an expression of utility’s triumph over fanaticism, it has no equal in my view, Bentham’s philosophy was something of a curate’s egg.

During his own time, social conditions for most people were so dire, JB assumed that happiness was a roof over your head, food to eat and a bed to sleep in. Since the mid 1950s, most people have come to accept that the definition is simplistic: happiness is an ethereal thing that not only varies by individual, but also involves far more than things material.

On the other hand, Bentham’s use of the word ‘greatest’ was a brilliant denunciation of Utopianism. One might paraphrase as follows: “Utopia is the side entrance to Dystopia. Weigh up the consequences before you turn the entry key”.

In my most recent incarnation as a blogger and social commentator, I have put forward the replacement of the word ‘happiness’ with ‘potential’. This too has gone largely unremarked, but that’s neither here nor there…bitter, moi? Certainly not. I’m simply stating that I’ve concluded [in the light of more data on social consequences since 1832] that I’m a largely harmless melange of updated Benthamism, creative mutualism as the fairest form of capitalism, and rejection of ideology as merely another word for fanaticism.

As promised, what follows is a set of criteria that might be (indeed, already are) used by people coming from various angles and disciplines to address the question of whether we’re on the right road to a better future or careering round the helter-skelter to the sewers below. The section divisions I’ve used are not designed to set off an electronic trail of debate, and neither are they mutually exclusive. The sole aim of constructing the list is to demonstrate the connected nature of life that in and of itself leads to mind-boggling complexity:

Citizen v State

Levels of State accountability, populace contentment, free speech, fair elections, liberty to move around, tolerance, cultism, cancellism, surveillance powers, secret service power, silicon valley, mendacity, clarity, simplicity, immigrant appeasement, cultural strife, fanaticism level, rewriting of history

Unbiased information

Levels of media independence, tolerated duality, insuperable division, open-minded education, grasp of Civics, public-life honesty, study of History’s lessons

Culture and Civilisation

Levels of depravity, sexual perversion, obfuscation, honesty, mutualism, divinity, civilisation,

Citizen care/investment in the human asset

Levels of reliable water and energy supplies, housing quality, affordable medical treatment, people as the asset, sustainable Sovereign support for citizens who live longer,

Unelected vs Elected power balance

Levels of Silicon Valley influence, mega investment house power, big pharma and climate scaremongering, Institutions with ‘world’ in the title, control of high-handed civil servants , empiricism vs ideology, wishful thinking vs behavioural evidence, quality of political legislative members and leaders

Financial & Economic performance

Levels of government finance health, consumer indebtedness, economic growth, unemployment , inflation rate, currency value, digital money establishment, trust in State statistics

Foreign Policy

Levels of geopolitical safety, bio-weaponry development, international trade deficit, self-sufficiency and control over military adventurism

As the saying goes, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”. The bottom line is that finding anything like a consensus about what to do when the World suddenly finds itself flailing about in a flash-flood of military brinkmanship, economic crisis, fiscal deficits, health scares and propaganda is going to be impossible.

This is what makes cornered fanatics like Harris and Starmer a horrible miscalculation waiting to happen. For example: a POTUS ballot fix goes undetected, delivers victory to Kamala the Klepto, and then the obvious Democrat biased judge on Trump’s case sends him to prison followed swiftly by alleged suicide. I suspect the MAGA reaction would be swift, and the new President wouldn’t hesitate to declare a State of Emergency, shoot or send every demonstrator to a “correction centre” – turning the US into 1934 Germany.

Just three months into his administration, one only has to examine Starmer’s reaction to the mysterious Southport dance-class tragedy (in which three small children died and seven others suffered grievous injury after a minor went on a knife rampage). Demonstrations and riots followed about what some groups saw as yet another case of colour and religion being doownplayed following an atrocity – inccurate, but understandable: remember Rotherham. The PM showed minus 56% sensitivity about previous Labour cover-ups of Islamic perfidy; instead, he ranted as follows:

“The Government will absolutely ensure this threat is met with the most robust response in coming days and weeks. It’s obvious to me, and I think anybody looking in, that as far as the far-Right is concerned this is coordinated. This is deliberate. This is not a protest that has got out of hand. It is a group of individuals who are absolutely bent on violence. I’ve just held a meeting with senior police and law enforcement leaders, where we resolved to show we are a country that will not allow or permit – under any circumstances – a breakdown in law and order on our streets. Because let’s be very clear about this – it’s not protest, it’s not legitimate. It’s crime, violent disorder, an assault on the rule of law and the execution of justice. And so on behalf of the British people who expect their values and their security to be upheld, we will put a stop to it.”

Having used bogeymen to distract attention from the real immigration madness that has angered over 78% of Brits – who, to turn Starmer’s phrase back on him “expect their values and security to be upheld” – the PM is sending a clear signal that citizen feelings inflamed by illegal migrant la-la-land policies will be ignored, everyone who objects will be ruthlessly put down, and Leftist cloud-cuckoo multiculturalism will continue unabated.

Starmer is deluding himself if he thinks his sweeping electoral victory had much to do with preferring Labour policies: he won big because his Party isn’t called The Conservatives led by NWO lackey Rishi Sunak. We have never seen one iota of any sort of sensible rationale from the British Establishment on the subject of Sunak & Co’s serial lies about getting the illegal migrant small boat invasion under control.

Equally disappointing to me was the ease and speed with which the knife attacker’s Civil Rights were shamelessly abused by revealing his identity, despite his minor status. This was, one suspects, an attempt to show that, as a British citizen born in the UK in 2006 of Christian Rwandan parents, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana is not an Islamist terrorist. The double standards happily adopted by Keir Starmer here add further grist to my mill: fanatics deny the Truth and citizen rights to suit their book as and when necessary without missing a beat.

You can, I think, rest assured that had the suspects’ family been Islamic, we would still not know that…and the sin of omission would be unconvincingly rationalised as “protection of citizen privacy”.

The defendant is already emerging [we’re told – why?] as a serious case of extreme autism disorder. One hearing attendee has already opined that, during his appearance in Court, Rudakubana seemed “not of this planet”. Will there be any Inquiry as to why his NHS carers and parents thought it was OK for him to swan about with a deadly weapon about his person? Of course there won’t: there never is.

As I submit, the PM is an activist given power, and morphing rapidly into a fanatic. But there are also other factors in play when it comes to his meteoric rise to Number 10 incumbency.

There is an odd extract in some of the various online biographical pieces about Keir Starmer, in which he is quoted as saying, “My work with the police in Northern Ireland prompted me to consider pursuing a political career”. In the run-up to the 2024 General Election, he went further, and in a Labour promo video said “I’ve worked in the police force in Northern Ireland“. Veteran blogger Guido Fawkes commented at the time, ‘Starmer didn’t “work in the police force in Northern Ireland”. He was a part time advisor to the NI policing board, which was not part of the police force there.’

But why did his work ‘with’ the cops lead him to ponder a life in politics? Connections, perhaps – he’s still very close to the British police on many levels, as became quickly apparent during the Southport knife tragedy. And why did he say he’d actually been a cop in Ulster? Probably to make him seem a safe, Establishment pair of hands in the eyes of an electorate desperate to be rid of the Tories at any price.

Think on this one: for a man seemingly obsessed with human rights, Starmer has never had a bad word to say about WEF, WHO, Tedros, Schwab, Bilderberg or indeed any of the New Normalist players. Quite the opposite: on being asked if he preferred working in Westminster to rubbing shoulders with WEF luminaries, without hesitation Keir replied, “Oh no, the [WEF] group are far more open to new ideas and policy innovation”.

Keir Starmer has also quickly established a warm relationship with the Biden Crime Family, and is committed to support for the Zelenskyy neo-Nazis.

Starmer didn’t get elected to Parliament at all until 2015. For many in the Labour Party he is still the Man From Nowhere, yet Corbyn gave him a job as Shadow Minister for Brexit transition almost immediately (a trust the future PM betrayed by slowing the process down and continuing to speak at Remainer rallies).

To win the leadership election in 2020 after Corbyn stood down, Keir Starmer stood on a left-wing platform. To win the General Election in 2024, Starmer stood on a neoliberal plaform of controlling spending and cutting allowances. Already, he has cut several winter fuel benefits.

As a keen follower of the Davos camp, has he perhaps become one of their “penetrated” leaders? And as Britain stumbles headlong towards a world – as described earlier in this post ‘careering round the helter-skelter to the sewers below’ – isn’t it just a tad convenient that he’s closely allied to the ambitious (and increasingly woke politicised) British police Establishment?

Weighing all this evidence up, I’d say Keir Starmer is close to the powers of repression, an ends-justify-means ideologue, a tricky-dicky bob-and-weave climber of the greasy pole, and overall some sort of Bertold Brecht creation – The Good man of Szechuan telling lies For The Good of the Cause.

I’d say our Keir is sitting pretty. What about you?


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