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A little sober thought about where we are at the moment: Links 1 for Sept. 3, 2024

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A little trouble getting started today. There is so much horror, it is difficult to become aware of it and maintain one’s equilibrium.

So what is this site actually about?

I think it has always been about formulating a hypothesis about the nature of the political matrix we live in, and then looking at data points that either confirm it, or lead us somewhere else.

The somewhere else is nearly always worse than the original hypothesis though. In fact, one of the failures of myself and this site is often failing to think big enough to account for the evil and the horror that clearly large forces have in store for us. And often many of the stories of awful things coming our way one may suspect is planted by the other side. The attack is actually false information about an attack.

The immigration wave, CBDCs, and other measures are the ultimate weapon of destruction against us all in the West as a people and as individuals. The evidence for that is now overwhelming. The Blue Pill people, the ones still in the Matrix. The ones who read the New York Times and may listen politely to absolute proof that they are dead wrong, nothing can move them. They chose the blue pill.

The story about the Irish teacher who was arrested for refusing to accept that if a man says he is a woman he is a real woman haunts me. It is the ultimate expression of Orwell’s warning. And today it was brought to my attention that the same literary device was used in season 6 of Star Trek TNG’s episode, Chain of Command Pt. II where Picard is made to say there are 5 lights when there in reality is only 4. A direct reference to Orwell’s 4 fingers.

For those that have the Brave Browser you can read an intellectually dishonest summary of the case here. as well as a lot of links to news on the story.

I call it intellectually dishonest because like all news today, the story is framed in a way that avoids the issue entirely in order to move everything leftwards. Once you accept the injected narrative position on an issue, you give it flesh merely by opposing it. A man or male or XY human is that. The idea that a man can be a cat, or a chair or a woman is an attack on reality. And that is it’s real purpose. To debate the issue is to make it real. And all the stories about his arrest pretend to give both sides, but really they are inventing one. The right to chose your own pronouns. To force others to believe an untrue thing because you arbitrarily decided that day what you want to force others to believe, and somehow that has become law.

The story about the 50 year old male university psychology prof. who somehow managed to get onto a teenage girl’s swim team for example, that man is not in jail. But a teacher who refuses to call a man “she” or whatever has spent over 400 days in jail over this issue I am told.

And one can also see the value of religion. Perhaps especially Christianity here. In order to stand up to the full tyranny of a state that wants to force what Stephen calls, “A pseudo reality” on the public, it takes a belief in something much bigger than personal consequences.

Reality is illegal. And it isn’t limited to the gender issue. And it will expand into more areas. It certainly did in both communist polities of nazi Germany and the Soviet union. You must think about all things as you are told to. And the less corespondence those things have to reality the better. Ask any biologist about Lysenkoism.

1. Stephen Coughlin illustrates an LOO (Line of Operation) against the constitution.

More on that.

2. He seems like a nice guy

3. ANTIFA preparing to do violence to overturn a people’s election of a non-communist party in Germany, not a threat to democracy. At least no media has said so. Apparently, the US constitution is a threat to democracy. And in that Leninist way of defining it, they are of course correct.

4. The UK continues its tradition of dismantling rule of law in favour of a dialectically driven society. We don’t need to play the “imagine if” game anymore. At this point to play it means an actual failure of understanding of what is actually going on.

5. Ontario school hid girl’s transition, called CAS on parents questioning trans identity

The Children you see, are the property of the state. To think otherwise is to be punished.

Their daughter eventually detransitioned. Now, her family is raising the alarm about the power schools have to keep parents in the dark

[…] “At first, it was only my sexuality: pansexual, lesbian, maybe bi?” she later wrote in a personal essay. Eventually, videos asking viewers whether they were “anxious and uncomfortable” in their own bodies triggered her to question her gender identity. […]

“Transgender activists were actively posting videos about ‘safe’ breast binding and how euphoric testosterone makes you feel and how it makes all your problems suddenly disappear. The more I was brainwashed by these videos, the more I started to resonate with them,” she wrote.

Julie began identifying privately as non-binary in 2021, at the start of Grade 5. She came out to her class at the beginning of 2022.

With the help of a teacher in York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB), her parents were kept in the dark about her use of “they/them” pronouns and a new masculinized name in the classroom. Only in June 2022 did her parents learn what was quietly going on in school. When they objected and asked school leaders to include them in conversations about their daughter, the school called the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), which investigated the family.

In December 2023, Julie detransitioned after realizing she’d been swept up in a social fad that overlooked her underlying mental health issues. Now, her family is raising the alarm about the power schools have to keep parents in the dark.

The Congressional Library site in the US has the best explanation of Trudeau’s bill C-4 on all this. Any story like the one above has to be read in the shadow of that bill. In part:

On January 7, 2022, Bill C-4, a federal bill that amends Canada’s Criminal Code by creating new criminal offenses related to conversion therapy, came into effect. The new offenses include knowingly causing another person to undergo conversion therapy, promoting or advertising conversion therapy, and receiving financial or material benefit from conversion therapy. Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada David Lametti and Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth Marci Ien introduced the bill on November 29, 2021. On December 1, members of Parliament (MPs) in the House of Commons unanimously agreed to expeditiously adopt a motion to pass the bill. Soon after, the bill was also fast-tracked in the Senate, and on December 7 it was passed without amendment. The bill received royal assent on December 8, 2021. The bill itself stipulated that the law would come into force 30 days after it received royal assent.

Contents of the Bill

The bill defines “conversion therapy” as follows:

[C]onversion therapy means a practice, treatment or service designed to

(a)?change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual;

(b)?change a person’s gender identity to cisgender;

(c)?change a person’s gender expression so that it conforms to the sex assigned to the person at birth;

(d)?repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour;

(e)?repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity; or

(f)?repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth.

Thank you all for reading this site.

To give an idea of the degree of sophistication of the information warfare/political warfare being waged against us all, the video below appears to be a hoax created to initially spread throughout conservative circles about Kamala Harris, and then be exposed as a hoax in order to negate all the actual horror stories about her such as wanting to shut X down as soon as she’s president. This is at least our assessment of the video and its purpose.


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